Title | : | YOUCAT: The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1586175165 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781586175160 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 300 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2010 |
How they celebrate the mysteries of the faith (sacraments)
How Catholics are to live (moral life)
How they should pray (prayer and spirituality)
The questions are direct and honest, even at times tough; the answers straightforward, relevant, and compelling. After the Bible, YOUCAT will likely become the "go-to" place for young people to learn the truth about the Catholic faith. Pope Benedict XVI wrote the foreword; Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, the editor of YOUCAT and the Archbishop of Vienna, Austria, wrote the afterword.
YOUCAT: The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church Reviews
The Youcat has done something that almost no other book I've found has done: it has made the teachings of the faith accessible to people who have a marginal interest and a low reading level.
Mind you, the big green Catechism is great. (I still haven't made my way completely through it, but I've read most of it at one time or another.) However, it's scary-looking and huge and intimidating.
The Youcat, though, with its yellow cover and Q&A format, is pretty low-key. It transmits important information easily, painlessly.
I've been using it during our parish's Confirmation Boot Camp and in any class I teach since it's been released. You might say I'm a shameless fangirl. You'd be correct.
It's as important (and as easy) for parents to read as it is for the youth for whom it's written. Over the years, I've noticed a mantra that seems to come around and around and around, coupled with the "you're a convert so of COURSE you're a better Catholic" myth that seems so prevalent. It's the "I can't POSSIBLY teach my child! I don't KNOW enough."
I'm a catechist. I want to help. But what I do isn't primary catechesis (except with my own kids). What I do is similar to what all the farmers around me do: I plant. I might even cultivate. The growing, though, is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Much of my job as a catechist (and as a writer of things catechetical in places like this) is to encourage and equip parents. YOU CAN DO IT. And here's a tool that will help.
As I told my Confirmation students this week: it's okay to ask questions. It's okay to doubt. It's okay to stomp and scream and shake your fist (unless you're my two-year-old, and then we have a different set of standards). God can take it. It's NOT okay to walk away, to give up, to toss in your hat and chalk it up to "the Church needs to get with the times."
Obedience, the bad word of our times. It's also something we don't appreciate enough. I can ask and ask and ask (and I do, just ask my priest). Seeking knowledge isn't bad. And here's part of the arsenal you need to be ready for that part of the job. -
The style annoys me, true, but the book is unclear as well. After the confusion over the Italian version that had to be corrected (because seemed to say that contraception was peachy-keen), its been pointed out to the folks at Ignatius that the Youcat's version in German has an Imprimatur, but not the English one. The word sin appears less than it might. The book means to convince rather than state clearly. It really is upto the parent, but personally I prefer to give my kids the tools that they will use as adults that they may grow into the community. Its a mark of respect.
A book we gave to our Confirmation class. It is good because it is a very readable version of the Catechism, but it glosses over difficult issues. I felt I had to take the interpretation of the Catechism quotes that they offered with a grain of salt.
This is a must have for anyone who has ever asked the question "why"? Has the toughest questions but yet the most simple answers. A Catholic staple. A philosophers cheat sheet to "all the answers." The trick is putting it into your own language so you don't sound like your parents.
I particularly enjoy this book because it's fun and easy to manipulate. If you ever needed a conversation starter flip this open.
This IS for the faint of heart. But also for the deepest of thinkers. If you ever wanted to one-up you're grandparents...this is the key. If you wanted to free yourself from you're personal slavery. This is a must, must, must read.
Pax Christi,
Dave Woods
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, pray for us!
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us! -
As with so many reworked religious books, the YouCAT fails to satisfy. For those who like the Catholic Youth Bible, YouCAT is a dream wrapped in a Bacon Sunday! For those who find the random design and shortened text to underestimate the young, it's a disappointment. The data is fine, but I'd rather give my teens something that will last them. I can't see a college dorm shelf sporting a YouCAT. It'd be like wearing a puff painted NewKids jean jacket in the late 90s... It just doesn't belong. Anyway - not a fan.
I reviewed YOUCAT on my blog (with pictures from the book):
I think there are serious problems with this "youth catechism", as I point out on my blog... and I hope for a serious update/revision. -
YouCat is heretical. Catholic apologist Robert Sungenis explains why in his "
The Vatican's 'YouCat' Catechism: Weak on Homosexuality, Contraception, Euthanasia, Evolution, and Scripture." -
YOUCAT is a great introduction to the Catholic catechism, especially if one wishes to have a foundation of Christian teaching. Throughout the publication, illustrations and quotes accompany the teachings and explanations to help reinforce the content.
It's a well documented reference book, especially for young adults or those wishing to learn more about Catholic teaching.
I give the
YOUCAT 4.5 Stars of 5 Stars. For Goodreads, that a solid 5 stars. -
Um livro de catequese para jovens!
Descrições da religião católica acessíveis e esclarecedoras!
A guardar à mão para pesquisas futuras! -
This book is a very helpful tool for young adults! I love using it with my high school students.
Full of lies and half truths. Watch out. Rather read the Big Blue Catechism of the Catholic Church. Or the Penny Catechism (for children).
"El cielo es el momento sin fin del amor. Poder mirar a Dios cara a cara es como un único y eterno momento de amor."
Una manera muy fácil de acercarnos a conocer más el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica. A manera de preguntas y respuestas, el YOUCAT constituye una herramienta de consulta que busca atraer especialmente a los jóvenes a los cimientos que constituyen nuestra Iglesia.
Una lectura super recomendada para cualquier persona, sin importar su edad, que busque adentrarse un poco más a los fundamentos de la fe católica. -
Although I'm not a teenager, this book answered some of my questions and satisfied some concerns. The information was much more easily absorbable and enjoyable to read than the huge volume of the official Catechism of the Catholic Church. I particularly enjoyed the related scripture and notables' quotes in the margins of each topic section.
If you are a Catholic (teen or adult) and interested in understanding your faith at a deeper level, this is an excellent resource for you. Great for Religious Ed instructors, pastoral staff members, and anyone looking for good foundational information.
Helpful and insightful for today's youth. And maybe even those that aren't so young! Clear and to the point, this catechism approaches the faith in a way that is helpful for even a modern young person who desires to understand the true substance truth beauty and goodness of Catholicism.
From the description: "Catechism of the Catholic Church, written for high-school age people and young adults." High-school age people and young adults these days must be way more serious than I was at that age, because I didn't find this book an easy read even in my forties.
Was given this by a Catholic Priest along with other literature to read as I am converting to Catholicism , it is aimed at the younger reader but it was really useful to Me & is crammed with valuable info on the Catholic faith . Recommended to anyone wanting to know more about Catholic beliefs .
Một cuốn sách giáo lý Công Giáo trẻ, giành cho người trẻ ngày nay! Đã từng xem qua nhiều cuốn giáo lý, nhận thấy đây là cuốn sách giáo lý thiết thực nhất trong thời đại này!
من افضل الكتب التي يمكن ان يعرفك بالتعاليم المسيحيه الكاثوليكية بطريقه اسئله و اجوبه . موجه الى الشباب و طريقه طرحه مناسبه جدا للولوج الى عالم الشباب أما الاقتباسات الحانبيه فهي رائعه 😍😘❤️
Definitely re-reading this! So much more fun than the standard catechism.
Un gran compendio de la Iglesia Católica, escrito especialmente para jóvenes, que nos ayuda a comprender mejor nuestra fe.
Great resource but it is definitely NOT a book that I would recommend reading cover to cover.
Katolik inancını basit ama kapsamlı bir biçimde derlemiş bir kitap. Hristiyanlığın ya da katolik kilisesinin bakış açısını öğrenmek isteyenler için eşsiz bir kaynak.
not my cup of tea
Not bad but we need smoething on alexandria's Fathers way , they are the best in the world at christianity ♥️♥️👑
A concise introduction to catechism. Very useful and touching.