Title | : | Blood on My Hands (Thrillogy, #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1606840231 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781606840238 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 274 |
Publication | : | First published September 1, 2010 |
Blood on My Hands (Thrillogy, #2) Reviews
"Blood on my hands" von dem 1950 in New York City geborenem Todd Strasser ist ein Thriller für Jugendliche.
Callie Carson ist ein normales 17-jähriges Mädchen, das die Highschool besucht und einfach nur dazugehören möchte. Daher lässt sie sich auch von Katherine, dem beliebtestem Mädchen der Schule, derart manipulieren, dass sie sogar für sie ihren Freund Slade verlässt.
Eines Tages, als die Jugendlichen eine Party auf einer kleinen Lichtung feiern, entdeckt Callie im nahegelegenem Wäldchen Katherines Leiche. Neben ihr liegt ein blutiges Messer, und in ihrer Verwirrung nimmt Callie das Messer in die Hand. Genau in diesem Moment tauchen andere Jugendliche auf, sehen Callie mit dem Messer neben der Toten stehen, und schon steht Callie unter Mordverdacht.
In ihrer Panik läuft Callie davon und versteckt sich vor der Polizei. Verzweifelt, wie sie ist, ruft sie ihren Exfreund Slade an und bittet ihn um Hilfe...
Meine Meinung:
Dieser Thriller richtet sich speziell an Jugendliche ab 14 Jahren (laut Empfehlung).
Das Buch lässt sich leicht und flüssig lesen und ist durch die zumeist eher kurzen Kapitel sehr gut für junge Leser geeignet.
Die Geschichte beginnt mit dem Fund der Leiche, und dann gibt es in jedem Kapitel jeweils zwei Erzählstränge. Einmal geht die Geschichte um Callie weiter, wie sie sich vor der Polizei versteckt und auf eigene Faust versuchen will, den wirklichen Mörder zu finden. Und dann erfährt der Leser auch immer ein wenig mehr von der Vorgeschichte. Wie hat Callie Katherine und die anderen Mädchen der Clique kennengelernt, wer hatte Streit mit wem, gab es Neid und Eifersucht...
So wird es irgendwann für den Leser offensichtlich, wer Katherine umgebracht haben muss, aber dann überrascht der Autor seine Leser am Ende doch noch einmal. Mir hat das Buch sehr gut gefallen. Es war nie langweilig, es war leicht zu lesen und gute Unterhaltung. -
Rating: 5/5
This is the second standalone installment in Todd Strasser's Thrillogy and this was my favorite out of all three stories. Blood on my Hands is the story of Callie. One night she is at a party and notices that Katherine, a friendenemy of hers is nowhere to be found, so she decides to start looking. What she finds is her lifeless body with a knife sticking out of it. Without thinking she picks up the knife and that's the moment when everyone from the party finds her. Holding a bloody knife over Katherine's dead body. Everyone starts taking pictures and calling her murderer, so she decided to run and hide. But in order to clear her name she knows she has to find the real killer, while staying out of jail.
Callie's story was fast paced, without a single boring moment. We get two different storylines, first Callie while she is hiding, trying to figure out the true killer and then what happened in the past and how Callie became friends with Katherine and how the ended up as enemies.
This story was brilliant. It kept me on the edge of my seat. Collecting clues as to who was the real killer. Also Callie was a great MC. She was resourceful and even though she was terrified that she would end up in jail she still did everything she could to clear her name and find out the truth.
I am glad to say that I had figured out the killer by the middle of this book, however Strasser did a great job surprising me once more. I truly loved everything about this book. Great mystery/thriller. -
I really love this book! It made me cry and laugh and gasp. But especially cry😭
The plot was wow. No words for it.
When Callie was taken to the Police Station I cried😭 When Callie told Slade she loves him😭 When Slade was taken from Callie😭 When Slade was arrested😭 When Slade was in the prison😭
I don't really know why I waited so long to read this book. I love it and really love it. It was the best thriller book I ever read!!
I love Callie and Slade. When he was arrested I stopped reading and cried😭😭😭
5 stars aren't enough. This book needs 100000+ stars -
I had decided to read this because Wish You Were Dead had some interesting twists and I had thought this book would be the same and even hoped it was actually better.
But it's worse.
Callie is an idiot. I sincerely felt no sympathy. She has no common sense. I wanted to smash her head in after reading the part where she, not only MISTOOK Katherine lying down bloody with a knife on her as a prank, she also HAD to pick it up even after finding out that Katherine was dead. Is she that retarded? You don't just hold the murder weapon like it's a toy, you fool. You also don't keep mum. You scream! Callie deserved to be suspected. I didn't blame her classmates for pointing fingers at her.
Are you stupid or something? <--- I was reminded of this when I read the book...
It's obvious from that stupid act alone that Callie continues to make mistakes that you even want the police to get her into prison and get it over with already.
What a waste of time. -
Trigger warnings: murder, parental abuse, bullying.
Oh jeez. This sounded like it was going to be a pretty intriguing YA thriller, albeit slightly Christopher Pike adjacent. Buuuut it was basically a big ol' hot mess.
- Callie is frustratingly dense. Like...GIRL. If you already look guilty, you're gonna look ten thousand times more guilty if you spend multiple days hiding from the police.
- The romantic relationship. Like...a kid who's still in middle school dating a sophomore? ICK. Hard pass. And even by the time the events in the book take place, he's 19 and in the National Guard and she's 16. No thank you please.
- The whole subplot with her brother being in jail for attacking their father was...really poorly explained.
- There was insufficient demonstration that the narrative was switching from the present to the past. Half the time, I was like "Wait, she's meant to be on the run. Why is she suddenly talking to Mia?? Ohhh. Flashback."
- I just didn't give a shit about who killed Katherine because she was a stone cold bitch.
- Honestly, if this has ended any other way, I might have given it 3 stars. But it didn't.
- 2 stars because at least it was fast paced. -
3.5 stars
I really liked the story, but the characters disappointed me. I liked the Callie, the main protagonist a lot in the beginning. I feel like I understood her action and the decisions she made because it was a highly emotional and shocking time for her. But my patience and understanding quickly wore thin. I feel like she made some glaringly stupid choices, not just after she was accused of murder, but even before it. The parts of the story retelling past events made me see her as weak and easily manipulated so after a while it became hard to sympathise with her. A lot of troubles and pain she brought onto herself and could be easily avoidable. Plus her relationship with Slade was just weird. I can't go into any details without majorly spoiling the book.
I really liked the mystery in this book. It seemed like there were a lot of suspects and to be honest even the main characters seemed like a probable murderer too. I enjoyed the whole aspect of the book being written from a point of view of an innocently accused girl, her running and hidding from the police, trying to clear her name and finding the real murderer. I especially liked the part once she got arrested, I really liked seeing the whole process of interviews and dealing with the emotional fallout and the repercussions her actions had on her family. -
This just didn't work for me. I really should have abandoned it a few chapters in, but my curiosity got the best of me and I just had to find out who the killer was. (It wasn't who I expected, but that doesn't make up for the story overall.)
The writing was so disjointed--it skipped through time every chapter (present tense vs. past tense). While this created suspense and kept me reading, it also felt very uneven because I just wanted the writing style to be consistent.
Callie's flight from the police was pretty far-fetched; I'm really supposed to believe that a 17-year-old can evade an entire police force? I know it's a small town, but I don't think so.
I had hoped that the resolution would be worth it, but it lacked credibility and the ending REALLY bothered me. I'm debating whether I want to read anything else by this author. I'll probably give him one more shot, but unfortunately I just can't recommend Blood on My Hands. -
Fand ich überraschend sehr gut! Nachdem ich wish u were dead gelesen hatte, was ein bisschen wiederholend wirkte in der Handlung, war ich diesmal sehr mitgerissen. Teenysachen sind normalerweise nicht mein Fall, aber hier störte es mich nicht. Es ging auch viel um verstecken, Identitäten aufbauen und nach Vertrauen und Glauben kämpfen. Muss ich mir schrecklich vorstellen, wenn man am Tatort geistesabwesend die Mordwaffe berührt und daraufhin ein Leben voller Angst und Einsamkeit beginnt. Ich empfehle den Roman gerne weiter für eine kurze spannungsgeladene Geschichte für zwischendurch.
2 stars - YA Horror
This is an honest and highly subjective review, proceed with caution. You have been warned.
One thing in this book that had my interest is the plot - Who/why killed the victim, the mystery and the suspense. That was why I stuck, stayed and finished it. I could've DNF this book because the rest of the story though... was shite.
Let's rant. Woot woot!
Especially the main character. Reading those flashbacks were excruciating because there, you learnt about the heroine and she was the most stupidest person I've ever read, seriously. Why I said that? She was pathetically desperate to be accepted into a group of mean, rich, popular girls. Think Mean Girls. She willed to do almost anything when 'the leader' asked or said so. One of them is she dumped her boyfriend, whom she loved the most, so she wouldn't get kicked out from the circle. Later, she regretted her decision only after she was accused of something she didn't do.
Rolled my eyes a lot. Ugh.
To young girls out there who struggling with high school or college pressure,
For the love of all that's holy and unholy, just be yourself! There's no need for you to become the low of the lowest or somebody else etc just because you want to be accepted by people. One thing you have to remember is you can't please anyone, anybody. Your happiness is your own doing. Not someone else.
When I was in high school, I didn't give rat's arse to them popular kids. Didn't even feel intimidated by their popularity and I always gave this 'back off or sorry' vibe whenever I came to school HAHA. As they left me alone, didn't mess with me, I was content back then. Managed to be myself, got happy and only stressed out about nosey teachers, homework and exams.
If you happened stuck in Mean Girls, run my dear. Just run.
Read on your own peril. -
Blood on My Hands was a very good book. It had lots of suspense. I couldn't stop reading it. It had a really good plot. The ending was great because I didn't expect it.
The book was about a girl named Callie. She was friends with a bunch of popular girls at her school. She was at a party when one of her friends tells her to look for another girl who has been gone a while. She goes looking for her and she finds her dead body. Someone murdered her. It is dark and she can't see that well. She sees something on the ground and picks it up. It was a knife. It had blood on it and it was the murder weapon. When she picked up the knife, her friend took a picture of her and put it on the internet. From looking at the picture, everyone thought that Callie was the murderer. She was framed for her friends murder. She is hiding from the cops because she doesn't think that they will believe that she is innocent. She calls her x boyfriend who helps her hide from the cops. Later at the end of the book, you find out who the real murderer is.
I can't really connect this book to anything because I have never really be chased my the cops. I did think it was a good book. I like reading mystery murder books. I have read a lot of books like this one but this one is definitely one of my favorite ones. It had such a great plot and had a really good ending. I couldn't stop turning the pages because I couldn't wait to find out what would happen next. -
Katherine the high school queen bee is stabbed and killed during a party and "ex friend" Callie is at the crime seen holding the knife and hoving above katherine's dead body. Someone who showed up at the sceen takes a picture of callie holding the knife which sends callie on the run from the police to prove her innocence.
After everything that katerine has done to callie, callie isnt to upset over the death but is not going to let someone frame her for the murder. she has to figure out a plan and create a disguise so she can figure out who killed katherine. She has an idea but she needs help.
It doesnt help that her brother is in jail for attempt murder on her father that has left her father a crippled and her mother to take after him. She has to be care what friends she goes for help because everyone is practically a part of the clique that was led by katherine.
her only hope lies with her old boyfriend slade, but after what callie did to slade is he going to be willing to help her?
GREAT book! :) -
I decided to read this book because the cover court my eye when I was trying to find a book to read from the school library. I also enjoy reading crime books. This book fits into the category on the bingo book as a book written in 2011. My favorite quote from the book is ''in fact do me a favor, okay?'' because in the end that seems to be why there was blood on Callie's hands because of a little favor. My favorite character from this book is Callie because she not afraid to speak the truth. The last 20 pages of this book gave you all the missing pieces to the story it was very interesting because I had guessed the right killer. I would read this book again and I am now trying to find the follow on.
This book was okay up until the ending. I just did not like the romance or the way it ended and it completely wrecked the book for me. I mean, I already wasn't caring for the writing style and how it flipped back and forth between current events and past events, but then the reveal of who it was (not a surprise) and some other things just didn't work for me. I will still read the next book and hope that that story is more like the first book (which I loved).
Totally unexpected ending. Didn't see it coming. I thought it was a really good page turner. Just had a problem with one bit at the very first of the book. A little bit did not make sense but it all turned out good.
This was definitely my favourite book in the trilogy. It kept throwing surprises at you and kept you on the edge of your seat. The book was so carefully and cleverly constructed that I was surprised when the killer was revealed. Amazing book.
STILL not gagging
The first thing I have to say is about the cover. It is the only reason I picked it up, that and the title. I was roaming around my public library and the title caught my eye and then the cover made me get it.
Moving on, I read maybe 70 pages and immediately wrote in my notes:
So far, very three star-y.
It was, and it got worse.
First of all, how stupid do you have to be to look for a pulse, find none, but still take the knife to see if it is fake. Really? If I had seen a dead body, fake or not, at the edge of the forest, I would have screamed Bloody Mary.
What would you do?
Callie just stood there in shock. Not even a single scream. Seriously, this is what she did.
I’m kneeling next to Katherine’s body, my heart racing, my breaths shallow and fast, my emotions reeling crazily at the sight on the ground before me.
Then on top of kneeling by the body she:
Something, barely a glint in the dark, is lying on the ground beside her. I reach for it. A knife.
Then again, what can you expect from a girl who is the minion of the popular girl. Maybe Strasser was trying to show how Callie wasn’t too bright. Then again, she survived for eight days out of home and on the run. Another really stupid thing happened on page 69.
First stop is the convenience store.
So she goes to the convenience store in disguise. Can’t blame her, gal gotta eat. But read this.
She cocks her head curiously and stares as she picks up the coins she needs. “New around here?”
“Uh…” I slide the rest of the change into my shaking hand, trying to think of an answer. “No. I mean, yes!”
Really? You go in disguise to a public place with cameras and you have no plan. None whatsoever. I would at least have made up a convincing lie. :\
I hated practically every character.
I couldn’t relate with Callie, at all. I would have done a lot differently, and probably wouldn’t get into that problem.
Callie’s best friend left town and she got adopted by, guess who, the mean popular girl. At times, she seems smart enough to not get in with the mean people and do such horrible things, but at other times, I have to wonder, how smart is she?
Her boyfriend, Slade, was… ok. I guessed his secret from the beginning.
Katherine was a good bad girl, if that made any sense. I have to say, I didn’t guess her secret until the party scene.
The big question throughout the book was: who dun it?
It was too easy to figure out who did it. The annoying part is Callie guessed who it was from moment one. There was no mystery. I would have really liked it to be a little search.
The big twist wasn’t too surprising. I really didn’t find it too much of a surprise. I won’t spoil it for you though.
The flash backs were probably the best part of it, aside from Chapter 49 (which was a police interview). I would have preferred the flash backs to be in italics or perhaps a different font. It would have made the two stories better differentiated.
All the police words (you know, bravo four-eleven, ect) were fun to read. Callie seemed to know what they all meant, so it was entertaining to read the translations.
What I liked/disliked:
I enjoyed the flash backs, Chapter 49, and a bit more, but I think it doesn’t deserve a higher rating than maybe 3. The flaws can be overlooked, so this book makes a good in-between book. The flaws stood out too much to me, but I’m known to be quite picky.
In conclusion:
The book has flaws, quite a few in fact but the book can still be enjoyed by others. I wouldn’t read it again, but for those looking for a quick read that doesn’t need much/any thought, here’s your book.
Favorite Character: Katherine for being a good “bad girl”.
Favorite Quote: N/A
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Domus Libri! -
The cover:
This is the UK cover, and for some reasons, I like it better than the US cover, probably because Wish You Were Dead’s, the previous book’s, UK cover is way prettier than the US one. Although, the US one makes more sense….
The storyline:
This story has less horror in it than the previous book but way more suspense. I was holding my breath all the time because I knew something bad was going to happen.
The mystery in this story was the number one thing that kept me reading, it was a great journey with Callie trying to figure out who killed Katherine and framed her. I’ve been thinking about the killer and the possibilities all the time while reading the book, and I’m sad to say, I totally didn’t expect the ending…!!
What I loved:
The writing style was very good, it is somehow different from the first book, but it only made the book better.
I was expecting it to be a sequel in story to Wish You Were Dead and was somehow shocked to find that it is a totally different story. I loved how the story was built from ground zero and developed its own surroundings and characters but it also happened in the same city, so this tiny detail didn’t change :).
The main protagonist, Callie, was very brave and smart too.
The story wasn’t boring despite its 51 chapters and I actually remember each one because they were short and weren’t long.
Two words: the ending!
My favorite chapter is 47!!
The twists and the ongoing cobwebs of weird events.
What I hated/didn’t like:
Hmm.. nothing really I can remember.
What I missed:
I wish there was a bit more horror in the story?! It lacked that compared to the first book and there weren’t any gore or horrifying descriptions or scenes (Call me crazy, but I love these and really liked them in the first one, it’s not like they’re too scary or disgusting, they just add this feel to the story).
The characters:
Callie is the protagonist. She’s been framed for a death she didn’t commit and she was courageous and strong while trying to prove her innocence.
Slade is Callie’s boyfriend. He really loves her and helps her thru the book, but at the end, you’ll find many unsettling truths about him.
Dakota is the one who’s been blamed by Callie in the book for killing Katherine and setting up Callie. She’s not totally innocent either.
Katherine, the dead girl, is basically the mean girl in the Soundview High school. She’s been manipulating a lot of students including Callie, Dakota and Mia.
Mia is another girl who happens to want to be in Katherine’s circle but ends up being kicked out by her. She becomes Callie’s friend.
Other characters worth mentioning are Callie’s parents and brother, Sebastian, who’s in jail for attacking their father and causing him permanent brain damage. Chief od police Jenkins who’s Dakota’s uncle and an old friend of Callie’s father.
Favorite quotes:
After all, two years ago my older brother, Sebastian, made national news by bludgeoning our father nearly to death with a two-by-four, leaving him brain damaged and mute and paralyzed from the neck down. What’s so hard to believe? Like brother, like sister, right? – Chapter 2.
The other thing is you can tell yourself you’re a charity case without really believing it. And then the day comes when you forget. And you think you really do belong. Because you want to so badly. – Chapter 3.
And why had she kept Dakota?
Maybe she was thinking like the Chinese general who said, “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.” --- Chapter 34.
This was a really good read. I don’t have words to describe it, but if you love thriller and mystery books with twists, this is definitely one to check :). -
Callie hat Katherine nur gefunden – sie war bereits tot. Dummerweise griff sie reflexartig nach dem Messer; was ihre Mitschüler dachten, als sie sie so fanden, ist klar. Gerade mit Callies Hintergrund – immerhin prügelte ihr Bruder ihnen Vater fast zu Tode – wirkt sie verdächtig, sie flüchtet. Irgendwie muss sie beweisen, dass sie unschuldig ist, doch wer war es dann? Sie kann es nur vermuten und Beweise sammeln, Verdächtige gibt es dafür viele, allen voran Kaherines Freund-Feindin Dakota. Hilfe kann sie kaum erwarten, nur von ihrem Freund Slade, der allen Grund hat, sie damit allein zu lassen.
„Blood on my Hands“ ist so ein Buch, bei dem ich wirklich froh bin, dass ich in der Bibliothek danach gegriffen habe, statt es zu kaufen. Die Beschreibung klang eigentlich ganz gut, das Buch an sich war eher lahm.
Es fängt damit an, dass mit die Charaktere nie irgendwie näher gekommen und ziemlich flach sind. Sie waren eben da, haben ihr Programm abgezogen und das war’s. Es war mir im Grunde beinahe egal, was mit ihnen passiert – oder auch nicht passiert -, lediglich am Ende hat sich das ein wenig ändert, was aber kaum was an der Gesamtsituation ändert. Im Grunde hatte die Protagonistin bei mir schon verspielt, als sie den Klischee-Fehler schlechthin begann: Da liegt was rum – an einem Tatort, herrgott nochmal! – und ich greife natürlich erst einmal danach. Logik ahoi!
Vermutlich brauchte der Autor nur eine etwas bessere Entschuldigung dafür, dass Callie erst einmal wegläuft. Ansonsten hätte es nämlich nicht viel zu erzählen gegeben, außer natürlich er möchte „simple“ Polizeiarbeit wiedergeben. Denn so schrecklich ein Todesfall ist, wirklich kompliziert war er nicht, wenn selbst Laien – in diesem Fall ich als Leser – recht schnell ahnen, worauf es hinauslaufen wird.
Es kommt aber auch absolut keine Spannung auf – natürlich ist es nicht vollkommen langweilig, immerhin bleibt die Frage, ob Callie es schafft oder nicht. Aber es hätte durchaus geholfen, auch begründete Verdächtigungen anzuführen und nicht nur wahllos Namen in den Raum zu werfen. Selbst dann denkt Callie selber kaum daran – es ist nur ein kurzer Moment mit einem minimalistischen Hinweis, der auf ein mögliches Hinweis deuten könnte. Das ist mir persönlich viel zu wenig – da könnt ich ja sonst auch immer wahllos alle verdächtigen, denn irgendwas findet sich immer, wenn man lange genug sucht – und wenn die Protagonistin nicht über weitere Verdächtige stolpert und größtenteils bei der einen bleibt; wie soll das dann der Leser machen? Als solcher weiß man schließlich noch weniger als Callie.
Das Ende ist – wie bereits erwähnt – herzlich wenig überraschend, dafür aber umso überzogener. Ich möchte jetzt nicht unbedingt von High-School-Scheiß reden, aber … ja, genau das ist es. Klischee noch und nöcher mit einer dicken Portion Drama und einem Schuss Tragik, nur um sicher zu gehen.
Da hat das Buch Glück, dass es sich leicht lesen lässt, auch wenn der Schreibstil alles andere als bemerkenswert ist – denn für was anderes hätte ich absolut keinen Punkt vergeben können.
Langweilig, vorhersehbar und überzogen – auch wenn „Wish u were dead“ wirklich toll war, von diesem Buch sollte man nicht allzu viel erwarten! -
Die 17-jährige Callie hatte es in letzter Zeit nicht leicht. Sie würde fast alles tun, um weiterhin zur beliebtesten Clique ihrer Schule zu gehören, was in ihrer Situation mehr als verständlich ist, hat doch vor nicht allzu langer Zeit ihr eigener Bruder den Vater angegriffen. Dieser überlebte zwar, ist jedoch auf permanente Pflege angewiesen. Um diesen Ruf entgegenzuwirken, opfert Callie eine Menge, um weiterhin mit Katherine, der Anführerin jener Clique, befreundet zu sein.
Dennoch kommt es vermehrt zu Streit mit Katherine, denn die Dinge, die sie von Callie verlangt, grenzen an Unmenschlichkeit. Um den Kopf freizubekommen, will Callie mit ihrer Freundin Dakota eine Party besuchen, wohlweislich eine Party, auf der mit Katherine nicht zu rechnen ist, wollte diese doch in den Urlaub fahren. Wider erwartend ist eben jene Katherine dennoch auf der Party, doch Callie lässt sich davon nicht die Laune verderben. Im Laufe des Abends jedoch soll sich für Callie alles ändern - denn sie wird von anderen Partygästen gefunden, neben der toten Katherine, mit einem blutigen Messer in der Hand.
Noch bevor sie in Gewahrsam genommen werden kann, ergreift sie die Flucht, denn ihr ist klar, dass ihr wahrscheinlich niemand, auch nicht die Polizei, bei ihrer Familienvorgeschichte glauben wird, zumal sie die Tatwaffe in der Hand hatte und sich auf dieser nun ihre Fingerabdrücke befinden. Ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit beginnt, denn Callie weiß, sie hat nur die Chance, ihre Unschuld zu beweisen, wenn sie den wahren Täter überführen kann - und sie hat bereits einen Verdacht ...
Wettlauf gegen die Zeit! Der Plot wurde realistisch und abwechslungsreich erarbeitete. Besonders gut hat mir gefallen, wie die Figur der Callie immer wieder, entgegen ihrer Planung, agieren musste, um ihren Verfolgern zu entkommen. Auch die Tatsache, wie klar hier dargestellt wurde, dass man nicht jedem trauen kann, auch wenn es ein Freund ist, fand ich ganz hervorragend dargestellt. Die Figuren wurden authentisch und facettenreich erarbeitet. Besonders beeindruckt hat mich die Figur der Callie mit ihre Wandlungsfähigkeit, denn von einer eigentlich gut erzogenen Highschool-Schülerin hätte ich eine solche Flexibilität nicht erwartet. Den Schreibstil kann ich nur als fesselnd beschreiben, sodass ich mich gar nicht von dem Buch lösen konnte. Abschließend kann ich sagen, dass mir das Buch berauschend-schöne Lesestunden bereitet hat und ich gerne mehr davon lesen würde. -
Blood on my Hands Personal Response Chapter 1-20 (13/03/2018)
This book is about how Callie Carson is at a keg party. She was enjoying her time there when all the sudden people started looking for this girl called Katherine, one of the most popular IT girl goes missing. Everyone spreads out look for Katherine, Callie was the first one to find her lying down on the ground and pretending that was dead and had a bloody knife beside her. As soon as Callie pick up the knife, a few drops of blood went on to her hand and someone had taken a snapshot of it and posted it all over the internet. Now she is getting accused of murdering Katherine. Then the next chapters is about that Callie have finally gotten through the whole experience on murdering Katherine. Callie and her family has finally escaped from the police and now living their lives normal again with no worrying about the police chasing them, no hiding from people who knew about the murder situation. One of my favorite quotes from this book is " Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." This text really made me think what does it mean and what was it trying to say to the reader. There was a part of the story where I didn't like if I put this in real life which is basically how Callie all the sudden get accused of murder already when they didn't really check if it is really true that she murder Katherine and if Katherine was awake or just pretending to be dead, but I also think that's what story basically about, but I think the story would be more interesting if this was the type of situation that the author is giving to the reader. I did find calling the police right away was pretty surprising for me because I would normally expect that she would double check just in case if it was really true. I think what I have learnt from the first part of the story is that always be careful what your actions are whether if your doing the right thing or not. I like how the author went into the action as soon as you start reading the book unlike some other books kinda starts off kind of boring and starts getting into action as you read more and more. There are some part of the texts that used some very different writing like he spelled the words in shorter form compared how they normally spell the words such as instead of spelling the word "are" he put it like "r". I actually saw those type of texts in the book for the first time but he only used it when someone is texting a friend or another person.