Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael A. Cremo

Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race
Title : Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0892132949
ISBN-10 : 9780892132942
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 914
Publication : First published January 1, 1993

Over the past two centuries archeologists and anthropologists have ignored, forgotten and suppressed vast quantities of evidence showing that human beings like ourselves have existed on this planet for tens of millions of years.
Forbidden Archeology documents a systematic process of "knowledge filtration" and constitutes a serious challenge to the Darwinian theory of evolution.

Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race Reviews

  • Maria Espadinha

    Um Pontapé no Evolucionismo

    Quando Darwin finalmente optou por incluir os humanos na sua Teoria sobre a Evolução das Espécies, escreveu:

    “O Homem descende dum quadrúpede peludo e com cauda, provavelmente de hábitos arbóreos e habitante do Velho Mundo”.

    Tratava-se duma declaração ousada mas pouco científica, visto carecer de provas capazes de a corroborar:

    Onde é que estavam os “fósseis de espécies transicionais entre os antigos símios e os humanos modernos.”?

    Envidados os requeridos esforços e buscas, aqui e ali, os almejados fósseis lá foram surgindo, e... numa descendência com muitas lacunas, a existência do Homo Sapiens Sapiens no planeta, foi finalmente estimada em qualquer coisa como 100 000 anos.

    Este livro irá contrariar essa estimativa, ao apresentar provas — ocultadas, até à data, com o maior secretismo — da existência de humanos que datam de há milhões de anos atrás, comprovando que ... afinal... o Homem não é um refinamento do Macaco! 😉

    Que grande pontapé no Evolucionismo! 😜

  • Linda

    Surprisingly interesting! Old bones and stone tool findings that have been ignored due to their anomaly. After Darwin's "The origin of species" archeological items that contradict Darwinism were dismissed, even not discussed. These things are reviewed and readers get to follow researchers' and anthropologists' arguments through the centuries. The fact that our ancestors might be much older than we know, actually millions of years, is thrilling. The human footprint next to that of a dinosaur's. The gold necklace in ancient coal. A super ancient beautiful vase deep down in the strata, from a time long before the existence of homo erectus. All these findings indicate a great human civilisation, lost in time. "Forbidden archeology" isn't on of those books that try to convince you of it's authenticity and reliability. This feels truthful.

  • Natalie

    Exhaustive and well-written book that every archeologist should read. Whether all their evidence stands up or not (and they're clear on ambiguities themselves) the book is a strong lesson in preconceptions and the importance of remembering that theory is not fact, and should be open to constant re-assessment.

  • Lyrae

    This book is absolutely fascinating, but it is not something you can pick up and thumb through. This book is a commitment to read. It's over 900 pages long and reads like an encyclopedia. This large volume serves as a reference compiling many lost, buried or otherwise hidden reports in the associated fields of archeology. There is a depth of information that needs time to be read and processed for those of us who are not professionals in the field. The book is well written with adequate definitions to many field specific terms throughout the book, but it is still a big bite to chew. I would not recommend this book to a casual reader who is not obsessed with the origins of humankind. As I said before, this book is a commitment. Many original reports are painstakingly quoted and reproduced in some length, translated from other languages. The length and depth of the controversies surrounding human origins dating back to the 19th century is indeed a fascinating revelation. Had I not read this book, I would have continued regurgitating the same nonsense I was taught in my college level anthropology class, for lack of having any better information to process and share. I have always been skeptical of some of the links in the evolutionary chain, and it has always been a nagging fascination of mine to find out more. This book helps to bridge the gap and introduce the missing information in a gradual and detailed manner, leaving behind any doubt that you are consuming a mere subjective take on currently publicly available scanty evidence. On a personal note, I took an anthropology class years ago, in 1997. My anthropology teacher was an old stuffy kind of guy, reading to us from our textbooks during lecture, typically without any relevant dialogue or explanation. One day he made a comment about the "mongoloid" heritage of the Finnish people and explained that it was likely due to the fact that the Finns were an isolated direct ancestor of "homo erectus" and not quite "homo sapiens sapiens". I found it fascinating as I sat in class that this man was insinuating that I, as a Finn, was barely "human" enough to have earned the right to have fire and primitive tools, yet there I was in college completely integrated with the rest of the "homo sapiens sapiens". I was offended to say the least. My interest in human origins was piqued at this point as I was confident that I was not being provided with objective and unfiltered information. I am happy I made the time to sit with this book. For a fraction of the price of my college class, I learned a great deal more and was not subjected to the cultural bias of my old Russian instructor. Had I really been a direct ancestor of "homo erectus", I guess it would have been appropriate for me to have just bonked him on the head with my caveman club...

  • Alicedewonder

    Without a doubt this research text is whole and complete and pisses off every so called research wannabee that ever crawled the planet.
    It's not an easy read, but it will light up your life when you discover how much research is fudged/lied about and or withheld due to the pompous wind-bags that insist on being right when they are not!



  • Andrew “The Weirdling” Glos

    This is a tough volume to slog your way through. It’s nearly a thousand pages of notes and observations on academic papers published regarding archeological sites. The book earns a full two stars just for the breadth of research it took to put this whole tome together. It’s somewhat breathtaking.

    The book looses three starts because in a thousand pages of detailed academic analysis, he wasn’t able to convince me - even fleetingly - that his position made any sense whatsoever. Nor why his position mattered contrary to the dominant paradigm. And the reason why he didn’t argue “why it should matter” is because he hides a hidden agenda from the very start. He wants to prove the veracity of the Hindu Puranas. I don’t mind an author trying to do such a thing. In the West, plenty of scholars try to prove the truth of the Old and New Testaments. That’s not a new thing. But I find it disingenuous when they try to do that, but do not own that that is what they are doing.

  • Rich Hoffman

    This is not an easy book to read. It is essentially a textbook. But this book changes the fields of anthropology and archeology to their very cores. It is this book that has opened the door to all the ancient alien theories that are now very popular. This book gives the evidence that mankind has been on earth for thousands of years, but millions. The proof is provided in great abundance, and has rattled the cages of the worlds religions, political structure, and education institutions. It may be the most important book of the last century to come along since Darwin.

  • Jeffrey Reid

    Fascinating. At least Cremo tells you upfront that he subscribes to the Hindu view of the world age circle. Once one understand this viewpoint, everything else falls into place. So, what about those strange artifacts found miles underground, dating back millions of years? Food for thought. Highly recommend

  • Andrew Hennessey

    you would think that the academics didn't have a big enough carpet to hide this mountain of refutations under - but they obviously do - aided and abetted by the digital TV circus, convincing sound tracks and educated accents ... this is where the ivy towers fall off a cliff ...

  • David

    Let me begin with the authors' conclusion:

    "...We conclude that the total most consistent with the view that anatomically modern humans have coexisted with other 'primates' for tens of millions of years." Location 18480 (Kindle Edition...iPad)

    And they spent a long,long time examining the evidence and inserting themselves within the substantial anomalous data and giving this a 'good' bit of deconstruction. They are a bit cagey about their approach when the affirm:

    "...There exists in the scientific community a knowledge filter that screens out unwelcome evidence." (Location 550)

    But they do not attempt to disguise their own perspective and openly acknowledge that they "...are members of the Bhaktivedanta Institute." (Location 672) Translated this means they are Hare Krishnas...this organization has had the epithet 'cult' thrown at them and for good reason. However, their reading of the data is interesting and valid (to a point)....and they had me until they began to examine cryptozoological organisms.

    Still, their readings of the paleoarcheological and paleoanthropological records and how scientists whom don't tow the 'party' line are treated is, for the most part, valid if not convincing.

    My problem, and it is a personal one, is that I do not have the academic background to argue with them. That said, the arguments do seem strained and cherry-picked at times...and that comes from an outsider.

    My biggest problem with this book was the deadening repetition of data and biographies that repeat themselves over and over and over again: though told of different scientists and their travails with mainstream science.

    Then there was the fact that this book was just a setup for their sequel: Human Devolution. Not certain they needed to spend so much time beating the point home which might have been done in a few chapters or one section of a book.

    I understand why so few people, of my acquaintance, have never finished this tome...the same story, more or less, gets repeated and repeated and repeated with the same conclusions or implied conclusions. Of course, the authors would argue this is for thoroughness. This would be necessary because so many scientists and academics would be hostile to their thesis. This would be acceptable if this had been a peer reviewed and vetted text which was then published by an academic press but it was not...this was produced by Torchlight Publishing Inc. ~ no academic press I've ever heard of.

    Still, it was interesting if deadening. If you really are into alternative science and archaeology then you may find this interesting...if you are looking for a diverting excursion into the world of fringe science and gnostic dementia then this may not be what you are looking for.

    I hope Human Devolution is better than this one.

    The three stars I gave it were generous...perhaps it deserves only one but I did have moments of amusement while reading it.

    Only for those truly obsessed with alternative science/history/reality all others will be bored to tears.

  • Stuart Rimmer

    This is a mighty tome, and not for those wanting a bit of light reading. So overwhelming is the evidence that the authors present against the dominant hegemony of archeological thought, that this book reads like a relentless inventory of archeological 'finds' which suggests a chronology other than that which is commonly accepted and propounded, 'finds' which the establishment overlook, or outright deny. Things like anatomically modern human bones recovered from rock strata millions of years old, and manufactured artifacts recovered from similarly ancient strata. It is fascinating stuff and gives a great deal of food for thought. A bible for the alternative history buffs, and a challenge to the scientific establishment.

  • Kelli George

    My archaeology professor told me that this book was written by a wacko with fringe theories even though he had not read it. I disagree because this book is basically about the history of the science of archaeology. Anyone who disagrees with this book and dismisses it has not even read it!!!

  • Christina

    Very interesting. Lots of stuff to think about and not for people who are married to current scientific theory about human history.

  • Kevin Kraft

    This is a landmark and exhaustive work that anyone, who wants to hear challenges to Evolutionism, from historical finds, not mere Christian/Creation Science sources, needs to read this. I have read this huge volume, which details anthropological, paleontological and archaeological discoveries classified as "anomalies" because their very presence suggest that the conventional "facts" as established by a dogmatic scientific establishment, intolerant of challenges to their religion, three times now, and I plan to purchase this soon. The authors created a breathtakingly researched work that should (but won't) be in ever public school library, so that students can research independently, and draw their own conclusions to, what they are taught as fact in science class from K through 12 and, indeed, in college and universities everywhere.

  • Steve Cran

    Humans may have been on this planet a lot longer then we may have realized. We tend to think that Homo Sapeins have been here at the most 30 thousand years. In reality human existence may stretch back several millions of years. How advanced those societies were is another question. It is. Supposed under this thesis that humans or Homo Sapien Sapiens may have existed alongside aide other humanoid like homo erectus, Neanderthal and cro magnoln

    Archaeologist have found evidence of some semi advance human stuff going back. Millions of years to the Pleistocene era. Such items would include human bones, skiulls and handiwork’s . However when scientists bring this up they are often ridiculed by their academic colleagues . Often at the cost of their careers,

    The last part of the book discusses cryptozoology . Mentioning other humanoid creatures that might still be out there but hidden. There are areas in Washington state and Canada that have not been thoroughly explored creatures like a big foot might be out there. Supposedly there have been numerous sighting.

    The only on this book is the brevity of the audible. I believe this book has many pages and books of this length usually take several more hours to read through on audible. Hope we are not getting the abridged version here. That would Medan the readers are getting cheated.

  • Jeffrey Petit-bois

    Very interesting and informative. The scientific society has not been always honest with the public about the remains of our ancestors. Anybody in the field of anthropology and or has a curious mind concerning the origins of humanity and archeology should it. Superb work.

  • Maureen A.

    The challenges faced by archeologists with views against the mainstream remind me of today’s bullying in the media. If your story does not fit the narrative, you’re pushed out or ignored. Good info in this book.

  • Alice

    L'Homo Sapiens ha convissuto per milioni di anni con quelli che la maggior parte degli studiosi del settore ritengono i suoi antenati (Australopithecus, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus): questo è il tema principale del saggio, che Cremo e Thompson riescono a spiegare efficacemente attraverso la storia di ogni reperto (dove e quando è stato scoperto; chi l'ha ritrovato; la testimonianza di chi ha partecipato alla scoperta; la spiegazione data dagli evoluzionisti ortodossi e quella degli studiosi che,invece, non riescono ad accettarla; il ragionamento scientifico e razionale dei due autori per mostrare le tante cose che non tornano nell’analisi degli accademici).
    Il tema secondario è cercare di far capire al lettore che il mondo scientifico non possiede la conoscenza assoluta. E come potrebbe esserlo, se gli studiosi del settore tentano di “piegare” la prova (il reperto) alla teoria (la Teoria dell’Evoluzione) e non viceversa? Eppure, gli stessi evoluzionisti sono molto confusi riguardo alla linea evolutiva umana che continuano a proporre come l’unica ipotesi possibile (per esempio, ci sono molti dubbi riguardo ai legami evolutivi tra i diversi tipi di Australopithecus e a nuovi reperti che mostrano che questa scimmia era soltanto una scimmia e non un ominide).
    I due autori, ovviamente, non potendo dare una risposta a questa seconda questione, si concentrano sulla dimostrazione dell’esistenza dell’Homo Sapiens molto prima dei 30.000 anni proposti dalla Teoria dell’Evoluzione, elencando moltissimi reperti (ce ne sarebbero tantisimi altri, ma i due autori hanno deciso, come spiegano nell’Introduzione, di includere, anche per ragioni di spazio, solo quelli più significativi). Nella prima parte del saggio, vengono analizzati i reperti archeologici (eoliti, paleoliti, neoliti, ossi incisi, spezzati, intagliati o raschiati, e un capitolo dedicato agli ooparts – oggetti spesso di una perfezione irraggiungibile per la nostra attuale tecnologia, che, tuttavia, sono stati trovati in strati geologici risalenti a centinaia di milioni di anni fa, quando, cioè, in teoria, non esisteva l’Homo Sapiens). Nella seconda parte viene raccontata la storia dell’uomo di Giava, dell’uomo di Piltdown e dell’uomo di Pechino, da quando, all’inizio, sono stati considerati l’anello mancante con gli ominidi scimmieschi che avrebbero preceduto l’Homo Sapiens, fino a quando perfino gli studiosi hanno dovuto accettare il fatto che appartengono alla categoria dell’Homo Erectus (Cremo e Thompson hanno svolto questo lavoro per smentire quegli studiosi che, ancora oggi, citano questi tre ominidi per affermare la validità della teoria evoluzionista). Viene dedicato anche un capitolo al bigfoot, allo yeti e a tutti i loro “cugini” sparsi per il mondo, in cui i due autori si chiedono se è possibile che esistano ancora oggi l’Homo Erectus oppure alcuni ibridi nati dall’unione dell’Homo Sapiens con l’Homo Erectus o l’uomo di Neanderthal. Infine, nell’ultimo capitolo, vengono mostrati i dubbi che i paleoantropologi ortodossi hanno sulla Teoria dell’Evoluzione dell’uomo.
    La conclusione a cui giungono Cremo e Thompson è che le prove mostrano che uomini con un anatomia attuale sono coesistiti con altri primati per decine di milioni di anni e che siamo ancora molto lontani dallo scoprire l’origine della nostra specie su questo pianeta.

  • Karmakosmik

    Un libro davvero molto interessante, che tratta la cosiddetta archeologia misteriosa, non partendo da voli pindarici di fantasia o immaginazione, bensì andando a scovare vecchi atti di congresso di geologia e paleontologia, nei quale sarebbero presenti provi che l'uomo attuale sarebbe stato già presente nella sua forma attuale già in tempi antichissimi. Certo, la lettura è davvero difficoltosa per il gran numero di casi affrontati, e per il fatto che si va' a disquisire quasi sempre di problemi di tipo geologico. Comunque sia, la cosa che mi ha più stupito è il fatto che le cosiddette "scoperte riconosciute" possiedano una grossa aura d'incertezza, che per qualche motivo è stata messa da parte, mentre in altri casi, che mal si adattavano alla teoria evolutiva dell'uomo, sono stati attaccati su più fronti. Non sono un geologo e nè tantomeno un antropologo, perciò non sono in grado di valutare la correttezza o meno di molte delle affermazione fatte dai suoi autori, però l'idea che se anche solo di una queste storia corrispondesse a verità, la storia dell'uomo sarebbe completamente da cambiare.

  • Larry Lalonde

    The bad news is this book is a million pages long. And it's dense. But... it's fascinating. In essence it's an alternative human history. It won't surprise you to learn that many archeological discoveries are ignored because they don't fit with established thinking and could, if accepted, make fools out of highly respected experts. Entire careers and reputations would be in tatters. In some ways, the book is the conspiracy theorist's Promised Land, but here the cornerstones of the deception aren't rumours and hearsay repeated as fact. There is evidence. Don't expect to get through this book in a weekend. Plan on at least a month if you never slept.

  • Tom Metselaar

    This is just a must read. A brilliant shortened account of the evidence supporting a more ancient human history than we are told. The most remarkable insight I gained from reading was the precariously balanced dogmatic tower of evidence that the current status quo is based on. Adding this new (old) evidence to the picture completes obscures the clear linear view of the current mainstream.

    The only gripes I have are that the writer obviously has his ore conceived notions based on the vedic texts, although this does not undermine the brilliant body of research collected.