Title | : | Heechee Rendezvous (Heechee Saga, #3) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0345300556 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780345300553 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Mass Market Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 352 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1984 |
Advanced Heechee technology had enabled Robinette Broadhead to live after death as a machine-stored personality, enjoying his life by flitting along the wires from party to party with a host of other machine-people. But suddenly his decadent existence ends when an all powerful alien race intent on the utter destruction of all intelligent life reappears after eons of silence, and threatens the lives of all heechee and humans. Even Robin, virtually immortal and with unlimited access to millennia of accumulated data, cannot discover how to stop these aliens. It began to seem that only a face to face meeting could determine the future of the entire universe....
Heechee Rendezvous (Heechee Saga, #3) Reviews
«Los heechees han puesto la galaxia en las tímidas manos de la humanidad.»
Pohl es un escritor magnífico. Incluso cuando se le va un poco la boca no llega a aburrir; es divertido, ameno. Me sorprende porque al final cuando haces un recuento del libro te das cuenta de que en realidad no han pasado miles de cosas nuevas e igual te enchufaste tremendo viaje. Creo que pocos autores podrían presumir de tener una saga sobre alienígenas y lograr que sus lectores esperen hasta la tercera parte del tercer libro por el maldito contacto.
Los eventos ocurren casi treinta años después. Hemos podido colonizar uno que otro planetilla gracias a las cartas de navegación Heeche aunque la superpoblación de la Tierra es todavía un problema. Robin sigue siendo inmensamente rico y se sigue sintiendo inmensamente culpable; no es para menos, perder al amor de tu vida en la infinita caída hacia un agujero negro no es poca cosa. Ahora ya se sabe mucho más sobre los Heechees pero no lo más importante: ¿quiénes son?, ¿por qué se esconden?
El segundo y tercer libro no son tan épicos como
Pórtico con su Hugo, su Locus y su Nebula, pero en general la saga es muy buena y Robinette Broadhead es y será un personaje inolvidable; tal vez a la altura del mismísimo Elijah Baley. Veremos qué me espera en el cuarto libro. -
This is the book where we learn about the HeeChee. They cease to be a mystery and frankly, the people who meet them fail to be properly impressed, in my opinion. Real, live aliens with “wisdom” to impart and they can’t focus on that. Plus, we start to question the opinions of the HeeChee—are they right to be scared of the race that they call the Assassins or have they completely misinterpreted their actions?
I did think that Pohl’s use of the data fans as storage devices was rather prescient—very much like today’s USB devices to store information, photos or written words. Consider that the computers in use at the time were using floppy drives, something much more delicate and less than truly reliable. Any floppies existing in archives at this point are a nightmare for conservators, as you would have to locate the ancient technology of a computer with a floppy drive to extract the information (and assume that nothing has degraded). Anything that you really want to survive into the future? Print it out and preserve it. Paper is going to survive long after our technologies are as obsolete as floppy discs.
Also explored is the transfer of human consciousness to machines, as Robinette gets downloaded and struggles to learn how to interpret the world from that angle and how to express himself again. Pohl addresses a question of ownership—once your physical body is dead, is your disembodied intellect still considered legally alive? Or do you renounce your assets and projects to your heirs? The book doesn’t really get very far along exploring these questions, which will maybe get more treatment in the next book. I hope so. And I want to see what Pohl thinks will happen to such downloaded people—do they retain their humanity?
This is very much a transition book, moving from the demystifying of HeeChee technology to actual contact.
Book 200 of my science fiction and fantasy reading project. -
Pues 5 estrellas bien merecidas. En esta tercera parte, Pohl retoma los puntos fuertes de Pórtico como son el centrarse más en su protagonista, Robin, junto con sus inseparables programas informáticos Albert y Sigfrid. Sólo con las conversaciones que mantienen entre ellos podría estar entretenido durante 3 libros más.
También nos da más información sobre misterios que se plantearon en Pórtico y aparecen personajes olvidados desde hacía tiempo.
Y si faltaba algo, con ese final Robin Broadhead se convierte en uno de mis personajes favoritos. Y hasta aquí puedo leer. -
Tesko je opasiti zasto mi je ova knjiga za sada najbolja u serijalu.
Da li sam se samo konacno navikao na Pola i njegovo pisanje, ili je jednostavno ova knjiga samo najdinamicnija i najbolje napisana. Mislim da ima svega, ali bitno mi je da se ovaj serijal razvio u takvom smeru da nije samo manje vise suvoparno kvalitetan vec i da ima onaj neki X faktor koji ga cini jedinstvenim, bezvremenim i da u njemu pronalazim nesto novo, korisno i uzivajuce.
Vezao sam se i za likove, volim Polov nacin da prikaze misteriju, problem, susret zemljana sa vanzemaljskim inteligentnim zivotom i nacin na koji Hiciji gledaju na nas.
Mnogo smo neprakticni, negativni ali i puni potencijala i na ovaj ili onaj nacin nekako uspevamo da gazimo napred, cesto gazeci sami sebi. Da li nam se sme verovati, nadam se da ce jednoga dana i u stvarnom zivotu neka vanzemaljska napredna civilizacija gledati blagonaklono na nas i dati nam sansu i pored svih nasih nedostataka - jednoga dana kada opasnost ne budu samo tehnologija i ljudska cud vec i nesto realno nerealno iz zasada iskljucivo domena maste.
Ali ako nista pa zar SF i nije masta koja neretko pravilno predvidja buducnost. -
This wasn't as good as as Gateway or Beyond the Blue Event Horizon, but is a good book in its own right. The first two books were -so- good that the expectations were unrealistic; Pohl had set the bar too high for himself. We do finally get the answers about the enigmatic Heechee for which we'd been waiting, but the protagonist has changed so much from the original that we have to wonder how reliable of a narrator he is. I also think it's aged less well than the two previous books, but it has to be remembered that at the time of publication the cyber/virtual/trans/whatever concepts were quite new, though some of the ideas seem creaky. I was a bit let-down, but the problem is probably me rather than the author. He does a fine job of portraying the old-time sense-of-wonder for which he was striving, and mixing it with a depth of character and inner-space driven story.
Pedantic, annoying, and bothersome, all in one book.
The author lost touch with a reliable perspective from which to tell his story. This volume was filled with shifts in point of view, sidebars from characters observing the story being told, and direct address of the reader by the narrator.
Beyond the stylistic complaints, the characters in the story didn't develop meaningfully (except as trite plot devices), and the actions weren't compelling. All-around pretty much a waste of time. -
El encuentro no aporta demasiado a la saga. El motivo del profundo pesar de Robinette reaparece en esta tercera entrega, siendo en torno a lo que girará la trama del libro. Pohl retoma los conflictos internos del protagonista, pero no consigue crear una historia suficientemente interesante. Los temores hacia la vejez del escritor serán plasmados en los pensamientos de los personajes, especialmente en Robin.
Pohl escribe bien, pero este libro no dice nada. Es entretenido, sin más. Confío en que Los anales de los Heechee me devuelva un poco del soplo de aire fresco que supuso la primera novela de la saga. -
...Given the high standard Pohl sets in the first novel of this series, Heechee Rendezvous is a bit of a disappointment. It is entertaining in a way but simply not very well written. Robinette is not the most sympathetic of characters. This is something I can deal with but Pohl somehow manages to continually make him get on the reader's nerves. Quite an achievement, but when I start feeling it is a blessing the book is only 273 pages long, he may have overdone it just a bit. Still, if you enjoy the riddle the Heechee pose, it is very readable. Just don't expect Pohl to rise to the level he attained in the 1970s.
Full Random Comments review -
Finally, the Heechee are discovered. More correctly, the Heechee are forced to reveal themselves to humanity because humanity in its ignorance misuses the Heechee spaceships, risking discovery by the Assassins, a dreadful alien race aiming to modify the elementary rules of the universe to better fit their preferences. Their success would be the end of any race living accordingly to what we understand as life.
The return to Gateway is also a return to the universal scale of the initial novel. But it is ruined by the individual slant of the plot. Wan single-handedly forces the Heechee to intervene, Broadhead single-handedly drives the contact with the Heechee. Most improbable encounters take place on far-apart planets and space stations. Not a good conclusion to the cycle. -
La forma de escribir de Pohl es sublime te mantiene ahí disfrutando de como va de a poco contando ese secreto que guardo de tal forma durante casi tres libros y los detalles que nos brinda hace que valiera la pena por completo.
Pierde la estrella conmigo por lo tedioso que me parecieron unos capítulos de nuestro protagonista rumbo al final. -
-Todo lo que sube tiene que bajar.-
Género. Ciencia-Ficción.
Lo que nos cuenta. Una nave heechee entra en el espacio convencional para llevar a cabo unas tareas periódicas de revisión. La civilización humana vive un periodo convulso y violento. Los ayudantes artificiales de Robin le ayudan en su búsqueda de la verdad heechee. Wan, el huérfano de la factoría de alimentos termina conociendo al piloto Audee Walters y viajarán a lugares peligrosos. Tercer libro de la saga de los Heechees.
¿Quiere saber más de este libro, sin spoilers? Visite:
http://librosdeolethros.blogspot.com/... -
7/10. Media de los 13 libros leídos del autor: 7/10
Si por algo es famoso Pohl es por esta saga, la de los Heeche. Admito que me costó un poco entrar en ella, pero una vez que te haces a ese mundo con naves con destino preprogramado pero desconocido, aventureros a ciegas, recompensas o muerte en la distancia, la cosa es la leche.
Tercera entrega y admito que ya me cansó un poco. Pero mantiene -casi- el interés. La idea ya no es nueva pero nos va metiendo en los sucesivos descubrimientos del entorno Heeche. -
Terminada la saga de los Heechee. Tengo en la recámara el cuarto libro de éste universo, pero tengo entendido que el hilo argumental de Broadhead termina aquí.
De forma global, me ha gustado como libro y como final. En mi opinión, los libros van mejorando; el primero está bien como introducción al universo Heechee pero en cuanto a calidad literaria e historia los siguientes son mucho mejores.
Altamente recomendable. -
I can't seem to write this review. This is my third attempt.
What I can't figure out how to say is how strange this series is.
Gateway is one of my favorite novels, and is ultimately a novel about Robinette Broadhead and something terrible he feels he did.
Then Blue Event Horizon comes around, and it's a huge departure from Gateway. It's more about the universe Robin now exists in, a handful of other characters, and a bunch of Heechee stuff. I enjoyed it, but it was significantly weaker than Gateway.
Heechee is more a return to Robin. But like Event Horizon, it's told in a very scatterbrained almost stream-of-consciousness style, and has maybe too many themes it's trying to tackle.
In fact, I didn't think Pohl could pull it off.
But as I read the last few pages, I have to admit that for me, he did. He pulled it off.
It's a mess at times. There are long vignettes into the side characters that feel totally extraneous, but then kind of turn out not to be. There are subplots that also feel like filler, and hell, maybe some of them are, but when I got to where it was all going, I can't deny that I was moved.
If you've read the first two, I'd say you should read this one for sure. You may not like it, but it's the sequel that Event Horizon wasn't, for good or bad. For me, it was good. -
Seri tam , zihin transferi, yapay zekaların insanileştirilmesi ve birbirleri arasında temas, farklı uzaylı ırkların ortaya çıkması gibi konularla daha da derinleşip, Hiçiler ile temasın sağlandığı zirve bir noktaya ulaşmışken Türkçe çeviri kitapların bu cilt ile sonlanması kötü olmuş. Devamını orijinal dilinden okuyacağım mecburen. Pohl gerçekten de çok sağlam bir kurguya imza atmış. Katı bilimkurgu severleri çok memnun edecek bir seri bu.
A todos los libros que llevo leídos de Pohl les pasa parecido: buen inicio, buena premisa, una parte central que se arrastra por el fango y una remontada final que te deja con buen sabor de boca (aunque el final-final, los últimos párrafos, de este es un poco decepcionante). -
I could just barely bring myself to award the fourth star here. Especially as Pohl sets the bar so high in his previous two novels. I was expecting a crescendo here in the series. The triumphant emergence of the Hee Chee and the reveal of this other more sinister race... But I was rather disappointed.
The Bad
- The story was convoluted in places. I felt it could have been told with a lot less words!
- there were times when the narrative went down some pretty weird tracks and took its sweet time getting back to anything that was actually going to move the story line forward.
- The narrative view point changed quite often especially at the start of the book and at times I was confused about who was speaking and to whom! There was even a minor existential crisis where one viewpoint was arguing with itself!?
- His treatment of the female characters. It was obviously a pretty shit time to be a woman in the not too distant future this book was set in. It was also surprisingly enough a shit time to be a female of any race human, Hee Chee or otherwise as well! They seemed relegated to vassals of sexual need and domestic prerogatives. Which thinking back to how the female characters in the previous two books were constructed shouldn't have come as such a surprise. Maybe it is the fact that he is much more blatant in this book. But I think that this a common criticism for many of the male SF writers of this era.
The Good
- Amazingly the climax of the story unfolds through the revelation of information rather than the characters actions.
- Because of the rich world building he has done in the previous two books Pohl immerses the reader so well into the story with minimal effort. -
غم «رابینت برودهد» آتشم زد.
درباره این کتاب در ویکیپدیای فارسی:
http://fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/آمدگاه_هیچی -
Phoned-in, rehashed ideas from the previous books. No depth, no soul. Barely finished it.
In reality 3/5 stars. I didn't think this one as good as the previous books in the series.
Tercera parte de la Saga Heechee, me costó bastante leerlo. En algunos pasajes se convierte más en una novela distópica que sobre ciencia ficción. Surgen problemas para la humanidad, (como p.ej los terroristas) , además hay una gran diferencia entre los que tienen el Certificado de Salud y los que no.
Aparecen los Heechees y todo ese halo misterioso que había en las dos primeras partes se diluye, eso tal vez juega en contra.
Hubo días que dejé de leer pero en los dos últimos capítulos volvió la ciencia ficción e introduce un concepto genial, el de la vida después de la muerte y lo terminé con ganas.
El personaje de Wan es absolutamente despreciable pero importante en la trama. La esposa de Robinette, Essie ya se pasa de ser tan perfecta, perfecta amante, perfecta amiga, perfecta programadora y empresaria, en un momento pensé que era una inteligencia artificial.
Reaparece un personaje que todos estábamos esperando y es de suma importancia para el final.
La Inteligencia Artificial Albert pese a que es mejorada tecnológicamente involuciona, no me gustó mucho en lo que se convierte.
Nuevamente digo que el final me encantó y podemos decir que la historia queda con un saldo positivo. -
Teniendo en cuenta que es el tercer libro de la Saga Heechee, ha estado algo flojo (en comparación con los dos anteriores) en cuanto a formato y tiempos de acción. Aún así lo he disfrutado mucho, puesto que a pesar de empezar algo lento, en la segunda mitad del libro es donde ocurre la mayor parte de la acción y hacia donde desembocan las diversas (y a veces densas) tramas de la primera parte.
Se nota que es un libro que marca los preparativos para la cuarta entrega y deja con un escenario final totalmente distinto a los anteriores, por lo que espero mucho del siguiente. -
Cada cop he entrat més en aquesta història i a cada llibre més intensament, i el que al principi em costava de lligar, al final m'han lligat a aquesta història de Pohl posant el dit a la nafra d'una societat futura molt semblança amb el camí que portem avui dia, i que sembla molt propera, excepte per aquesta societat extraterrestre que sembla portar-nos més enllà del que qualsevol de nosaltres podria somniar mai.
In this third of the Heechee series, the Heechee are finally revealed. Sadly the effect is the same as it was for me in the "Babylon 5" series. The Amazing superintelligences are not so amazing--the wonder is diminished. Similarly, in the film "Forbidden Planet," which also featured a super alien race's abandoned technology, the director wisely never revealed what the Krell looked like. We, the viewers are left to guess. I like that. In the first season of "Babylon 5" G'Kar, the Narn ambassador after aiding an Earth woman from an encounter with one of the "Old Ones" comments how good it is to be in a universe where such "unexplainable" exists. By the end of the series, the mystery is lost.
This loss of wonder may have its roots in a fundamental quality that manifests itself within this book and in the majority of science fiction: the denial of the supernatural. Robinette Broadhead, the messed up prospector from the first book "Gateway," returns as a married millionaire (to a brilliant and sexually aggressive and gorgeous Russian winner of the noble prize--who is ironically utterly forgettable) who is plagued because of his advanced age with health problems. I notice that a number of reviewers have disliked this latest manifestation of Broadhead which is funny because Pohl is clearly trying to make him as likable as possible. Although hugely wealthy he is unfailingly generous, he constantly strives to do what is right not only for those he knows but for the entire human race. But his best friend by his own admission is an A. I based on Albert Einstein, and the great reveal at the end of the novel did not astound me much since I'd already read Gibson's "Neuromancer" and seen "Ghost in the Shell." His acceptance of his state of being lacks for me any reality. I am reminded of the hero in Larry Niven's "A World Out of Time" who traveling with an AI rejects its jusggestion that a clone could be made with his memories and personality. "But it's not ME" objects the narrator. Somehow that objection is never raised in this novel.
But this is connected with another quality within the book: Broadhead's complete dismissal of the supernatural when describing the forming of the cosmos. He is certain of the non-continuance of the human soul even while lecturing others about what he calls the "gosh numbers"--numbers that show an incredible symmetry in the universe. His explanation is never a supreme being but ever more and more powerful aliens. It reminds me of Young Sheldon explaining the amazing and improbable randomness of the universe to comfort his mother but still maintaining his own atheism. Why? because Atheism is what scientists in popular culture wear, just as they wear lab coats.
Atheism is the default setting in science fiction and has been since H. G. Wells (even though he includes in "War of the Worlds" a reference to the divine hand who had protected us with bacteria when humanity could not protect itself). Wells was a student of Huxley and completely jumped on the theory of evolution as a scientific explanation for the miracle of humanity. This comes up both in "The Time Machine" and in "First Men on the Moon." The only science fiction author whom I can think of who embraced faith was C.S. Lewis, and in him, I would consider only "Out of the Silent Planet" really science fiction. "Paralandra" is more like fantasy and "That Hideous Strength" is a Dystopia.
Pohl followed in that way of thinking. But it's ironic. For one of the qualities which make science fiction such an attractive medium is its fullness of wonder. But in its attempt to explain everything, it inevitably loses that wonder as "Hechee Rendezvous" does.
Por donde empezar respecto a este libro... Cuando termine la segunda parte de la saga "Tras el incierto horizonte", quede estupefacto con la manera en la que se habian precipitado los acontecimientos y por el curso que habia tomado la historia repentinamente. Esto me produjo unas ganas locas de ponerme a leer el tercer libro "El encuentro". Cuando me puse a leer este libro, estaba preparado para que el mismo, no estuviera a la altura del anterior o que resultara ser aun menos atractivo que el propio Portico. Y hasta mas o menos el 70% del avance del libro, asi me parecio que iba a ser y estaba pensando en darle unas 4 estrellas por el cariño que le tenia a la saga. Porque si bien la trama era entretenida, se iban develando algunos misterios que estaban pendientes de bastante tiempo atras y uno le tenia bastante afecto a los personajes; el halo de misterio e incertidumbre que habia en los libros anteriores, ya no se encontraba presente. De todas maneras la historia de la saga proseguia de una forma bastante interesante y el libro era de lo mas entretenido. La cuestion es que, a partir del 70% del libro aproximadamente, comienzan a tener lugar una serie de acontecimientos, que lo llevan a otro nivel. Este libro a parte de entretenerme por la historia en si, me ha dejado mucho en que pensar y me ha abierto un poco mas la cabeza, provocandome de manera inevitable, muchas ganas de arrancar con el siguiente volumen de la saga. Es por este motivo que le otorgo 5 estrellas.
Wan I liked at the outset of this series, I finished the series disliking him (was he in this one or the one after “Annals...”? can’t recall, but still—). The accent of the Russian wife, the slight omission of words & such, made me roll my eyes every other time she said something. The HeeChee lose the aura of mystery & the tension of their enigmatic origins and purposes. Trying to imagine their appearance is a sort of anti climax: desiccated skin over skeletal frames smelling like ammonia(?). The interaction between themselves & humans is shallow in sociological exposition, there’s nothing really alien about them, though the slow-moving slime-slugs are cool. Robin the main character, well, he’s all over the place in his head as to what he wants to do, he is far from the likability that readers embraced, the guy with next to nothing to lose who scores big in a HeeChee trip; instead, our main guy is immeasurably rich, “stupid-rich”, has a state of the art, virtually sentient, limitless capacity computer program, and a loving, independent, brilliant even, wife whose loyalty to him is unquestionable notwithstanding his corporeal nonexistence.
There is no one to root for, no goal to cheer on, Robin continues to search for Klara and we the readers get only closer to revelations about who built what (the bubble that isolated HeeChee or the machines constructed beforehand) without really caring. This didn’t need to fit into the first book’s mold but could’ve benefited from the jackpot thrill & space-cowboy adventures [of “Gateway”]. 1.5 stars because it got boring but I was invested enough into Pohl’s writing, the story of the HeeChee, and the thread of Robin’s narrative to enjoy-appreciate. I think “Gateway” & “Beyond Blue—“ are good enough. This follow up felt empty (the same for “Annals—“). -
Después de leer "Pórtico" (un clásico de la ciencia ficción) hace años, quise continuar y acabar la Saga de los Heeche. Ésta 3ª parte me ha gustado más que la 2ª: Tras el incierto horizonte. Hay más líneas argumentales, más interesantes y con mayor intriga. Practicamente la 2ª parte solo nos aportó el personaje de Wan, que en esta 3ª parte evoluciona y tiene cierto protagonismo. Ha pasado el tiempo y la humanidad ha aprendido a dominar y entender, sinó en su totalidad, sustancialmente, la tecnología Heeche. Ha colonizado un mundo extrasolar, el Mundo de Peggy y las naves Heeche ya no son un misterio, gracias a que ahora se entienden los molinetes. La situación terrestre es delicada debido al terrorismo y la superpoblación. Robinette continúa con sus empresas, siempre intentando solucionar o aliviar los problemas de la Tierra. Essie sigue con sus programas de IA. Tenemos a Audee Walters, antiguo amigo de Robinette. Tenemos a un crecido Wan, con sus propias motivaciones. Albert Einstein, el programa de Robinette también es parte fundamental de la trama.
En definitiva, esta 3ª parte, El encuentro, aunque no llega al nivel de la original Pórtico, entronca más con los temas tratados en ésta, tras el interludio de Tras el incierto horizonte. Se mantiene la intriga y resuelve todos las tramas satisfactoriamente, cosa que es de agradecer. En ese sentido el título de la novela es revelador. Por otra parte, surgen al final nuevos e interesantes interrogantes y nuevos status, fruto de la evolución de los personajes y las tramas, que animan a al lector a saber lo que ocurrirá proximamente. Así, el punto de partida de la 4ª parte, Los anales de los Heeche, se intuye más que interesante... -
second read - 10 November 2014 - *** This third book in the sequence is a real kitchen sink of a science fiction story. More kinds of alien artifacts are found, and a lot of human adaptation of previously found artifacts is developed. It has first contact with the Heechee, and introduces additional alien species. It has a developing artificial intelligence, as well as a transfer of a human being into a cybernetic life. It is so much, that the speculative concepts begin to just pile up on each other.
And then there is the circus-like drama of the characters. The question of who sleeps with who arises, as two male characters are forced to deal with old lover / new lover confrontations simultaneously. Somehow, in the hands of Pohl this seems like just one more engineering problem, and the characters simply cope with it somehow.
So, the book is entertaining, but not more than that. It does not measure up to the huge shadow of Gateway, but still, is definitely more than a rehash. I will be reading more.
first read - 2 March 1984 - *** I first read this in serial form, in the science fiction magazine Amazing/Fantastic. It was mediocre. -
An excellent book and an excellent continuation in the series! The only thing it's lacking (that the other books, especially the first one, had plenty of) is mystery. There's a bit of suspense and mystery here and there, and the narrative style is mostly the same as the first two, but the foretelling/foreshadowing in this case actually serve to diminish the suspense and mystery rather than augment it. It does add some depth and some very interesting perspective to the story throughout, and I still found the story quite exciting, just not so mysterious.
Nonetheless, for anyone who appreciates science fiction, full of fabulous (but potentially accurate) ideas, this book is excellent. And with the way it's written, the reader doesn't even need to have read the first two books before this one. But, they're all so good that I recommend reading them all and reading them in order (so as not to ruin the previous books for you). It leaves me looking forward to reading the last book in the series very soon! -
Heechee Rendezvous is book 3 of the Heechee Saga but can also be read in isolation. The plot and people are more or less the same as before but with a new angle. This time Robin flies reasonably safely around the galaxy pondering the really big issues.
Heechee Rendezvous starts of chaotically. The first half of the book is pointless drivel and can easily be skipped. However then it picks up and becomes excellent first contact science fiction. The last half is a joy to read for anyone liking that genre.
The average of 1 star for the first half and 5 stars for the 2nd half means Heechee Rendezvous mathematically deserves a 3 star rating. The good parts are so good I nevertheless have to give 4. :)