Business Model Generation by Alexander Osterwalder

Business Model Generation
Title : Business Model Generation
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 2839906171
ISBN-10 : 9782839906173
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle , Hardcover , Paperback , Audiobook & More
Number of Pages : 273
Publication : First published August 20, 2010

Business Model Generation is a practical, inspiring handbook for anyone striving to improve a business model or craft a new one.

1) Change the way you think about business models

Business Model Generation Reviews

  • Marko Savić

    Why is this book worth reading for?
    1. Because it has a great design.
    2. Because it was published as a innovative business model.
    3. Because it can easily change your life.
    If you don't believe me, read this review.

    I wouldn't know exactly if there is a definition in a book, but
    Wikipedia says business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value (economic, social, or other forms of value). From the experience in this book I would add that in the first place there is a design thinking needed to generate business models because you have to combine rational and intuitive thinking. Design thinking.

    If you would like to remember only one thing about this book, then remember: business model canvas. It has nine building blocs, left side presents the rationale and the right side presents the intuitive part. The canvas covers four main areas of business:
    + customers,
    + offer,
    + infrastructure, and
    + financial viability.

    In business model canvas the intuitive or value-side is presented by: + customer segments, + customer relationships, + channels, and + revenue streams. The rationale or cost-side of canvas includes: +key activities, + key resources, key partners, and cost structure. Bost side are connected with value propositions.

    You may freely download business model canvas at
    the business model generation web-site. So until know, you probably know that design approach or design thinking is necessary in every innovative, competitive, and/or growth business model. Authors of the book have proven it on the case of this book, that is a management book of the year 2011 in Germany.

    What other detail where interesting to me? Really a lot of them. The book had really great impact on me. And I even managed, with the help of
    my twitter profile and my followers to get to the Business models workshop and Masterclass held in Munich. Dan Roam’s has designed great visual presentation of the business model with the best visual approach I’ve seen, presenting all nine building blocks of building model canvas:

    On the broad scale business models could be divided into cost driven <=> value driven but many business models fall in between these two extremes. Business models with
    + similar characteristics, or
    + similar arrangements of business model building blocks, or of
    + similar behaviours
    are called business model patterns. Where it is worth knowing that a single business model can incorporate several of these patterns.

    Concepts described in this book include patterns such as: Unbundling, the Long Tail, Multi-Sided Platforms, Free, and Open Business Models. Every pattern is described with its context (before), challenge, solution (after), rationale, and really nice examples.

    This part of the book helped me to find a way how to unbundle design services of my company. It is still very interesting to see the explanation of unbundling the business of mobile telecommunications firms, explained in the book on the cases of France Telekom, KPN and Vodafone. The author has mentioned also Bharti Airtel, one of the first mobile telcos that unbundled really in a strategic way, and is now one of India's leading telcos focusing on its core competency: building Customer Relationships.

    One other case was also very interesting, namely the transformation of the book publishing industry. Every author today has a possibility to publish his/hers book. Because the publishing business models have changed. While in the past the publishing houses had to decide if it's profitable for them to copyedit, design, print and promote a book, today cost of self-publishing can be taken almost completely by the author with connection to publishing platforms like And in case of failure nobody gets hurt (well, the self-esteem of the author, maybe).

    If you are going to try to sketch your business model remember: the entire business model design process should be guided from a customer perspective. The author calls it: it's about THEM! Customer-centric business model design. It means shifting yours and everybody's perspective from YOU. Away from organization-centric business model design. Just forget this perspective. Otherwise business model could also be:
    + resource-driven,
    + offer-driven,
    + customer-driven,
    + finance-driven,
    + multiple-epicenter-driven.

    Once you have your business model canvas you have the opportunity to look at your canvas from the broader environment. You should or could include the key trends, market forces, macroeconomic forces and industry forces. Add some other details like your team, finance... and you have almost completed business plan. But first test your business model. And this is the greatest advantage of business model generation, you don't need to make a whole plan to see or realize if your idea/product/service works or not.

    The entire business model design process should be guided from a customer perspective. It’s about THEM! Customer-centric business model design. It means shifting yours and everybody’s perspective away from YOU (as a organization or company). Go away from organization-centric business model design.

    One other very interesting connection is with the Blue Ocean Strategy concept. Especially when you are developing/designing your value proposition it could be very useful and efficient to use four actions framework of what to eliminate, what to reduce, which factors to raise in which to create new? Or use the empathy map to design or find your customer profile. What does the person feel, what does she see, what does she say and do, and what does she hear. Out of that you'll be able to find out your customer profile pains and gains.

    You don't have to be some serious manager to design a business model. Sometimes it's even better if you are not one. Because ideation is the crucial art to be mastered if you are to design a viable new business models. At least a little bit of creativity is therefore needed and we all know managers are not really creative most of the time. Children could do much better.

    To warm up before you start designing or generating your business model you may use the silly cow exercise. Here's how it works:
    "Instruct participants to sketch out three different business models using a cow. Ask them to first define some characteristics of a cow (produces milk, eats all day, makes a mooing sound, etc.). Tell them to use those characteristics to come up with an innovative business model based on a cow. Give them three minutes.

    Keep in mind that this exercise can backfire, as it is indeed quite silly. But it has been tested with senior executives, accountants, risk managers, and entrepreneurs, and usually is a great success. The goal is to take people out of their day-to-day business routines and show them how readily they can generate ideas by disconnecting from orthodoxies and letting their creative juices flow."

    Danny Beckett Jr.

    Innovative business model is more important if you wish to succeed than your great idea, product or service.

    Prototyping of your next business model could be done at different scales: from napkin sketch to simple or elaborated business model canvas or to the field test. Remember that your breakthrough ideas may encounter strong resistance. Either inside your organisation or outside in your environment. Don't let that stop you. Remember, innovative business model is more important if you wish to succeed than your idea, product or service.

    For big picture assessment you may use simple or detailed SWOT assessment of each building block of the business model canvas. So you should be able to:
    + first have a snapshot where are you now (strengths&weaknesses), and
    + second you should be able to realize some future trajectories (opportunities&threats).

    You do not need a lot of knowledge of business to start your idea, because every business model design project is unique, so build your business models ASAP.

  • Arjen

    The subtitle of this book says "A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers". I'm sorry but I have to completely disagree. This is "A Handbook by Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers" and, in my opinion, "A Handbook for your boring conservative boss, the neighbourhood bakery selling the same old loafs of bread in the same shop for 30 years, the mayor of your incredibly dull town and for your parents".

    In other words, it makes business models fun, comprehensible and accessible to idiots and entrepreneurs whose current business model is based on intuition and static noise. There is absolutely no single reason why you should not read, buy or steal this book. Even if you hate business, corporations, the capitalist system, only listen to suicidal black metal and have three adopted stray dogs with herpes, read this book. You will be delighted and me too because by the time you have finished this book you will have revolutionised revolution so I don't have to take another xeroxed, unreadable flyer from your smelly Occupy camp site in my town but rather be blown away by your disruptive new approach to anarChy (spell checkers should be exempt from checking words like anarchy).

    In one of my other reviews I complained about the layout of a book ( This book singlehandedly makes up for all terribly designed books. This book makes all people with an eReader or tablet ridiculous.

    Go get it!

  • Alaa Bahabri

    قرأت هذا الكتاب من أجل أن نقوم أنا وأعضاء مؤسسة عالم غراس بتطوير المؤسسة من أجل خلق قدرة تنافسية عالية،
    والحقيقة أنني لم أقر أ الكتاب فقط ، بل كنت أقوم بشكل مباشر بتطبيقه في اجتماعات المؤسسة،
    النموذج الذي يقدمه الكتاب جد رائع، مميز، وسهل ، ويساعد على فهم السوق والعمل بشكل عميق،
    و فكرة النموذج (الشكل ) و الرسومات البسيطة والكلام المختصر يعطي حافز للإبداع
    إلا أن ما أعيبه على الكتاب هو الفوضى في الترتيب ، حيث إنني اضطررت لإعادة قراءة الكتاب أو أجزاء منه مرة بعد مرة لأستطيع تطبيقه،وربما كان هذا الترتيب مناسباً للقراءة ، لكنه غير مناسب أبداً للتطبيق، فهناك العديد من الأجزاء الأخيرة التي لا تفهم إلا الفصول الأخيرة,,

  • Peter (on semi hiatus and trying to catch up)

    Business Model Generation is simply the go-to book for developing a business model. New start businesses have gradually transformed their approach in trying to fit into templates of business models and realised that every business has its own unique business model. "A business model describes the rationale of how an organisation creates, delivers and captures value". This book is the roadmap.

    The format of the book is engaging, graphic and straight to the point. There has been a wealth of experience contributed to this book and nowadays there is a lot of evidence that this works. I've drawn up numerous business plans in the past and they serve only one purpose, to raise money, and then they become scrap. "Planning is everything the plan is nothing." The business models you will develop using this methodology will become a living and dynamic insight and validation that your company is on the right track and knows where it is going.

    This book is rapidly becoming the seminal book in developing a business plan and I would highly recommend this to any entrepreneur or business executive.

  • Sofia

    Posted on my
    book blog.

    A book on business model innovation and how important that is for businesses n today's economic and technological climate.

    I was torn between giving this book 3 or 4 stars. On one hand, it's a visually beautiful book which introduces some thought-provoking and useful tools, like the Business Model Canvas. On the other hand, for most subsequent chapters I felt like I was reading the same thing over and over again, with slight changes in the details. In the end, it was useful but not as informative as I would like it to be.

    Still, it's a good book for beginners, and a gorgeous one at that, and one can't help getting caught up in the genuine excitement the authors seem to have for business model innovation.

  • Kars

    This book sometimes suffers a bit from style over substance. Although a nice change from regular business books, the graphic design comes across as too eager to look trendy, and many of the illustrations aren't as illuminating as they first seem. Also, the tone of voice occasionally annoyed me with its love for buzzwords. Finally, in all honesty, it gets a bit boring and too shallow towards the end. However, the book did provide me with a useful framework for thinking about my own business and that of my clients, which was exactly why I decided to purchase it. I would say the case studies and examples are the book's strong point. While reading this book, I got a few ideas that I might act on in the near future.

  • JJ Khodadadi

    الان همزمان دارم چند کتاب با موضوعات خیلی بی ربط بهم رو میخونم! توی موضوع کسب و کار این کتاب جالب و خوب رو خوندم که بسیار روان و ساده و خوب نوشته شده با مثال های بسیار عالی و زیاد که ایده های خوبی رو توی ذهنمون ایجاد میکنه.

    از متن کتاب:

    باور ما این است که مدل کسب و کار را می توان به بهترین شکل ممکن از طریق نه جزء سازنده اساسی تشریح نمود. این نه جزء منطق چگونگی کسب درآمد یک شرکت را نشان می دهند. این اجزا، چهار حیطه اصلی یک کسب و کار را پوشش می دهند: مشتریان، ارزش پیشنهادی، زیرساخت و پایداری مالی، مدل کسب و کار، شبیه به طرحی کلی برای استراتژی عمل می کند تا استراتژی از طریق ساختارها، فرآیندها و سیستم های سازمانی پیاده سازی شود.

  • Michael Scott

    Business Model Generation is one of my first readings on economics. (In my defense, I have prior experience with modeling in general, and some experience with economic models in comp.sci. and the market of distributed computing systems.)

    This book turned out to be a mixed blessing. On the positive side, it's an easy-to-grasp, well-structured, richly illustrated book on the concepts, patterns, and processes that underlie the generation and use of business models. I particularly enjoyed reading about the Business Model Canvas, which is a visual tool to describe and analyze business models. I read with interest the Business Model Patterns, with summaries of six general business models. I was captivated by the Strategy chapter, which focuses on how the business model affects the short- and long-term strategy of a company. I loved the comp.sci.-oriented examples, and in particular the example of Amazon's Web Services (in the emerging global IT market of cloud computing).

    On the negative side, the book is overall very high-level, and it did not tell me much that I didn't know. As a consequence, I would rate this book as a beginner's guide into business models. In addition, the chapter on design tools is vague and includes seemingly overlapping tools, and the chapters from Process until the end seem rehashed from the previous chapters (in their defense, two of these three chapters should be treated as conclusion-like); in other words, about half of this book was not adding much to my mental picture of the topic.

    All in all, a good book for a beginner like me, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it to any professional. On the other hand, why would a professional be asking for my opinion about this book!?

  • Jonathan Lu

    I've had this book on my shelf and after mowing it down in 24hrs, have to admit it's one of the better entrepreneurship books I've read that deserves to be up there with lean startup and blue ocean strategy. In hindsight, this would have been useful to read before I started my own business, let alone for completing business model canvasses in the three entrepreneurship classes that I bought it for.

    Business Model Canvas
    CS - Customer Segments
    Mass Market
    Niche Market (supplier buyer relationships)
    Diversified (unrelated segments, e.g. AWS & customers)
    Multi-sided platforms (e.g. marketplaces)

    VP - Value Propositions
    Newness (cell phones, impact investing)
    Performance (faster PC's)
    Getting the job done (Rolls-Royce Aircraft engines, pay per hour of flight time)
    Cost Reduction (Salesforce CRM software - cheaper than building by self)
    Risk Reduction (outsourced IT services)
    Accessibility (NetJets)
    Convenience/Usability (iTunes)

    CN - Channels
    Own - Direct: Direct Sales Force
    Own - Direct: Web Sales
    Own - Indirect: Own Stores
    Partner - Indirect: Partner Stores
    Partner - Indirect: Wholesaler

    CR - Customer Relationships
    Personal Assistance - call centers, email
    Dedicated Personal Assistance - Key account managers
    Self Service - Google, Uber
    Automated Service - recommendation engine
    Communities - GSK overweight medicine
    Co-creation - youtube, Amazon merchants

    R$ - Revenue Streams
    Asset Sale - books, cars
    Usage Fee - hotel rooms, package delivery
    Subscription Fee - WoW
    Lending/Renting/Leasing - Zipcar
    Licensing - Intellectual Ventures
    Brokerage Fees - Real Estate

    KR - Key Resources
    Physical - IT, warehouses, infrastructure
    Intellectual - Qualcomm IP
    Human - Novartis Scientists
    Financial - Ericsson debt leverage

    KA - Key Activities
    Problem Solving - consultancies, hospitals, service
    Platform/Network - eBay, Microsoft

    KP - Key Partnerships
    Optimization and economy of scale
    Reduction of Risk & Uncertainty - Blu-ray, bluetooth, collateralized bargaining
    Acquisition of a particular resource - Android OS

    C$ - Cost Structure
    Cost-driven - SWA, Ryanair
    Value-driven - premium and luxury
    - Fixed Costs, variable cost, economies of scale, economies of scope

    3 core business types
    - Bundle or unbundle? Integrate or decentralize?
    - Challenge: Costs, org culture
    product innovation
    - First mover advantage, speed is key
    - Battle for talent, low barriers to entry, many small players
    - Employee-centered, coddle the stars
    Customer Relationship Management
    - High customer acquisition costs, economies of scope
    - Battle for scope, rapid consolidation, few players dominate
    - High service-orientation
    infrastructure management
    - High fixed costs, economies of scale
    - Battle for scale, few players dominate
    - Cost-focused, standardization, efficiency

    Long Tail Business Models
    - Selling a large number of niche products by multiple providers
    ○ Netflix licensing high # of "cult" movies with high WTP
    ○ Ebay relying on auctioneers selling "non-hit" items
    - Challenge: targeting less profitable segments can be costly

    Multi-sided platforms
    Chicken & egg dilemma - subsidize 1 customer segment to get started
    - Can we attract sufficient customers for each side of the platform?
    - Which side is more price sensitive?
    - Which side will be enticed by a subsidized offer?
    VP: 1) attract users 2) matchmake 3) reduce costs by channeling transactions
    - Challenge: insufficient customer acquisition

    - Advertising-based: need to generate high traffic with low platform costs
    - Freemium: <10% are premium customers, require low MC; platform is key
    - Challenge: high price of premium dissuades customers

    bait & hook (blades & razors model)
    - Require a strong brand
    - Lock-in switching costs

    Open Business Models (C&D)
    - Outside-In: NIH --> Buying innovation (P&G C&D)
    - Inside-Out: Not Sold Here --> Selling Innovation (GSK selling small patents)
    - Challenge: high cost of R&D

    Customer Insights
    Empathy map
    - what does she see & hear (context)
    - What does she say & do? (attitude and appearance)
    - What does she think & feel (what really counts)
    ○ Pains (frustrations/fears) and gains (wants/needs)

    Ideation: Start with the BMC, use what-if questions
    Resource-driven: originate from existing infrastructure or partnerships
    - AWS based on IT infrastructure
    Offer-driven: create new value propositions that affect other building blocks
    - Cemex 4hr delivery vs. 48hrs
    Customer-driven: based on customer needs, access, or convenience
    - 23andme mass customization
    Finance-driven: new revenue streams or cost structures
    - Xerox leasing model for new copiers
    Multiple-epicenter driven
    - Hilti move from selling tools to renting tools

    - Choose a Diverse team
    - Key question & background/context immersion
    - Wide range of innovations considered
    - Criteria selection: what is the most important criteria?
    - Prototyping: sketch out each business model
    - Brainstorm warmup: tactics of creativity (silly cow, weird/opposite/extreme)

    Visual Thinking
    Post-it notes & sketches/drawings
    - Understand the essence: big picture, relationships, collective reference point
    Tell a story with the BMC - sell internally/externally
    - Map the BMC, draw each element
    - Place them 1-by-1, define the storyline
    - Tell the story

    - Not a simulation, but a thinking tool to help explore possibilities
    ○ Watchout: "business as usual" mentality towards incremental improvements
    ○ Watchout: "need more data" - you will get it by prototyping
    "If you freeze an idea too quickly, you fall in love with it. If you refine it too quickly, you become attached to it and it becomes very hard to keep exploring, to keep looking for better. The crudeness of the early models in particular is very deliberate." - Jim Glymph, Gehry Partners

    - Make the new tangible
    ○ POV of a company employee: showcase inner workings of the org
    ○ POV of a customer: showcase how the organization creates value for her
    - Clarify how your business model solves a customer problem
    - Engage people by emotion rather than logic

    Use scenarios to guide business model design; identify critical customer segments
    Future scenarios - driving forces matrix
    - Create a new business model for each scenario quadrant

    Map the design space based on external factors (simplified porter)
    - market forces
    ○ Market issues, market segments, needs & demands, switching costs, revenue attractiveness
    - industry forces
    ○ Competitors/incumbents, new entrants/insurgents, substitutes, suppliers & value chain actors, stakeholders
    - Key trends
    ○ Technology, regulatory, societal/cultural, socioeconomic
    - macroeconomic forces
    ○ Global market conditions, capital markets, commodities/resources, economic infrastructure
    - Good SWOT guideline on p217

    Blue Ocean Strategy - fundamental differentiation
    - Eliminate: which factors can you eliminate that the industry has long competed on?
    - Reduce: Which factors should be reduced well below industry standard?
    - Raise: Which factors should be raised well above industry standard?
    - Create: Which factors should be created that the industry has never offered?
    Increase value while decreasing costs - p229 Cirque du Soleil & Wii examples
    - Raise/Create right side value (CR, CS, CH, R$ & VP)
    - Eliminate/Reduce left side costs (KA, KP, KR, C$ & VP)

    Starting Point
    - Business Model Design & Innovation
    ○ Satisfy market: fulfill unmet need (, NetJets, Tata car)
    ○ Bring to market: new technology or product (swatch, Nespresso)
    ○ Improve market: improve or disrupt (Wii, Dell, Skype)
    ○ Create Market: entirely new business (Uber, Google, Diners Club)
    - Factors Specific to Established Organizations
    ○ Reactive: out of a crisis with existing business (Wii)
    ○ Adaptive: adjusting or improving business for defense (P&G C&D)
    ○ Expansive: Launching a new tech or service (iPod, Nespresso)
    ○ Pro-active/explorative: preparing for future (AWS, car2go)

    5-phases of business model design
    - Mobilize: setting the stage - BMC, storytelling
    ○ Frame project objectives, test preliminary ideas, plan, assemble team
    ○ Build legitimacy, engage vested interests early
    ○ Watchout: overestimation of business potential (red team it)
    - Understand: immersion - customer insights, visual thinking, scenarios
    ○ Scan environment, study potential customers, interview experts, research context
    ○ Critical to develop customer empathy, question industry assumptions + status quo
    ○ Watchout: over-research (paralysis by analysis), pre-commitment bias
    - Design: inquiry - ideation, prototyping, blue ocean
    ○ Brainstorm, prototype, test, select
    ○ bolder model = higher level of uncertainty; watchout for short term focus
    ○ Watchout: watering down or squashing ideas too early, falling in love too early
    - Implement: execution - business models strategy
    ○ Communicate and involve, execute
    ○ Manage uncertainties, monitor risk/reward expectation, manage roadblocks & sponsorship via communication campaigns
    ○ Watchout: weak or fading momentum
    - Manage: evolution - evaluating business models
    ○ Scan the environment, continually assess the business model, rethink & tweak
    ○ Manage a portfolio of business models to re-insert as appropriate
    ○ Watchout: becoming a victim of your own success

  • Diego

    This is a great way to visually create your business model or even use it to find gaps or build on your assumptions. Story tell your way through to develop your value proposition. Learned a lot.

  • Pedram Keshavarzi

    تا اینجا بهترین و روان ترین کتابی بود که در مورد راه اندازی کسب و کار خواندم. مثالهای معروفی که پس از بیان هر روش و ابزاری گفته می‌شود، به شکل فوق العاده ای مفهوم را جا می‌اندازد.

  • Samar binKhamis

    ملخص من ورشة عمل بعنوان : نموذج العمل - منتدى الغد- حاضنة بادر
    هذا الكتاب وضع من قبل عدد من المؤلفين ، وهو يشرح نموذج العمل ، كخطوة
    مسبقة لخطة العمل المفصلة .
    نموذج العمل : هو هيكل فرضيات يشرح الأساس المنطقي الذي تتبعه الشركة لصنع قيمة معينة ، مرتبطة بالزبون ، مع تحديد المكاسب المتوقعة .
    هناك تسع مختور لنموذج العمل :
    ١- هيكل التكليف
    ٢- الأنشطة الرئيسة
    ٣- الشركاء الرئيسيين
    ٤- العرض المقدم للزبون
    ٥- شرائح العملاء / الفئة المستهدفة
    ٦- قنوات البيع
    ٧- طرق تحفيز المبيعات
    ٨- الموارد الرئيسة
    ٩- العلاقات مع العملاء

    يجب القيام بتقييم مبدئي قبل أن نبدأ بتطوير نموذج العمل :
    التقييم المبدئي يسير على ثلاث خطوات / الفكرة >>> تقييم السوق >>> تحليل المنافسة

    ثم نقوم بتطوير نموذج العمل عن طريق التحقق من الفرضيات وعمل التحليل المالي .
    أولاً: شرائح العملاء
    ١- تحديد مجموعات العملاء حسب احتياجاتهم واختلافاتها في الخدمة ، او نوع العلاقة .
    ٢- استراتيجية لتقسيم شرائح العملاء
    (تعميم - شريحة صغيرة - شرائح متعددة- شرائح متنوعة)

    ثانياً : العرض المقدم للزبون
    العناصر التالية تساعد على زيادة تنافسية :
    الحداثة - الآداء - تجربة العميل - التصميم - العلامة التجارية - السهولة - تقليل المخاطر - إمكانية الوصول - انجاز الخدمة المطلوبة فقط - القدرة على التفصيل .

    قنوات البيع :
    نوعيّة العميل - خدمة ما بعد البيع - إعطاء العملاء فرصة لتقييم منتجك .

    هناك نوعان لقنوات البيع ؛ قنوات مباشرة (فريق مبيعات- محل تجاري- موقع انترنت- شبكات اجتماعية) .

    قنوات غير مباشرة (الشركات - موزعون)

  • Ben Donahower

    The business model canvass is very popular in startup circles, however, after reading the book, a lot of people are doing it wrong or have admittedly repurposed the canvass to into how they do business.

    I'm sure other ideas surrounding the development of a business model canvass, Ash Maurya has a completely different approach that works with his commitment to rapid MVP development and testing, are useful but they are very different than what's posited in this book. I highly recommend reading this book to get the context behind the business model canvass.

    This book is both powerful and actionable. It ends by explaining a process to follow. It offers up other useful tools, like the Empathy Map, which helps businesses better understand their customers. Although there is very little text in this nearly 300 page book, I recommend taking it slow. There are charts and graphs that you should analyze as you read and spend some time digesting each piece of the book as you read through it.

  • Alireza Aghamohammadi

    توصیه: این کتاب را تنها زمانی بخوانید که کسب و کار خودتان را دارید یا در شرف ایجاد یک کسب و کار هستید. یک بار سال ۹۴ کتاب را خواندم و آن موقع به نظرم بیخود آمد. اما با دید و تجربه الان به نظرم هر صفحه کتاب حاوی نکات بسیار ارزشمندی در بهبود کسب و کار شما است.

    کسب و کارها را می‌توان با نه جزء سازنده مدل‌سازی کرد که کتاب به آن مدل کسب و کار می‌گوید.
    ۱. بخش‌های مشتری: هر کسب و کار شامل دسته‌های مختلفی از مشتریان است. مثلاً یوتیوب را در نظر بگیرید. سه نوع مشتری را می‌توان برای آن متصور شد. اول افرادی که ویدیوها را تماشا می‌کنند، دوم افرادی که محتوا تولید می‌کنند، سوم شرکت���هایی که سفارش تبلیغ بر روی ویدیوها می‌دهند. شناسایی و درک نیاز هر کدام از بخش‌های مختلف مشتری در موفق ‌سازی کسب و کار حیاتی است.
    ۲. ارزش‌های پیشنهادی: هر شرکتی باید یک ارزشی را برای مشتری خود به ارمغان بیاورد. در اینجا ارزش‌های کسب و کار را مشخص می‌کنیم. مثلاً موتور جست‌وجو گوگل یافتن اطلاعات ارزشمند را برای افراد در زمان سریع فراهم می‌کند.
    ۳. ارتباط با مشتری: به چه طریقی و با کمک چه سیستم‌هایی با مشتری در ارتباط هستید. توجه کنید مشتری حتی بعد از خرید هم مشتری محسوب می‌شود و باید با آن ارتباط داشت (خدمات پس از فروش و ...)
    ۴. کانال‌ها: از تولید تا مصرف به چه کانال‌های توزیع و فروش احتیاج دارید؟
    ۵. جریان‌های درآمدی: به چه طریقی سازمان درآمد کسب می‌کند؟ مثلاً گوگل عمده درآمد خود را از راه تبلیغات به دست می‌آورد.
    ۶. منابع کلیدی: چه منابعی برای چرخیدن کسب و کار حیاتی است؟ (سخت‌افزاری، نرم‌افزاری و ...)
    ۷. فعالیت‌های کلیدی: چه فعالیت‌هایی باید به صورت گام به گام انجام شود تا ارزش پیشنهادی به دست مشتری برسد که ماحصل آن درآمد برای شرکت است.
    ۸. شرکای کلیدی: خیلی از کارها باید برون سپاری شود. چه کارهایی را به دیگر شرکت‌ها برون سپاری می‌کنید؟ قاعده سر‌انگشتی این است: در هر کسب و کار ۸۰ درصد موارد باید برون سپاری شود و ۲۰ درصد فوق العاده مهم توسط خود کسب و کار انجام شود.
    ۹. هزینه‌ها: چه هزینه‌هایی لازم است؟ (پلتفرم، بازاریابی، لجستیک و ...)

    سوال: فرق مدل کسب و کار با طرح کسب‌ و کار (business case) چیست؟
    مدل کسب و کار یک بخش از طرح کسب و کار محسوب می‌شود. در واقع می‌توان طرح کسب و کار را شامل شش عنصر زیر دانست:
    ۱. تیم
    ۲. مدل کسب و کار
    ۳. تحلیل مالی
    ۴. محیط بیرونی (اقتصاد، تحلیل بازار و روندهای کلیدی، تحلیل رقبا و مزیت‌های رقابتی)
    ۵. نقشه راه پیاده‌سازی
    ۶. تحلیل ریسک

    یکی از فصل‌های بینظیر کتاب، فصل الگوها بود. در این فصل انواع روش‌های کسب درآمد در سازمان‌ها را شرح می‌دهد. برخی از روش‌ها مانند فروش و ایجاد تعداد زیادی محصول با درآمد کم (long tail business model) به جای فروش تعداد محدودی محصول پرتقاضا و نیز مدل چند وجهی مثل یوتیوب (multi sided) جالب بود.

  • Morteza

    Scroll to the end of this review for English-translated one

    کتاب خلق مدل کسب و کار، یه کتاب خیلی تخصصی برای کسب و کارها و استارتاپ هاس.
    کسی که اولین بار این کتابو میخونه، مطالب کتاب خیلی براش جدید و شاید سنگین (نه سخت) خواهد بود. یعنی با چیزایی که قبلا ممکنه خونده باشیم تفاوت زیادی داره
    تو این کتاب، علاوه بر اینکه طراحی مدل کسب و کار رو یاد میگیریم، ایده های بسیار زیادی از مدل های درآمدی، مدل های سازمانی، مدل های ارائه ارزش به مشتری وجود داره که میشه مستقیما ازشون توی کسب و کار استفاده کرد یا الگو برداری کرد.
    نکته کلیدی اینکه پیشنهاد میکنم قبل خوندن به صفحه 249 (بخش پنج مرحله) نگاه بندازید، یه خلاصه از مباحث کتاب بهتون نشون میده که باعث میشه کمتر سردرگم بشید.

    به دلیل انتزاعی بودن نسبی مطالبش برای من، باعث شد کم کم بتونم پیش ببرمش و 2 ماه طول کشید خوندنش. برای همین احتمالا باید یه بار دیگه بخونمش تا بتونم توی کسب و کارم ازش استفاده کنم

    Business Model Generation book is a very specialized book for businesses and startups.
    For someone reading this book for the first time, the contents of the book will be very new and maybe heavy (not hard). This means it is very different from what we may have read before.
    In this book, in addition to learning how to design a business model, there are many ideas of revenue models, organizational models, models to provide value to the customer that can be used directly in the business.
    The key point is that I suggest you look at page 249 ("5 Phases" section) before reading, it's a cheat sheet of book topics that will make you less confused.

    Due to the relative abstraction of its contents for me, I was able to move it forward little by little and it took 2 months to read it. That's why I probably have to read it one more time so I can use it in my business.

  • Narges Goudarzi

    یه مدل کسب و کار برای هر کسب و کاری که قصد پیشرفت داره لازمه...
    چگونگیِ خلق مدل کسب و‌ کار رو به بهترین شکل توضیح داده ( کتاب دیگه ای درباره ی مدل کسب و کار نخوندم اما این کتاب انقدر کامل بود که هیچ سوالی برام باقی نگذاشت ...)

  • Oleksandr Golovatyi

    The book "Business Model Generation" can easily be called a "bible", a real reference book for innovators and entrepreneurs. Author Alexander Osterwalder together with 470 co-authors created a masterpiece. All information in the book revolves around the business model scheme, which consists of nine structural blocks:
    - consumer segments
    - value propositions
    - sales channels
    - relationship with customers
    - revenue streams
    - key resources
    - key activities
    - key partners
    - cost structure
    The book describes many examples of business models of great companies and their products. For example, Apple iPod / iTunes, Skype, Lego, Amazon web services, Wii from Nintendo.
    If you are wondering how to create an innovative business or change an old one, be sure to start by reading this book. I recommend the book as super as possible.
    Книгу "Построение бизнес-моделей" можна смело назвать "библией", настоящей настольной книгой для иноваторов и предпринимателей. Автор Александр Остервальдер вместе с 470 соавторами создал шедевр. Вся информация в книге крутится вокруг схемы бизнес-модели, которая состоит из девяти структурных блоков:
    - потребительские сегменты
    - ценностные предложения
    - каналы сбыта
    - взаимоотношения с клиентами
    - потоки поступления доходов
    - ключевые ресурсы
    - ключевые виды деятельности
    - ключевые партнеы
    - структура издержек
    В книге описано много примеров бизнес-моделей великих компаний и их продуктов. Например, Apple iPod/iTunes, Skype, Lego, веб-сервисы Amazon, Wii от Nintendo.
    Если вам интересно, как создавать инновациооный бизнес или изменить старый обязательно начните с прочтения этой книгой. Максимально рекомендую, книга супер.

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    Readlax Chrome Extension

  • عبدالرحمن عقاب

    كتابٌ مهمّ جدًا لكلّ باحثٍ عن خيوط الب��ايات لأي مشروعٍ تجاري. ‏
    كما أنّه مهمّ أيضًا لكلّ صاحب مشروع اضطربت حساباته، أو تداخلت أوراقه.‏
    تكمن أهميته من كونه دليلًا عمليًا، حسن العرض والترتيب. يأخذ قارئه من بداية الفكرة إلى ‏آلية التقييم والتعديل والتطوير.‏
    والحقيقة أنّه لا يُكتفى بقراءته مرة واحدة، بل يلزم إعادة قراءته ك‎ CHECK LIST‏ قبل أي ‏بداية، وفي حال أي تقييم أو تغيير في عمل الشركة أو المؤسسة. ‏
    وأمّا مخططاته فيمكن طباعتها وتكبيرها أو تصميمها لتكون خارطة طريق في مكاتب الإدارة. ‏
    ملاحظة أخيرة حول الإسراف في بعض الفصول في ضرب الأمثلة وشرح الواضح المفهوم، كما ‏الإسراف في تكرار صور المخطّطات‏

  • Guilherme Ferreira

    Se você precisar montar um modelo de negócio para ajudar a sua empresa a inovar, ou até mesmo sobreviver. Este livro é pra você, ele apresenta-lhe o ‘Business Model Canvas’ (BMC), como uma ferramenta para criar, compartilhar e entender melhor modelos de negócios.

    O livro aborda uma explicação profunda do BMC, detalha também padrões consolidados de modelos de negócio, ensina uma visão holística sobre o processo de design relacionado com o modelo de negócio e trás algumas partes sobre estratégia de negócios e processo de implantação do novo modelo de negócio.

    Não gostei muito do projeto gráfico do livro, dá muita importância pro aspecto visual e acaba dificultando a leitura dos textos, porém o conteúdo é muito bacana e fácil de assimilar.

  • Tadas Talaikis

    ... and I came to the Google business model. What's out of reality with this book's idea - almost nothing works liek planned in reality. Suppose, we create some business under "Google model", nope, Google realized its model in the process, not some mystical "model".

    In a broader sense, - probably most of the so called "success" comes as a consequence of pure old luck. We can think about it like
    Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don't - "take great people into the bus in their place", but, let's say, you take all the right people to create some chemical, and employ various "models", but omit some unpredictable variables (and most probably you will) like someone already created automatic chemical compounds search process and there's simply almost nothing useful to find left.

    Consequences of above mentioned. 20 years ago someone said we would drive flying machines. Reality now - people's driving pokemons. Brave new world, baby.

    What I have learned from trading, as W.Buffett says so, - "investing made me a better businessman and business made me a better investor", - is this, - you can't create onto hindsight bias.

    Such books are like two other common things, - first, 98% of research that is flawed or never cited, second, "Trump-like" self-help elite who do seminars for idiots who pay their hard earned slave service jobs thousands for useless "seminars" to try to achieve some "dream". OK, such books are just another product of like those aforementioned - its own business. They are written not because they have some information advantage (no mainstream thing can have one), but because it is author (research, "trump-elite") business to make something to earn the money. One of cultural imperialism things when you see everywhere some B.S. and real research is hidden and hardly seen.

    And so... Here's I tell the most realistic models of them all in one sentence - people (prospects) want to live as best as they can. You don't need to read about "free as a model" after the fact, be the one who realizes how it can be done to fulfill the real purpose of people's life.

    Or in other words, in real circumstances you go and collect bit by bit from various sources what works for you, in this case book is good.

  • Ali Yazdi

    کتاب خوب و عالی ای بود چه از نظر محتوا و چه از نظر طراحی شکل ها و نمودار ها و تکنیکها.
    من این کتاب را در زمان امتحانم خوندم و خب بالتبع احساس منفی ای داشتم نسبت به خوندنش ولی حتمن یک زمانی بخونید که فکر می کنید ایده ای تو کلتونه و اصلن چشم امیدی به اون ایده ندارید و فکر می کنید که کاربردی ندارد.
    نمیگم همه ی اونایی که تفکر نوآوری گونه داشتن تو زندگیشون حتمن این متدها و روند کلی ای که تو این کتاب باهاش آشنا شدن رو رفتن، اما با این روش ها خیلی راحت می تونید از یه چیز کوچیک که تو ذهنتونه، یه غول بسازید.
    من فکر کنم زیاد کتابی نبوده که مترجمانش جز ترجمه کردن اینقدر برای جنبه های دیگرش زحمت کشیده باشن مثل شکل ها و تصاویر جدید.

  • John Seno

    Reduces business to four essential components namely; offer, infrastructure, financial viability and customer interface. These components are spread out on a big picture visual canvas called "The business model canvas" which enables us to see crucial connections and relationships within the business. This book also incorporates classic strategic management tools like PEST analysis and SWOT analysis to further enhance the value of this book. This has to be the best business book I have come across yet!

    A seven star business book :-)

  • Raafat

    إذا بدي اكتب عن هالكتاب فيمكن اكتب كتاب كامل عن التجربة والعظمة.
    محتوى الكتاب بعطيه عشرة من عشرة وتصميم الكتاب والصفحات عشرة من عشرة بدون أي مبالغة.
    كل صفحة عبارة عن رحلة. كل صفحة عم تجاوبني عن سؤال كان ببالي. صرت بآخر صفحة والكتاب عم يجاوبني لحتى وصلت لآخر سؤال.
    بالنسبة إلي كان هالكتاب من أمتع تجارب حياتي. فعلاً مو طبيعي.
    ما بحب التمجيد بالكتب والمنتجات, بس من ورا الكنز يلي جوا هالكتاب أنا متمني روح اتشكر المؤلفين والمصممين يلي ساووه.

  • Andra

    A useful induction into business models, how they're built and the disciplines necessary to be able to create and implement one.

  • Serap Y.

    Kitapta bulunan bilgiler iş modeli kanvası oluşturmak için temel düzeyde yardımcı olabilecek bilgiler ama kesinlikle yeterli değil. Ayrıca Türkçe çevirisi tam anlamıyla “motamot” olmuş ve bu da anlamsızlıklara sebebiyet vermiş. Bu sebeple eğer İngilizce biliyorsanız bu kitabı orijinal dilinden okumanızı tavsiye ederim. İnternette İngilizcesinin pdf’i pek çok yerde bulunuyor. Bunun dışında eğer “pdf’ten kitap okumayı sevmiyorum” diyorsanız iş modeli kanvası hazırlamak için Steve Blank’in YouTube’ta bulunan videolarının çok daha yardımcı olduğunu söyleyebilirim.

  • Francesco

    Un ottimo libro con degli ottimi metodi per ideare, sviluppare e testare un modello di business esistente o da creare.
    Una lettura consigliata a chiunque si occupi di queste cose o anche solo ne venga saltuariamente in contatto

  • Dmitry

    (The English review is placed beneath Russian one)

    Отзывы на книгу «Построение бизнес-модели» вогнали меня в некоторый лёгкий ступор. Я до сих пор не понимаю, как можно писать хвалебные отзывы на такую явную чушь. Возникает ощущение, что те, кто их писал, не то что не знакомы с маркетингом как таковым, но и к бизнесу имеют самое отдалённое отношение, так как в ином случаи непонятно как могут, несколько известных теорий +матрица SWOT-анализа, вызывать такие реакции. По сути, авторы книги просто вырвали небольшой кусок из маркетингового плана назвав его «бизнес-моделью». И всё!
    Первая часть книги – коротко по ос��овным маркетинговым вопросам. Но очень коротко. Потребительские сегменты, ценностные предложения, каналы сбыта, взаимоотношения с клиентами, потоки поступления доходов, ключевые ресурсы, ключевые виды деятельности, ключевые партнёры и структура издержек. В общем, всё то, что есть в каждом учебнике по маркетингу. Но тут описание сухое и не интересное, не смотря на громадное количество картинок, схем и пр. Это, по замыслу авторов, базис бизнес-плана. По сути, можно приложить больше усилий и получиться полноценный маркетинговый план.
    Далее авторы (также коротко) представляют идеи из знаменитых бизнес-книг: «длинный хвост» («предложение большого количества нишевых товаров, каждый из которых продаётся относительно редко»); многосторонние платформы (такие платформы ценны для одной группы потребителей только в том случае, если присутствует и другая; сетевой эффект); бизнес модель free-типа (бесплатная газета Metro, Skype, Google); открытые бизнес модели могут быть использованы для создания и сохранения ценности за счёт сотрудничества с внешними партнёрами.
    Далее идёт глава, которую коротко можно обозначить как «генерация идей». Тут мы видим так популярный ныне сторителлинг и визуализация всего и вся и так далее.
    Глава «стратегии» включает: SWOT-анализ, стратегию «голубого океана» и множества различных примеров.

    Reviews on the book "Business Model Generation" drove me into a slight stupor. I still don't understand how one can write praise reviews for such obvious crap. I get the feeling that those who wrote them not only aren't familiar with marketing as such, but also have the most distant relation to business. Otherwise, it is not clear how several well-known theories + SWOT-analysis matrix can cause such reactions. In fact, the authors of the book simply took a small piece out of the marketing plan, calling it a "business model". That's all!
    The first part of the book is short description of the main marketing issues. But very briefly. Consumer segments, value propositions, sales channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partners and cost structure. In general, all that is in every marketing textbook. But here the description is dry and not interesting, in spite of the huge number of pictures, schemes, etc. This, according to the authors, is the basis of the business plan. In fact, you can make more efforts and get a full marketing plan.
    Then the authors (also briefly) present ideas from the famous business books: "long tail" ("offer a large number of niche products, each of which is sold relatively rarely"), multilateral platforms (such platforms are valuable for one group of consumers only if there is another, the network effect), business model free-type (free newspaper Metro, Skype, Google), open business models can be used to create and preserve value through cooperation with external partners.
    This is followed by a chapter that can be briefly referred to as "idea generation". Here we see the popularity of Storytelling and visualization of everything and everything and so on.
    The chapter on "strategy" includes: SWOT analysis, the "blue ocean" strategy and many different examples.

  • Федор Кривов

    Книга полна практическими шаблонами для генерации бизнес-моделей и даже структура бизнес-плана есть. Читалась у меня тяжело, много сложно-построенных предложений:

    Организация должна сделать выбор, решая, какие сегменты обслуживать, а от каких отказаться.
    Группы клиентов представляют различные сегменты, если: ● различия в их запросах обуславливают различия в предложениях; ● взаимодействи�� осуществляется по разным каналам сбыта; ● взаимоотношения с ними нужно строить поразному; ● их выгодность существенно различается; ● их привлекают разные аспекты предложения.
    Для достижения инновации ценности Ким и Моборн предлагают аналитический инструмент под названием модель четырех действий. Эти четыре вопроса бросают вызов стратегической отраслевой логике и общепринятым бизнес-моделям: 1. Какие факторы, которые отрасль рассматривает как само собой разумеющиеся, следует исключить? 2. Какие факторы следует значительно сократить по сравнению с существующими в отрасли стандартами? 3. Какие факторы следует значительно увеличить по сравнению с существующими в отрасли стандартами? 4. Какие факторы из никогда ранее не предлагавшихся в отрасли следует создать
    Причинами возникновения инновационной бизнес-модели могут быть: 1) стремление удовлетворить существующие на рынке, но никем не обслуживаемые потребности; 2) возможность вывести на рынок новые технологии, товары или услуги; 3) желание улучшить, разрушить или преобразовать существующий рынок с помощью лучшей бизнес-модели или 4) создать совершенно новый рынок.
    Упражнение «отстой/восторг»: участники вначале проводят в течение 20 минут мозговой штурм, придумывая всевозможные обоснования, почему идея не будет работать (фаза «отстоя»), а затем в течение следующих 20 минут выискивают все причины, по которым ей суждена долгая счастливая жизнь (фаза «восторга»). Это прекрасный способ проверить, обладает ли идея фундаментальной ценностью.

  • Fab

    Books like this help me realize that you can go very deep into business model generation and business strategy. This is a great in-depth guide to understanding one of the best business model tools out there: The Business Model Canvas.

    It takes common design principles like storytelling and prototyping and brings that to business model generation. The book is very nicely designed and also offers a range of helpful tips on business strategy. The SWOT analysis section in particular is excellent at helping you think about how to improve your business model.

    This would be very helpful to read if you’re either starting a new business or looking to improve an existing one. Having said that, parts of this book feel very corporate-like. Especially the last section. There are parts of this book that were extremely valuable and I would rate 5 stars, but there were other parts that were pretty dry and I wouldn’t rate higher than 3 / 5. Overall I give this a 4 / 5.