Title | : | Facebook and Philosophy: What's on Your Mind? |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0812696751 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780812696752 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 285 |
Publication | : | First published September 15, 2010 |
Facebook and Philosophy: What's on Your Mind? Reviews
Well, it didn't answer my particular questions towards facebook's own attitude. I was quite curious why a set of people is always shuffled & displayed as they're gonna miss you while deactivating :/
Many writers, so the writing quality fluctuated. The chapters in the beginning disappointed me, written like school essays or college assignments. But chapters through middle to the end are very well written (y) And the series itself is interesting, 107 topics they have covered through 107 volumes are really intriguing. -
It was fine. Collection of 23 essays loosely related to philosophy and facebook. The scope of writers was quite broad, and so was their quality and my interest in them. While it was nice to read a wide and varied survey of views and topics, it would have been nice to see some thematic development by a single author. The essay length prevented a deep, philosophical investigation of any one subject. Still, it was worth the time.
What happens when you use Philosophy to look at Social Media?
This, apparently is the first question which comes to mind when you look at the cover of D.E. Wittkower's (2010) essay collection Facebook and Philosophy.
The 23 essays in this collection explore wide range of issues from matters regarding Privacy, change in meaning of Friendships, rise of a new class of bottom-up political movements and so much more (does Candy crush and Mafia war requests irritate you?).
The essays were expected to be mundane, but instead each and every one of them offers some fresh insights even though they appeared half a decade ago (2010).
Each section in the book (and there are 5 in this one) offers intriguing insights to its readers which is balanced very well with the questions the various topics raise (It also has a break-up letter to facebook.)
For instance,
The average Facebook user has 281 friends,
Craig Condella (2010) said. Could our relationships with those friends even possibly achieve Aristotle's highest level of friendship, united by virtue? By the sheer volume of surface-level interactions Facebook demands, Condella (2010) suggested, having so many friends "risks choking the deeper sorts of friendships which matter most" (p. 121).
Hmmm. A very strong proclamation indeed.
But then authors —Abrol Fairweather and Jodi Halpern (2010) argued that because Facebook brings us into the daily, lived experience of our friends, it increases our moral imagination and natural sympathy.
Meanwhile, Hamington (2010) similarly remarked that Facebook, through its chat and comment features, makes it easy for us to turn any superficial friendship relationship into "a caring one" (p. 143).
Author Chris Bloor (2010) warned, "The world is not an entirely friendly place" (p. 150). Facebook makes it easy to share information that could hurt us.
Along the same lines, Waddick Doyle and Matthew Fraser (2010) suggested that Facebook has turned everyone into Big Brother: We populate and perpetuate our own panopticon. We feed the capitalist machine with marketable information about ourselves and our friends
While it's true that 'People only care about privacy when they learn their lesson the hard way' the statement is too abstract. The 'How?' is somewhat made clear in this book.
This book can be read by anyone who knows the words 'Facebook' and 'Philosophy'.
I give this book 4 Likes . Yup. Likes.
Check out
bookreviewsandauthors.blogspot.in for more. -
An interesting book, and a timely one. Facebook and Philosophy presents several articles relating philosophical topics, such as identity, the self, reality vs virtuality, with the pinnacle of social networking sites: Facebook. Ethical and political consequences of Facebook use are also tackled, making this collective work a recommended reading.
In comparison with other books from the same collection, Facebook and Philosophy has a lesser philosophical depthness, but this makes it more suitable for the lay reader -
Really enlightening. I think this book applies to most of social media. I especially enjoyed the break up letter to Facebook.
This is an anthology of essays about facebook utilizing a variety of philosophical perspectives. I have a passing familiarity with most of the philosophers the writers refer to, but I don't consider myself an expert. I found the essays mainly readable and interesting.
Well, it didn't answer my particular questions about facebook's own attitude. I was quite curious why a set of people is always shuffled & displayed as they're gonna miss you while deactivating :/
Many writers, so the writing quality fluctuated. The chapters, in the beginning, disappointed me, written like school essays or college assignments. But chapters through the middle to the end are very well written, And the series itself is interesting. 107 topics they have covered through 107 volumes are really intriguing.
It was fine—a collection of 23 essays loosely related to philosophy and Facebook. The scope of writers was quite broad, and so was their quality and my interest in them. While it was nice to read a wide and varied survey of views and topics, it would have been nice to see some thematic development by a single author. The essay length prevented a deep, philosophical investigation of any one subject. Still, it was worth the time. -
مقالات متنوعة ذات رابط واحد في أثار سلوكيات الفيسبوك وعلاقتها بالفلسفة لواحد وثلاثون كاتب وكاتبة
متخصصين في الفلسفة والاتصالات والخطابة وغير ذلك من التخصصات المتعلقة بموضوع الكتاب.
الكتاب يبين بطريقة فلسفية مدى علاقة الفيس بوك بفلسفة فكر واقعية الإنسان، ومدى اتجاهات هذا العالم الازرق وما يحويه من قواعد وقوانين من نشر وتعليقات وإعجابات وصور وصداقات...الخ
الكتاب متشعب قليلا ، ومقالاته تحتاح لقدر بسيط من الفلسفة لدى القارئ ، مع التفكير والنقاش اثناء القراءة.
مقالات لا بأس بها وبعضها متميز تختلف بختلاف الكاتب والموضوع وأهميته للقارئ. -
مقالات متنوعة لكتاب بالهبل عن الفيسبوك .. العنوان كان مغري والكتاب طلع يستحق .. هو بس متأخر زمنيا حبة بيتكلم عن الفيسبوك في عصور ما قبل ال 2011 .. فيه حاجات كتير حصلت وخلصت وحصلت ومكملة .. بس كتير من الافكار المطروحة لسه ساري وليها وجاهة