Title | : | The Sexual Revolution: Toward a Self-governing Character Structure |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0374502684 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780374502683 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 312 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1936 |
"What we are living through," Reich stated, "is a genuine, deep-reaching revolution of cultural living [which] goes to the roots of our emotional, social and economic existence. ... The senses of the animal, man, for his natural life functions are awakening from a sleep of thousands of years."
The Sexual Revolution was first published in English in 1945. This revised fourth edition includes Reich's prefaces as well as all the other material that appeared in earlier editions.
The Sexual Revolution: Toward a Self-governing Character Structure Reviews
If possible read the first German edition of 1936. The American edition published in the early 40's bleached out the Marxist component of the book.
Първата [документирана] сексуална революция, както се оказа, е … съветската от 1917 г!
Но хайде отначало. Нямах представа кой е Вилхелм Райх. Просто в книжарницата беше пряк съсед по корица на Фройд, Юнг, Фром и Мей. В добра компания, така да се каже. И ето ме на плажа в компанията на хер Райх. За малко да се откажа, когато в края на биографичната му справка се видя, че е починал през 1957 г. … в затвора в САЩ. А според повиканата на помощ Уикипедия сам си е признал, че лично е застрелял двама … извънземни. Не, не затова е лежал в затвора, макар че по времето на маккартизма това никак не би ме учудило. Не, хер Райх в края на живота си, по мое скромно мнение … откача. И се занимава с куп щуротии от сорта на строеж на огромен акумулатор … за оргонна енергия. Има и книга по въпроса, която не смятам да купувам. И да, тази енергия е в пряка връзка със сексуалната революция.
Ако някой дотук вече е отписал Райх като куку, е в дълбока грешка. Тази рожба на сецесиона и Австроунгарската империя е един от известните в началото на века виенски психиатри и консултанти по сексуалните въпроси. Убеден фройдист и едновременно с това убеден комунист, докато с гръм и трясък не скъсва и с двете. Но си остава яростен враг на нацизма.
На фона на нашата съвременност книгата все още има доста какво да предложи.
На първи място е интригуващ документ за нравите и правилата в интимната сфера от 20-те години на ХХ век в немскоезична Европа. Общо взето - ужас и безумие за жените, за бедните класи и за хората, които си търсят интимен партньор просто за удоволствие, а не за санкционирано от църквата възпроизводство, редувано с аскетизъм преди и след възпроизводствения етап.
Типът семейство, емблематичен за тази епоха, Райх дефинира като “авторитарен”. И с много просто и нагледни думи обяснява как неправилното възпитание на децата от най-ранна възраст за естествените неща от живота, включително касаещите собственото им тяло, незаличимо набива в главите им почти нелечими в бъдеще неврози, или - още по-зле - патологии, перверзии и ексцесии.
Веднъж пораснало и вече програмирано, такова дете е един страшно невеж, страшно нещастен и страшно зловреден възрастен. Липсата на истинска интимна реализация води до различни неудовлетворености във всяка друга сфера на живота. Просто част от обществените и църковни норми напълно отричат, че човекът има и тяло, и си е природно същество. И не само го отричат, но се опитват грубо да обърнат процеса в обратната посока, което завинаги праща на боклука менталното здраве на мнозина.
Райх в никакъв случай не е застъпник на анархията, където всичко е позволено. Напротив - той е застъпник на общество, в което единият партньор не е напълно икономически зависим от другия, където принудителните бракове са отживелица, където разводът и контрацептивите са нормална опция, както и правото на аборт. Където и двамата партньори имат контрол над самите себе си, а не единият да притежава другия в качеството му на възпроизводствен ресурс.
Такива възгледи са яростно отричани дори през 60-те, какво остава за 20-те, където едно от цитираните светила по сексология за него време проповядва, че е опасно за здравето по биологични причини да се прави секс преди 24-тата година… Райх е изумително земен, непретенциозен, остроумен и точен. Райх е естествен. Но в обществото на естествениците и днес се гледа доста накриво, а какво да кажем за неговото време - объркал е епохата…
Една от точките, по които категорично не съм съгласна с Райх, е убеждението му, че малките деца имат сексуалност. Малките деца имат огромен запас от любопитство към целия свят и към самите себе си. Но това е тяхното опознаване на устройството на света. Според мен то няма нищо общо с каквито и да е сексуални инстинкти, които се появяват и проявяват чак с пубертета.
Другата по-скучна част беше за несъстоялата се сексуална реформа в СССР в периода 1917 - 1934 г. В началото семейното законодателство в СССР наистина е силно прогресивно. Отпадат правото на родителите да вкарват децата си в затвора за неподчинение (дословна извадка от действалия царския кодекс), отпада криминализирането на изневярата, навлиза гражданският брак. Това не пожънва особени плодове предвид върлуващата гражданска война и глада. И през 1934 г. комунистите дават заден ход, затягайки свирепо гайките на семейните закони обратно към яростен авторитаризъм, което безкрайно ядосва Райх. Паралелът със сегашната ситуация в Путинова Русия е зловещо точен.
Интересно пътуване в психологията и историята се оказа таи книга, така че чистосърдечно ми хареса. Без идеи като изложените там, животът за мнозина би бил зловещо място, диктувано от религиозен фундаментализъм и неумолимо реакционерство - каквото е Саудитска Арабия, а Русия, Турция и САЩ щастливо крачат натам, както и някои родни…консерватори с фашистки уклон.
3,5⭐️ -
Wilhelm Reich is one author who actually mostly conforms to the stereotype used to represent him: he clearly did want a social form in which sexual gratification was unleashed on a wide scale without shame or negativity, or, in other words, widespread orgiastic fucking. Obviously, his ideas have plenty of complicating folds and digressions, but this basic image is an accurate one.
The first half of the book is a skewering of sexual morality, which Reich viewed as the ideological underpinning and governmental logic of the patriarchal family, for him the basic social unit of authoritarian political forms. This kind of critique was strongest when Reich sussed out internal contradictions of sexuality as it appears in the works of the sexual moralists. The primary contradiction was that the vital force that supposedly binds two partners in marriage (sexual and romantic interest) are immediately denied, negated, and controlled after the marriage is made. So, for Reich, a force that binds people in marriage is also a force that threatens it from within.
Some of this reads like modern sex-positive self-help theory (he even uses the term "sex affirmative"), but what separates Reich from this crowd is his communist economic and political principles: for him, the sex negative family structure is the basic economic unit of capitalism and the basic political unit of authoritarianism and fascism. In Reich's discussion of the sexual double standard (men are seen as wildly sexual and forgiven for extra-marital affairs, etc while women are seen as sexually frigid and castigated for the same), he rightly points out that many individual sexualities are in large part determined or at least severely limited by economic matters. So, in this case, women were forced into dependencies within the family and more severely punished for stepping outside these limitations than men.
Some of Reich's ideas are just commonplace now, and it's interesting to note that he saw the trend of a progression loosening of sexual morals even in his time, and saw this as an absolute good. He predicted early on that lots of his ideas would become the norm in the future, or at least more normal. Others however are still contentious. Reich's ideas for women's sexuality (his term; these issues are not just about "women's" sexuality) are progressive even by today's standards: he wanted full access to abortion and contraceptives, comprehensive sex-positive education for all ages, and social structures to support sexual exploration for all interested individuals. These are (especially the last, which is certainly more utopian) still battles in the US at least.
The second section is an exploration of changes in laws, practices, and attitudes in the early days of the Russian Revolution and the eventual decline into reactionary forms like the family. I thought this section would be a mere supplement to the first, but it stands on its own as an original and interesting historical exploration.
His views on homosexuality were somewhat puzzling. To be clear: he believed that any inhibition of homosexuality or any other non-normative sexuality was wrong and strongly opposed any practical or ideological prevention measures. He does however make a strange distinction between true homosexuality and "emergency homosexuality," which he claims is practiced by sexually active people whose desires are frustrated by sex-negative practices. He has no issue per se with either but claims that the latter will decrease the absolute number of gay people when they have access to a heterosexual partner. I think history has proven him very wrong: many people were more likely "emergency heterosexuals" who were hiding their gayness. Nevertheless, I would have chosen Reich as an analyst over Freud any day of the week if I wanted to talk about being queer. -
Kitaba "duygusal zırhlanma" kitabının yazarının "cinsel devrim" i okuduktan sonra Reich'le çalışmak için çabaladığını söylemesi ve tek sağaltım öğrencisi olduğunu öğrenmemle başladım. Kitap uzun süredir rafımdaydı, bir dönem ciddi payel indirimi yakalamışken almıştım. Buraya kadar her şey normal. Okumaya başladığımda kafa ürünü gibi garip bir kavramla karşılaştım. Metin ilerledikçe çözerim umuduyla devam ettim, fakat Bertan Onaran maalesef kendince farklı tanımlamalar ekleyerek asla anlamını araştırma ile bulamayacağım bir çeviri uğraşına girişmiş. Onca kuramsal metin okumuşum kendime de konduramıyorum kargaşayı, devam ettim ve sonunu getirdim.
Çeviriden başımı alıp kitaba gelecek olursam, Reich'in Bedensel Boşalmanın İşlevi kitabını da okumuştum. Onda bunu çok yanlışlamadığım gibi hissetmesem de bu kitabında tam bir feminist bakış açısıyla yazdığını düşünüyorum. Cinselliğin çocuk yaşta başlayan yasaklarını, kadınlar üzerindeki baskısını, aile olmanın toplum olma gerekliliklerine hizmet eden, iktisadi bir bağlılık olduğu vurgusunu inanılmaz beğendim. Sadece çocuk yapmak için cinselliği kullanıyor olmak, bunun insani yönünün yasaklarla ve birtakım ahlaki temellerle sınırlandırılması, din gibi hatta din ile birleştirilerek yöneticilere yönetecek bir alan açmasına sebep olduğuna değiniyor. 1930lu yıllarda bunları konuştuğunu hayal ederek okuduğunuzda bir yandan aslında bizim ülkemizde hiçbir şeyin değişmediğine üzüldüm, değişenler için de Reich'in bir parmağı olduğunu hayal ettikçe umutlandım. Sıklıkla siyasi manevraların malzemesi olan cinselliğin, cinsiyetçilik damarından sıyrılıp özgürlük kaleminizden silinmemesi dileği ile. -
Libro muy interesante sobre las fundamentaciones psíquicas de la revolución sexual en la Unión Soviética, sus formas de llevarlas a la práctica, su fracaso y el porqué.
Trata los aspectos más importantes en gran profundidad, permitiendo observar la evolución hasta el momento actual si tienes conocimientos básicos sobre la materia y da pie a una búsqueda más avanzada sobre el tema.
Lo recomiendo si te parece interesante la revolución sexual
Un dato a tener en consideración es que la fuerza ideológica del texto varía de edición a edición por lo que lo mejor sería leer la edición original alemana o una traducción directa de esta.
En caso del español este libro de la colección Obras maestras del pensamiento contemporáneo es una traducción directa y supervisaba por la institución fundada en nombre de Wilhelm por sus hijos -
absolutly knowledgable, ...
ظاهرن "گوش کن آدمک" تنها اثر ویلهم رایش، روانشناس، پژوهشگر و زیباشناس آلمانی ست که توسط حسین آقایاری به فارسی ترجمه شده و البته در خارج از کشور چاپ و منتشر شده است. انتشارات نوید، آلمان، 1365
دکتر رایش که به متخصص امور جنسی هم مشهور است و آثار تکان دهنده ای در این زمینه نوشته، بانی نگاهی تازه به مساله جنس ، بدن زن و مرد و بنیادهای فیزیکی و روانی مسایل جنسی ست.
اثار او بصورت گسترده ای در همه ی زبان های اروپایی مورد استفاده قرار گرفته و در اکثر انستیتوها جزو ماده های درسی بوده است -
Didn't really got past page 50 or so. Didn't enjoy the writing style of Wilhelm Reich and just gave up reading. Also some facts mentioned seems very questionable, probably way outdated. I would have given it 1 star but information in this book could be useful for social science or people interested in history of sexual revolution/change in soviet union, 2 star seems reasonable.
Tutumbilim? Dirimsel? Eytişim? Anamalcılık? Lütfen bu kitabı başka bir çevirmenle yeniden basın.
Freudcu cinselliği toplumsala absorbe eden Reich, bu çalışmasıyla birlikte, yalnızca psikanalitik bir çözümleme sunmamış, ayrıca devrimci enerjinin etkinliğine dair bir analizde bulunmuştur. Evlilik, eşcinsellik, çocuk cinselliği, ataerkil aile vb. birçok kavramı, istatistiksel desteklerle, psikanalitik kuramın zemininde yeniden düşünmüştür. Daha öncesinde de Reich okuduysanız, üslubunun son derece akışkan olduğunu bilirsiniz. Bu kitabı da gayet anlaşılırdır, hatta biraz abartmak istiyorum; bu kitap okullarda okutulmalıdır. Ailelere de okutulmalıdır. Bu kitap öyle bir kitaptır.
Reich'a göre, varolan evlilik kurumu, iktisadi temellerle inşa edilen, cinssiz, ataerkil düzene ve iktidara hizmet eden bir kurumdur. Bu kurum, otomatize insanların tohumunun atıldığı, Devlet'in yüce ırkını sürdürmesine kölece hizmet eden bir yerdir. Aslında evlilik, sürekli cinselliğin temelinde kurulmalıdır. Bu temel, ataerkil diktatör düzenin korktuğu bir şeydir, zira cinsellik çocuk için değil, artık haz için olmaktadır. İnsanların haz almak için bir şeyler yapmaya başlaması, iktidarı korkutur. İktidar ister ki, insanlar büyük patronların vizyonlarını çileciliğiyle emsin ve böylece, suskun, tepkisiz, ruhsuz, enerjisiz insanlar doğsun. Bu her iktidarın işine gelendir. Hal böyleyken, evlilik cinsellik için zaruri görülür böyle toplumlarda. İnsanlar birbiriyle cinsel ilişkiye girmeden evlenirler, senelerce bastırdıkları bu cinsellik, artık anlamını yitirmiş, yerine patolojik bir şey gelmiştir: Çocuk yapmak!
Üreme cinselliğin yalnızca bir fonksiyonudur, bu fonksiyon türün devamlılığına hizmet eder. Oysa haz, insan yaşamının enerjisidir ve insanı bu hayata tutunduran şeydir. Freud'un haz ve acı nosyonlarına yaptığı vurgudan yola çıkarak, Reich siyasalın ve iktidar teorilerinin acıyı yaşattığını, enerjisiz insanları bürokratik yaşamda öldürdüğünü söyler. Lenin tarafından yapılan sosyalist devrimin devamında SSCB'de meydana gelen çözülme sürecinin temel noktası, üst siyasal sınıfın değil, halkın insanlarının ruhlarında gerçek anlamda bir devrim yapılamamasıdır. Bu başlangıçta yapılmıştır (Lenin yönetiminde), hatta bu SSCB bu kitabın önemli bir kısmında ele alınıyor. Devrimin neden başarısızlığa gittiğini ele alıyor sayfalarca Reich. İşte sebebi, gerçek anlamda cinsel bir devrimin sürdürülememesidir.
İnsanların hazlarını elinden aldığınızda, enerjilerini boşaltacakları sağlıklı kanallar tıkanmış olur. Böylece hastalıklı kanallar açarlar. Bunların başında CYBH gelir, ki Kilise uzun yıllar bu hastalıkları cinsel özgürlükle bağdaştırıp cinsel ve cinsiyet özgürlüğünü savunanları lanetlemiştir. İnsanlık tarihinin geldiği bu noktada, insanlığın tıkalı yollara tahammülü kalmamış, olup olmadık yeni yollar denemeye başlamıştır. Artan yasadışı kürtajlar bunlardan biridir. Ki bu da Kilise'nin ağır eleştirdiği konulardan biridir.
İnsan varlığı açısından cinselliğin edindiği önemi başka incelemelerimde ele aldım. Bu bağlamda Freud'un Cinsellik Üzerine'sinde ve daha birçok psikanaliz kitaplarında bu konu hakkında konuştum. Cinselliğin ne kadar önemli olduğunu yine vurgulamayacağım. Ancak Reich'ın tüm bu söylediklerini kabaca özetleyeceğim: Cinsellik her yaşta olan bir şeydir. 1 yaşında da cinsellik vardır, 5 yaşında da, 10, 20, 30'da da. Cinsellik penisin vajinaya penetrasyonu değildir. Cinsellik çok geniş anlamı olan bir kavramdır. Dolayısıyla hiçbir yaş döneminde cinselliğe ket vurulmamalıdır. Aileler ve öğretmenler için bu konu ayrıca önemlidir. Çocuk cinselliğine vurulan ketler, ileri dönemlerde birçok sinirsel hastalığa davetiye çıkarıyor. Bu basit gerçekleri tüm insanlara anlatmamız lazım değerli dostlar. Tabii bunun da temelinde, evlilik kurumunun sürekli cinselliğin hukuki ve toplumsal ilanı olarak kabul etmemiz gerek. "Biz çocuk yapmak için, seks yapmak için evleniyoruz." yerine, "Biz birbirimizle sürekli bir cinsellik kurabiliyoruz ve bu sebeple de evleniyoruz." düşüncesini yerleştirmek gerekiyor.
Ben Reich'ı, Freud'un kuramının aktivatörü olarak görüyorum açıkçası. Fakat elbette kendisi de söyler, bilhassa Cinsellik konusunda, Freud'dan ayrıştığı yerler vardır. Tamamen aynı düşünmezler, bazı yerlerde Reich ayrıştığı yerleri vurgular. Ayrıca Adler'e yönelik eleştirilerde de bulunur (bireysel psikolojinin ergenlik dönemine dair yaptığı, sorumlulukların başlangıcıyla ergenlikte meydana gelen sinirsel sorunlar ilişkilendirmesi). Bu eser, hepimizin okuması gereken temel kitaplardan biridir. Ayrıca, toplumsal ilericiliğin yerleşebilmesi adına, uygulamamız gereken devrimci adımların psikolojik kaynağıdır. -
The Sexual Revolution (Die Sexualität im Kulturkampf in its original, superior title) was first published in 1936. My edition is from 1972, with the newest foreword being from 1949.
The book was published before the Western sexual revolution of the 1960/70s, and in many ways seems like it was ahead of its time. Perhaps in some ways it is still ahead of its time.
The book is divided into two parts, the first looks at how bourgeoise sexual morals, and the second part looks at how the Soviet Union failed in its sexual revolution after the communists took over. The first part is by far the most interesting, but the second half does illustrate the challenges behind implementing Reich's visions, and might help to explain challenges society still deals with.
In the first part, Reich claims that sexual repression leads to neurosis, and that the way society stigmatizes youth for having sexual desires (ranging from children exploring their own bodies to teenagers engaging in sex) is a tool of the authoritarian, capitalist system to keep people in check. People are forced to marry to live out their sexuality, but by the time people are old enough to marry, they are already neurotic and the marriage is doomed to be unhappy.
Very basic summary: let people masturbate from an early age, and everyone should be swingers.
"Moral regulation represses and keeps from gratification the natural biological needs. This results in secondary, pathologically antisocial impulses. These, in turn have to be inhibited of necessity. Thus, morality does not owe its existence to the necessity of inhibitiing antisocial tendencies. It developed, in primitive society, when a certain upper class with economic superiority began to attain power; for economic reasons, this class had an interest in suppressing the natural needs, though they, in themselves, in no way disturbed sociality."
Many of the things Reich propsed are now standard in most of the West. Access to contraception, legalization of abortion, sex education, it is common for teenagers to engage in sex, premarital sex is the norm, homosexuality is not a crime. Some things he propses have not become reality yet, such as the abolition of the monogamous marriage institution and the access to private rooms for people to engage in intercourse away from their families that they live in.
Was Reich wrong? It is interesting to see how some huge steps taken by Western societies during the sexual revolution that Reich foreshadowed are now on the return, such as the recent American Supreme Court ruling on Roe. vs. Wade. There is also a lot of right-wing hysteria about "protecting the children against groomers" etc. Is this the same phenomenon that Reich describes in part 2 of the book, when the Soviet Union went from being sex-positive to being reactionary and moralistic? Or is it an understandable counter-reaction to an over-sexualized society? Perhaps a bit of both?
Reich should also be read up against Michel Houellebecq and his critique of the sexual revolution, which can be summarized as: the sexual liberation led to a sexual free market, and thus you have clear winners and losers, just like in the economic market. Of course Reich could counter Houellebecq's claims by pointing at capitalism as the root problem both pre- and post-revolution. But Reich does not engage with the issue of people who struggle to find sexual partners (perhaps not as big of an issue at his time? Afaik Bourdieu was one of the earliest to write explicitly about this as a social challenge, but I might be wrong). What would Reich have said about the incel movement?
It does also seem like he was unable to predict how capitalism would turn sexuality into a commodity. Current society is indeed thoroughly soaked in sex, and arguably not in the healthiest way (in the past weeks I've read at least two articles asking where the normal, loving "vanilla" sex has gone in media, as it is mostly kinky, rough etc.). Reich would probably not be very happy with the result of the sexual revolution in these respects. I was a bit surprised when he, near the end of the book, claims that "any kind of literature which creates sexual anxiety must be prohibited. This includes pornography" (emphasis mine). In his defense, he does warn about utopian dreams.
Some scattered, rambling thoughts about a book that has been unread on my nightstand for way too long. Interesting, engaging, and enjoyable, albeit a bit too dragged-out. It has lost its social actuality, but not its historical relevance. -
Luckily I read it in the Russian edition so the Marxism is not sanitized. So, what could I say. I can see very well that for many people it could definitely be a starting point to start seeing how political and economic oppression is directly linked with sexuality. No fewer than the number of people who might take the advantage of reflecting on their experience in relationships, and re-thinking the concepts of love, appreciation, and gratitude. These both would be important enough things so I could already recommend reading it for most of us. However, I also wanna note down a couple of points.
One should still see how idealistic and, let's put it that way, not-educated of teenager relationships (obviously, not his fault, there was no data available at his time) Dr. Reich was. His hope that once left alone they would self-organize, figure out their feelings and start expressing their sexuality in the most healthy way smells lightly of a "noble savage" story. Too bad he couldn't pay for Netflix premium and watch some Sex Education to see how hard it could be to fight the patterns. He also doesn't go into how grownups should be controlled not to get sexually involved with teenagers, drawing the line is tricky and not that seggzy. Anyways, just in between the Russian Revolution and WWII it was OK to be an idealist but it's interesting to think of it if you enjoy the practical implementation of some radical (so-called) theories.
Another problem is that for Reich the sexual liberation automatically leads to healthy mind/relationship/life condition (whatever it means) and so every deviation from that is explained by political, economical, and cultural oppression we experience. But chains can be fun too! if you know what I mean.
Again, given that now it's time when Jordan Peterson fairy tales are far more popular than Reich theories... It kind of overcompensates his obsolescence I guess. -
El psicoanálisis freudiano tuvo cambios estructurales con el paso del tiempo. Nació el neopsicoanálisis y la psicología analítica. Pero también, se puede decir, hubo un enfoque más “científico”, donde uno de sus principales exponentes fue Wilhem Reich, psicoanalista austrohúngaro, alumno directo de Sigmund Freud. La separación de Reich con Freud fue debido a su interés social-socialista y su reinterpretación de las pulsiones básicas; he ahí que sus principales aportes sean de carácter sexual, llegando a tal punto de postular un manifiesto de higiene y enfoque psicoanalista-socialista para la ruptura de la cultura privativa.
Wilhem Reich es un personaje polémico debido a sus afirmaciones y experimentos, que lo condujeron al encarcelamiento y censura, pero que, en mi apreciación a su pasión, espíritu y entrega a la ciencia, demuestra su genialidad y visión por encima del resto de teóricos. Decir, por ejemplo, que la familia no es el núcleo social de la sociedad, sino que es un componente más y que hay que abolir el concepto de familia tradicional; que el matrimonio es más un fenómeno antisexual por cómo se concibe; o que se tenga ciertos mecanismos que eliminen la interacción sexual tradicionalista, puesto que estas producen el neuroticismo y afecciones a la higiene sexual, son aportes distintos a lo que se solía decir en aquella época (1936).
Es de los pocos autores psicoanalistas que refutan a Freud por su hermetismo y, en algún punto de su libro, mostrar contradicciones en cuanto a la relevancia del medio social con la sexualidad individual.
La primera parte del libro es la que abarca el contenido teórico de su propuesta (y es la más interesante, a mi parecer). La segunda parte es la comparativa social y su estilo de vida sexual de la población de los países socialistas y comunistas. -
I’m giving this book a five star rating not necessarily because it is the best book that I have ever read, but because the ideas I encountered in this book are so revolutionary and have shaken me at my core.
I really love books that completely change and challenge my worldview and this is one of them.
As a human, we sometimes have a sense that something is wrong but we can’t quite put a finger on it. On sexuality, this book not only lay a finger on but vigorously shakes with both hands the idea of sexuality as it is traditionally taught and introduces new ideas.
New ideas in the way the information is disseminated but old ideas in the sense that we are asked to revert to a more naturally state of sexuality and refuse the ascetic, sex negating culture that currently dominates most of the world still.
Side note: I love how Reich doesn’t miss an opportunity to trash religion. -
I gave the book 2 stars, but for content 1 would be enough. However, it is interesting to learn what sexual revolutionary thinkers thought.
Reich is from the Freudian-left school, and then moved (escaped?) to the US in the late 30s where his fame really grew. It must have been weird for him to imagine 2017: emancipated LGBT community, high-profile companies like facebook allow dozens of genders & polyamory is just one of those things some people do.
So I hoped to read in this book something about the ideas behind free love & liberalizing morals. But no. It's mostly fact-free philosophizing. -
A essential read that had definitely vitalised me for future measure of making the my life as well as other worth living.
This book cleared lot of questions that has risen overtime during my understanding of life and sex and have also show me the most appropriate path to be taken in ensuring a world with love, peace and content.
To whomever looking out for a revolution/change to save oneself from the miseries of the world should also look at what is the root cause of those miseries at the first place. Like always Knowledge leads to awareness that leads to Realisation which ends with Revolution within or out. -
Un'indagine rivoluzionaria sul rapporto tra moralismo sessuale e struttura economica e politica della società conservatrice. La funzione sociale della repressione sessuale. Un libro letto un milione di anni fa che andrebbe consigliato a chi vuol capire la formazione di una struttura umana capace di autogestione.
wilhelm reich kitaplarının içine eden çevirileri için payel ve bertan onarana çok teşekkürler
This was one of the first metaphorical bombs in the form of a book that blew up in my face (in my junior year of college); the other was the Marquis de Sade's Justine.
A must read for every one who wants a better, happier and truly free world!
Reichian sex-pol freedom versus Christian fascist sexual slavery. A must for all those who seek liberation, sexual, personal, and political.
Both astounding and confirmatory. A full scale assault, under the guise of science, on traditional sexual morality, promising Utopia, if sexual expression at all levels is promoted and achieved. Reich also blends Marxism with sexuality, giving sexuality primary historical basis for causing economic exploitation of the masses. Written decades before the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the USSR, the Marxist cant gets repetitive and a little distracting. However, much of the proposed sexual freedom program advocated by Reich has been put in place in the West. But, not surprisingly, no golden age has arrived. We may be sexually freer, but are in fact no better off socially. A final comment regarding a claim of Reich: juvenile delinquency is due to teens not having a private room to engage in unrestricted sex (paraphrased, but not far off the original). I suppose the police should say to the kid who has just robbed the convenience store: "get a room."
Onward and downward. -
Brave Reich qui a eu le courage de s'opposer à Freud frontalement et qui fut à l'origine de la libération sexuelle avant 1960 et ce, de manière scientifique. On lui doit Les Enfants de SummerHill à Ipswich, entre autre. Comme l'ingénuité n'advient pas par hasard W.Reich a connu son lot de souffrance et une fin tragique en défiant l'autorité américaine avec sa théorie Orgone.
Brave W. Reich!
Come and have a look at what free education was at summerhill:
http://www.summerhillschool.co.uk/ -
Pretty interesting. The part analyzing the Soviet Revolution was particularly interesting. However, there's a lot of bad opinions in here. Reich, for example, believes homosexuality is in most cases caused by the inhibition of heterosexual impulses, and that if we all have access to free, fulfilling heterosexual sex, homosexuality will disappear. Reich's attitudes towards mental illness also are bad and potentially oppressive in my opinion. I think this book would be interesting if rewritten after the beginning(s) of the Gay Liberation movement(s) and after other people's critiques of psychoanalysis and psychiatry. But then it'd be a pretty different book.
Honestly, I only read the first half—not because I didn't like it, but because I'm reading it to write a paper, and I think the first half gave me what I need for now. I'll go back and get the rest another time (maybe).
I was led to believe it would be excessively "dense," but I didn't find it too bad. Maybe I had a good translation or something. I appreciated Reich's theories and observations about the connections between sexual morality and the authoritarian state, although I often wished he'd provide more evidence of his claims. -
Roadmap for socialism
This is the Socialists Mein Kampf. Their strategic document to destroy western civilisation and the family. To become beasts ruled by animal lusts. Socialism started with sexual revolution in 1917 which almost brought down the soviet experiment. Wilhelm is obviously mad and sought to destroy the world in his madness, scientifically of course. -
Прекрасная книга, которую должен прочитать каждый. Жаль только, что ситуация с браком и переживанием сексуальных удовольствий так и не изменилась. Вокруг все та же репрессивная мораль и "счастливое детство".
Muy pertinente, claro y agradable. Es increíble ver cómo se satanizó a un pensador por adelantarse a su época. Por lo que él luchó ahora es algo normal para nosotros y en aquel tiempo le fue muy mal. Pero también hay cosas que hacen falta aplicar en nuestra sociedad.