Title | : | Seconds to Silence (Tellings of The Time Book 3) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 431 |
Publication | : | Published December 31, 2022 |
Meanwhile, Abby opens herself up for love. But will the men in her life find a way to love her all, or will they fight to keep it all for themselves?
Seconds to Silence is the third and final book in Telling of The Time and will answer all the questions you might have. Come catch a killer with me?
Seconds to Silence is the third and final book in Tellings of the Time. This is a Reverse Harem series, meaning the main character ends up with multiple love interests. This is a dark book with adult content. Please read the trigger warnings before you start reading this book.
Seconds to Silence (Tellings of The Time Book 3) Reviews
Seconds to silence het derde deel van de trilogie Tellings of the time. Reverse harem, liefde, moord, ontvoering. Spanning met een vleugje humor. Een boek dat je met moeite weg legt de spanning blijft erin.
De klok blijft tikken terwijl Abby uitzoekt of ze The time al hebben gepakt of niet. Zullen er nog meer slachtoffers komen of komt er eindelijk een einde aan deze zaak. De tijd raakt op en de vrouwen van Portland zouden zich graag weer veilig voelen. Abby, Chester, Remy en Becker doen er alles aan om deze seriemoordenaar te pakken.
Abby opent zichzelf voor liefde maar zullen de mannen een manier vinden om allemaal van haar te houden? Of zullen ze vechten om het voor hunzelf te houden.
Kris weet echt goed de spanning erin te houden. Prachtig hoe ze zo iets serieus mengt met hier en daar een vleugje humor. Haar schrijfstijl zorgt ervoor dat de boeken vlotjes weglezen.
Ook van dit derde en laatste deel heb ik enorm genoten. Er waren momenten van verbazing, momenten dat ik goed gelachen heb en momenten van victory. Deze boeken raad ik aan om in volgorde te lezen zodat je echt mee bent vanaf het begin. Kijk er al naar uit om nog meer van deze auteur te kunnen lezen. -
I received an ARC for this gem and therefore giving my honest opinion!
This is the last book for Abby and her guys and I’m so happy with how it turned out.
This book encompasses warmth, love, acceptance, grief and laughter. It has such a compelling dynamic between the characters that you won’t be able to stop reading.
We could see and understand much better Beckett, Remy and Chester. Their insecurities, pains and how much they love their woman.
The great thing also about this book is that even if it does have the main storyline, we get to see others happening as well, giving us a sense of real life and humanizing even more the characters.
I’m giving it 4.5 just because I felt like there were some scenes that - for me - wasn’t all that necessary to be there. I love my books dark, so I can understand that these scenes gave a lightness to the story that, for some, may be needed.
Overall, this is a great great book! Unique and different and honestly refreshing. We need more RH with their own twist and turns… and not just following a trend. -
You need a tribe, and this is mine. They come from all walks of life, they all bring their own unique opinions and personalities, yet somehow they all just fit. And that makes me one of the luckies people alive.
"Seconds to Silence" is the final book in the "Tellings of The Time" trilogy, a wonderful series about the hunt for a serial unaliver and the relationships growing between some main characters along the way. I loved how this final book answered all the lingering questions and wrapped all storylines up nicely. I'm not sure I'm fully ready to say goodbye to these characters yet though. The tiny surprise in the Author's notes for a future project was certainly welcome, but I wouldn't mine a new adventure for these characters somewhere in the future either!
Even though you can almost feel the stress these characters are feeling though the pages, there are a lot of truly beautiful moments within this book. I absolutely love the connections between all these characters. Abby has on of the most beautiful relationships I've ever read about with Chester, but the brotherhood Chester and Beckett forms in this final book is a true work of art just as well. And then there is Remy, the glue that makes all these stubborn people works as a unity.
For me this trilogy was the discovery of the year, because I loved every tiny thing about it. The plot development is amazing, just as well as the character building and the slown burn relationship building that turns into a raging fire in the final book. This story was funny and sweet, but also heartbreaking and vulnerable. I can't recommend reading it enough, and I'm definitely checking out this authors other work in the future. -
Honestly, I could rant and rave about how hard these books are to read. It's a mess. You need to hire somebody to edit. This felt like you published a rough draft.
The romance is disjointed. The serial killer would not be able to evade this long, and it got ridiculous. The sex scenes are more often than not awkward and at weird times. The FMC had no growth, from the first to the last book even though she's seeing a therapist on the regular. I don't even know why you had the scenes with the therapists because nothing about the FMC shifted even minutely. She can barely function without a breathing exercise and a phone call to her aunt or having sex. Which, in itself, is crazy. Chester, Beckett, and Remy were neat characters but it ended up feeling like Chester and Remy were together and Beckett and her were together, and sometimes the first two had sex with the fmc. It was really weird.
There were so many misspellings, extra words or phrases, bad grammar, or other issues that the fantasy part of reading and getting lost in the storyline was continually broken. This was probably the hardest trilogy I've ever forced myself through because of all the errors. The storyline itself was compelling, to an extent, but you could have cleaned up these three books into two solid books and it would have been better.
It's not "scrape his throat" as you continuously used through all three, it's "clear his throat". That drove me insane.
I don't think I'll be reading anything else by this author, because the errors overrode anything positive about the storylines, I didn't enjoy the romance, the characters were the same from start to finish. It's just lacking too much. -
All three of the books largely center around Abby, Chester, Remy, and Beckett dealing with The Time. He is obsessed with Abby because of who she represents. Meanwhile, they are also growing their relationships amongst each other, and it is interesting to see how they evolve from book one, especially considering how the first book finished. Throughout dealing with The Time, they talked about taking a vacation, and I am glad they will get to do that.
Wow, just wow
This book series was a roller coaster from start to finish and I was on it from the beginning. I haven't enjoy a series this much in a long while and it kept me captivated the whole way.
I loved the interplay between the 4 main characters and thought their character development was very well crafted throughout the series!
A fantastic series from a very talented author 👏 -
Amazing conclusion
Welp, it is official: I absolutely love this trilogy! The characters are visceral and real, and it is crazy how similar I am to Abby. Although she definitely has the bigger b@lls. I will say there continues to be grammar and formatting errors in this book, but they're not enough to make me reduce my rating. I look forward to reading more from this author! -
great ending
Super good ending to this trilogy, and this book seems to have way more editing which made me happy, because yikes. The characters are so wonderful, I loved them all. This story itself is fabulous, I loved how things were wrapped up, it was a great buildup and the resolution was fabulous. -
This book is extremely good. All the loose ends tied up perfectly. I’m going to miss these characters they were so well developed. I did see that there will be a novella from Chester’s POV and I can’t wait. Would love to see maybe another series with these characters on a new adventure.
Omg loved it. The bond between Beckett and Chester is so nice. They all mix together perfectly. And that ending with Wayne 😱.
Loved it. -
The finale to this series was perfect. I truly the feel the writing improved with each book. The characters are well written and loveable and there is a nice balance of plot and spice.
Couldn't wait for this and now it's finished. *silently sobbing* see what I did there? This series is just everything. loved it from start to finish. Def on my best series read pile.
Lo tendría que haber resuelto en dos libros.
You one of those annoying authors who reviews herself, Kris?
Damn right I am.
Opposed to a book that I read, spending an afternoon with it, I spend endless afternoons with this book. It made me laugh, it made me cry, it gave me goosebumps and made me furious. But you bet your cute little a$$ that I'm going to review it, because I'm d@mn proud of this one.
Favorite thing in this book?
The sides. I never plotted any of the sides in the story, but they became my favorites. Zoey? Was never even supposed to be there. Alex, Scott and Dylan? They were all supposed to be nameless people. Aunt Viv, Peter, her kids? Just distant referrals. Ryan, Chester's psychologist? He was nowhere in the plans. But all these sides hold little snippets of my favorite moments in this book.
Then there's Chester, who is a whole other level of something I'm proud of. I get that he's a figment of my mind, but he feels very real to me. I'd just want him to shut up every now and then.
Favorite quote?
I think it's the conversation in the last chapter about Happy Meals.
Anyway, I think I tied all the storylines up, I think this clock has come full cycle. But The Time has been stopped, and I won't be making any new clocks.
I'm so excited about sharing this one with all of you!