Master-Key to Riches by Napoleon Hill

Master-Key to Riches
Title : Master-Key to Riches
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0449213501
ISBN-10 : 9780449213506
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 208
Publication : First published January 1, 1945

Based on the Andrew Carnegie formula for money-making, THE MASTER-KEY TO RICHES describes in step-by-step detail today's greatest practical philosophy of success....This amazing philosophy, culled from the success experiences of hundreds of the world's most powerful and wealthy men, will show you how to succeed in any walk of life.

Master-Key to Riches Reviews

  • Leah

    Man what an old book haha but definitely a classic.

    Master Key to Riches goes hand in hand with Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich with similar themes.

    This book was annoyingly repetitive and not well written and organized. It's a short book that could have been halved in size and added into Think and Grow Rich.

    Themes: Definiteness of Purpose, willpower, self-discipline, habits, applied faith, consciousness, imagination, going the extra mile, control your emotions, put away bad negative thoughts, control your ego and don't let it get inflated.

    To be a good loving wife to your husband, at the dinner table propose ideas and consult him about his day with interest and the relationship and his success will grow. Pretty sexist but this book can get away with it because it's old lol

  • Ramy

    بمجرد بدئى ف كتاب ل نابليون هيل بيكون ف بالى ان الكتاب لن يخرج عن تقييم 3-4 من خمسة
    الكتاب دا و عند نصه كنت مقرر انه 3 حلو اوى عليه
    عند ثلاث ارباعه اكتشفت انه هياخد 2 ايا كان بقيته عامل ازاى

    اللى قرا ل نابليون هيل 2-3 كتب هيعرف ان الكتاب ما هو الا نسخة مطولة ممطوطة من "فكر تصبح غنيا"

    يصدف انى اقرا بالتوازى معه

    الفشل البناء : تحويل الأخطاء إلى جسر للنجاح
    و خلص قبل كتابنا دا لانه فعلا كان مفيد و ممتع معا

    و كتاب

    I Will Teach You To Be Rich
    و اللى لسه مخلصسش بس واضح انه عملى و معاصر و مفيد و مكتوب بلغة شبابية لطيفة

    و كتاب

    The Laws of Money, the Lessons of Life: 5 Timeless Secrets to Get Out and Stay Out of Financial Trouble
    اللى مكتوب بروح حريمى بس برضه عملى وواقعى لحد ما و اللى قاربت على انهاؤه

    كلهم خلصوا او فى تقدم جيد لانهم فعلا ممتعين و مفيدين
    على عكس الهلك بتاع الحاج نابليون

    الكتاب القادم :
    I Will Teach You To Be Rich

  • J.

    This book is a very good book as well. It sets out to establish a philosophy not just merely for material success, but accomplishing goals both tangible and intangible. Its not some predominantly watered-downed hippy dippy sentimental, "you can do whatever you put your mind to" type of motivational book, although it has its moments. Rather this book elucidates on certain thoughts and actions; skills and virtues that ought to be and can be cultivated by anyone in order to succeed, thus making itself closer to the title of philosophy. Those who ought to read this book are numerous, but in the end the can be narrowed down to 3 People: (1) Those who find themselves looking to improve their life's situation, (2) Those whose lives up unto this moment are filled with hopeless failure, at the end of their rope, and (3) Those who want to help those who are at a low-point in their life.

  • Christopher Lewis Kozoriz

    The Master-Key to Riches consists entirely in the greatest power known to man, the power of thought! You may take full possession of the Master-Key by taking possession of your own mind, through the strictest of self-discipline. ~ Napoleon Hill, The Master Key to Riches

    As I stated in another review of Napoleon Hill's works, most of the wealthy, billionaires, millionaires all make reference or recommend Napoleon Hill's works. In fact it was Andrew Carnegie who commissioned Napoleon to take on the mission of bringing the laws of success to mankind. There are gold nuggests throughout this book, but all in all, Napoleon Hill shows us how our thoughts direct our lives like a rudder on a ship.

  • Paul Mamani

    This book in a nutshell is a must read for anybody wanted to improve their lives. Regardless of what area you want to improve, Napoleon Hill shows the Master-Key works. Napoleon Hill died in 1970 at 87 years old. Thus the research he did was way ahead of his time. He profiled Andrew Carnegie who created U.S. Steel and mentored Charles Schwab. Andrew Carnegie commissioned Napoleon Hill to profile successful people to see if there was a pattern. This book along with Think and Grow Rich is a combination of that research.

    Why is this important to me?

    If I was spending my precious time listening to this video then the first question I would ask is - Why is this important to me?

    This is important because Mr. Hill explains the 12 riches of life and how to achieve them. Are you where you want to be or do you need help defining true happiness? The study of the 12 riches and the Master-Key defined in this book will give you the blueprint for happiness.

    The 12 Riches of Life are: 1. Positive Mental Attitude, 2. Sound Physical Health, 3. Harmony in Human Relationships, 4. Freedom from Fears, 5. The Hope of Achievements, 6. The Capacity of Faith, 7. Willingness to Share One's Blessings, 8. A labor of Loves, 9. An Open Mind on All Subjects, 10, Self-discipline, 11. The capacity to Understand People, 12. Economic Security.

    All 12 riches are important but for the sake of time we will dig into three of them in this summary.

    1. Positive Mental Attitude - Mental attitude is important because it converts the brain into the equivalent of an electro-magnet which attracts the counterpart of one's dominating thoughts, aims and purposes. It also attracts the counterpart of one's fears, worries and doubts. This basically means that you will manifest in your life that which you focus on regardless if it is positive or negative.

    2. Sound Physical Health - This one is self-evident and should be number one. In my humble opinion, without health, you cannot create anything. Health is the ultimate gift because with it, everything else is possible. This can easily be taken for granted but once it is taken from you then life changes instantly. This needs to be a priority for everybody.

    3. The Capacity to Understand People: The person who truly understands people knows that we all come from the same core. The nine emotions common, according to the book are: love, sex, desire of material gain, self-preservation, freedom from body and mind, self-expression, desire for perpetuation of life and death, anger and fear. The capacity to understand others eliminates many of the common causes of friction among men.

    The Master-Key is a combination of 17 principles when used in combination will allow you to achieve the 12 Riches of Life.

    The Master-Key consists of:

    1) Habit of going the extra mile
    2) Definiteness of Purpose
    3) The Master mind
    4) Applied Faith
    5) Pleasing Personality
    6) Habit of learning from defeat
    7) Creative Vision
    8) Personal Initiative
    9) Accurate Thinking
    10) Self-Discipline
    11) Concentration of Endeavor
    12) Co-operation
    13) Enthusiasm
    14) The Habit of Health
    15) Budgeting Time and Money
    16) Golden Rule Applied 17) Cosmic habit force.

    For the sake of time we will profile three of the seventeen.

    1. Definiteness of Purpose - Highly successful people have a defined purpose. Mother Teresa dedicated her life in helping the poor of Calcutta and through her definite purpose became world renowned and helped millions of people.

    2. The Master Mind - is a group of people that have expertise that can be leveraged toward your defined purpose. Leveraging the combined OPE (Other People's expertise) gives a compound effect to the desired result.

    3. Habit going the Extra Mile - I like this one because the 12 Riches of Life can NOT be attained without hard, smart and right work. You have to do the thing to have the power!!!! Notice this is the HABIT of going the extra mile. Ingrain this in your mind and you will not be disappointed with the results.

    I hope you have found this short summary useful. The key to any new idea is to work it into your daily routine until it becomes habit.

    Habits form in as little as 21 days. I highly recommend you read this book and put the principles in place. To take one thing away from the summary and make it habit will be the "Habit of Going the Extra Mile". Put this front and center and it will help you in everything you do.

    According to Mr. Hill, Going the extra mile by doing more than one is paid for - "It is the strange influence which it has on the person who does it. The greatest benefit from this habit does not come to those to whom the service is rendered. It comes to the one who renders the service, in the form of a changed "mental attitude," which gives him more influence with other people, more self-reliance, greater initiative, more enthusiasm, more vision and definiteness of purpose. Do the thing and you shall have the power!!!!

  • Jason Wicky Ong

    This book is written by Napoleon Hill as opposed to the other one, 17 Principles for Key to Success, which is written by Napoleon Hill FOUNDATION.

    I think this book articulates his thoughts clearly and emphasize his more favourable principles with more 'airtime'. It also talks about the 17 Principles for Success.

  • Justice Mandhla

    Another classic book written in 1910 by Napoleon Hill. This book teaches a phylosophy of personal achievement in all areas of life; health, relationships, wealth,self-discipline, goal setting and more.
    A good read if you are into personal development phylosophy.

  • Paul Bard

    Self-discipline is the master key to riches.

    Most useful seems to be the "Creed for self-discipline" at the end.

  • Masood Akhtar

    Like all other books of Napoleon Hill, this one too is a great book and must read for anyone looking for Success and riches in life.

  • Eliomax

    Excellent. Excellent.

  • Laura Nicolae

    O carte de dezvoltare personală scrisă în 1910. Nu știu exact care au fost începuturile cărților de dezvoltare personală, dar probabil că aceasta se apropie de ele. Mi-a plăcut simplitatea în care au fost descrise principiile care ajută la crearea succesului în viață, deoarece cărțile mai moderne par să complice niște idei care sunt, la bază, simple și care mai toate seamănă între ele în cărțile de acest tip. Pe scurt, bogățiile unui om în via��ă și cheia sucesului, conform lui Napoleon Hill, sunt:

    1. O gândire pozitivă
    2. Obiceiul de a face întotdeauna un efort în plus și nu doar minimul necesar
    3. Definirea scopului pe care dorești să îl îndeplinești în viață
    4. Mintea călăuzitoare sau capacitatea de a fi deschis la ceilalți și de a învăța de la ei
    5. Practicarea credinței
    6. O personalitate plăcută
    7. Deprinderea de a învăța din eșec
    8. O viziune creatoare
    9. Inițiativă personală
    10. O gândire exactă sau o gândire clară, bazată pe rațiune
    11. Autodisciplina ca rezultat al unor obiceiuri stabilite și menținute cu grijă, la care se ajunge uneori după ani de efort
    12. Concentrarea efortului ca rezultat al voinței și autodisciplinei
    13. Cooperarea
    14. Entuziasmul
    15. Obiceiul de a te îngriji de sănătatea ta și de a fi sănătos prin dezvoltarea unor obiceiuri care să te mențină astfel
    16. Planificarea timpului și a banilor
    17. Forța obișnuinței sau aplicarea consecventă a celor de mai sus astfel încât ele să devină obișnuință.

    Dintre acestea, gândirea pozitivă și autodisciplina sunt subliniate ca fiind cele mai importante. Autodisciplina se aplică mai ales voinței, sentimentelor, rațiunii, imaginației, conștiinței și memoriei, pe care omul trebuie să le stăpânească pentru a nu fi stăpânit de ele și trebuie să le direcționeze în așa fel încât acestea să conlucreze armonios.

  • PG

    Another great guide on how to use your mind, but where TAGR focusses the supernatural-made-banal powers of thought this book stresses a healthy ego as the powerhouse of all willful and subconscious activities. I think this book balances the philosophy and helps make it practically understandable.

  • Boukman Bastia

    A brilliant book, it has too much value and stories to help us develop ourselves and our minds to our fullest potential. This is one of those books we have to come back to again and again throughout our lives. It is a living text.

  • McQueen

    Yes, repetition is the key to forming new habits, but I feel unnecessarily beaten about the head to the point where I'm wondering if MK-Ultra surreptitiously infiltrated my brain.

    Napoleon Hill is a God (I think MK-Ultra made me say that) and this book goes into more detail than Think and Grow Rich, but if you've read the latter then that's probably enough--your get the gist.

  • Tiffany

    A classic of the genre. It was interesting to see some of the origins of different philosophies but listening to this on audiobook became challenging toward the end. Plus some the 1965-era viewpoints and perspectives can be distracting if not offensive to some readers. I appreciated the book, definitely got value, but would not recommend the audiobook version.

  • Frank

    Zero stars. Hill tries to use overly complex sentence structure to add drama and verity to his argument. His arguments do not contain any profundity. I read this book because it was on my bookshelf for years and so many had reviewed it favourably that I thought I should read it.

    Lately, I have been VERY disappointed and shocked at the number of books I have read that turned out to be crap but were given great reviews. This book is one of them.

  • Jill Whelan

    This is a powerful book that will help you define your purpose in life. I would recommend it to anyone who is ready to think a little!

  • Doug

    Napoleon Hill's expansion on the key concepts that form the cornerstone of his philosophy from 'Think and Grow Rich.'

  • Kathy

    Good, but not as good as Think and Grow Rich.

  • Heather

    Excellent book giving guidance on how to be truly successful i.e., internally and externally. I believe Og Mandino was inspired by Napolean Hill when he wrote "The Greatest Miracle in the World".

  • Tim Cook

    wow. Life-changing!

  • Charles

    A short easy read!

  • Akandwanaho Dominic

    I still have the same opinion on Napoleon--- though the books are great.

  • Jimmy Ferneyhough


  • Oluchukwu

    I still live by with the words and inspiration from this book. One of my best

  • Gertilyn Elinor D’Argenzio

    This book is Napoleon Hill's masterpiece. He is the master of motivational thinking.