Title | : | Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1416541594 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781416541592 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 384 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1960 |
Your mind has a secret invisible talisman. On one side is emblazoned the letters PMA (positive mental attitude) and on the other the letters NMA (negative mental attitude). A positive attitude will naturally attract the good and the beautiful. The negative attitude will rob you of all that makes life worth living.
Your success, health, happiness, and wealth depend on how you make up your mind!
When motivational pioneer Napoleon Hill and millionaire CEO W. Clement Stone teamed up to form one of the most remarkable partnerships of all time, the result was Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, the phenomenon that proposed to the world that with the right attitude, anyone can achieve his or her dreams.
Now this remarkable book is available for the twenty-first century. You, too, can take advantage of the program that has brought success to generations of people seeking -- and finding -- a better way to live.
Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude Reviews
'Suceess through a positive mental attitude' is not the kind of book where you find lot of inspirational quotes(which may or may not be true)to inspire you for a flash.It's the kind of book which raises your butt off to work,and lets you work with positve attitude until you secceed.YES,it's completely truth.
It deals with reality.This book consists of numerous world's greatest persons journey towards their goal,towards success,what kind of up's and downs they faced during their journey and how they tackled them all.Those are all basic principles every human being can apply,by making use of those principles a drastic change will be seen in ourselfs.
(WARNING FROM MY SIDE:Do not pick this one to read until you have a strong desire to succeed in life.Do not pick this book to read until you want to see a miraculous change in yourself,Do not pick this one until you want to show every body what you're capable of in doing things"
'Suceess through a positive mental attitude' is lot more of a research than some pile of thoughts.Napoleon Hill devoted 20 years of his life for this research and embeded his entire research in this book.After reading this you can divide your life to two parts before reading this book ,after reading this book.I'm currently living my after reading life.
"DESIRE IS'NT JUST ENOUGH TO SUCCEED,THE WAY OF APPROACH AND THE JOURNEY ALSO MATTERS THOROUGHOUT",alot of problems we are going to face during our journey towards success like fear,distraction(like movies,social networking,TV),and giving up from our path we are unable to detect all this stuff,we realise our mistakes when we face odd results(I REALIZED MINE)
All the live examples of famous persons(even Thomas Alva Edison,Roosevelt the president,Henry Ford) and how they tackled all problems,will inspire us to a great extent,true meaning of life is seen here every person is equal in this giant cosmic soup called The Universe,no one is lesser than anyone,then why can't we leave a legacy behind?.By reading this book you will be apply all those principles automatically when the situation came by to test us.
We can learn numerous good things from this book like
=>develop perseverence
=>overcome fear inside you
=>you will never quit from what you want in your life until you claim it
=>be brave and strong to face every situation
=>be hyperactive every single second of your life
=>enjoy what you're doing
=>face failure with +ve attitude
=>dare yourself to do things
=>face things very positively when you face things very badly
=>judge yourself honestly
=>live in reality
and many more
After reading this book,you can achieve what you want in your life,money,happiness,love,anything
All live examples in this book will boost you towards what you want (automatically),there will be no struggle in doing things.
success will be with you everywhere you go,whatever you do.
success doesn't confined to high goals,you can have success even in small things you face,like the most common problem waking up early in the morning,giving up from things,dare to talk to a girl you used to stare at,anything.
By the man who needs no introduction. One of his timeless, priceless books.
That is all.
Notes :
“Motivation is like a fire; unless you continue to add fuel, it will go out.”
“Andrew Carnegie had an obsession: anything in life that was worth having was worth working for.”
“Results are what count.”
“Listen to this book as if we the authors were your personal friends, and were speaking to you, and you alone.”
“Memorize self-motivators.”
“It’s impossible for you to conceive how far up is except for the limitations of your own mind.”
“When you know what you want, you are more apt to recognize it when you see it.”
“Every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”
“Effort and work can become fun when you establish specific desirable goals.”
“…We are the masters of our fate because we are masters first of our attitudes.”
“… Turn the bad breaks into advantages.”
"Don’t blame God for your lack of success."
"Accept the priceless gift : the joy of work."
"Never underestimate the repellant power of a negative mental attitude. It can prevent life’s lucky breaks from benefitting you."
"Bring into reality the possibility of the probable."
"To become a success in any human activity, it takes practice, practice, practice."
17 success principles
Positive mental attitude
Definiteness of purpose
Going the extra mile
Accurate thinking
The master mind
Applied faith
A pleasing personality
Personal initiative
Controlled attention
Learning from defeat
Creative vision
Budgeting time and money
Maintaining sound physical and mental health
Using cosmic habit force : universal order
“Imprint these 17 principles indelibly in your memory… There is no other known method by which you may make your mind positive. Analyze yourself courageously.”
“If you are right, your world will be right.”
“An honest man won’t deceive, cheat, or steal because of necessity. Honesty is inherent in positive mental attitude.”
“You can do it if you believe you can.”
“Your brain sends out energy in the form of brain waves. And this energy is power which can affect another person or object.”
“When you receive a flash of inspiration, write it down… We believe that communication with Infinite Intelligence is through the subconscious mind… Establish the habit of immediately writing down flashes of inspiration as they are communicated to you from the subconscious to the conscious.”
“Thinking is not creative unless it is followed through with action.”
“You can ordain your destiny.”
“… Something within him told him to stop being hostile and become the best… From that very moment the entire tide of his life began to flow in the direction most favorable to him.”
“Facts should be your stepping stones over the river of doubt.”
“Respond to the self-starter 'Do it now.’ "
“The more cultured, civilized, and refined you are, the more you can control your emotions and feelings…”
Ben Franklin’s Virtues
Temperance - Eat not to dullness.
Silence - Speak not but what may benefit others and yourself
Order - Let each part of your business have its time
Resolution - Perform what you fail without resolve
Frugality - Make no expense but to do good to others, or to yourself
Industry - Lose no time. Cut off all unnecessary actions
Sincerity - Think innocently
Justice - Wrong none
Tranquility - Be not disturbed at trifles or accidents
“You can be what you want to be if you are willing to pay the price.”
“… What others call ‘trial and error’, we call ‘trial and success.' ”
“Set your standards high.”
“Life is a just employer. It gives you what is asked.”
“The test of your faith is whether you apply it at the time of your greatest need.”
“A positive mental attitude attracts wealth, and a negative mental attitude repels it.”
“Business? It is quite simple. It is other people’s money.” - Alexander Dumas the Younger, The Question of Money
“The dishonest man is not entitled to credit.”
“I feel healthy, I feel happy, I feel terrific.”
“See beyond the routine… knowing that your work is leading somewhere… You’ll find satisfaction in routine chores only when you see them as stepping stones… leading in a direction that you choose.”
“Turn disadvantages into advantages.”
“Share yourself with others without expecting a reward, payment, or commendation.”
“There is something infinitely better than making a living. It is making a noble life.”
“Others thought of the 4-minute mark as a barrier. [Roger] Bannister thought of it as a gateway.”
“What’s your most important source of physical, mental, and spiritual energy?”
“To be energetic, act energetically.”
“Do you take spiritual and mental vitamins daily by reading inspirational material…?”
“Sanity is that healthy state of mind when the activities of the conscious and the subconscious are in proper balance.”
“A baby learning to walk isn’t criticized for falling after taking the first 3 steps. It is given credit for the progress it makes in response to its conscious effort.”
“As Abraham Lincoln once put it… ’stand with anyone who stands right. Stand with him while he is right, and part from him when he goes wrong.’ ”
. -
Success through A Positive Mental Attitude was the life changing book I needed to read.Basically Napoleon Hill has compiled 17 Success Principles that if read and applied will help you achieve Success in all aspects of your life.The importance of having a positive mental attitude is overly emphasized as one of the greatest tools for achievement,together with having a definite purpose of life so that as you embark on the journey of life you are set with principles that have worked for many successful people.I would definitely recommend it to anyone who needs to reassess their lives
Kind of antiquated book, talks much about God and the Holy Bible.
The majority of stories being told are way too short and strange.
They name a lot of books, specially his book Think and grow rich, being way too odd.
Also, they talk a lot about positive mental attitude, but they dont offer you a practical solution in order to get it.
In my opinion those are the worst things about the book, it could've been much better. -
Out of date. Full of religious references , a merchandise product to sell books and courses, some good tips if you have not read or listened other self-help books ….
3.5 من 5
و الاقرب 3 من 5
لا 4 من 5
كتب التنمية البشرية و بالاخص الكتب التحفيزية و التى تتكلم عن النجاح
ان لم يكن غرض لها سوى التحفيز ف كفى به سببا
اجعل نفسك متحفز ال 24 ساعة و خصوصا فى زمننا دا
مش تغييب وعى او هروب بقدر ما هو ابقاء على حالتك الجسدية و النفسية وا لعقلية فى وضع لائق بل و رفع معنويات من حولك
نابليون هيل كعادته دائما معى
لازم تكون عارف ان حوالى ربع حجم الكتاب هرى محض و ربعه الاخر حديث عن تجارب الناس المذهلة وا لذين نجحوا و قاموا و صمدوا و حينما تم سؤالهم ليه ؟ كنت بتقروا اى كتاب تحفيزى ؟
فتكون الاجابة
بنقرا لبن باور فاميلى
اه سورى بنقرا
think and grow rich
و متبوسش ايدى يا عيلاء و لاا كتفى يا ابنى
يبقى ربع هرى و ربع شكرانية فى كتابه المذهل و النصف الاخير موضوع الكتاب فعلا
اللى فهمته من الكتاب
الانسان سليم معافى او معاق هو مش مجرد جسم هو جسم (روح) + عقل
العقل دا قادر على تسيير جسم سليم او جسم معاق
وا لعقل دا نفسه جزئين واعى و باطن
و الكتب وا لابحاث قالت ان الاخير هو المتحكم الرئيسى و الواعى ما هو الا مجرد سكرتير له
كيف تصبح إنسانا؟ (ما بعد التنمية الذاتية)
لو عقلك الباطن معندهوش المحفز الكافى مش هيلهم عقلك الواعى ب الافكار و لاا الدوافع اللى تخلي�� يقود نفسه و الجسد نحو الهدف
ياما اجساد كتير عايشة بتاكل و بتشرب و تنام و بس
ليه ؟ لغياب الهدف او لوجود هدف بس عدم وجود خطة او لوجود اسباب وهمية فى عقل الشخص دا وحده و بس
دا بالنسبة للاعاقة الجسدية او الاعاقة المادية عدم توافر الفلوس او الموارد كل دا يمكن التغلب عليه
لو عندك هدف و حافز و توجه ايجابى
فى من الناس من هو بجسد سليم و موارد و مع ذلك لا ينجح ليه ؟
لغياب الحافز او لو موجود فهناك الكثير من المعوقات النفسية بالاضافة للتوجه السلبى
الشخص الناجح المتحفز دوما الساعة لهدفه هو اللى يقدر يقاوم ضعف الجسد و فقر الموارد و حتى الاحاسيس السلبية بل و يستغل الاخيرة كمحرك و دافع ايجابى له نحو هدفه
كل الناس بتفشل ...بس فى كام واحد بيكمل بعد اول مرة فشل ؟.
و فى كام واحد بيكملوا بعد اول 2-3 تجارب فاشلة ؟
و فى كام بيجربوا بعد 9 تجارب فاشلة ؟
عمرك اصلا جربت لحد التجرب التاسعة فعلا ؟
خد بالك من حوارك الداخلى مع نفسك و اختيارك للكلمات المنطوقة او الغير منطوقة فكل كلمة منهم لها وقعها على عقلك الباطن
متقولش "عمرى ما هانجح"
لان دى عقلك الباطن بيصدقها بلا نقاش او جدال
و بيرجع عقلك الواعى يحاول ينجح و قد يسعى جاد و لكنه يفشل ..ليه ؟
لان عقلك الباطن كان و لاا يزال مصدق و مؤمن "عمرى ما هانجح"
مش عارف ليه لما خلصت الكتاب دا افتكرت سيدنا ايوب
و اللى لم يتبقى منه سوى قلب عابد و لسان شاكر
و بقية جسمه نخر فيه الدود و هو لا يزال حيا ...اما بالنسبة للفلوس فضاعت و الزوجة و الولد ضاعوا
و لكنه صمد و صبر و شكر
فرجع له كل دا تانى
عاوز امثلة اكتر من سيدنا ايوب على قوة التوجه الايجابى ؟ اهم ما فيك هو عقلك الباطن و توجهك الايجابى
الباقى شكليات
سواء الجسد "فى معاقيين جسديا كتير نجحوا و هو ذاكر قصصهم فى الكتاب"
او العقل الواعى
" فى محدودى الذكاء كتير بل و حتى مصابين بامراض تعيق التعلم او سرعة التحصيل او حتى القراءة و مع ذلك نجحوا"
ملخص الكتاب :
الكتاب القادم :
سدهارتا -
full of anecdotes, very little substance. this book is a really, really, really long pep talk about never giving up. but, I was under the impression that this book would help change the way one thinks to be more positive. reading stories about other's success isn't really changing how or the way I think.
What do you do when you get a great idea: do you act on it immediately or do you find all the reason why your idea is doomed?
This book builds on Napoleon Hill's two earlier works, "Think & Grow Rich" and its predecessor "The 17 Laws of Success", and focuses on how developing a positive mental attitude combined with the other principles will bring you closer to success. The coauthor of this book, W Clement Stone, was one of Jack Canfield's mentors (of "Chicken Soup For the Soul" fame).
The thing I like most about this book is that it emphasizes character as the foundation for success. Dishonesty and lack of integrity will lead to unsatisfying success. Too many people seem to think that you can have the flashy cars, the medals and the awards, without have a solid core of character.
My practical takeaway is the self-starter and self-motivator "Do It Now!" One way I used to do this when I was at my most successful in my teen years was jotting down notes with ideas for my articles and stories, as they occurred. These days I've fallen into the habit of screening my ideas before I write them down. From now, I'll write them down and review them down.
I've pegged this as a foundational self-help book but I do recommend that you read "Think & Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill first, to get the full benefit of this book. -
One of the last (if not the last) books that Napoleon Hill wrote and more modern than some of his other writing. Includes very powerful list of 17 Rules of success with tons of examples on how they are applied. Also includes epic bibliography of other personal development and success books. Must read for anyone who is into self actualization, being their best and/or helping others.
My Positive Mental Attitude (Spoiler: PMA) prevents me from giving this a low rating!
I enjoyed this book so much that, as I was the director of an after school community tutoring and arts performance program, I bought copies and gave one to each of the volunteers, students and family members that answered yes when I asked if they would accept it.
Tony Dollars 2/29/2012
Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude -
Egal ob PGH - positive Gedanken-Haltung, Schritt für Schritt gehen oder Herausforderungen suchen. Was ist dein Nah- und Zwischenziel? Das hilft.
Positive Mental Attitude leads to success sooner or later
Success can be attributed to a single characteristic, a positive way of thinking.Take Henry Ford as an example, he didn’t give up on his visionary V8 engine even though his engineers told him it was impossible to achieve. People with a positive mental attitude (PMA) aren’t afraid of failure, they try as long as necessary until they achieve their goal. They are constantly learning, adapting and self-improving despite giant setbacks on the way towards their goal.
People with PMA see setbacks as challenges
Instead of becoming discouraged at the first setback, people with a positive attitude think differently about setbacks, they take them as challenges. Instead of giving up they just try harder. This reaction is known as inspirational dissatisfaction and people use it to rise above even the most desperate and hopeless situations.
Avoid mental near and farsightedness
Mental nearsightedness means you are unable to see the opportunities and possibilities lying in your present and future. This lack of vision will obviously impair your way to success. But there is another, less obvious shortcoming, mental farsightedness.
Farsightedness means the individual wants to leap immediately to the top. He or she dreams of the future but misses out to work on the things needed to get there. For this reason, people who have this tendency fail to reach their goals, they don’t take advantage of the opportunities that are right in front of them every day.
If you want to be successful you have to both make a vision of your desired goal and notice the opportunities in front of you.
Write your goals down, use deadlines and break them down into smaller goals if necessary
Writing down your goals lets you clarify your thoughts and have your priorities set, it is a very powerful technique. To fight procrastination it is very useful to set deadlines to your goals.
If your goals are very big you have to break them down into smaller goals achievable within a day, a week or month. Completing smaller goals will help you stay focused and motivated.
Use autosuggestion to program your mind
Not all our decisions are conscious, our subconscious plays an important role. Luckily we can harness its power through autosuggestion. Autosuggestion can be started by reading a sentence twice a day aloud.
For instance, if you want to feel happier, you could tell yourself that you’ll feel happier every day, this will create momentum and in time your mental attitude will show a vast improvement.
Create good habits and correct bad habits
We act out of habits a big part of the day. So it would be helpful if those habits are beneficial to us. Benjamin Franklin worked hard at bettering himself and his behavior, he would change his habits by practicing abstinence, frugality or moderation until he’d master a particular virtue. Once he mastered a habit/virtue he would move to the next.
Changing habits is easier than you think, for example, if you want to form a habit of daily exercises you could set up a reminder on your smartphone that it is time to train during a certain time every day. The first weeks you will probably use some amount of willpower to maintain the schedule but after a time the habit will be set up and you will look forward to your daily exercises.
Don’t give up and look out for missing pieces
If you don’t succeed doing something maybe you need to do something differently or look at a different piece of the puzzle. Think about what could be the missing piece to take your project to completion. Often an unconventional approach is needed and the best way to find the missing piece.
Ignite your motivation by making a list of your goals and then starting to move towards them
If you set yourself big and attractive goals, and you believe that you can achieve them, you will automatically become much more motivated. But that alone isn’t enough, you have to start working on it. Start moving towards your goals will further motivate you.
While you are working towards your goals, you will have the opportunity to motivate other people along your way just by your example. Furthermore, you can encourage them by putting active faith in them. Let them know that you trust them and they will become more motivated. -
Confesso que iniciei a leitura com certo preconceito literário, contudo, estou muito satisfeito com o conteúdo assimilado por meio da obra. Considero um livro pertinente para todos que desejam conduzir suas vidas ao alcance da realização de seus sonhos.
Actitud Mental Positiva = AMP de Napoleon Hill es un excelente libro para todos aquellos lectores que quieren descubrir su potencial, encontrar principios prácticos muy recomendado para mantener en la biblioteca personal.
A continuación mi conclusión personal sobre este libro.
Desde un inicio el autor nos invita a pregundarnos y reconocer quién es la persona más importante del mundo? Sí, preguntate quién es la persona del mundo, y encontraras en tu respuesta la importancia de tener un balance positivo con tu propio ser. Claramente el Autor nos señala que solo existe dos estados mentales: AMP = Actitud Mental Positiva, y AMN = Actitud Mental Negativa.
El autor nos relata como de manera consiente es fundamental entrenar nuestra actitud para que predomine el estado AMP. El cual nos dará como resultado de una forma sin mayores esfuerzos de disfrutar las delicias de la vida, como nuestra menta estará abierta las oportunidades para sastifizer nuestros objetivos personales.
A partir de las experiencias de miles de personas existosas en lo largo de la historia el autor nos comparte en formato de lista 17 principios como parte de un curso que llamó "La ciencia del Éxito" al aplicar la AMP:
1. Actitud Mental Positiva;
2. Objetivo Definido;
3. Esfuerzo Extra;
4. Pensamiento exacto;
5. Autodisciplina;
6. Mente Superior;
7. Fé Aplicada;
8. Personalidad Agradable;
9. Iniciativa Personal;
10. Entusiamo;
11. Atención controlada;
12. Trabajo en Equipo;
13. Aprender con la derrota;
14. Visión Creativa;
15. Presupuesto de Tiempo y Dinero;
16. Mantener una buena salud física y mental;
17. Usar la fuerza cósmica del hábito (ley universal).
Wow. I will have to read this book several times to fully grasp all of the 17 success principles. Fantastic book! He likens success to a talisman with PMA on one side and the flip side NMA. (positive mental attitude vs negative mental attitude). It’s imperative that we learn the power of the subconscious mind to help us in our endeavors toward success when given the seeds of positive thoughts. Let us never forget the power of God or “Infinite Intelligence” in all of our success as we partner with him and the biblical principles that we must obey and walk out if we are to ever achieve anything worthwhile in this life. “ For as a man thinks in his heart- so is he.” Proverbs 23:7.
Truly Inspiring and motivating
This book holds the secret to discipline... Follow the Pilots and change your life. Amazing. A life lesson. One of the best books on success philosophy -
This is a book anyone could usem=, it really brings thing into perspective, and makes you take a good look at youreslf.
I still have a lot to learn from this book I will be re reading this book. I continue to grow and learn from those who lived before us. This book hits the nail on the head.
it would have been a great book if the ideas were summarised in 150-200 pages. Hills being Hills repeated every idea atleast 20 times.
É um livro muito interessante, com ideias ótimas, porém ele pode ser um tanto repetitivo em algumas partes, por isso não considero um 4 estrelas mas também não 3.
3.5 ⭐️
Recomendo , muito curiosa para ler o Quem Pensa Enriquece (outro livro deste autor) que ele tanto fala aqui. -
Very dated but still full of plenty of useful content.
A Book for the ones who want to develop their mind and their soul, to learn from others that positivity is the best choice.
If you like lists you'll love this. I agree with the author that this book likely needs to be read multiple times to fully grasp the concepts. Still bought the accompanying workbook because I think there are things to learn. Just too many lists to try and keep track of it all upon initial read.
Confesso que preciso de mais uma leitura. Gostei das reflexões que fazem a gente reavaliar nossos conceitos dentro da vida pessoal e profissional.
¡Vaya! estuve mucho tiempo lejos, perdónenme, pero, nunca es tarde para empezar y retomar lo que se disfruta hacer. No conozco a mis lectores, pero aprovecharé este medio para contarles cómo llegué a leer este libro y sus contribuciones.
Soy de Venezuela, como sabrán, nuestro país cursa por un momento histórico de inflación y pobreza, registrándose el mayor éxodo de venezolanos en la historia del país, en su mayoría, jóvenes profesionales. En mi caso soy Médico Internista. Tuve que salir de mi tierra hace ya tres años, y nadie se imagina el torbellino de emociones que se vive cuando llegas a un lugar nuevo, sin tu familia o amigos. Se trata literalmente de nacer de nuevo y emocionalmente es un reto.
En esos momentos de dificultad buscas por todos lados la salida, en mi caso la oración, el apoyo de mi esposo, y mi familia que aunque distantes geográficamente, unidos de corazón, y por la tecnología. Pero conseguí este libro en iBooks para descarga gratuita, y ¡que bendición llegó a mis manos! Lo he leído varias veces aunque ya no esté pasando el mismo proceso emocional de la primera vez, porque si bien buscamos libros de autoayuda cuando nos sentimos desesperanzados, existen muchos que nos traen beneficios infinitos incluso estando mental y físicamente íntegros.
Este libro lo puede leer todo el mundo, todas las edades, todos los estratos sociales, todas las profesiones, independientemente del objetivo que busques, te aportará ideas maravillosas.
Te servirá en la salud, en la enfermedad, en la prosperidad o la pobreza, o sólo para crecimiento o mejoramiento personal. Ha sido una obra hermosa que no me cansaré de leer.
Si bien todo lo que el hombre se propone lo logra, luchando contra las adversidades, aprendiendo de los retos, y eso lo sabemos, en ocasiones requerimos de una guía y este texto la trae. ¿Quieres empezar un negocio nuevo?, ¿tienes una enfermedad?, ¿tienes problemas en el trabajo?, ¿problemas económicos o con tu pareja?, ¿quieres ser mejor persona, mamá, esposa, hija...? En el libro se te estimula a cambiar el modo en que percibimos e interpretamos las cosas que nos pasas, y cómo transformar una idea en algo real y palpable. Lo he recomendado a todos mis pacientes y conocidos.
Algunas frases: "Si sabes lo que quieres, hallarás el modo para conseguirlo" "Si quieres sentirte con energía, actúa con energía" Conozca a la persona viva más importante, tú" "No le reproches a Dios tu falta de éxito" "Toda adversidad lleva la semilla de un beneficio equivalente o todavía mayor" "Toda persona lleva la victoria incorporada" y mi favorita: "Lo que la mente del hombre puede concebir y creer, la mente del hombre puede alcanzarlo con una ACTITUD MENTAL POSITIVA"
Cierro agradeciendo a Dios y a la vida por lo bien que me ha tratado México y las personas que ha puesto en mi camino.