The Truth Behind the Da Vinci Code by Richard Abanes

The Truth Behind the Da Vinci Code
Title : The Truth Behind the Da Vinci Code
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0736914390
ISBN-10 : 9780736914390
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 96
Publication : First published April 21, 2004

Nationally recognized researcher Richard Abanes, author of Harry Potter and the Bible, looks at three of the most fascinating people in history: Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, and Leonardo Da Vinci. Based on his extensive research, Abanes explores the answers to many of the questions that Dan Brown's fictional thriller, The Da Vinci Code, raises: Are Da Vinci's paintings really full of clues about an alternative religion? Were Jesus and Mary Magdalene married? Has the church suppressed the truth about the Lost Gospels? What is the real nature of the Holy Grail? Join Richard Abanes as he "de-codes" one of the most controversial novels of our time and goes behind the scenes to separate fact from fiction.

The Truth Behind the Da Vinci Code Reviews

  • Sarah

    The Da Vinci Code is FICTION, you fools.

  • Dagnija Lace-Ate

    Patiesību atklās nevis ticība, bet gan zināšanas.
    Tātad - Dens Brauns uzrakstīja romānu, kas bija ne vien mega kruts spriedzes trilleris, bet arī sniedza lasītājam ekskursiju gar skaistākajiem Renesances darbiem tādā ļoti pikantā mērcītē. Izrādījās, šie krasie pret katoļu baznīcu vērstie apvainojumi patiešām trāpīja lasītājiem pa jūtīgu vietu un guva atsaucību. Turklāt - labākas pārdošanas nolūkos autors vēl nepakautrējās pateikt, ka neko nav izgudrojis...
    Tas, protams, nevarēja palikt bez atspēkojumiem.
    Šis ir viens no tiem. Tikai... ja Dens Brauns nekritiski piebārsta savu romānu zināšanu drumslām un pelavām, tad šis autors izvēlas dažas no tām un autoritatīvā, ļoti baznīcu aiztāvošā tonī paziņo, ka viss ir melots. Lai gan daudz kur ir skaidrs, ka DaVinči Kods tiešām ir piebērts ar nekorektām pseidoatsaucēm (nu, kaut vai sengrieķu dieviete Venēra...), autors nav neko daudz labāks - viens pēc otra tiek izteikti kategoriski apgalvojumi, par faktu uzdoti uzskati un pārliecība. Burvīga ir "Svētā vakarēdiena" analīze - tā ir pamatota vienkārši: Jānim/Magdalēnai krūtis NAV redzamas - viss. Tas viss ir smuki apkarināts ar atsaucēm uz lasītājam nepieejamiem rakstiem vai seniem tīstokļiem, izsakot nepārbaudāmus apgalvojumus no sērijas - a tā tur nav rakstīts. Rezultātā - lasītājs var ar interesi iepazīties ar pretējās uzskatu grupas argumentiem.
    Bija jautri un pamācoši fake news gadsimtā.

  • Read1000books

    Despite Dan Brown's quasi-claims that his novel "The Da Vinci Code" was more historical than fiction, here we get the facts. The format is all important AND convincing here: a quote, with page number, from the novel, and then the explanation or refutation in the paragraphs that follow. Don't be too convinced about Jesus being married and all that other drivel until you read this expose'. Then, like me, you'll say, "Da Vinci doesn't scare me"!

  • Tiffany

    Another pretty decent look at (i.e. refutation of) The Da Vinci Code. Abanes takes a bunch of statements from tDVC (which are a lot of the same points other authors are criticizing) and explains what he calls "The Truth Behind the Code." This approach nicely lays it out in basically a point-counterpoint format.

  • Tracy

    This book is for anyone who isn't sure if The Da Vinci Code was a work of fiction or if it was real. I sure hope there aren't too many people out there that this applies to.

  • Bill

    Informative. But then again, the task of pointing out the errors in the original is not too challenging.

  • Veena Chatterjee

    it's fiction...but then again a nice analyses....