Mutts (Mutts, #1) by Patrick McDonnell

Mutts (Mutts, #1)
Title : Mutts (Mutts, #1)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0836210255
ISBN-10 : 9780836210255
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 128
Publication : First published July 1, 1996

Presents the adventures of Earl the dog and Mooch the cat as they interact with humans, their friends, and other animals.

Mutts (Mutts, #1) Reviews

  • Debbie Zapata

    Earl and Mooch are worming their way into my bookcases. Well actually into the desk cubby because the books are odd-sized and do not fit in the available space in my bookcases.

    Anyway, they are worming their way in and I realize I am a bit addicted now. I first ordered a used copy of one of the Sunday collections. Then the other two Sunday collections. Then a treasury collection. Then MUTTS II, and of course after that most recent read I decided I might as well give up and get it all over with at once. I ordered volumes 1, 3, 4, and 5.


    I have been using the MUTTS books as mental breaks and I had not planned to read another one just yet. But this morning I was able to go play in the yard a bit and after I had clipped this patch of grass and pulled those weeds and swept away yet another pile of the pine needles that the neighbor's tree has been spitting on us for 35 years, I came in to rest The Back and congratulate myself on finally being able to get some yard chores done. Can't always do that: The Back and I have been arguing about stuff like that for years now. Sometimes I win, sometimes The Back does. Today I won. Yay!

    The plan was to open up the computer and see what was going on in the world. But there was no internet. And I had not brought my current print book in with me so I could not just lay here and read that instead. And I couldn't go get it because The Back and I have a deal: when any chores are finished, I lay down and do not move for at least an hour. Two is better. Then Back will not go on strike when I get up again.

    That system works fine unless I need something to read.

    But the desk is close, so I got up just enough to grab this book. The Back didn't complain (I think it was still surprised by what I had asked it to do earlier!) and I got back down again and began to read while trying to ignore the itch of the wool blanket that keeps Back warm while it relaxes. Not that the rest of me needs a wool blanket in August in Arizona but during my 63 years of living with my EDS I have learned a few tricks to keep myself functioning and The Back happy. Which of course makes me happy too.

    And yes, I am about to talk about this book! lol

    This was the very first MUTTS collection and our pals don't look quite the same as I knew them in the days we were still getting newspaper delivery. I don't remember ever seeing the very earliest panels here; the ones where Earl and Mooch first meet. Earl is alone for the first three pages, then they see each other in the windows of their respective houses, and a few panels later they meet.

    Not only do they start to build a beautiful friendship, they start to worm their way into hearts of readers everywhere. I'm glad I indulged in my copies, and I am also glad they are handy in the desk cubby. I will be able to visit with them every time I get stuck on the floor with no internet and nothing to read.

  • ♥ Sandi ❣

    3 stars

    Just a funny - to ease the pain!! Needed a change of pace and picked up a few graphic novels.

    This one is Earl and Mooch, a dog and cat. Some were funny, some endearing. Copies of published comic strips in this short book.

  • Gary Butler

    18th book read in 2015.

    Number 109 out of 446 on my all time book list.

    Follow the link below to see my video review:

  • Erik Rodriguez

    Realmente me sorprendió este libro.

    Resulta ser una lectura ligera, con un humor exquisito. Nos enseña una forma de ver el mundo de una manera simple, sin complicaciones y nos hace preguntarnos si realmente los problemas q nos aquejan existen.

    Definitivamente súper recomendable.


  • Sandra

    Agora entendo o amor que muitos têm por esta tira.

    O humor inteligente e perspicaz lembra-me o meu muito amado Quino com a sua Mafalda

  • Michael Anderson

    I started reading Mutts in the LA Times in the mid 90s, kept reading it until I quit newspapers, and forgot about it until the happy day last year when I found it on the web. The strip's warmth, gentleness, and amiable corniness always made me feel good and occasionally made me laugh outright. This book is the first Mutts collection, AFAIK, and I wanted to compare these strips with today's. The art is only slightly rougher, and the jokes are a little less sophisticated. But it's still all good.

  • Serch Tijuana Lee

    “La vida es un ciclo, que se repite una y otra vez, de estación en estación, del polvo al polvo” Patricl Mc Donnell

    Desde que ví este ejemplar en las redes sociales de Editorial Océano me dieron muchas ganas de leerlo. “Mutts” es una tira cómica que nació en 1994 y que se publica en muchos rincones del mundo a través de los principales diarios de cada región. Ha sido reconocida por la crítica pero también por los fieles lectores y seguidores de Mooch y Earl, los protagonistas de esta historia gráfica que no puede faltar en tu estantería.

    A pesar de la cercanía que tenemos en Tijuana con Estados Unidos, no recuerdo haber visto a estos divertidos personajes en algún diario y es una lástima porque son geniales. La mente creativa de Patrick McDonnell es infinita, divertida y extraordinaria. En este ejemplar todas las ilustraciones son a blanco y negro y nos presenta graciosas situaciones en la vida de un perro, un gato y hasta la de un pequeño pez, el cual me ha dado algo de tristeza…

    Mooch y Earl hacen una excelente mancuerna, juntos son dinamita. De igual manera encontraremos en las tiras pequeñas historias de cada uno por separado, me ha gustado la conexión que tienen con sus respectivos dueños y vínculo que se forma entre la mascota y el amo. Sin dejar pasar a los distintos personajes que se van sumando a las aventuras de nuestros queridos Mooch y Earl, que por cierto, mi favorito es el gato, va por la vida con total desenfado, actitud que deberíamos adoptar, además se expresa de una forma bastante tierna y peculiar.

    Si te gustan las historias gráficas este libro es para ti. Los amantes de los animales lo van a disfrutar de principio a fin. Esta colección es genial porque lleva una muy buena secuencia y funciona perfecto para olvidarse del trabajo, de los problemas y la rutina. Gracias a Editorial Océano por el envío del ejemplar.

  • kaotickitten

    I’ve always loved Mutts comics. To have them put in a book form even better. I hated having to wait for a new one.

    Earl and Mooch are what we think of when we think of animals dialogue. They bring a smile to the face. A little innocence back into the world on the brink of destruction.

    Love the comics that started out over twenty years ago.

  • Catherine

    So cute. Simple, sweet, innocent, and every character is funny.

  • Kammera

    Great little comic book. I ❤️ Mutts!

  • Malapata

    Tiene algún chiste divertido pero, con la mitad del libro leído, las ideas empezaban a repetirse demasiado.

  • Diane D. Brown

    One if my very favorite comics!

  • Rosa Kwon

    A piece of my childhood

  • Courtney Chappell

    This was a quick read. I liked some strips but others not so much.

  • Lynn Wright

    Funny book perfect for an achy heart.

  • Jane

    I love the warm gentle humor of Mutts, and the true understanding of and concern for animals. Also the differences between owning a dog and owning a cat.

  • Mary Catelli

    The first ever collection, with an intro by
    Charles Schulz. Who recounts how he wishes he had had the idea after reading one of the comics. . . .

    You can see the art evolving throughout the book, though it seems to have reached its final form, more or less by the end of the book.

    It also opens with Mooch and Earl not knowing each other. After a few comics where they eye each other, they seem to have actually become friends off panel, since it shows them showing each other their homes.

    It has classic bits, like the time Mooch asks Earl why bees keep busy, a brief retelling of Goldilocks with both Mooch and Earl taking the title role, and a sequence revolving about a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.

    It also introduces repeating characters, like the butcher, the bear, and the guard dog. Though they aren't entirely formed yet, some of them. (There's a sequence where they think they are facing the guard dog.)

  • Jami

    I love Mutts! This is a great intro to the comic strip; it introduces you to the characters. I love Earl, Mooch, "my Ozzie" and "that lady I live with." Some of these have messages - one of my faves in this book is the frog in the big pond, talking to Earl and Mooch. The frog tells them to come back and visit him as he isn't going anywhere. Then, you see off to the side a sign saying "Mall Coming Soon." In the weekly strips, periodically a dog on a chain appears - that character always gets me reaching for the kleenex (but he isn't in this book - he must have come later). Thank you, Patrick McDonnell, for these characters and your messages to people, including getting them to adopt shelter dogs.

  • Sil

    Estoy totalmente idiotizada con esta tira. Se llama MUTTS, que en inglés es una forma de referirse a los perros u otros animales sin pedigree, es decir, una raza mezclada. La historia es genial, un perro y un gato amigos. Lo que más me gusta además del trazo del dibujante que es del tipo que más me gusta en este tipo de comics, es que los guiones son simples sutiles, cómicos y muy enternecedores. Sobre todo si alguno tiene un perro o un gato, como nosotros, se disfruta muchísimo, porque es ver reflejado parte del carácter de tu mascota.
    Aqui en MAdrid se venden 3 tomos en español. Ya voy por el 3º. Lamentablemente no hay más y me gustaría leerlo en inglés pero aun no lo encontré.

  • Mike Aragona

    Have you ever come across a new strip and immediately fell in love with it? Well that was definitely the case for me and Mutts! The adventures of a Dog and a Cat may seem tired and overdone, but these two are simply loveable! The dog is not an idtio and the cat is not a mini-dictator. They equally tease the other and their adventures together are somewhat reminiscent of a couple of close children/ buddies. Straightforward humor with an innocent (and sometimes naive) reaction by these two resulted in many giggling fits on my part :) A great strip and a great first compilation!

  • Doctor

    Earl & Mooch are the GREATEST!! Has what every comic strip should have.... funny, entertaining, poignant, and at times sensitive. Patrick McDonnell uses creativity and realism to get animal issues across to the public. I really enjoyed the pieces that brought attention to animal abuse and shelter pets. This collection of strips is tremendous and after meeting Mr. McDonnell when I worked in the comic business I can assure readers that his heart is in the right place when he creates Mutts. Many stories are based on the real life Mooch!

  • Gonzalo Oyanedel

    Hacer de lo cotidiano una fuente de experiencias es un talento reservado a pocos. En el caso de Patrick McDonnell, a su gran sensibilidad suma la destreza para resolver en pocas viñetas y un sencillo trazo historias encantadoras, donde el lector empatiza rápidamente con los protagonistas en sus periplos por su microuniverso, inabarcable a sus ojos y que reserva sorpresas en cada rincón. Un tesoro.

  • Sasita

    I started reading this book not because it was a comic book type of thing but because of the dog and cat on the front. It's a pretty good book, I like how the animals (the dog and cat) could talk to each other.I also like the the owners are confused about why the dog and cat keep looking out the window. It was pretty funny to me.

  • Kim

    Sweet, innocent strip. Earl and Mooch meet and become friends after a slightly shaky start. Oz is Earl's owner whereas Fran and Millie belong to Mooch. Butchie, Sid the fish, neighbor's bull dog, migrating birds and annoying aquirrels make appearances.

  • Amy

    I love all the Mutts comics. A must read for any pet owner/lover.