Title | : | Paradise Kiss, Vol. 2 |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1931514615 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781931514613 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 192 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2000 |
Paradise Kiss, Vol. 2 Reviews
Ah, I hate George.
hmm getting a bit tired of george… or just tired of men in general? 🫠
I really like this book! If You want to read it, just go back to Vol. 1 , and then You can read Vol. 2
Yazawa's art is just too amazing to look at. I'm mostly pulled in by all of the character's beauty. The fashion is just simply beautiful. But the characters... Each one of them is so attractive. I never get tired of looking at Isabella's beautiful and elaborate outfits. While not as dramatic as Nana so far, the second volume I feel is better than the first. Things seem to be developing more and I'm getting excited. It's a shame there's only three volumes left!
<3 kocham twórczość Pani Ai Yazawy
girl bye 💀
Manga recomendado: ‘’Paradise Kiss’’, de Ai Yazawa. Editorial Ivrea, 5 tomos. LGBT, moda, relaciones varias, juvenil…
Este manga me lo hizo descubrir mi hermano: una deuda pagada, porque yo le hice descubrir la saga de películas de Bourne…
Al principio no creí que me gustara, y todavía no entiendo el porqué… Su dibujo es precioso, adulto y estilizado. También es monísimo… Detallado y emocionante…
Y su historia, adornada entre telas de fantasía, brillante maquillaje, plumas y pasarelas, va de las presiones que tienen los estudiantes; las ilusiones varias como el amor, que puede presionar también, así como la presión que te puede provocar un vestido increíble, pero apretado ;) Va sobre crecer en muchos aspectos, darse cuenta de que tenemos derecho a equivocarnos y a aprender y corregir: como coser y poner botones… Va sobre oportunidades y sentimientos en verdad multicolor, como sus personajes.
Un taller de aprendizaje precioso ^^ -
Kolejna manga Ai Yazawy w rodzaju "coming of age". Bardzo podoba mi się tutaj przedstawienie relacji i postaci między sobą - nic nie jest proste, a wszystko zarazem jest bardzo prawdziwe. Mocno utożsamiam się z Yukari w tym okresie. Uważam, że autorka świetnie przedstawia zagubienie i niepewność ról, jakie chcemy podejmować, wchodząc w dorosłość. Szczególnie, gdy całe życie spełnialiśmy marzenia rodziców, a nie swoje (osobiście nigdy tak nie miałam, ale wiem, jak częste to jest). Chciałam też dodać, że Miwako to aniołek, I love her.
Seemingly Yukari is on the verge of exploding...
She's moved away from home....her strict Mother not contacting her..
Her "relationship" (for want of a better word) with George can be probably be defined by one word...
And her modeling career may be about to be launching...BUT she needs parental consent.
Plus there's that guy from school Tokumori..how does he fit in?
Way too complicated to briefly explain here...
If you can get past the style and embrace that..you're probably going to enjoy this 5 volume series. -
I'm so torn with this series.
I enjoy a lot of the characters, especially Isabella and Miwako. Miwako just makes me so happy.
I actually really like Yukari, even if her way of becoming more independent has led her from an overbearing mother to a shitty "boyfriend."
George is an asshole. He's an ass to Yukari and he doesn't actually seem interested her at all. His personality is terrible and he just seems like an overall awful person, and, ignoring the insta-love aspect of this series, I don't understand the appeal at all. I don't understand why she likes him in the first place, or why she's trying so hard to change herself to be his ideal.
I'm not rooting for their romance at all, so the blurb on the back of the third book is promising. I want as little George as possible.
Hiro is the better choice. T__T -
it's giving filleeeer
Mam po niej mieszane odczucia, pewnie przez absolutny mętlik i degrengoladę, jakie mają miejsce w tej części, jak i z powodu paru miesięcy przerwy od 1 tomu [momentami trochę trudno było się połapać]. Działa jako część w serii, ale sama raczej kuśtyka.
++ Caroline... Girl, whatchu doin??
5.5/10 -
This manga is bordering on the progressive vs falling into the abyss. I'm not quite sure where this is going. We'll see. I'm thinking that George has some growing up to do.
This was awkward, though. -
I love this manga! I'm kind of having an issue with George, like dude please can you care a little bit? Maybe it will progress in the right way.
I love Miwako, she is everything. Best Friend ever.
Such a lovely and intriguing read. -
my mistake, Yukari and George being the drama queens
george te voy a pegar un tiro caroline vos no seas tarada
el primero se me hizo mucho más entretenido pero igual lo te disfrute estoy AMANDO este manga -
Despite some problems with the inconsistent slang between chapters (whether it's Arashi's British accent or something like "can't even" or "bon-bon"), the insensitive treatment of George's bisexuality (is it just me, or does calling it "gender-blindness" seem off? Also, Arashi saying it was nothing to be proud of made me shake my head; oh, homophobic mainstream culture of the aughts), and George and Yukari's toxic relationship with a lot of push and pull, I find myself really liking this series. This volume was even better than the first in my eyes.
I feel like Yazawa is writing this in an incredibly smart and self-aware way. Her sense of humor is great, and she likes to poke fun at the tropes she's utilizing to tell this story. I can also relate to Yukari's frustrations with wanting greater independence and just thinking for herself since her life has been dictated for her.
Complete with beautiful and graceful art, this sophisticated and a little racy manga definitely keeps me intrigued. Now that Yukari's gotten more serious about modeling, and our main players in her story have been established, I'm really curious to see how Paradise Kiss will unfold from here. George and Yukari's relationship will still be very complicated, though. -
Well, as coming of age story, Parakiss brings interesting aspects to the table. Like following Caroline trying to figure out who she is and what she wants along with how to navigate through the real world.
When it comes to her relationship with George, I found it to be very uncomfortable. Because I’m supposed(?)to root for them but they suck as a couple. The codependency and rudeness of it all bothers me. I know she’s young so it is believable how she acts but I don’t like it. Also, I wish the support cast was more relevant to the narrative due to how charismatic they are. -
Una estrella menos porque Caroline no tiene que andar de metiche donde no le llaman.
Feelings grow between Yukari and George (ish?), and Yukari realizes that she needs to have more independence in her life. After an argument with her mom in the middle of the volume, she decides to put her studies on an indefinite hiatus and run away from home. With not as much pressure on her life, maybe she'll get some more jobs out in the big bad world of modeling?
This was another entertaining volume from Yazawa. Not only are the 4th wall pokes still here (I thought they would be gone after the first volume, so I didn't mention them despite thinking they were hilarious), but the content is getting all the more interesting. It may "burn out" a bit at points (like the anime did towards the middle), but this relationship drama and Yukari taking the reins is keeping me hooked.
It's time for the next step when I get back to this series! And most of you probably know what I mean by that. ;) -
never lose sight of ur academic intentions/goals over some guy ❌
i find george’s charac to be interesting,,,many of what he says makes sense and seems logical but the manner in which he says it is….too technical and “unfeeling” (/apathetic) ?? like it’s rationalized to the point where he comes off as a dick yknow ,,also he’s mega flighty
“…this man who holds a whip in one hand and candy cane in the other…” describes him perfectly lol
“If I had something special that I could do better than others, maybe my life would be different.”
something tells me she’ll end up w/ tokumori at the end (i was rooting for arashi but that doesn’t seem probable + im liking tokumori :,,D)
oh and the charac design is simply stunning, esp for arashi omg -
Yukari se siente un poco confundida, se siente feliz con los chicos en el Atelier y se da cuenta que en realidad no sabe que s lo que quiere para su vida futura, solo ha seguido el camino que su familia le ha impuesto pero ahora ella desea descubrir que es lo que quiere para sí misma...aunque esta decisión implicará un cambio total en su vida.
George me confunde y sé que a Yukari también , dice que la quiere pero a la vez no le gusta cómo es en ciertos temas...entonces los sentimientos son un espiral
Una oportunidad inesperada acontece en la vida de Yukari -
2.5 stars
I'm torn with this series. On one hand, I read volume 2 quickly and in no time. On the other hand, I despised the characterization of Caroline and her relationship with George. It's toxic and I don't understand why she's simping over this man so hard. While I do appreciate the found family aspect and love Miwako's character, I just am not 100% sold on this series. -
Me ha encantado, sobre todo ver a "Carrie" dando ese paso en su vida y enfrentándose a los problemas. Me sigo partiendo con George, creo que le da puntazos muy buenos a la historia. Con ganas de leer el 3º!
I liked this volume more than the first one. Yukari was making some questionable choices, but I liked the resolution (more or less) and that this one was more about Yukari figuring out her modeling dream and getting started. Meanwhile, George is still awful 😒
3.5 Estrellas
Me gustan mucho los personajes y la manera de retratar las relaciones entre estos, Ai Tazawa transmite lo complicado que son las mismas.
Aunque la señora que vive dentro de mi quiere regañar a Yukari por todas las decisiones que tomó durante este volumen. -
I'm probably overthinking this but if this is a manga aimed at teenagers, then the message that is being sent is not a good one. Dropping out of school, losing your virginity, running away from home and being in what slightly borders on an abusive relationship. However, in spite of all that I find myself intrigued by this series and can't wait to read further on. Hopefully the message starts getting more positive going forward.
Paradise kiss > nana ….. and I mean that
No estoy segura de que George me agrade del todo... y siento que Caroline (jaja) está siendo muy mimada, por otro lado Arashi se está volviendo un personaje muy interesante, ya veremos como continúa.