Title | : | The Cosmical Horror of H. P. Lovecraft : A Pictorial Anthology |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | Italian |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 166 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1991 |
Dal sito della casa editrice: "La vita e gli scritti del Solitario di Providence visti attraverso gli occhi più o meno fedeli di illustratori, fumettisti e cineasti: Virgil Finlay, Graham Ingels, Philippe Druillet, Magnus, Dino Battaglia, Richard Corben, Berni Wrightson, Gene Day, Serge Clerc, Andreas, MÏbius, Nicollet, Karel Thole, Michael Whelan, Tim White, Guido Buzzelli, Luigi Piccatto, Roger Corman, Lucio Fulci, Stuart Gordon..."
The Cosmical Horror of H. P. Lovecraft : A Pictorial Anthology Reviews
what a great find. this is the sort of thing that will appeal only to lovecraft fans and severe horror nerds, but for those of us that fall under that umbrella, it is a total treat. lots of great imagery taken from comics and films either heavily influenced, or directly inspired by lovecraft's work makes this a real joy to browse, and a minor knowledge of romance languages (i have spanish under my bself) should be enough to get the gist of what is being said in the italian passages of the book. while the internet has somewhat rendered the bilbiography section obsolete, the filmography section is excellent, and based on the inclusion of the films that i'm familiar with (lucio fulci, stuart gordon, cronenberg), it seems to be a well researched list that has lots of stuff that i am not familiar with that i should check out