Title | : | Stanley Kubrick's Clockwork Orange |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1901680479 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781901680478 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 340 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1972 |
This unique illustrated screenplay features 800 still images from “A Clockwork Orange,” selected by Stanley Kubrick when the film was first released in 1971. As Kubrick comments in his introduction: “I have always wondered if there might be a more meaningful way to present a book about a film. To make, as it were, a complete graphic representation of the film, cut by cut, with the dialogue printed in the proper place in relation to the cuts, so that within the limits of still photos and words, an accurate (and I hope interesting) record of a film might be available… This book represents that attempt.”
Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick, based on the novel by Anthony Burgess.
Stanley Kubrick's Clockwork Orange Reviews
O my droogs and brothers, the other notch the devochka and your humble servant were down at the kino to viddy, what else, A Clockwork Orange, and we had just got to the home invasion scene, Malcolm McDowell was kicking Mr. Alexander in the litser while Dim was cutting holes in Mrs. Alexander's dress to get a better look at her groodies, all to the joyous accompaniment of Singin' in the Rain, when suddenly I had what they call an epiphany: clear as if I'd been in his gulliver listening to his innermost thoughts in glorious stereo, I knew why Donald Trump always looks so happy.
I wonder, does he like Beethoven? -
This book has the entire script as well as stills from every scene in the film.
I've not seen the movie in years, so it was cool reading all that incredible and sometimes hilarious dialogue again.
The movie and the novel are masterpieces, in my opinion, this book however is not essential reading if you've watched the film and read the book.
It's basically a script book with visuals. -
قطعة ادبية مثيرة لكل شئ
الاهتمام والقرف
والخوف والحب والكره
والتعاطف والغضب
رواية عن شلة عيال صيع مدورينها
ضرب وبهدلة وبلطجة
واحب اقول للناس اللي شافت الفيلم
الفيلم قلل كتير من العنف اللي فالرواية
فجاءة وهما بيعملوا عملية
بيبعوا الكبير بتاعتهم
اللي هو اصلا صغير ف السن
هووب بيروح السجن
ولا تقولي طره ولا تقولي ابو زعبل
علي الحظ كان بيجربوا نظام جديد علي المسجونين
زي الثانوية العامة وسنة سادسة بالظبط
يجيبوا الواد من دا ويلعبوا ليه ف دماغه علشان يكره العنف
ويبقي ولا القطة المشمشية
اللي بتاكل من الزباله
فعلا مرمطه
واجراءات نفسيه وعذاب ما بعده عذاب
وفعلا بيطلع
زي اي مواطن شريف
المشكلة في شئ واحد انه بقي بيخاف من اي شئ
بقي زي الخرقة كدا
وعلشان الكابوس يكمل
صحابه بسم الله ماشاء الله ربنا فتح ع��يهم من وسع
كلهم اشتغلوا وشافوا نفسهم
ولسه لاطاف زي مهما
وبما انه كان كبيرهم قبل السجن
وكان بيعمل معاهم الواجب وزيادة
قالوا عيب
لازم نردله الجميل
وكان منهم واحد بقي ظباط
القصة دي بجد ف انجلترا؟؟
والواد اكل ضرب وتهزيق
وهو مش قادر يعمل اي شئ
لانه بمجرد انه يفكر بس
يعمل اي رد فعل عنيف
بتجيله تشنجات وشغل ملبوسين
رواية ينصح بها بشدة
بس محتاجه انك تصبر عليها
وتستحمل شوية
[image error] -
Something different from my normal reads. The book is basically the movie, showing the whole movie in frames with dialogue in between. A nice item to have, as I read the book and saw the movie before. Not to read if you haven't read or seen the movie, since I think you won't understand a thing then.
مع أنني أوقن أن ترجمة الرواية أفقدتها الكثير من جمالها وتفرّدها، إلا أنها مليئة بالعقبات التي تجبر الإنسان على التساؤل ومحاولة ربط أحداث الرواية بالواقع. الجانب الموسيقي، العنف الشديد، تضارب مصالح البشر وحرص كلٍ منهم على الوصول لمصلحته الخاصة بدون التفكير في العواقب، الجبر والإختيار، الخير والشر.. كلها أمور تطرق لها الكاتب بطريقة إبداعية.
رواية مميزة.. -
I don't understand how people could like this shit.
This is a fascinating and great edition of the screenplay by Kubrick. What makes it great is basically the book is fully illustrated with stills from the film. I am not sure if this is still in print, but a must-have for the Kubrick fan. In a way it's like having the whole film in a book format.
2022 Book 79
Не скажу, что зацепило, но посыл и подача интересные. Ознакомиться можно, особенно если интересны темы пубертата и насилия
This graphic representation of the film is a great way to review or pin-point a frame of the movie, plus clarify the sometimes hard-to-decipher Nadsat--the futuristic teenage slang--used by "Your Humble and Suffering Narrator." I read it multiply times, and pick it up and flip through it occasionally. Being an impressionable age, 18, when the film was released and seeing it for the first time at the Naval Amphibious Base theater (Coronado, CA) a year or two later, it remains as one of my top ten movies of all time.
I always wanted to read the novel but the first page, liberally sprinkled with slang, along with the Nadsat Glossary in the back always discouraged me, until I was offered a collector's edition of it from the Folio Society in London, UK. I purchased it and finished the novella yesterday; it is truly one of those books, for me, that you don't want to come to an end.
The movie and the Stanley Kubrick book here do great justice to the original. I highly recommend all materials concerning this work. -
A Clockwork Orange is a very unique boook. it will never get out of your mind. There is never a boring part of the book. The movie is great to watch too. The story is different from a usual book. It is distrubing but it has a lot of internal and external confilcts. An English Young Man and his fellow Droobies, go out on a violent night race consisting of burgularly, brecking and entering and rape. i would not recomend this book to anyone that is under 16 years old.
This book is by far my favorite book so far.
the reading for this book is pretty complicated with the English accent. Along with the accent the stories plot is hard to fallow, but if you undersatand it you will love to read it. the storie jumps around a little bit also. over all i think that the book is a little bit complacted to read. People who love a simple funny ending will love to read this. i totally agree with the nobel prize for this book it was great. -
في البداية اثارت هذه الرواية في نفسي الاشمئزاز والغضب الشديد من هذه الافعال العدوانية التي تفعلها هذه العصابة وبالتالي انا لم اشعر بأي اشفاق علي اليكس برغم كل الظلم الذي تعرض له والذي انا بالطبع ارفضه ,ربما كت سأتعاطف معه لو كانت جرائمه عبارة مثلا عن سرقة او مخدرات او ما يمكن تسميتها بالجريمة النظيفة ان صحت التسمية اما ان تكون الجرائم عبارة عن اعتداء علي عجائز لا يملكون من امرهم شيئا واهانتهم بتلك الكيفية فهذا ما يغضبني اشد الغضب وخصوصا تلك الحادثة القذرة التي اعتدوا فيها علي السيدة زوجة الكاتب امام زوجها وموتها بعد ذلك من الصدمة .
في رأيي الشخصي محاربة الجريمة تكون باعمال القانون بكل حزم علي المخطئ مهما بذلت الحكومة في سبيل ذلك من تضحيات ويكون تطبيق القانون علي الجميع حتي يتعظ الناس ,ثم يكون بالتعليم والاهتمام به وجعله في اولويات الحكومة ,ثم يكون بتوعية المجتمع ,ثم يكون بايجاد فرص عمل للناس وتوفير حياة كريمة لهم ,هكذا يكون الحل شامل
اطفال الشوارع هم ضحية قبل مايكونوا مجرمين ومن صنيع المجتمع ,المجتمع اللي مش فيه تعليم مناسب او قانون رادع او فرص عمل او حياة كريمة .
Back in the olden days before videotapes and DVDs, the idea of being able to refer to a film in detail meant that you pretty much had to wait until it was revived somewhere or showed up on television. This book, a shot by shot recreation of Kubrick's film (but in black and white unfortunately) was one of the most ambitious and handsomely produced attempt at transferring a movie into a portable object ever published. Yes, you can go out and buy a copy of "A Clockwork Orange", freeze it, run it backwards or watch it whenever you want..but I still admire the patience and craft that went into this volume...
Ugh. I found this to be a bit of a chore really. As a fan of the movie I was appalled at how dry and repetitive the plot seemed without the beforeseen sadistic imagery.
A line of text saying: 'Beethoven's 9th plays in the background' is hardly substitute for the real thing.
As a result of these shortcomings the characters themselves appear two-dimensional and the plot confusing.
I guess the original novel is the true work of art here-I shouldn't be so judgemental until I've read it. -
This book is a presentation of Kubrick's screenplay with 800 stills from the film. This is not the original Anthony Burgess novel, but many reviewers seem to have confused the two. This is one of the best presentations of a film in book form from those long ago days before home video. A better presentation than any Richard J. Anobile book. My copy has been well thumbed over the years, and has always intrigued visitors who've seen it on the shelf.
Ristampa della sceneggiatura di A Clockwork Orange redatta da Kubrick stesso e corredata dalle immagini del film in b/n, fotogramma per fotogramma, con le battute riportate di ogni personaggio (ovviamente in inglese). Era stata edita originariamente da Ballantine Books nel 1972. Questa nuova edizione purtroppo presenta alcuni errori di stampa, come fotogrammi erroneamente ripetuti e battute fuori posto.
Read this because the movie was such a groundbreaker.
Not easy to read. The language and dialogue is intense and hard work with lots of slang and completely made up words peppering every sentence. That being said the stroy is amazing and it is an experience and an achievement if you can make it all the way though. Don't be the guy that only saw the movie :) -
This is one of the best books I've ever read. The manner in which Burgess constructs the book is literary genius. You start off continously paging to the glossary, but before you know it you are immersed in the crazy language (which you somehow pick up quickly) and world all the while forcing you to question society and human nature. Not just a book, an experience.
I love the writing style and silly language that gets a bit overshadowed in the Kubrick flick. Example, when they throw the old man's money in the street, Alex says "we gave it the scatter treatment." That's a funny way to speak, my droogs.
I saw the film first and spent a lot of time with my eyes closed and ears blocked! Reading the book was a different experience, but to say I really liked it is not really the truth. I found it fascinating and was unable to put it down but enjoyment didn't really come into it.
For all my little droogies! Got milk?
this book is awesome and any one should read it.
Well, i actually read the book, not Kubrik's screenplay, but for some reason, GoodReads doesn't have Burgess' novel listed separately!!
Blew my mind and made me want to write satire/sci-fi.
Dark AND disturbing
such a unique book...must read slowly to really understand and catch on to the language