Title | : | Empire V (Ампир В) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 5699190856 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9785699190850 |
Language | : | Russian |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 416 |
Publication | : | First published November 2, 2006 |
Актуальный сюжет узнаваемой любовной линией между Рамой и Герой (Степой и Мюс, Петром и Анкой). И все это погружено в чисто пелевинский коктейль из кастанедовщины, теософии, буддизма и мухоморов. Возможно ли такое, вообще, подделать?
Empire V (Ампир В) Reviews
I'll start the review a little differently this time - just for the sake of novelty (I promise there's a serious review at the bottom :D)
So vampires are:
And for those of you who haven't seen Stargate SG-1 and thus aren't privy to the meme:
But more seriously.
This was my introduction to Pelevin. Now I know I am going to read more of his work. For those in my friends list who are strictly English speaking - I don't know if this has been published in English yet. Might be published, but could be hard to obtain. Either way, my advice is - wait till it is published / find it and read it! As for Lithuanians and Russians - well, you guys have zero excuses here. Just get to it already.
This book explores a different understanding of vampires than we are used to. So not to spoil it for you, I will not elaborate. But Pelevin talks a great deal about how society is built, and in a way, it reminds me of
The Story of B: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit, although that deals with it from an altogether different angle.
The two main characters - Rama and Hera (yes, all vampires are given god names here) are juxtaposed to represent complete naivete (Rama) and complete cynicism (or complete, intrinsic knowledge - Hera). The juxtaposition of these two allows to show the understanding of the world in the book's universe, a sort of philosophy veiled in fiction (a thing I have heard about Pelevin's works before). Pelevin challenges the very structure of society, the rot at its core. What is real freedom? If the ones who are 'free', who are on the top, still end up being pushed around, led by the hand? Is there such a thing as freedom then?
And the funny thing about it is, although the book depicts the world in a nihilistic, painful, although accurate and valid way, somehow, around and through and over it all, it manages to reach the meaning of life through the other side - through cynicism and lack of thereof, through nothingness. What I find quite interesting is that Pelevin managed to come to almost the same description of it as many spiritual literature works (especially of the oriental kind), but using a completely different path.
My own take is that the author tries to show a contrast of the meaning of life and how we try to reach it in broken, completely messed up ways. It's not that he preaches - he doesn't at all, but somehow it comes across as the contrasting of these two things. But that's only my take. It's written quite freely and you can take from it what you want. And I'd be curious about what some friends of mine would bring back from it. -
I'm going to guess this book is next to impossible to translate from Russian to almost any language due to references, play on words, and cultural context. But man, THAT's a take on vampires and the 1% I won't forget ))
U odnosu na prethodno pročitane romane,dosta pitkije i koherentni je.Pomirite se sa tim da je Peljevinov stil takav kakav jeste,i uživaćete u njegovom intelektualnom bildovanju.
Странная книга... Ценю Пелевина, но эта - не пошла :(
Написана занудно :(
С философией перебор (да-да, даже для Пелевина перебор ;)). Причем про существование-несуществование уже было; про неовавилонскую космологию Олегыч также повторяется; а вот про гламур и дискурс можно бы и поподробнее.
Вампирическая "бытовая" линия подана как-то чересчур физиологично. Мне вот лично как-то всё время хотелось обтереть подошву ботинка...
Книга злая. Понятно, что Олегыч - король тонкого и циничного стёба над НАШЕЙ "реальностью". Но в этой книге тонкости как раз маловато :( А злобности и цинизма много...
"Социалка" про правящую элиту ("халдеев", прислуживающих вампирам) также или вторична (было ярко в "Generation П"), или с каким-то публицистическим оттенком :( Как-то даже не по-пелевински :(
Собственно, резюме... Книга = готик-пародия + нуар + схоластический трактат + миф + просто страшная сказка про любовь))) + передовица в оппозиционной газете.
...и да - местами улыбнуло! Метко-циничными N-смысленно-смешными попаданиями и в моё понимание мира... -
Практичното ръководство "Как се става вампир", което няма да ви остави до последната страница.
Цялото ревю тук:
Интелигентно изградената книга, която ни поднася Виктор Пелевин, ни запознава с един различен от познатия свят. Дали всичко е черно и бяло, дали човешкото население знае за своята цел в света, има ли Бог и какъв е той?
В "Empire V" ще разберете през какво преминава един вампир, за да е пълноправен член на вампирското господстващо общество, а също така доста факти около вампирската митология (да, има я!).
Книгата ми хареса, защото е стилистично изчистена, с нотки на ирония и сарказъм свързани с политическия и социален живот в Русия. Виктор Пелевин създава наръчника-книга, след който няма да сте същите. -
Хм, доста интригуваща първа среща с Пелевин и малко не му достигна на романа да отнесе петте звездички. Имаше едни леко претенциозно увъртени "лирични отклонения" в диалозите между наставниците и главния герой Рама II, докато го запознаваха със света им, дето ми досадиха, но постепенно се оправиха нещата. А авторът е яко чалнат, в хубавия смисъл на понятието, ерудит и наистина дава оригинален принос към "вампирската митология". След известна пауза, няма как - трябва си почивка от такава проза - подпуквам продължението "Батман Аполо".
Пи Ес: EMPIRE V всъщност означавало "Петата империя" - световен режим на анонимната диктатура, наричан така, за да не го бъркат с Третия райх на нацизма и Четвъртия Рим на глобализма... найс, а ;) -
If you love propaganda, two-dimensional characters, plot holes, stiff dialogues, and ambiguous endings this book is right up your alley.
About ninety percent of the book Pelevin spends straight-up lecturing his readers. When I say lecturing, I mean it literally. Throughout the whole novel the main character, Rama, either a) sits in the classroom with a professor, b) does vampiery things with his fellow vampires, c) hangs out with his girlfriend-to-be. All of these characters have the same style of dialogue, the same demeanor and all of them lecture Rama on the history of vampires, their philosophy, and purpose. Most of the dialogues have no purpose whatsoever. Considering that Empire V is over 400 pages, it’s exhausting to remember all the fictional vampire theories only to find out that they play no role in the storyline.
From my understanding, this book attempts to portray Russia around the year 2000. I saw no depth in Pelevin's mockery of society: he merely follows overused and annoying CONSUMERISM = BAD and CAPITALISM = EVIL tropes.
Upon wading through the word debris, Empire V can be perceived as a meditation on existence, theology, fashion influence, advertising, politics, art, literature, and the nature of money. Although these are always interesting topics for contemplation, the tone in which they were presented is dull and never changes throughout the novel.
Perhaps the most annoying aspect of Empire V is that all vampires are like-minded. It’s uncanny. All of them, even the main character, follow the same philosophy, have the same values, goals, desires, and even jokes. They all nurture Pelevin’s ideas without ever challenging them. The book has only one conflict, and even that, is just a romance-driven one. I felt brainwashed.
In my opinion, Pelevin neglected the world-building and made minimal effort to help readers absorb the material. The book is structured like a gigantic, incoherent university lecture given by a professor in the midst of an existential crisis. Ultimately, the Empire V theories seem to come down to a version of phenomenalism, which is hardly revolutionary.
TLDR. This book is pretentious and overly complicated.. Read Carlos Castaneda if you want to get the same philosophy but in a more concise and logical format. -
I'll be the first to admit that taking a break from a book is never a good sign, I have been putting this off for a few weeks but the dreaded week to go before the library breaks down my door, finally came into play. This book has a lot of mythology building which I liked and found it to be fascinating when it explored the vampire lore. The characters were the biggest problem I found and with all the interesting concepts e.g. the tongue, I found the pacing lacking when it should of been engrossing. The tone was super dull and never really changed for the duration, you are always stuck in the learning part and when the red ceremony came about I found that I had drifted a little and missed a certain chunk.
The book probably deserves a 3.5 but definitely not a 4 so that is why I have it in the average section of my review. I don't know if I'll read the next book when it is translated to English as I'll move along to something different soon enough. Victor Pelevin may have a core audience that devours this constant tone of melodrama but I found myself wanting more, some of the most interesting characters are the supports and I didn't get much from them. The ending was decent and gave the characters an arc that would be of interest to me for that second novel but I won't be rushing out for it.
Literature is an interesting thing and if you don't click with the book it's hard to invest. I don't review less then three because of that fact, just because I missed it doesn't mean it's lacking. I'm definitely on the fence with this review. -
There are so many inventive ideas on show here, but this is not a novel. It is character after character interrogating or being interrogated by one another, as two neophyte vampires gain instruction into the vampire life and by extension the humans which vampires feed and the nature of god and existence itself.
It's just Pelevin lecturing us, (fascinating as these ideas are) and as such was a real trial to get through.
So interesting meditations on existence, theology, matter, illusion and withering attacks on fashion, advertising, politics, the Davos elite, literature and particularly the nature of money. I credit this is Pelevin not world building as such, but structuring a philosophical argument in line with Buddhist beliefs on existence and its illusory nature in order to attain true enlightenment, which he has thrown into this, a literary form of expression. It's Pelevin talking to himself, with the schizoid split of Pelevin the writer/artist and Pelevin the follower of Buddhist belief. This reads like Pelevin trying to unpick the abstruse for himself, rather than for us his readers, because he has made minimal effort to work the material for readers to absorb since this is not structured as a novel with a narrative. Ultimately, the theories seem to come down to a version of phenomenalism, hardly revolutionary. -
Продолжение все того же сериализованного романа о нынешнем и здешнем Растиньяке, который меняет одну народную этимологию на другую и овладевает миром, манипулируя системами символов, т.е. совершая магический акт. Вселенная та же, но сатира как-то не очень уже вычленяется, потому что все опять документальная правда, поданная с хорошим здоровым цинизмом.
Из непонятного. Фильм "Дюна" почему-то назван английским. Кровь у него течет в жилах. Гл-гер для бессмысленного производного советской диссиды слишком умный на входе, а мы знаем, что таких не бывает, так что в этом неправда. Например, он знает, что такое ГРУ, но не знает, что такое жмых. Поэтому автор порой его оглупляет, что выглядит очень неубедительно.
Недоделки: Глупые тавтологии - "возвращения назад", "кивки" и "отрицательные мотания головой". Плохой канцелярит, вроде "ссор личного характера". Кальки с английского, вроде "робы" не в значении "рабочая одежда". Примечания, оставленные для верстальщика.
Зато! Он правильно пишет фамилию Тома Соера. -
As always, Pelevin amazes and tickles those synapses you had no idea you even had. an incredibly innovative and captivating vampire story where nothing is about vampires and everything is. Off I go to Batman Apollo :)
Maybe the experience could be in just one word: mindblowing :)
The only modern vampire novel you need.
"Eleventh hour Aryan coupling appeared a somewhat melancholy pursuit, attributable perhaps to vitamin deficiency."
Following green arrows into a building, young Muscovite Roman becomes a vampire-god, Rama the Second. The ensuing novel is about his tutelage in vampiric philosophy and ways of life. Rama learns of the boon of the "red liquid" (it is offensive to call it "blood"), the true nature of our entire world, controlled as it is by the titular tyranny of abstracted parasites, and Rama gets some Tolstoyan insights along the way, plus some death candy and crotch-kicks.
Like all of Pelevin's works this is an uproarious riff on pretty much everything upon which modern society and culture lies. Also like all of Pelevin's work it is thoughtful, witful, and very beautiful at times. Upending the lore of the vampire entirely, V goes one better and tries to put something awful and yet lovely in its place, paranoid, conspiratorial, and funnier than your pants. -
https://pics.me.me/billy-ray-cyrus-bi... -
Ко каже да вампири не постоје, да нису међу нама? Писац у књизи прати младића и девојку који, некако у исто време постају вампири, а до краја књиге већ заузимају високо место на лествици вампира у највећој и веома мрачној вампирској експозитури на свету, у: Русији!
A great read! Endlessly charming, at times confusing Pelevin takes on all the basic social constructs and rips them apart so we can see their bowels. Consumerism, capitalism, philosophy, fashion - you name it - as we read the novel it's all demasked and served (or so it should be) on a golden platter for a young, freshly-became vampire. At times confusing narrative inside the story comes as a result of Pelevin's wish to engage with and explain the core of mind and reality itself - a concept so huge that a simple mind like mine could not hope to grasp it - yet he surpasses the hurdles with a gleaming success.
Я всегда всё читаю от Пелвина, ВСЁ! Не читал только
Бэтман Аполло, потому что если прочитаю еще что-то в духе
Empire V, я перестану уважать любимого автора :( Даже
S. N. U. F. F. не так плох :) -
Забавные мысли и рассуждения главного героя помогли мне разобраться в личных отношениях… Прочитать данное произведение не вредно как минимум. Плюс к тому же читать Пелевина мне просто нравится :-)
Славная и глубокая сатира на Россию эпохи свободного рынка. Задним умом видятся предсказания нынешней войны. Но может быть просто показалось.
Really interesting world and story, but shy complicate it with SO MUCH philosophy
Not just one more vampire story - but completely different from others.
Of cource this wasn't a vampire story but a portrayal of Russia around year 2000. Quite critical (and satirical) I would say.
Following the footsteps of Mihail Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" which in my opinion is definitely better (one of the best novels I've ever read). Naturally Bulgakov's novel was also very daring when published in the totalitarian Soviet Union. Pelevin should be more safe with his satire and will not be facing an evident threat to be sent to a kulag for rehabilitation. But who can say when it comes to Russia nowadays...
Clearly one should be a Russian living in Russia to get the most out of this novel and to understand all the hints. The references to people and organisations were partly strange and unknown to me - and obviously there was a real life counterpart for most of the characters. The Finnish translator had made a good contribution by adding some information as an appendix at the end of the book. It was helpful, informative and clarified a lot. Not just trivia as she too modestly described it.
I have earlier read "Amon Ra" from Pelevin. It was also satirical story about Russian Space program. As far as I remember, it was funnier and less difficult and demanding to comprehend.
Both are definitely worth reading.
Viides maailmanvalta (Empire V)
Tammi 2009 -
Виктор Пелевин е много добър и свеж съвременен автор. Останалите две книги, които съм му чел досега, са прекрасни и подходих към тази със същата нагласа за висока интелектуална и душевна наслада. Уви, никак не ми се получи. Дебел том с интересна и много потентна фабула, която обаче е развита банално и крайно ненужно обяснително. Разказът е пълен с излишни паразитни фрази и всичко се върти около две базисни понятия, обяснени по хиляда начина. В същността си това е книга, която се опитва да намери и обясни Бог. Разточително. По начин, достъпен за масовия човек, без да навлиза в профанизации и масова реторика. Превръщайки Човеко-Бога на нашето съвремие в обикновен човек, който доброволно слиза от трона си и заема позицията на нищожна твар, в опит да обясни себе си. Благородно намерение, мистър Пелевин, но безкрайно сложно и почти сигурно водещо и писател, и читател до попадане в капана на собствените ни човешки ограничения. Както и тук се е получило.
История о том, как 19-летний Рома Шторкин не��жиданно становится эм… вампиром. Теперь его зовут Рама второй. У него появляются учителя, которые прочтут «курс настоящего вампира». Расскажут об устройстве мира, собственных науках и чем же на самом деле питаются вампиры. Про роль людей в кровососном быту и причины, по которым не стоит кусать девушку, если планируешь заняться с ней любовью. Как не фанат вампирской тематики, скажу, что книга очень понравилась. Интересная и продуманная до деталей аллегория на всю человеческую жизнь. На последней главе я даже прослезилась, ух.
The concept of our lives in modern society. I am almost worshiping it. It explains why we distinguish different Mercedeses from each other, what is glamor, what is discourse, what is god. I cane track the influence of Carlos Castaneda's works applied to reality of our every day life.
I have read it in Russian. -
Наскоро прочетох и "Батман Аполо" и някак ми се струва, че предпочитам ранните неща на Пелевин. Имам усещането, че той все повече забравя, че има някаква история, която да се разкаже и "обяснява" света. Това също може да бъде забавно, но ми се струва, че прекалява.
Но не съм му чел най-новите книги. Може и да е различно. Въпреки че се съмнявам. -
This started well “Roman, you are a vampire” but then descends into waffle and philosophy, is it a satire on capitalism or religion, I am really not sure but it just didn’t work for me. It’s like Harry went to Hogwarts and instead of teaching him magic they taught him theology and economics, then gave him drugs and then made him write poetry, this makes about that much sense.