Further Along the Road Less Traveled: The Unending Journey Toward Spiritual Growth by M. Scott Peck

Further Along the Road Less Traveled: The Unending Journey Toward Spiritual Growth
Title : Further Along the Road Less Traveled: The Unending Journey Toward Spiritual Growth
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 068484723X
ISBN-10 : 9780684847238
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 252
Publication : First published January 1, 1993

Further Along the Road Less Traveled takes the lectures of Dr. Peck and presents his profound insights into the issues that confront and challenge all of us today: spirituality, forgiveness, relationships, and growing up. In this aid for living less simplistically, you will learn not to look for the easy answers but to think multidimensionally. You will learn to reach for the "ultimate step," which brings you face to face with your personal spirituality. It will be this that helps you appreciate the complexity that is life.
Continue the journey of personal and spiritual growth with this wise and insightful book.

Further Along the Road Less Traveled: The Unending Journey Toward Spiritual Growth Reviews

  • David

    A friend gave me this book after I told him how much I enjoyed Peck's first book, "The Road Less Traveled"

    M. Scott Peck has a very accessible writing style and does a wonderful job bringing out truths behind everyday life that will seem both revolutionary and self-evident at the same time. In this follow up to his original work, he has himself undergone a spiritual awakening but continues to speak in a humble voice about what he believes to be the weakness of a psychiatry that neglects spirituality.

    While he repeats many points from his first book, this work certainly enriches and adds to it as well. The biggest take home messages for me were a) spiritual development is just as important as psychological development (if not more important) and b) although Peck chooses Christianity as the religion that most aligns with his own version of reality, he acknowledges the sanctity of all forms of religion -- his is an accepting brand of Christianity though he warns against the heresy of any religion too uncomfortable with paradox. He reminds us to always ask: what is missing?

  • Μαρία Αλεξοπούλου

    Το τελευταίο ανάγνωσμα της χρονιάς ήταν αυτό το απαύγασμα σοφίας του Μ. Scott Peck που μας οδηγεί προς βαθύτερα επίπεδα επίγνωσης. Από τις πρώτες σελίδες του βιβλίου ένιωσα πως ξεκινάω ένα πνευματικό ταξίδι μέσα από την έρημο της ζωής. Ο λόγος του είναι απλός και κατανοητός, αποφεύγοντας να το παίξει αυθεντία ή κήρυκας. Υπογράμμισα πολλά χωρία που είτε με ενθάρρυναν, είτε με προβλημάτισαν.

    ''Οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι που μοιάζουν με ενήλικες, είναι στην πραγματικότητα συναισθηματικά παιδιά που κυκλοφορούν μεταμφιεσμένοι σε ενήλικες''.

    Το μόνο μελανό σημείο του βιβλίου κατ' εμέ ήταν πως το τρίτο μέρος ήταν αδύναμο συγκριτικά με τα άλλα, σταματώντας απότομα το αέναο ταξίδι προς την πνευματικότητα. Ειδικά ο επίλογος έπρεπε να προσφέρει μία ψυχική ανάταση. Θα προτιμούσα να κλείσει το βιβλίο με την εξής φράση που εμφυσεί κουράγιο σε όσους το έχουν ανάγκη.

    " Oι θρησκευόμενοι έχουμε "πνευματικές κρίσεις". Είναι πολύ πιο σπουδαίο να έχεις μια πνευματική κρίση παρά μια κατάθλιψη".

  • Joanito_a

    " έχω την πίστη- ή τη θεωρία, αν προτιμάτε - ότι υπάρχει πραγματικά μια αόρατη τάξη πραγμάτων πίσω από το πέπλο του υλισμού"

    " γνώσεις μας μοιάζουν με ένα μικρό σκάφος που ανεμοδέρνεται στη θάλασσα της άγνοιάς μας, σε έναν ωκεανό μυστηρίου"

    " ισχυρογνωμοσύνη είναι η μη χαλιναγωγημένη ανθρώπινη θέληση , ενώ θέληση είναι η ισχυρή βούληση ενός ανθρώπου ο οποίος είναι πρόθυμος να πάει όπου τον καλεί ή τον ωθεί μια ανώτερη δύναμη"

    " είναι νομοτελειακό να γερνάμε σωματικά...δεν είναι υποχρεωμένοι να σταματήσουν να αναπτύσσονται πνευματικά. Και έτσι η δυνατότητα αυτή για διαρκή αλλαγή είναι το πιο εντυπωσιακό χαρακτηριστικό της ανθρώπινης φύσης μας"

    " η αρχική σχέση ανάμεσα στη θρησκεία και την επιστήμη ήταν πολύ στενή. Και η σχέση αυτή είχε ένα όνομα - φιλοσοφία"

    " οι θρησκευόμενοι έχουμε "πνευματικές κρίσεις". Είναι πολύ πιο σπουδαίο να έχεις μια πνευματική κρίση παρά μια κατάθλιψη"

    "καθώς πάλευα με το μυστήριο του θανάτου μου, αναζητώντας το νόημα αυτής της ζωής, βρήκα αυτό που έψαχνα. Είναι απλό. Είμαστε εδώ για να μάθουμε. Όλα όσα μας συμβαίνουν μας βοηθούν να μάθουμε κάτι"

  • Polina

    I love Scott Peck! This book examines spirituality as an important part of overall human and society development, looks at necessity of pain in life, importance of death, true forgiveness, sexuality and the New Age movement. Scott's psychiatric/spiritual method of examining life and humans resonates with the way I perceive the world so it was a highly engaging and thought provoking read.

  • Kimberly

    I generally do not read books about psychology much less psychoanalysis. However, I found this book to be very insightful. The book is separated into various segments, including discipline, love, growth and religion, and grace. I would definitely say that there were underpinnings of religion in this book which I was surprised to see in a science like psychology. However, there were portions of these various sections that I found applicable to my life and which I found even helpful. For example, the section of the book that describes how "love is separateness" rings very true in my life and what I believe I need to have in a loving relationship. Peck says, "a major characteristic of genuine love is that the distinction between oneself and the other is always maintained and preserved. The genuine lover always perceives the beloved as someone who has a totally separate identity. Moreover, the genuine lover always respects and even encourages this separateness and the unique individuality of the beloved. It is the separateness of the partners that enriches the union. Great marriages cannot be constructed by individuals who are terrified by their basic aloneness (which is to be distinguished from lonliness). Genuine love not only respects the individuality of the other but actually seeks to cultivate it, even at the risk of separation or loss. The ultimate goal of life remains the spiritual growth of the individual, the solitary journey to peaks that can be climbed only alone. It is the return of the individual to the nurturing marriage or society from the peaks he or she has traveled alone which serves to elevate that marriage or that society to new heights."

  • Murray

    An amazing book that takes you inside for self-discovery and life recovery and movement towards a vital and vivid spirituality.

  • Yvette Ali

    The self-help classic everyone must read.

  • Ha Nguyet Linh

    Những suy tư phong phú và sâu sắc, rất đáng làm chất liệu sống.

  • Roula

    2.5 -3 αστέρια

  • Jimmy

    Most "disorders" are "psychosomatic." Apparently, even including cancer. Although I find it so hard to believe he actually said that, I can't convince myself I actually heard it on this audiobook. But he covers himself by saying not all cancers, but he seems to be saying most.

    Got cancer? Become spiritual and your odds of getting cured increase many times over. He just seems like a snake oil salesman to me. Typical is that he uses some science knowledge mixed in with absurdities.

  • Wes

    A continuation of The road less traveled.. Positive, inspiring and educational.

  • Jonathan Hockey

    A valuable read. A rare voice for a reasonable appreciation of science where it is good, and of spirituality also where it is good, when it comes to our mental health and well being.

  • Mitchell

    If you’re not a devout Christian, this book is a bit hard to take. That’s not to say that the baby should be thrown out with the baptismal water. There is some good advice and insightful gems to be had here. The chapter on The Issue of Death and Meaning is one example.

    Based on a “trusted” source that I now don’t recall, late last year I committed myself to reading The Road Less Traveled. That title was written in 1978 and while I thought that was the book I ordered on line, the one that arrived was this book, Further Along the Road less Traveled.

    Let’s just say, I’ll not be going back down the road to read the original. What I would like is to go back and recalling where the recommendation for this read came from so I could adjust the recommendation meter from “trusted” to “untrustworthy.”

  • Massanutten Regional Library

    Martha, Central patron, July 2016, 5 stars:

    Having read
    The Road Less Traveled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth years ago and
    People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil quite recently, I found Further Along a fascinating account of Peck's integration of psychiatric reflection and Christian faith. His categories of spiritual development as well as his discussion of evil were quite helpful to me, and his writing style is accessible.

  • Dave

    I found the following to the be the most important:

    1. The four stages of spiritual development

    2. We need to think about dying more

    3. AA is a good program and can be used more broadly

    4. Science and spirituality can work together

    5. The four stages of spiritual development

    I had already skimmed the first book, so I can't say if this wasn't as good. I was fascinated with his stages. I've come across other stages / theories of development, but his is the best framework. It certainly doesn't explain every thing but is a good start.

    He's not the most orthodox / mystical / deep / insightful believer / writer but that's ok.

  • Jack Frost

    Pathetic compared the the 5 star first book.

  • Aaron York

    Exactly what the title says it is in a few aspects. 1) it's a continuation "Further Along The Road Less Traveled" of the authors personal growth and research that leads to new ideals and beliefs, and cements others from the previous book. 2) The subtitle is, "The unending journey towards spiritual growth" - And it is exactly that. I was able to further my growth through this book, learn new things, and further understand how much further I can go! Great read.. Absolutely recommend this and number 1. Great pair.

  • Izaiah Dawkins

    This books definition of life is truly amazing:it matches Whitman's ideology that death is a new life.Peck is a master-mind at what he calls "psycho-theology".He further explains that God is ever present through each life form and how deep he goes into the life of a man is crazy. He explains how God was involved in his life as well as his teachings and how he was influenced by him. His personal experiences with God and life caused him to have a deep understanding of who God is and what he truly represents.

  • J. Ewbank

    Psychology or really self-help for the spiritual road and growth. The book is interesting but it is not a great book for me. It has some interesting information and ideas in it but others have been along some of the paths with more interesting and more in depth work.

    It is a book that one interested in popular psychology should enjoy.

    J. Robert Ewbank author "John Wesley, Natural Man, and the 'Isms'"

  • Greta

    I thought since I'd read his first book, I might as well read the follow-up. I like the author's laid-back writing style and his mishmash of philosophies. He's Christian, but with a Buddhist bent and is open to anything, really, that works. While this was interesting while I was reading it, I honestly can't remember much now that I'm done. It all made sense but wasn't really a mind-blowing revelation.

  • Mo

    so i just finished 'further along the road..' and i personally think its amazing,the way of writier to express his own spiritual growth..though i think many points have been cleared its common among people who are missing solid faith grounds i was kinda bothered that the messege was unclear towards chirstinaity,maybe this book is directed more to them rather than any other religion. again it was the writer own expiernce towards god and it felt really good actually.

  • Ifeoma

    A disappointing read. I was wowed by "The Road Less Traveled" and could not wait to get my hang on the #2 sequel but alas, the incoherence of the main ideas as well as his skewed subjective thoughts succeeded in turning me off. Alas, I had hoped to gain more insights from an objective keen observer of human nature instead I got ramblings of religious frustrations and personal grievances of a troubled psychiatrist.

  • Alexis

    This is a continuation of M. Scott Peck's Road Less Traveled. It says similar things, with a few new thoughts and new twists with experiences that he went through since the Road Less Traveled. A Great read.

  • Rachel

    peeking into our own selves is always the most scary and the most rewarding. i thought his chapter on religion was a bore, but the rest really helped me take one ugly look at myself and those around me. i was very impressed with it.

  • Ann

    I read this book to do a book report for the Hypnotherapy certification class I am taking...not a book I would have picked unless someone told me to read it! It was a good read and am grateful for the assignment (one of 14 book reports!)

  • Dianne

    And when you thought he had it all covered, he begins the Zen practice and is converted to Christianity. He is in the unique position of illuminated secular, anti-, and Christian beliefs and theology. . . quite nicely thank you.

  • Sadie

    This book along with "How to Win Friends and Influence People" are not my favored style of reading but I have vowed to read them. Apparently they are two of the most famous motivational books since the 80's.

  • adri patamoma

    bom livro do scott peck, mais focado em deus e espiritualidade. belo, me deu uma vontade danada de recomeçar a terapia :-) mas, do mesmo autor, ainda prefiro a trilha menos percorrida, livro tão marcante, lindo, impactante e motivador!

  • Drick

    I am a great Scott Peck fan, but I did not find this book added much to what Peck had already wrote. While it is encouraging to see him integrate psychology and spirituality, and as always his writing is personal and authentic, I did not find many insights here.