Minna von Barnhelm by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

Minna von Barnhelm
Title : Minna von Barnhelm
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 3150000106
ISBN-10 : 9783150000106
Language : German
Format Type : Mass Market Paperback
Number of Pages : 111
Publication : First published January 1, 1767

Book by G. LESSING

Minna von Barnhelm Reviews

  • Markus

    Minna von Barnhelm
    G.E. Lessing (1729 – 1781)
    Lessing war ein deutscher Autor einiger der am meisten bewunderten Werke der klassischen Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts. 'Nathan der Weise', 'Emilia Galotti' und 'Laokoon' waren alle erfolgreichen Stücke. 'Minna von Barnhelm', das 1767 produziert wurde, war das erste vollständig deutsche Stück.
    Am Ende des Siebenjährigen Krieges (zwischen Preußen und Sachsen) angesiedelt, war es zeitgenössisch mit dem Leben des Autors und seinen persönlichen Lebenserfahrungen. Die Szene spielt in der Halle eines Dorfwirtshauses und angrenzenden Zimmern. Die Schauspieler:
    • Major von Tellheim (außer Dienst)
    • Minna von Barnhelm und Graf von Bruchsall (ihr Onkel)
    • Franziska (ihre Zofe)
    • Just (der Diener des Majors)
    • Paul Werner (ehemaliger Hauptmann des Majors)
    • Der Wirt
    • eine trauernde Dame
    • ein Kurier-Soldat
    • ein französischer Spieler
    Das Thema des Stücks ist die Weigerung des Majors, seine Verlobung mit Minna zu respektieren, weil er nach seiner Entlassung aus der Armee mittellos und verarmt ist. Er versucht es zu erklären. Minna ersinnt eine List, um ihn umzustimmen. Der Ausgang ist leicht vorhersehbar, was die Intrige eher schwach macht. Es gibt kaum Handlung.
    Die Hauptattraktionen des Stücks sind die außergewöhnlich und farbenfroh dargestellten Persönlichkeiten sowie die äußerst witzigen und klugen Dialoge. Goethe und andere Kunstkritiker lobten das Stück als Meilenstein der deutschen Literatur. Dies ist ein Werk, das ich Leserfreunden mit einem Herz für Theater sehr empfehle.

    Minna von Barnhelm
    G.E.Lessing (1729 – 1781)

    Lessing was a German author of some of the most admired works of classic literature of the eighteenth century.
    ‘Nathan der Weise’, ‘Emilia Galotti’, and ‘Laocoon’ were all successful plays.
    Minna von Barnhelm produced in 1767 was the first to be an entirely German play.
    Situated at the end of ‘The War of Seven Years’ (between Prussia and Saxony) it was contemporary with the author's life and his personal life experience.
    The scene is the hall of a village hostel and adjacent lodging room.
    The actors:
    Major von Tellheim, (redundant), Minna von Barnhelm and Graf von Bruchsall (her uncle), Franziska (her maid), Just (the Majors aid), Paul Werner (the major’s former Constable), the Innkeeper, a Lady in mourning, a Courier soldier, a French gambler.
    The theme of the play is the refusal of the major to respect his engagement to be married to Minna for the reason of being destitute and penniless after his discharge from the army.
    He is trying to explain.
    Minna imagines a ruse to make him change his mind.
    The outcome is easily foreseeable which makes the intrigue rather weak. There is hardly any action.
    The major attractions of the play are the outstandingly and colourful presented personalities, as well as extremely witty and clever dialogues.
    Goethe and other Art critics praised the play as a milestone in German literature.
    This is a work I highly recommend to reader friends with a heart for theatre.

  • Lisa


    Wenn man toxische Männlichkeit googelt, erscheint wahrscheinlich ein Bild von Tellheim. Der Dude muss erst mal wieder auf den Boden zurückgeholt werden.

    "Minna von Barnhelm" ist bis jetzt das Drama von Lessing, welches mir am besten gefallen hat. Ganz anders als bei "Emilia Galotti", wo die Hauptprotagonistin - wie für Lessing üblich auch Namensgeberin des Stückes - einfach mal in nur sechs Szenen des gesamten Trauerspiels vorkommt und stirbt, bevor sie die erste richtige Entscheidung fällen konnte ...

    In dem Lustspiel "Minna von Barnhelm" ist die Hauptprotagonistin nicht nur Namensgeberin des Dramas, sondern beweist sich bis zum Ende als starke Frauenfigur, die die Handlung auch wirklich vorantreibt.

  • Antje

    Dieses Büchlein hat mich bestens unterhalten und vergnügt. Vor allem die Nebenfiguren wie Franziska, Werner, Just und sogar der Wirt amüsierten mich und sind in meinen Augen die reizvollsten Charaktere in diesem Lustspiel. Sie verfügen über eine ungeheure Portion Witz und Scharfsinn, die der Handlung eine besondere Würze verleihen. Das Fräulein Minna und ihr Tellheim hätten es nimmer allein zu Wege gebracht, zueinander zu finden und mich von dem Stück zu überzeugen. Zudem zog mich Lessings Erzählweise und Sprache prompt in seinen Bann. - Ein feines Werk, das mir spät in die Hände fiel und um so mehr überraschte.

  • Everett

    Minna is a character of qualities, she's smart and has a will of her own. She's crafty and runs circles around the men with her wit. The plot isn't complicated, just appears so, since the reader is unfolding the secrets at the same speed as the characters, which is quite a clever technique, but I fear it will lose some readers who prefer omniscience to opacity.

    Best line, it is easy to like good people, but it's a challenge to like bad ones. Minna is successful with people because she accepts their natures.

  • Oziel Bispo

    A peça "Minna von Barnhelm" de Lessing foi escrita em Breslau, perto de Berlim, durante as brilhantes horas da manhã da primavera de 1763, tendo sido publicada em 1776. O sucesso foi estrondoso na Alemanha, sendo elogiado até por Goethe. A comédia também fez sucesso nos palcos Holandês, Dinamarquês e Russo, e também apareceu em uma versão Sueca.

    Os personagens centrais são um oficial prussiano, Major Tellheim, e uma jovem dama da Turíngia, Minna.
    Tellheim, oficial do exército prussiano, lutou bravamente na Guerra dos Sete Anos, mas agora se vê desonrosamente dispensado e empobrecido. Sentindo-se indigno, ele rompe seu noivado com Minna von Barnhelm, sua noiva do antigo estado inimigo da Saxônia. Ele agora vive em uma pousada em Berlim. O dono da pousada insiste que Tellheim deve desocupar seu quarto para dar lugar a uma senhora abastada, que acaba por ser ninguém menos que Minna, que vem em busca de seu noivo. Tellheim se recusa a permitir que ela se case com um soldado pobre e desgraçado, então Minna agora finge que ela mesma foi deserdada e está vivendo na pobreza...
    Será que o plano vai dar certo?

    Peça totalmente desconhecida no Brasil. Uma pena, é uma obra-prima.

  • Jess

    el desenlace de esto... terrible

  • Nadja

    Ganz unterhaltsam, aber hat kein wirklich bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen.

  • Lizzy

    This was horrible
    School forced me to read it, I hate this I want to burn it with the fire of hell I want to throw it in the deepest of crumbeling stones and

  • Ostrava

    Surprisingly "proto-feminist". I was about to call it outdated, and though it's that, it's also... not quite as outdated as I expected. It's only a bit unfunny and dependant on you knowing the background of the play, so you better pay attention if you're given this as a read in class.

  • Laura Deen

    "Wenn dein Mund nicht plaudern kann, so kann dein Herz doch reden." (der Graf, blz. 84)

  • Marina

    Tellheim toxic menn einf

  • leonie

    so gut also war wirklich sehr gut minna ist mein schatz ich werde nie aufhören über sie nachzudenken

  • Anne Katrin

    Eine Liebesgeschichte mit Happy End, treuen Freunden und dickköpfigen Charakteren. Unterhaltsam, aber nicht einprägsam.

  • John Hatley

    This is a very pleasant comedy, possibly one of the favourite comedies from the German Enlightenment, by one of Germany's literary masters. It is still played in German theatres today.

  • Arbraxan

    Synopsis Minna von Barnhelm oder das Soldatenglück ("Minna von Barnhelm or the Soldier's Fortune" in English) is a comedy written by the German playwright Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and published in 1767. It is often judged to be the most important comedy of German Enlightenment and a hallmark of German 18th century literature.

    Set in mid-18th century Berlin, the comedy tells the story of Lady Minna von Barnhelm, a young, rich and beautiful noblewoman from Saxony, and her betrothed, Major von Tellheim, the embodiment of duty and virtue. Recently discharged from the Prussian Army, von Tellheim is plagued by war wounds, contested claims and debts, yet he refuses help from his friend Werner, a sheriff and former constable, and only accepts assistance from his loyal manservant Just. Fearing he won't be able to properly provide for Minna, he wishes to annul their betrothal. Thus Minna and her servant Franziska have to cleverly overcome his honorable stubbornness by presenting von Tellheim's acquiescence to marriage as the only possibility to safeguard her honor - of course, von Tellheim obliges.


    It is likely that a contemporary person - even a contemporary German - reading the play would not think much of it and miss many of its subtler nuances. A part of General Tauentzien's entourage at that time, Lessing began to write Minna von Barnhelm in 1763, right after the end of the
    Seven Years' War (1754/56-1763); the play reflects several of his experiences in a military environment. The Seven Years' War in its European theater - also known as the Third Silesian War - began with the invasion of Saxony by Frederick II of Prussia, thereby preempting an Austrian attack on Silesia. By making light of both Prussian and Saxon stereotypes, namely by extrapolating von Tellheim's integrity and sense of duty ad absurdum and depicting Minna von Barnhelm as frivolous, Lessing might have tried to contribute to the reconciliation of Saxony and Prussia.
    Alternatively, as Goethe put it in his 1812 review of the play: "The spiteful tension between Prussia and Saxony during the war could not be lifted by its end. Now more than ever the Saxon felt the pain of the wounds the proud Prussian had inflicted. The political peace could not immediately produce peace between minds. But this should be done through imaginary spectacle. The Saxons' grace and loveliness surpasses the Prussians' value, dignity, stubbornness, and a happy union of bizarre and reluctant elements is demonstrated on both the main characters and their subordinates."

    At the same time, the play attributes to the Frenchman Riccaut de la Marlinière the role of the wasteful and dishonest scoundrel in a blunt manner (this was particularly criticized by the play's French reviewers, e.g. Madame de Staël, who were otherwise rather positive about it). This begs the question whether Lessing intended to foster reconciliation by focusing enmities on another nation; indeed, some of the play's first performances were without Riccaut. An even greater fear of censorship concerned the play's allusion to the king's discharge of the Freibataillone ("free-batallions") after the Seven Years' War, which seems to have flooded the country with disgruntled veterans. Nonetheless its success in Germany was astounding, in particular in 1768 Berlin.

    Another interesting facet of the play are the reviews it inspired in the early 19th century, e.g. by Franz Grillparzer or Otto Ludwig. These reviews, written after the Napoleonic Wars and during the heyday of burgeoning German nationalism, bear testimony to the struggle of isolating something genuinely German amidst the Austro-Prussian dualism, the legacy of the Holy Roman Empire and the persistent religious divide made evident by the Thirty Years' War and its horrors.

    Grillparzer (1822): "[...] So truly German in all its characters, and therein unique in the German literature. There is no French windbag of a servant, his master's confidant; instead the bawdy, rough, German Just. The innkeeper certainly has a typical businessman's character; but then again Franziska! How loquacious and snippy, yet still a good soul and valiant and modest. No trait of a French waiting-maid, to which the German ones in life and on stage still owe their origin. [...] The language unsurpassable! German: plain and honest. [...]"

    Based on the servants Just and Franziska, this characterization of the stereotypical German as "plain and honest" is still pervasive in the imaginary of present day Germans, often alongside "Michel", Germany's average Joe. Commentary sections below German media reporting on the Greek debt crisis are replete with narratives of the gullible and well-meaning German being defrauded by malicious foreigners preying on his naivete. Likewise, plenty of Germans have justified their rudeness or impolite manners by invoking the "roughness" of German culture, which sometimes is really nothing more than a lack of savoir-vivre.

    Yet the play is relevant to modern times in more ways than this. Its narrative essence contains several streams, which I would like to see further developed in today's context, though they have been the source of artworks already:
    - the struggle of veterans with injuries and reintegration into civilian life and the effects thereof on veterans' relationships at home;
    - the reluctance of men to depend on women vs. women's still-ubiquitous economic dependence on men as the main breadwinners;
    - the absurdity of strict honor codes unless tempered by pragmatism;
    - the influence of society's and peers' judgment on the well-being of girls and women, especially if their "virtue" is questioned;
    - manipulation between both genders (Minna's manipulation of von Tellheim, flighty soldiers' manipulation of gullible girls while on campaign).

    Of course, the union of these streams into one seamless body is the mark of a true literary artist like Lessing.

  • Qendxi

    18 Jahrhundert. Starke Frauenfigur. Gesellschaftskritischer Inhalt mit Witz rübergebracht. Generell tolle (vor allem Neben-) Charaktere.

  • Karen·

    Miss Sara Sampson was heavy going, but this is a light-footed critique of masculine, military Prussian values in opposition to fulfilment and happiness in the private sphere. It's considered to be the first 'national' German drama, set in the contemporary world of the Seven Year War, and treating questions of regional resentments between Prussia and Saxony. It's a marvel how Lessing managed to spin a very simple tale into five entertaining acts, with a deal of tension.

  • Ahmed

    ترجمة د/ مصطفى ماهر - مسرحية جيدة بها الكثير لتقراء
    اقتباس لبعض من جمل اعجبتني
    -"وددت لو كنت اكثر تحفظا فقليلا ما يتكلم المرء عما يتحلي به من فضائل و كثيرا ما يتكلم عن تلك التي تعوزه"

    -"انت تحسنين فهم الاخيار من الناس فمتي تتعلمين تحمل الارذال؟ فهم ايضا بشر"

  • Clara

    Hab ein Problem mit Lessing anscheinend; dieses Stück hat mich genauso gequält wie Emilia Galotti.
    Leider musste ich's für die Uni lesen - sonst hätt ich's wohl einfach weggelegt.
    Trotzdem waren die Szenen zwischen Franziska und Werner ganz süß, aber das ist auch das einzige (sorry).

  • Arta

    3.5 stars
    Hilarious play!

  • Frank

    Ein bisschen angestaubt, die Ehrpusseligkeit...

  • Sabrina2308

    „Ich bin Tellheim, der verabschiedete, der an seiner Ehre gekränkte, der Krüppel, der Bettler.“ (Seite 32, Zeile 31) Dieses Zitat aus dem Lustspiel „Minna von Barnhelm“ von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, welches im Jahr 1763 spielt, beschreibt sehr gut die Selbstwahrnehmung des Protagonisten Major von Tellheim. Das Drama entstand in der Zeit der Aufklärung. Nachdem der Major aus dem Krieg ohne Geld zurückkommt und sich in einem Gasthaus niederlässt, ist sein Stolz verletzt. Deshalb schreibt der Major seiner Verlobten auch keine Briefe.
    Als er dann von dem geldgierigen Wirt dazu gedrängt wird, das Zimmer zu räumen, ist von Tellheim dazu gezwungen den Verlobungsring von Minna von Barnhelm zu versetzen. Auch seinen letzten Bediensteten Just muss er entlassen. Das stößt jedoch auf Widerstand von Seiten Justs, der dagegen nichts ausrichten kann. Als dann der Wirt während der Befragung der Minna von Barnhelm den Ring herausholt, erkennt sie ihn wieder und verlangt den Mann zu sehen, welcher das Schmuckstück verkauft hat. Just möchte Minna allerdings nicht helfen und so macht sich der Wirt dann daran Tellheim zu suchen.
    Das Wiedersehen der Verlobten verläuft im ersten Moment gut, denn sie sind beide glücklich, doch dieser Schein trügt. Major von Tellheim denkt, aufgrund seines geringen Selbstwertgefühls, dass er nicht gut genug für sie sei. Er ergreift die Flucht und schickt Minna von Barnhelm über die Dienstboten einen Brief. Franziska, Minnas Dienstmädchen, nimmt den Brief entgegen. Dabei lernt sie unter anderem den ehemaligen Wachtmeister Paul Werner kennen. Als sich dann Franziska und Tellheim treffen, gibt sie ihm den angeblich ungelesenen Brief wieder zurück. „Die will das Fräulein von Ihnen selbst hören, nicht lesen.“ (Seite 48, Zeile 26) Sie lädt ihn im Namen Minnas auf eine Kutschfahrt in die Stadt ein.
    Bei diesem Gespräch möchte Minna von Barnhelm ihrem Verlobten einen Streich spielen, deshalb tauscht sie ihre Ringe aus. Nachdem sie auf Major von Tellheim gewartet haben, erklärt dieser, dass er nicht mit Minna verlobt sein könne, da er keine Ehre mehr hat, da er ja verabschiedet wurde. Auch lässt sein Stolz nicht zu, dass er sich alles von ihr bezahlen lässt. Dabei täuscht Minna von Barnhelm ihren Verlobten mit Franziskas Hilfe. Sie gibt vor enterbt worden zu sein. Das alles klärt sich auf, als dann Minnas Onkel zu Besuch kommt und ihnen seinen Segen gibt.

    Ich habe das Buch im Rahmen des Deutschunterrichts gelesen und fand es sehr interessant. Die Charaktere sind interessante Figuren mit ungewöhnlichen Zügen. So gefiel mir das Ehrgefühl des Major von Tellheim besonders gut. Es ist wesentlicher Bestandteil des Lustspiels.

  • Old-Fashioned Agnes

    The book "Minna von Barnhelm" is set during the time of peace after 7 years war. The comedy was written by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing in 1763.

    Major von Tellheim was an officer during the war but now he is poor and dismissed without receiving his salary. Minna and his friend Paul Werner try to help him but he does not want to be helped even though he needs it.

    The most interesting is the symbolical level of the story. Minna canes from Saxony and Tellheim from Prussia. These two countries were in a disagreement after 7 years war. The bound between Minna and Major symbolises the peace between Prussia and Saxony. (I read about this interpretation somewhere, I don’t remember where).

    Quotation: "Certainly, my beautiful child: the police will know it, know it all; and secrets particularly."

    I recommend this book to those who are interested in the history of 18th c. Germany, and the situation there after 7 years war.

  • Sabine Bamber

    I came across this schooldays' copy (German version) while clearing out books and decided to re-read it. I don't believe I've read any Lessing since, but putting the comedy in context with its time and the history, I understand why it was required reading: It's almost as old and very similar to Shakespeare's comedies, which are required reading in English speaking school systems. With a happy ending guaranteed, it was enjoyable to imagine the actors in their roles reciting the "verbal dance" between Tellheim and Minna, two lovers destined for each other but hindered by their flaws, until they are united. As a bonus, they are not the only ones declaring their love for each other in the end.

  • Hussain آل سِنان

    مسرحية مينا فون بارنهام
    للفيلسوف التنوير جوتهولد إفرايم ليسنج

    المسرحية بشكل عام لطيفه وفيها الكثير من الدراما و المبادئ و الاخلاقيات، حيث ان المسرحية جسدت دور الوفاء خير تجسيد وبينت كيف ان الوفي يبقى وفي في كل زمان ومكان، الشيء الذي لم يعجبني في المسرحية هو انها كانت لطبقات دون طبقات فاعتقد والله اعلم انها كانت للبرجوازيين وكذلك الشخصيات كانت جميعها من الطبقات العليا في ذلك المجتمع .

    نص من المسرحية:
    فون تلهايم: ضغينة؟ ( يضغط على يده ، اقرأ في عيني ما لا أقوى على قوله. من كان يعرف إنسانًا سواي عنده فتاة أفضل من فتاتي وله صديق أوفى من صديقي، فليأتني به
    حتى أراه. أليس كذلك يا فرنتسيسكا؟ (يخرج).

  • Yustya Koval

    Головну тему дещо важко визначити: тут і поневіряння військових, які після війни раптом стали нікому не потрібними, і "честь понад гроші", і безумовна любов.
    З історичної точки зору важливим є момен��, що твір зображає реальну ситуацію реального німецького суспільства.

  • Anna

    L'ho dovuto leggere per l'università, ma è stata una lettura tutt'altro che pesante. Opera leggera, scorrevole e anche molto divertente!

    I had to read it for Uni, but it was anything but a heavy reading. It is light, smooth and also very funny!

  • Catherine Mustread

    Wrote a 12 page paper on this for a German Literature class while in college.

  • Janik

    Lessing at its best

  • Somia Atef

    عجبتنى والله