Title | : | Pencil Draws A Unicorn – A Fun-Filled Early Reader Story Book for Preschool, Toddlers, Kindergarten and 1st Graders: An Interactive, Easy to Read Tale for Kids |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 144 |
Publication | : | Published January 25, 2023 |
This is a book both parents and kids will read and enjoy!
This is a fun book about a pencil called ... yes ... Pencil. Pencil can really draw and wants to show the kids some of his great masterpieces.
Will your kids like his fantastic work of art?
Well read this book to find out!
Get this interactive book for kids learning to read. This book is FREE for Kindle Unlimited Users.
Pencil Draws A Unicorn – A Fun-Filled Early Reader Story Book for Preschool, Toddlers, Kindergarten and 1st Graders: An Interactive, Easy to Read Tale for Kids Reviews
I didn't quite like the kissing or farting.
This KU ebook would have been cute for my four year old if not for the kissing, eraser being mean and the unicorn farting on crayons. Format was clean.
I had to alter the words to make it appropriate for our household. I never like that stuff in kids books because then the kids start emulating what we've seen.
No, I don't particularly want my kids running around trying to fart on things, like their baby brother, or say or do mean things because the book made it look funny. -
It’s just not great
I feel a lok. bad writing a bad review because I am sure the author is a child but this was not an enjoyable book to read to my first grader. It was somewhat confusing too,no idea what the “Zap” was for. -
So cute
A nice way to so children how to draw a simple item, and then add color to it. Also, the storyline is easy for them to read along with their parents.