Red Room by Ash Ericmore

Red Room
Title : Red Room
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 235
Publication : Published May 1, 2023

Organisation is key.

The building needs scouting. Web rooms need creating. Then you need to bait the meat. Take it from on the street without being seen. Get to the shoot. Set the scene.

Bring in the talent.

Then you can open the room. Let the clients browse. Turn them on. Take their money. Make a profit.

There’s more to running a Red Room than most people think.

Raymond and Gel run the room, Vic’s got nothing going for him. Bree is damaged and Mike’s a bastard. Luca’s a dealer and Liam’s a rapist.

Who’s the client, and who’s the meat?

Red An extreme horror novel
Consider this a trigger warning for just about everything.

Red Room Reviews

  • Mort

    Full review available at The Mort Report:

    So here’s the thing nobody likes to discuss – and this statement may stir some controversy – but serial killers have problems too.

    Now, I am not saying that you should feel sorry for them when they get constipated (not in this story, relax), but there are some real world problems that few people think about.

    Not being able to sleep enough, for example. Can you imagine how hard it is to maintain a normal life and having to do your killings after hours? You’re grumpy too if you don’t get enough sleep.
    But this is not in this story, either – this opening is just to get the juices flowing, so you will not shut this down as just people killing other people live on the dark web for money.

    This story has more than that.

    Because as cold and heartless as Raymond and Gel is – and believe me, this is an extreme story packed full of triggers – they also have problems they have to deal with. And then something happens that nobody saw coming…

    Well, if you know one thing about my reviews it is that I refuse to give anything away that might surprise the reader – and the author truly did something that I did not see coming, and I loved it!

    Extreme and Splatterpunk fans – highly recommend this trip into depravity and only Ash can tell it.

    5 STARS!

  • Peter Topside

    A very nasty outing with Ash Ericmore. But the gore, sexual deviance, and overall premise was solid. There wasn’t necessarily a chosen lead character, but Bree seemed to get the most air time. And the way the author weaved multiple people together here was well done. Now there were some glaring omissions here, most of which seemed to be left out in place of the kidnap/torture/kill routine, which was very predominant. I wanted a ton more from Bree, as she came from a very ugly set of circumstances before linking up with Raymond and Gel. But she seemed to just assimilate to becoming a serial killer and sadist seamlessly. Having some additional moments of hesitation and inner monologue could have resolved a lot of this, giving her much needed depth, establishing her as the main character. The same applied to Luca, Ray, and Gel. All were interesting characters, but they suffered from little to no development. If the victim count was maybe a few less, and more attention paid to each character, this would have been a better experience. However it was still a decent outing with Ash Ericmore.

  • KillerBunny

    I'm very sorry for this review, because I love Ash Ericmore with all my heart but it didn't work for me.

    I thought It was soft...?
    The interesting bits are well after the middle of the book and the torture is almost exactly the same for everyone. Some scenes I felt were skipped, like you never read about Mike reading the breakup letter, you just learn he did by someone else. You don't really know if he was angry or not ?

    The 2 MC, Gel and Red are not very likeable but I don't hate them either. It's like they're very one dimensional and you don't get much information on them.

    I didn't click with any of the characters.

    3.5 Stars

  • MadameD

    I always have a good time reading Ash Ericmore’s books!
    Red Room doesn’t make an exception. I liked it!
    I recommend it, if you want to chill while reading about people making bad decisions, and who end up tortured to death, as a result. Maybe, there have been a few, maybe a lot, innocent victims. It’s an Ash Ericmore’s story after all. 😈

  • Corrina Morse

    Every book I read by Ash becomes my new favourite, this is absolutely no exception!!

    Mike leads a solitary existence, and he is also working from home which doesn't help matters, a call center job, very regimented and every move observed from on high. Hence his personal laptop for when things get boring. Placed nearby so he can browse during quiet periods, or when waiting on meetings, it's on one of these such occasions that he accidentally stumbles across the dark web, and inevitably, Red Rooms! But that's all fake anyway, right? And he's determined to prove just how fake it is….but can he really afford to get caught up in it all? And just what is awaiting him if he does? What happens when he wants more and more, when things get all too personal? He really has no idea what he has let himself in for, and I enjoyed watching him find out the hard way!!

    Bree, is Mike's girlfriend, for now, and her boss Liam, vile little man that he is, wants her to make more of an effort at work, but in what way exactly? How the hell does she find herself in the position she ends up in? Between her boss and Mike, she has a sudden urge to take out her anger and frustrations in messy, painful revenge! And she is going to make damn sure she gets her money's worth! It empowers her, has she found her new vocation in life?

    Gel and Raymond are quite a unique couple, and they run quite a unique business too, they specialise in 'online auctions for the more refined tastes'. Gel has a bit of a drug habit and Raymond is desperate to pay off her debts and get her dealer off their backs, and he's willing to increase the risks hugely, in order to achieve that!

    Vic is a shy, lonely guy, using a dating app to get some female company. But when he finally meets a girl, he will sincerely wish he hadn't….

    The way all of their lives, and others, intertwine is awesome, with lots of twists and turns to get them there, building the tension and intrigue constantly! What happens when they get a taste for things and want more? What lengths will they go to?

    Once you start something like this and there are debts to pay and scores to be settled, vengeance to be served and sick curiosity and perverse pleasure abound, you just have to keep on going, there's no turning back, things are inevitably going to get harder, bigger and so much bloodier and more brutal! There was a lot of leg crossing and wincing out loud being done whilst reading this story!

    My anticipation and excitement were through the roof for the last quarter of this book, I couldn't wait to see the outcome and I wasn't disappointed! An extremely, extremely satisfying revenge story!! A full-on, non-stop, bloody romp that will have you cringing and crossing your legs while turning those pages so fast, your fingers will feel like they are on fire, or have been cut off at the tips!!! It's also steamy, very steamy!! Which is a bonus! 🥵😁

    Oh, and don't play with your meat….or do!! 😉

  • Sea Caummisar

    It took me a few chapters to get into this story. For whatever reason, I just wasn't really feeling it. Probably my mood. But then something happened and grabbed my attention. From then on, I was hooked....

  • Nat Whiston

    Ash comes back swinging with another dark and twisted take from his mind. As he takes the reader down the rabbit hole, we explore with Mike and the other characters the sinister dark web. As always we have a setup of interesting characters all in varying stages of their stories. So Mike works from home, as a call centre agent for technical support. Been there Mike, would not recommend it as he finds out what I did all you are is a number and stats are all that matter. So, that is when we move into his fascination with proving the shows on the dark web are made up. Bad move buddy, especially when his girlfriend seems to be dealing with her shit.
    I mean fucking hell even though Ash wrote it in such a way you knew what the evil little troll was getting at. Chapter 8 was still very hard going with what poor Bree ended up going through. Then you have Gel and Raymond, a couple that takes you behind the scenes. Of how they make their living, by streaming through the dark web. Bring a whole other story intertwined with this one, because you have Mike trying to disprove the things that go on these sites. Then you have these pairs actively taking you through their process step by step.
    But it seems even dark web killers have their issues, as Gel's nasty drug habit seems to have dragged them into a lot of debt. But to be honest, if I was killing random girls I catfished on live stream I would probably be mentally screwed up too. So the story then takes us to Vic who is the very definition of wrong place, wrong time but I love how the stories all merge. It's insane how well-constructed and put-together the layout is so that everything interlocks perfectly. To be honest, as you may have guessed my interest was firmly sat with Bree as I was desperate to know what her next move was. As the pace of the story increased and the atmosphere intensified I knew it would not be long before I found out in true Ericmore style. I won't lie I had a sadistic little chuckle at the references being dropped to an old Grindhouse movie I watched. Oh it just got better and better after the twist kicked in and Bree turns into one hell of vengeful badass. Making her my new favourite Ash Character, blood, guts and gore in this epic nearly 200 page book.

  • Rachel

    *I’m not going to give you the ‘what this book is about’ blurb – you can read that elsewhere.

    1. If you’ve been around for a while, you know that I am an Ash Ericmore fangirl. I can’t read quickly enough to keep up with everything he puts out, but man, I try. Ash’s vast catalog is heavily focused on novellas/shorts, but every now and then, he graces us with a novel, and it’s a good freaking day. I’ve said it before, and I’m saying it again: while his novellas/shorts are great, there is something truly special about his novels. They’re a whole different side of Ash; there’s a depth to them that never ceases to impress me.
    2. Ash’s novels have this weird way of getting you into an extremely messed up situation that you’d NEVER ever ever be in in real life (hopefully), but you’re there, and it makes 100% sense how you got there. It’s like he takes you down the sewer grate slowly while feeding you chocolate and letting you snuggle puppies, and then BAM you’re in literal hell, and you’re looking around like ‘WTF’. Where you are makes no sense, but the journey there oddly does. I love it because it forces me to think about things in a different way, and that lingers with me; I’m always thinking about Ash’s novels for weeks after I read them!
    3. This book is truly brutal, and there’s a fantastic twist somewhere in there – keeping it vague so I don’t ruin anything, but if you like a twist, this has it.

  • Eve L. Fell

    Red Room was everything I thought it would be!

    Mike and Bree have a somewhat boring relationship. Mike acts like your typical bachelor. Dirty apartment and a dirty butt. Bree is done with her POS boss and quits her job and also decides to break up with Mike. This is where madness erupts between them.

    Gel and Raymond are an interesting couple with an even more interesting “job” they do together. Raymond is the IT expert and Gel is the muscle and the star of the show. They start losing customers and that means they’re losing money. They try to think of something to liven up the show. But they may come upon the money maker without even realizing it.

    Red Room is full of gore and brutality as you would think it would hints the name of the book. If you don’t like gore, rape or murder this book not for you!

  • heather

    The characters in this book and how they all end up intertwined is just perfect. Some of them have obvious fates and others you don't see the twists coming.
    A real page turner all the way through, wanting to see how it worked out for the couple who run this dark business on the dark web. Getting mixed up in a world of red rooms and drug dealers was never going to be an easy ride but it certainly was a fun one.

  • Ashley Hana

    That. Was. Fucking. AMAZING.
    If you love snuff, this is the one for you!
    The overall book was fantastic, but towards the end it had me QUACKING.

  • August Rain Vaughn

    Ash-tronimocally EPICmore!! This was my first time reading a full-length novel by Ericmore and I am here to tell you, this man can write the longer plots just as well as his usual novellas! Never a dull moment as Ash gets you to invest in his characters between scenes of gore!

    Gel and Raymond are the dark web’s new Bonnie and Clyde and they’ll have you cheering on the outlaws as they set up and break down each Red Room set and make their brand of meat cutting into a seductive (and lucrative) art! Wanna watch an SS pinup girl take bids on eyes, teeth, and fingers? Yes! Yes, you do! Get your bitcoin wallets out, folks! The show’s about to start!!

    The way all the characters’ stories were interconnected was very cinematic and compelling and kept me on the edge of my seat through the whole book! You’re invested in their day-to-day lives and personal conflicts already, so the element of dramatic irony plays up the suspense! You—the reader—met all these people, so then it’s just a matter of who “meats” what fate.

    5/5 well tenderized slabs of meat


    🩸🪓 🦷 👁 🔥

  • Jamie

    This was so-so for me from an author that I usually truly enjoy. But most of his books I enjoy

  • grnbaypakrgirl

    I loved this book

    I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I hope there's a sequel coming in the future. I would love to know what happened next.

  • Julie Hiner

    Woah! What the flying fuck just happened???

    This was my first Ericmore book. I might be addicted.

    I bought the print as the cover grabbed me by the gut. The story definitely lived up to my initial reaction.

    The writing style is different, unique, fast-paced, and even choppy at times. It's perfect for the story as it only heightens the tempo and the tension.

    The Red Room is violent, gory, sexy, and addictive. Ashmore does a brilliant job at bringing the experience vividly to life for the reader.

    Despite their horrific acts, I was rooting for the main characters. They are believable and written with depth and complexity.

    I was surprised and satisfied with the twists and turns.

    Not was I usually pick up; but I will be reading more by this author!

  • Sharon Leung


    This was certainly an enjoyable experience, you got to enjoy people working in couples as they struggle with different problems, how they sacrifice for each other and learn to trust. All that and filled! With blood and torture. There are a few twists in the story that capture your attention and pull you in deeper into the world of gel and ray. You don't know what to expect as you delve further into the story. A fascinating storyline as always from this author. Definitely recommend.

  • Frankie Yates

    Honestly, I went into this with 0 expectation and I absolutely loved it. I loved the characters and I love reading about badass women who have been wronged by men getting brutal revenge. Fantastic book, Ash Ericmore is quickly becoming a favourite.

  • Sarah Palmer

    well well well

    I found a new favourite author and it’s all that’s to the red room. It’s disgusting degrading and it just oozes with sex violence and a final showing of sheer glorious………hot action. Read this and just wonder if that tinder match is all it seems.

  • Michael J.

    Good for the... Entertainment

    Don't fool yourself, it isn't scary horror. Yes, it's extreme and yes, it's splatter. But I ended up rooting for the people I didn't expect and the ending was everything I hoped it would be. If you're entertained by gore, you'll love this book.

  • tyoung2058

    Quick read of a couple that advertise killings live streaming online.

  • Michelle

    Oh the places you'll go

    The twists were awesome. Don't read it off you can't stomach it. Ericmore is an incredible writer, giving suspense and plot to ultra violence. Nice