Title | : | My Brother Sam Is Dead by J. and C. Colliers (Novel Units) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1561371297 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781561371297 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Unknown Binding |
Number of Pages | : | 21 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1987 |
My Brother Sam Is Dead by J. and C. Colliers (Novel Units) Reviews
Tim is the main character and Sam is his older brother. Sam joins the Patriots during the Revolutionary War, while is father is a strict Tory. A slow-moving book, but a good reminder of sacrifices made by US citizens to gain their independence.
My Brother Sam dies of Boredom
I have not read the other books from the author that wrote My Brother Sam is Dead, but the book itself is slow, boring, terrible plot, lame characters and does not have me sitting on the edge of my seat.
The main character is a kid named Tim who has to run the tavern with his dad and mom but he struggles to push on when Sam ,Tim's brother, comes back from college to join the army and he left with the family gun.After Sam leaving Tim is drowning in his responsibilities and all of the jobs he must finish. Sam and his father before he left for college use to go to the nearest town to buy tools and food and sell cattle,this time Tim had to make the journey.
On their way back the General in the town gives an escort to them but it doesn't show up for the second part of the journey. Moving in the snow slowly his father scouts ahead but never ever returns and was most likely killed. Now Tim is alone in the cold and the cowboys come, but he scares them away by asking them if the are the escort and says that general was sending ten guys and that they would be coming soon. When Tim returns, his mother and him have a moment of silence for the lost father
Now the tavern is being run by a minor and a mother. Sam is in town for a while and comes to see them but only in secret. Later the army Sam joined tried to steal some of Tim's cattle and Sam and Tim stopped them. However the two cattle thieves had the story down and said that Sam stole the cattle. Later Tim tried to save Sam by throwing an bayonet into the prison for Sam to cut lose but it failed. Now the title explains itself because Tim's brother, Sam, is killed at gun point by the army he joined.
My opinion of this book is slow, boring, the plot is terrible, and the characters are boring. The book is slow because the 294 word summary above this is stretched over 200 hundred long and meaningless pages and one page is just about how Tim ran across a field. The book is very boring because it has zero action, no battles, no fist fights, and only politics and stories but no action. Also I think the plot is terrible because the end is lame because it ends with Sam getting killed and cuts off, the middle is how tim lives without his brother and the beginning is ok.
Lastly the characters are boring, empty, bad, useless, anything but good or at least ok. Sam, a kid in college, is still to scared to last a few minutes back talking to his father. Tim a whiney baby who has things to do all day and the only thing he did that I liked was when he went behind his dad's back. The Mother was this character who does almost nothing in this story except for cry and moan for her losses. The Father probably the best character not because he did something cool or has super powers no, none of that. The only reason I liked him was because he was firm, tough, and had the strength to go out into a snow storm and scout. Given he did die or was taken away by cowboys, but still my favorite because he didn't whine or moan he just pushed on. That is my opinion on the book and the terrible characters that go with it.
The only person that it can think off that would like it would be historians that are bored out of the mind. Compared to the other two books that I read over the summer this was clearly the worst of them all. Hatchet had a great plot, a lot of suspense, and good characters. Hope was here was a sad book but is good because the story goes from happy to sad real quick and made you feel bad for the characters and want to comfort them. Mean while in My Brother Sam is Dead you want to throw the characters off a cliff. Personally I hated this book and never in my life would I recommend it to somebody.
This book was okay. If I didn't have to read this book I probably wouldn't ever read it. I wasn't a horrible book but I really didn't like this book very much.