Title | : | The Hidden History of the Human Race: The Condensed Edition of Forbidden Archeology |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0892133252 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780892133253 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 321 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1994 |
The Hidden History of the Human Race: The Condensed Edition of Forbidden Archeology Reviews
Good old Darwin has been Kicked
In this book we’ll find “well-documented evidence suggesting that modern man did not evolve from ape man, but instead has co-existed with apes for millions of years!”
“Anomalous and out-of-place discoveries reported by Cremo and Thompson in The Hidden History of the Human Race include convincing evidence that anatomically modern humans may have been present on the Earth not just for 100,000 years or less (the orthodox view), but for millions of years”
It seems like Darwin’s Evolutionism has just been kicked 😜 -
Забранете забранената археология.
Проблемът с книги, относно ранната човешка история, е един и същ - малкото археологически материали. Твърдите заключения, до които се достига, на базата на тези оскъдни материали, могат да бъдат лесно опровергани на базата на същите тези оскъдни материали. Съответно се стига до издания като това, в който се твърди, че Саскуоч и Йети наистина съществуват, но в крайна сметка, това твърдение не е по-невероятно от твърдението, че различни хоминиди са част от един еволюционен модел. Напълно невъзможно е, на този етап на развитие на археологията и антропологията, да се стигне до каквото и да е заключение относно ранната човешка история.
Ако, обаче, ви се чете книга, която предполага, че съществува международна конспирация-мафия от археолози-антрополози, чиято цел е да потулят "истинската" човешка история - то това е книгата за вас. Ако ви се чете книга, която предполага, че руски селянин е създал успешно потомство на хоминид, вероятно женски(?), в началото на 19в., чиито пра-внуци все още обитават даденото село - това е книгата за вас. Ако ви се чете книга, в която се предполага, че хоминиди са съществували през предкамбрийския период - това е книгата за вас.
Ако не ви се четат глупости, си направете чай и се насладете на уикенда. -
So you've caught me, reading what could be viewed as "fringe" material. This book provides physical evidence of what I've always suspected... Weird stuff that shows up out of sequence with, or out of place in the standard mental models, proving that there is more going on - in current reality than meets the eye, and/or fits into the standard "stories" told to us about our history and science.
My life is full of these "out of place" observations, yet since I do pay attention to them, and collect tangible bits of the story, I appreciate books like this that make it perfectly clear that what I see isn't fantasy.
We have - in our society, a huge commitment to the notion that any one of us can, at any time, experience a little bit of insanity and and experience temporary "hallucinations" thus we cannot trust what we see or experience and must have someone in authority come along and explain things to us. When we observe or experience things that don't fit the standard idea, we risk being diagnosed as temporarily "crazy" and if we push it a little too far, and insist that we see what we see, we can find ourselves forced into psychiatric care and into being drugged to quiet our "delusions".
Books like this, with the historical and photographic evidence of "things that don't fit" provide ammunition one can use to defend ones self, and I appreciate that, since I DO see and experience quite a few things that aren't within the standard view of "the norm"... and I know I'm perfectly sane.
This particular "condensed" version of the book, while still a bit tedious to get through, is good for the average reader, since it gets right to the point of the discoveries, and doesn't go overboard in chasing the academic minutia that the more complete copy does (which I'm certain is important in facing down the academic prejudices toward information like this) since I'm of that "ilk" that doesn't require heavy handed logic to get the point. This merely serves as confirmation of what I already suspect. -
Although I’m familiar with hominids and geological periods, this book was hard to follow. And it did not bring anything new, at least for me. I read about or watched documentaries about the fact that evidence of evolved humans goes much further back than the evolution theory states. What this book is emphasizing a lot are the quarrels between scientists in respect to whether the discovered tools, bones, footprints, etc are indeed as old as they are claimed to be. I have the utmost respect for paleoanthropologists, I found their work amazing, but this kind of “pissing contest” does not honor their branch.
Furthermore, almost all the cases presented in the book are from late 19th century and beginning of the 20th one. No more discoveries since then? I would have been very interested to know the results of the same tests conducted in our present days and compared to those made 100 years ago.
Anyway, here is the conclusion of the book – it pretty much summarizes all the study cases presented.
I will not mark it as spoiler, because it doesn’t reveal anything. We don’t know today exactly all the species that exists on Terra as new ones are discovered every year, so It’s hard to think that Earth’s past history will be ever accurately revealed in its entirety.
"Having reviewed the history of African discoveries related to human evolution, we can make the following summary observations. (1) There is a significant amount of evidence from Africa suggesting that beings resembling anatomically modern humans were present in the Early Pleistocene and Pliocene. (2) The conventional image of Australopithecus as a very humanlike terrestrial biped appears to be false. (3) The status of Australopithecus and Homo erectus as human ancestors is questionable. (4) The status of Homo habilis as a distinct species is questionable. (5) Even confining ourselves to conventionally accepted evidence, the multiplicity of proposed evolutionary linkages among the hominids in Africa presents a very confusing picture." -
This, the condensed edition of 'Forbidden Archaeology', was a book brought along by Mike Miley during one of his visits from San Francisco to Chicago. It was a delight to read in the sense that it represents a radical counter to the Christian literalist view that Earth is only a few thousand years old. Here a Vedist attempts to prove the accuracy of his canon by proving that the human species, even human civilization, is many millions of years old.
The evidence, while occasionally intriguing, is, unfortunately, very weak. Much of it comes from old newspapers, from articles which I like to summarize as "Toaster Oven Found in Coal Seam!"--the kind of thing you'd find today in the 'National Enquirer' or 'Fate Magazine'. Indeed, the book is pretty much just one such bit of "evidence" after another--not the things themselves usually, just the citations to periodicals of a century ago. One thinks of Charles Fort in all of this, but Fort had far fewer pretensions.
I really do strongly recommend, however, that Christian creationists and biblical literalists read this thing to see how silly they themselves look to people outside of the charmed circle of their convictions. -
Micheal Cremo and Richard Thompson have done their homework and research in this compelling book which offers an alternative to both evolutionary view and creationist model. If you have an opportunity to see Mr. Cremo lecture at a university or group setting, it is well worth the time spent listening to him. He really is an excellent presenter and he knows all viewpoints well, is respectful and yet brings much evidence for his view point based on the Vedic Philosophy.
A popularized, condensed version of the authors' book Forbidden Archeology. The authors argue that over the past couple of centuries, researchers have found bones and artifacts showing that humans like ourselves have existed on earth for millions of years. The authors believe the evolutionary filter/paradigm has led scientists astray is building correct ideas concerning human origins. Although it doesn't show up much in the text, the authors are apparently fundamentalist Hindus and it obviously has guided their thinking in looking for these anomalous artifacts. Not sure I buy the argument that homo sapiens sapiens are millions of years old. But, the book is worth reading. The anomalous artifacts were rather fascinating.
I skimmed this book after viewing the Calico Man excavation site near Riverside, CA. It's an exhaustive book- and it's a boiled down version of his other book "Forbidden History". The author, Michael Cremo,presents his interpretation of the fossil record and tries to throw a kink into the current evolutionary theory of man. He postulates that homo sapiens sapiens (the thinking ape- us) has been around much longer than current thinking suggests- perhaps millions of years!
He uses historical archaeological findings (tools and bones in anomalous geologic strata) as evidence to bolster his claims. These anomalies have been "pish-poshed" away by traditional geologist and their findings and finders discredited.
Bottom line: The author suggests that as further evidence continues to be found, there will come a time when it will become so obvious that it cannot be dismissed. One day, scientists will be required to re-evaluate their hypotheses on the origins of man. -
I remain unconvinced by the author's opinion that biological evolution didn't happen since I still think there is far too much evidence to throw out that theory, from the extreme similarity between humans and other primates, to the DNA that is shared between hippos, dolphins and whales but no other creatures, etc. But I still think this book does an impressive job of compiling archaeological finds that have been ignored or covered up due to their clashing with favored theories, and no evidence should be ignored for that reason. I suggest reading this one along with The Cosmic War by Joseph Farrell, which provides another compelling interpretation of the evidence presented besides the notion that evolution itself isn't part of the puzzle. That book presents an interesting compilation of clues that whether the history of humanity as we know it goes back tens of millions of years or not, a space faring technological civilization from somewhere certainly might.
This book, an abridged version of the complete book, is fascinating and offers solid evidence to back up what "conventional" science would consider outlandish theories.
This 1999 book is supposedly a shorter version of a more thorough book, but it doesn't feel shorter. This book is not for the general public as it is so repetitive and boring when presenting its "evidence" with very poor quality drawings, photos and text. Or maybe that is the common quality of the evidence in that scientific practice - yet again, this is for the academy to judge, not for the common reader like me.
In essence this is a criticism that some paleontological evidence has been interpreted wrong and might be much older (but might also be younger). The authors don't really offer any alternative theory, invoke conspiracy among scientists and try to sensationalize a relatively small correction in the overall timeline of the Homo family history. This feels like a very long-form yellow journalism, but instead it should be stripped of the exaggerations and sensationalism and presented as a proper scientific work.
Basically most of the pre-DNA analysis evidence in paleontology seems to rely on guesswork and on hope that the finding was not contaminated or moved. So this book feels especially outdated. I'm not exactly 100% up-to-date, but I believe since the publication we have found multiple well preserved whole skeletons, instead of only bone fragments that might have been washed out on the ground. Plus, we have genetic analysis and this has revealed that the Homo-family tree is not really a tree, but there was a lot of interbreeding between the different hominids who lived at the same time.
Anyway, there's probably a way better book for the general public, or look through the latest couple of years worth of National Geographic, or watch some documentaries about paleontology. -
A lot of clouds can be found in the book in condensed form. Its remarkably extensive collection of evidences. The history of over 250 million years of human ancestry can be found in the book at one place. The excavations from eoliths to neoliths can be coated side by side.
Its definitely a worth on the shelf. -
This is a very interesting book that presents an opposing view to that of mainstream science in regards to our origins and history. It presents numerous evidence of archeological remains that defy and oppose mainstream science and the length the scientific establishment will go to discredit both the finds and any scientists who want to seriously investigate and speak on them.
Many careers and reputations have been ruined over this. Maybe that's why this book presents a ton of evidence and is written really like an archeology textbook. While I'm not discounting the information, it is written in a way that is very dry and hard to follow for the layperson.
It discusses a ton of archeological finds but not so much their implications, at least not in a way that's easy to understand for the layperson. If you're an archeology student and want to hear some different theories on ancient archeology and anthropology, this is the book for you. -
Meticulous and detailed. Since its publication, some of its wilder theories have been found to be true. And some have been revealed as hoaxes. Man, I'm glad I don't live in the age of the Piltdown Man. Archaeology is complicated.
Also interesting is the discussion of suppression by the scholarly community. The very peer-reviewed system that's supposed to protect credibility can be used maliciously. In the age of the Internet, everything will change. Fascinating. And there will be less "wildmen" in the bush, and more 3D imaging and filming of artifacts before they get "lost." -
this book will make your brain blow up. all the evidence that was discovered refuting current dating of human activity in the Americas and elsewhere that intellectuals with research grants and chairmanships to protect buried or destroyed.
Fascinating although hard going at times, it's clearly written with paleoanthropologists in mind. Great insight into how mainstream science "cherry picks" the evidence to fit the theory. Definitely a lot more to mankind than meets the eye...
The condensed version of Forbidden Archaeology gives detailed research on how old mankind actually is and offers the evidence to back it up. The finds are extremely fascinating, but since it is obviously geared towards paleoanthropologists, it was a little tedious at times for me.
Important book
Un libro bastante entretenido acerca de peldaños que no encajan en la historia de los orígenes de la humanidad.
El autor aporta datos e investigaciones técnicas, además de opiniones sobre los estudios de otros autores para traer diferentes opiniones al tema.
Muy recomendado si eres de los que se pregunta cual fue nuestro origen. -
I was excited to start reading the book, but honestly after some time I got bored. Though yeah I got a lot of information, and it is nice, still I don´t know if they are true or not and the book just left me skeptical...
Awesome book. So much evidence that contradicts the academic paradigm of human origins.
Una obra increíble que remueve todos nuestros conocimientos sobre el origen del ser humano
This book takes the massive volume of work and condensing it into a readable and more relatable context. I have skimmed this book many times. It was the audiobook I actually heard. The information is quite fascinating, especially regarding the coal pieces and the cryptozoology. The narrator, Laura Lee, has a soft voice. So the volume must be turned up to hear all of her words.
I have immensely enjoyed the original version "The Forbidden Archaeology" a few years ago and was hoping for the same thrill with the abridged version. Unfortunately, "The Hidden History of the Human Race" turned out to be a very dry book, deprived of the spirit I found in the earlier version :(
Basically a catalogue of every buried (excuse the pun) piece of anomalous archeology that doesn’t fit with the current story. Lots of interesting stuff but by the 15-16th example I found myself skimming the categories for the interesting topics.
As a reader of the Atlantis Rising magazine, I have been impressed with the author's ability to present a compelling case for doubting the conventional wisdom in archaeology. And I really looked forward to reading this book, to learn about the basis of his claims to a more ancient history of man. The evidence presented in this book to move back the dating of Homo Sapiens Sapiens gets more compelling as the book progresses. However, the first half of the book reads like this: "someone found this, then it was lost & we can't find it anymore" or "someone found something and gave it to an archaeologist who trumped up its importance without knowing exactly where it came from."
For those who are interested in the author's push to rewrite history, I would suggest reading The Forbidden Archaeologist, an anthology of his Atlantis Rising articles (which are always a highlight of the magazine).