Title | : | Gotham City Sirens, Vol. 3: Strange Fruit |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1401231373 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781401231378 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 144 |
Publication | : | First published July 28, 2010 |
Poison Ivy's long charmed the men of Gotham City, but now she's the one losing her mind. Captivated with a plant-based alien inside S.T.A.R. Labs, she weds her cause to his and undertakes a Plantifest Destiny that leaves no room for humans--not even her sisters-in-crime. Catwoman and Harley Quinn try to tear their friend's heart away from the alien menace, but they'll all find out how slowly the threat of love dies.
An underworld plot to kidnap Catwoman and pluck her beloved Batman's identity from her mind shakes the Sirens. As the sworn enemy of Ivy and Harley's ex the Joker--whom she swears she's over--the Dark Knight will always divide the three, and Catwoman's feelings have been barely tolerated to this point. So when Talia Al Ghul and Zatanna rush in to help save Selina, it's not exactly clear who's doing the saving and who's doing the hurting.
Collects GOTHAM CITY SIRENS #14-19
Gotham City Sirens, Vol. 3: Strange Fruit Reviews
Gotham City Sirens Vol. 3: Strange Fruit Poison Ivy “ finds love” with a plant-based alien and Catwoman and Harley Quinn has to try to get their friend to see reason and not turn the Earth to a green heaven with no room for humans.
And if that isn't enough someone is trying to get into Catwoman's head to find out Batmans identity. Thank God that Talia Al Ghul and Zatanna is there to help...or are they really helping?
On a side note: Harley Quinn!!! -
I still really like the Gotham City Sirens line, but this volume was a bit of a dud for me. On one hand, it was kind of nice for Ivy to get the other side of the chemically seduced ploy, but she's already experienced that in her backstory. And since it was immediately followed by a story that starred Catwoman, Zatanna, and Talia al Ghul but was really all about Bruce, and ended by revisiting the drama of Harley's relationship with the Joker... The entire volume ends up being about the Sirens' relationships with men. Not exactly what I signed up for, and not one of the strengths of the series.
The following review is based off my own opinions, thoughts and reactions. So in other words brace yourself. *There may be inappropriate words such as curse words.* You have been advised in advance.*
Yes! I have been waiting to get my hands on a comic that doesn't have Harley, Catwoman, and Ivy at each others' throats. This was absolutely perfect to satisfy my cravings for this to happen. Which this comic was delicious on so many levels.
However, can I just take a moment to say how much I have come to HATE Talia Ghul?! This bitch needs to be slapped and put down a few pegs. Just because she had a child with Batman does not give her the right to have other women erased from his life or have their memories of love erased from their own minds by using Zantanna as a tool. HELL NO! This doesn't fly with me and Talia's stupid mouth going off about her reason on "why" she had to have Selina's memories of Batman erased is just pure bullshit and Talia knows it! Stupid cunt!
On another note, I love the fact that Poison Ivy is a complete badass in this book. Even if she loses her way for a little bit by the plant man. He wasn't even that good looking and I was just waiting for her to beat the daylights out of him and stand up for what she believes in (like the man-hating bitch that she is). She really is a precious lady though! Although, the purple skin detail was a really nice touch and really complimented her hair well. Especially since the shade was a very dark toned purple. Then again I may just be bias because I love the color purple.
When Harley Quinn's bit finally comes, I'm just like "YAAAASSSSS"!!! Finally we get to see her without the Joker be the asshole that he is to her and get to see the real Harley come out of her skin. You know, the true self she's been suppressing thanks to Joker being the way he is and dragging Harley down with him (nothing bad against the Joker because he is a brilliant and there will never be another Joker). But seriously, Harley deserves all the awards! The way this book ended with Harley just finally snapping, YES!!! I have waited far too long waiting on Harley to snap and just finally off the Joker because if Batman wouldn't do it she's the one next in line for his head. So ending this book with Harley was a good call on the creators of this book's part. Two thumbs up everyone!
Definitely a new favorite added onto my favorite shelf! I couldn't be happier with how this comic just bloomed into the amazingness that it truly is. Now I have to get my husband to read this book because he hasn't read it yet. So it'll be exciting to see how he likes it. Other than that, high fives to everyone because this comic was great! -
This book finally lets the other shoe fall. Despite several previous books in which this unlikely trio become gal pals, they finally have the falling out that everyone saw coming five miles away.
A better volume than the last. We have aliens who try to best Ivy, Batman's identity almost stolen from Selina, and Harley making a dangerous and deadly plan.
For the first time in this series, I very much look forward to the next edition. -
I like the fact that this is a very female-oriented and yet not overly sexual. You get to see three strong women who really support and care for each other really kicking ass of those who would try and hold them back. I would like to see more of that done.
Here's what I didn't like: all of the stories pivoted around their romantic relationships with men. The impetus for all the action had to do with either past love or using a woman's emotions against her. Sad. These are three strong famous super villains, they have fantastically complex back stories, and yet they can't seem to step out of the men's shadows. Why? Why can't they go off to take down someone or steal from the mob because they just want to? Does it have to be because Batman's past relationship with Catwoman makes her weak? I just wish it could've allowed for stronger female protagonists. Perhaps in the upcoming comics?
I'll read the next one, give it a chance, but I can't seem to be optimistic that it'll change all that much. -
Nice art and a decent story, but not much else. If you're interested in how these ladies' love lives play into their personalities, then this might be something you want to check out.
I only cried a little reading this s2g it didn't wreck me to pieces or anything (I'm lying it totally did)
I really enjoyed this, I think it was better than volume 1.
I absolutely love the Sirens, especially Harley Quinn. When I saw Gotham City: Sirens – Strange Fruits by Tony Berdard and Peter Calloway, I absolutely had to read it. The women’s friendship consistently passes the Bechdel test and they all offer something different. They work together to combat an alien scout, abduction and mind manipulation. It is a wonderful story about friendship with strong characters.
The three storylines revolve around a man, so I’m rather conflicted about it. It has an important discussion on how women can support each other during and after toxic relationships. All of it builds up to Harley’s desire to get revenge on the Clown Prince of Crime. I have read another Siren comic that didn’t include any romantic entanglements, so I wasn’t that annoyed. However, it would have been nice for them to go through a conflict without romance being brought up. I still enjoyed the story as it demonstrates the importance of women being there for each other.
Even though the illustrations were nothing especially creative, they were clean and colourful. My personal favourite is the nature scenery. It is just bright and draws me in. I would also like to praise the comic for having only one frame where the breasts were drawn questionably. I would love it if there were more differences in how they are drawn though. Overall, the illustrators, Andres Guinaldo and Jeremy Haun, had done their job and presented fairly engaging artwork.
I would love to see where the Sirens go. If they perfect the balance between kick-ass adventure and romance, it will really be a spectacular series. I’m giving it 7.1/10. -
Really liked the story and the characters (I mean, of course!), but found the art disappointing, especially after how great the art is in the first two volumes!
Was für eine Wohngemeinschaft! Gothams nicht gerade für ihre Gesetzestreue berüchtigten Damen Catwoman, Poison Ivy und Harley Quinn haben gemeinsam Quartier bezogen. Da ist die Überraschung auch nicht groß, dass es nicht lange ruhig um die drei hübschen Sirenen bleibt.
Der Band versammelte die GOTHAM CITY SIRENS #14-19, die sich zu zwei Stories zusammenfügen.
In der ersten gerät Poison Ivy in den Bann eines Pflanzenaliens, das nichts weniger als die Invasion unseres schönen Planeten beabsichtigt; in der zweiten Geschichte soll Catwoman mit perfiden Mitteln dazu gebracht werden, das Geheimnis von Batmans Identität preisgeben.
Die Plots sind spannend und gut erzählt, allerdings enden die Stories für meinen Geschmack etwas abrupt. Anders als bei den Herren Superhelden wird die Kommunikation zwischen unseren Heldinnen häufiger thematisiert, was dazu beiträgt, den Stories einen gewissen Tiefgang zu verleihen. Apropos Heldinnen: dass die drei eher zu den Bösewichten als zu den Heldinnen zu zählen sind, können sie in diesen Abenteuern nicht unter Beweis stellen, sondern müssen sich vielmehr als Team gegen mächtige, außenstehende Feinde positionieren.
Persönlich hätte ich mir gewünscht, das Catwoman etwas mehr brillieren kann, denn entgegen ihrem exzentrischen Naturell wirkt sie in diesem Team fast schon zurückhaltend. Dafür war ich angenehm von Harley Quinn überrascht, die weitestgehend alleine für die Spaßabteilung zuständig ist und uns ein paar coole Situationen und Sprüche beschert.
Spannende Stories,exzentrisch-charismatische Sirenen, was bleibt zu erwähnen? Natürlich, die Artwork; Die Panels sind toll gezeichnet und machen richtig Spaß, Hut ab, Mr. Guinaldo! Da wünscht man sich gleich mehr von den Girls zu hören und zu sehen, und eben das bescherte mir dann den großen Downer:
Die Hefte sowie die Sammelbände sind inzwischen größtenteils vergriffen und werden zu heftig überzogenen Liebhaberpreisen gehandelt. Aber als geduldiger Sammler sollte da noch was gehen, wenn man nichts überstürzt. -
I recently decided to pick up a volume of Gotham City Sirens because of their popularity throughout the DC Universe and because I love these bad girls of Gotham. Especially Catwoman! I had no idea that these books went in any sort of order, so I had picked up the third book first. Now, while this may have affected why I didn't fall in love with this story, I didn't feel much of a connection throughout the book itself. Let alone, any sort of connection to the other volumes. I feel like the story jumped around constantly and had no sort of connection at all, however, it did focus on each one of the team members individually. First, we start off with Poison Ivy being seduced by an alien from a planet of people made of plants. Then, we suddenly get to Talia and Zatanna randomly showing up and fighting over Catwoman's right to keep her memories of Batman and his secret identity? There was no connection what so ever and the whole story felt like the Sirens were mainly fighting each other, rather than with a common enemy. Finally, once the battle is over, Harley just breaks down while trying to comfort Catwoman and decides she needs to kill the Joker? There was no fluidity at all and the whole story ends on a very open note of Harley going off on her man hunt. I really expected much more from this story and was pretty disappointed with the way it turned out. I still plan to try reading the other Gotham City Sirens books, I just hope they are much better than this volume.
This series could not possibly have sustained itself longer than the four small volumes it encompasses. I committed to finishing it, but 2 & 3 were more work than they were worth. While occasionally there's a funny moment and I can stomach these in context of the cartoon world, I still don't find myself much engaged by any of the three leads, the art is rather trashy, and as if we don't have enough t & a already, Zatanna and Talia are thrown into the mix? Beh. Estrogen overload.
Also, Harley trying to talk Ivy down from her disappointment in love rang so absurdly to me, I literally rolled my eyes. If Harley's capable of being that self-aware, I'd really like to see her not be such a dingbat to boot. But then again, I think it's personal as others seem to have no problems whatsoever with the shallow, idiotic characterizations of these femme fatales. -
World: The art is fine, still a few panels here and there that is cringe worthy but on a whole it's okay. The world building is also solid with more of a link tied to the main DCU. The people and reasons we meet them this time males sense and does change things up a bit.
Story: Solid also but at the same time unremarkable. This is Ivy and Selina's arc and they do offer some information and depth to the character, however the story and pacing is a bit lacking. The banter is still there but separating the group for long stretches does not help, plus more banter would be great.
Characters: This is the strength of the series and this arc the three don't get to just sit around and talk. A little bit more character development in the quiet moments would go a long way to make the relationships and characters pop more.
Solid but unremarkable.
Onward to the next book! -
The stories in this were again kinda blah. Poison Ivy got possessed by some guy who made her fall in love with him. There was touching moment when Harley got through to her. Then there was a lot of fuss over cat woman and Bruce Wayne. Which turned out to be just jealousy. It was kinda disappointing that all they thought to do with three great super villains/heroes was focus on the men in their lives. One touching moment when Harley said she loved kitty. But really they didn't look at the relationships between the women enough. But the ending was interesting enough to get me to read the last volume.
I wish that we could have stories about these 3 awesome characters that didn't revolve around men. Harley's obsession with Mr. J is okay but Catwoman is cool enough to visit entirely new stories. I HATED the plot of this volume and even Ivy is just looking for someone to love? Give me a break. I wish this series could be written BY AN ACTUAL WOMAN or at least by a guy who can fathom the possibility that woman do more than fight over guys. I haven't completely lost hope...keeping my fingers crossed for volume 4
This was an interesting read with great art and fun adventures. I've not read a comic with Harley Quinn in it before, so it was interesting getting to know her quirky character a little better. I enjoyed these characters together, but feel I enjoy the Birds of Prey series a bit better. Although I loved the first story focusing on Poison Ivy (and a new character), and the end of this book sets you up for the next episode in the story rather well - you want to know what happens next. I may love this series more and more with each collection I read - I think it may be one that grows on you!
This book was more about Zatanna and Talia al Ghul, which both are characters I like, but I was just confused why their story was focused on more then our main girls. I mean this series only has four books, so I thought it would be all about Harley, Catwoman, and Poison Ivy and they would be the main focus. Also the beginning comic where Poison Ivy fell for the alien plant dude was just lame. My girl Ivy doesn't behave that way, and it was weird to even mention it when it got shut down so fast. The Joker is on the cover of the next book so I think that'll be a lot better.
Two stories in this volume of Gotham City Sirens. One on Poison Ivy getting sucked in by a plant man from another planet and another one on Catwoman's knowledge of who Batman really is.
The artwork for the Catwoman story was just amazing. The splash pages were gorgeous. Very sad that it seems as though this was discontinued within the new 52. Also a little sad that all of the volumes revolved heavily around men. -
Saw this in a comic book store, had to buy it. I've been intending to read this series forever now, but unfortunately they're not very easy to come by. Hence me grabbing volume 3 and reading it before I've read volume 1 even, haha. Loved, loved, loved, loved, loved it. A little too much heterosexuality going on here (Harley + Ivy, girlfriends in love forever), but overall it was so good.
(Jesus though, why is everyone in love with Bruce Wayne. He's about as interesting as a sack of potatoes.) -
I picked this up because it featured an entirely female team. I hoped to see Ivy, Catwoman, and Harley having adventures. But the bulk of the book was taken up by jealousies over Batman and who his best girl was and the rest was Harley obsessing over Joker or Ivy falling for an alien plant man. Now, I love a good romance in my comics. But I also want my female characters to be more than a vehicle for romantic entanglements for the male lead.
Almost 3 Stars, but not quite.
Not really much to say here. The series continues to pull away from the playful attitude that made the first Volume so great. The storyline seems very disjointed and most of it wasn't that enjoyable to read. Not sure if I am going to get Volume, but if I do, its only because Harley is going after Joker in it, and his presence in a story usually always makes it better. -
There's a lot of conflict in this - especially between Catwoman and Poison Ivy, and Harley's usually trying to mediate. Despite wanting the ladies to just make up and fight against someone else together, I feel the conflicts are mostly well-written (didn't like Ivy's team-up with the alien) and give an interesting look at the Sirens. There are a few touching moments in this volume and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
This was a nice volume. I liked Ivy's pseudo-love story and how it parallels to Joker/Harley's complicated relationship. It shows how both relationships are all about the guy, but fortunately, the women find the strength to leave them behind. However... we know how Harley's probably going to end. Hopefully, the next to volumes will surprise me.
I cant keep track of who all the diff artists are but the styles in this volume were much better than earlier. Also oddly got more invested in the storyline that had Talia and Zatanna in it than other storylines in this run so far. Also adding Zatanna to my ever growing list of hot characters. Also want to cut my hair like Selina WHY is it Sefirah now 😭😭😭
The second half was really hard for me to follow because I don't have enough background in Batman comics. Even though I've read a lot, there is SO MUCH I haven't read! But I still love their friendship oh so much!