Ice Cold (Rizzoli Isles, #8) by Tess Gerritsen

Ice Cold (Rizzoli Isles, #8)
Title : Ice Cold (Rizzoli Isles, #8)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 034551548X
ISBN-10 : 9780345515483
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 322
Publication : First published January 1, 2010
Awards : Nero Award (2011)

In Wyoming for a medical conference, Boston medical examiner Maura Isles joins a group of friends on a spur-of-the-moment ski trip. But when their SUV stalls on a snow-choked mountain road, they're stranded with no help in sight.
As night falls, the group seeks refuge from the blizzard in the remote village of Kingdom Come, where twelve eerily identical houses stand dark and abandoned. Something terrible has happened in Kingdom Come: Meals sit untouched on tables, cars are still parked in garages. The town's previous residents seem to have vanished into thin air, but footprints in the snow betray the presence of someone who still lurks in the cold darkness--someone who is watching Maura and her friends.
Days later, Boston homicide detective Jane Rizzoli receives the grim news that Maura's charred body has been found in a mountain ravine. Shocked and grieving, Jane is determined to learn what happened to her friend. The investigation plunges Jane into the twisted history of Kingdom Come, where a gruesome discovery lies buried beneath the snow. As horrifying revelations come to light, Jane closes in on an enemy both powerful and merciless--and the chilling truth about Maura's fate.

Published in the UK as THE KILLING PLACE.

Ice Cold (Rizzoli Isles, #8) Reviews

  • Heidi

    The Rizzoli and Isles series is a solid bet for a great read, every installment. But Gerritsen really knocked it out of the park this time.

    Certainly starts a bit on the slow side— but grab a deep breath because somewhere in the first quarter of the book, it takes off! Twice I had to put it down because I was either too creeped out or couldn’t take the suspense. So, take a deep breath because once it gets going, you may be breathless too!

    No need to recap the storyline— others do that far better than I.

    Bottom line— Great mystery, great storyline featuring Maura outside of Boston on her own, and lots of twists and turns (like the unplowed mountain road that figures into the story).

    One note— I’m hoping that we get a better look at Anthony Sansone. I suspect he’ll figure prominently in a future installment soon.

  • Jean

    What could be more refreshing on a hot 90-degree Fahrenheit May day than reading a book titled
    Ice Cold? Tess Gerritsen’s eighth Rizzoli & Isles thriller is quite a chiller! What starts as a November get-away for a medical conference turns out to be an unwanted adventure of the worst kind for pathologist Dr. Maura Isles.

    Maura meets up with an old med school colleague while attending a conference in Wyoming and agrees to accompany him, his teenage daughter, and another couple on a cross-country ski outing the next day. What a crew! Maura feels like a fifth wheel but tries to make the best of it. The beauty of the snow in the mountains is far better than shoveling snow and battling snowy streets back in Boston. But when the group gets lost and their SUV goes off the road, things begin to get dicey.

    They come upon a village called “Kingdom Come.” Thinking they will be able to summon help, the five are relieved. It is only when they are able to enter an unlocked home and find it completely abandoned that they start to feel ill-at-ease. Ill-at-ease? It was C-R-E-E-P-Y. I won’t go into details about what transpires. The whole village, which is more like a compound, is unoccupied. There is no electricity. No cell phone reception. It is snowing, and they are snowed in. The group dynamics are rather dysfunctional. It’s a perfect setup for weird imagining and hearing things that go bump in the night.

    Surely help will come. Maura will be missed. Except no one knows that she’s left her hotel to go with this group. No one will know where to look...When Maura does not appear at the airport on schedule and does not answer her cell phone, her friends are worried. Homicide detective Jane Rizzoli and her FBI husband go out to Wyoming to search. Surely she can’t be dead?

    What goes on at Kingdom Come? What happens to Maura and her companions? Is there something sinister at work, or is it simply the work of Mother Nature?

    Ice Cold is quite a change of pace from the Boston-centered novels, and I enjoyed the suspense and creepiness of it. There were a few details that I felt we were left to guess at, but for the most part, I felt that the author captured the structure and the quality of the Kingdom Come community and its leader quite well.

    4 stars

  • Jonetta

    Maura Isles attends a medical conference in Wyoming and reunites with a man she knew from college. A spur of the moment decision to join him, his two friends and teenage daughter for a skiing junket proves to be foolhardy when they get lost on the way and end up stranded in a remote location. They find 12 deserted cabins nearby in a place called Kingdom Come and fight for survival with no cell service or electricity.

    I jumped into this story without reading the blurb and liked that I had no idea where it would lead (I’ve only included the barest minimum above). This was pretty terrifying and had so many turns and bends, the creepy town being one of the biggest mysteries. The weather was an important element as it took away any and all normal choices under similar circumstances. Nothing about this story was predictable and I had no clue as to what was going on until it was revealed near the end.

    I really liked Tanya Eby’s performance as she was a great storyteller and portrayed Maura and Jane really well. This was an interesting and haunting story that surprised me with its directions. I continue to be intrigued by this series.

  • Thomas

    This is a tense mystery with more than one villain. Dr. Maura Isles, Boston Medical Examiner, is in Wyoming for a medical conference. The conference is over and she is invited on a last minute ski trip by an old acquaintance from medical school. She joins his party only to get caught in a blizzard on a dirt road. Their SUV goes into a ditch and they walk to an abandoned group of houses on a private road. There is a car in each garage and food on the tables in many houses. Something happened that caused everyone to leave in a hurry and without their cars.
    The people that were living there were part of a cult whose leader is still alive. Jane Rizzoli, Boston PD homicide, and her husband, FBI agent Gabriel Dean, go to Wyoming to look for their friend when she is reported missing.
    Several more people die and I won't go into spoiler territory, but the case is resolved. I liked the ending. If you are turned off by gore, this might not be for you, as there is a graphic description of an autopsy.
    This is book 8 in the series and I recommend reading them in order. I borrowed this book from the library.

  • Barbara

    In this 8th book in the 'Rizzoli and Isles' series, medical examiner Maura Isles finds a body while she's in Wyoming for a medical conference. The book can be read as a standalone.


    After a Wyoming medical conference is finished, Maura Isles and her friends take off on an icy road to go skiing. Their car stalls, and they hike to some nearby buildings where they make as startling discovery.

    Maura and her companions find a burnt body, which is an interesting development, but the story quickly goes off the rails.

    The detective work is beyond incompetent and the plot strays into too many pathways - one more unbelievable than the next. I think the other Rizzoli & Isles books (which I haven't read) must be better than this.

    You can follow my reviews at

  • Erin

    Ice Cold is book number 8 in the Rizzoli & Isles series. This one started off a little slow but finished strong. While in Wyoming for a medical conference Maura Isles joins a group of friends on a ski trip and gets stranded in a blizzard. Days later charred remains identified as Maura's are discovered. Jane Rizzoli and her husband set out for Wyoming to recover her remains.

    I don't want to say much more because this book has so many layers and it's best if you go in blind. Ice Cold was the first book in this series to make me shake with anger, because I don't understand why adults stand by and allow or ignore the sexual abuse of children. I don't get it. That's now how I was raised. So I was pissed at a lot of grown motherfuckers looking the other way or not wanting to get involved.

    I didn't read book #7 The Keepsake because I couldn't find it for cheap but I will eventually read it. I really like the Rizzoli and Isles series but I still haven't watched the show( I will eventually). This series is fast paced, gritty, and relentlessly suspenseful.

  • Paige  Bookdragon

    Pro: I thought Maura would die and her undecisive ass would be sent straight to kingdom come. *snicker*

    Con: False alarm. The bitch lives.

  • Jim

    “I believe that every experience, every wrong decision, teaches us something. That’s why we shouldn’t be afraid to make mistakes.”

    Boston medical examiner Dr. Maura Isles is headed to a pathologists' conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. As she is about to depart she finds herself at a crossroads in her relationship with Fr. Daniel Brophy. She is tired of the secrecy and inability to be with him or even to be able talk with him. She looks at homicide detective Jane Rizzoli and her FBI agent husband Gabriel Dean and sees what a relationship should be. What she wants. What she can't have with Daniel.

    At the conference Maura meets another pathologist she knew from college. He was always adventurous, a bit daring, and apparently hasn't changed too much. He is planning on taking a ski trip with his daughter and two friends after the conference and invites Maura to join them. She decides that for once why not? Do something different and unexpected. Why not? It will be fun.

    This is late fall in the mountains of Wyoming and it starts snowing as they set out on their trip to the ski lodge. An accident leaves their SUV stranded and alone. Seeking shelter they come across the village of Kingdom Come. Twelve identical houses. All empty. Meals, uneaten, on tables. Cars in garages. But at least they have shelter and food. But when Maura finds snowshoe prints she realizes that they are not alone.

    Back in Boston Jane Rizzoli receives word that Maura’s charred remains have been found at the scene of a car crash. Shocked and in grief Jane, her husband Gabriel, and Fr. Brophy travel to Wyoming to learn what happened and to bring Maura home. What she learns leaves her with more questions than answers.

    There are plenty of twists and turns along with interesting characters. The story reminds the reader that life is fleeting. Most people don't know when or where they are going to die. A wrong decision. Fate. You don't know when you wake up how the day will end ... or if you will still be alive.

  • April Thompson Freeman

    Am I the only one that thought some of the book felt unfinished? Quite a bit of the story is built around the secondary characters, yet, their story seems to dissipate.

  • Semjon

    Ein ganz furchtbar schlechter Thriller. Ich las ihn im Original nur zu Ende, weil das Englisch so schon einfach war und ich so durch die Seiten fliegen konnte. Es war mein erstes Buch von Tess Gerritsen. Manche Anhänger von ihr schreiben in den Rezensionen, dass es einer ihrer schlechtesten Romane sei. Also besteht noch Hoffnung, aber erst mal bin ich vom Genre Thriller wieder geheilt.

    Die Handlung ist zu Beginn eigentlich ganz unterhaltsam. Hauptperson Maura schließt sich bei einer langweiligen Tagung im verschneiten Wyoming einem befreundeten Arzt mit Tochter sowie dessen adipösen Kumpel mit schnippiger Partnerin an. Sie wollen das Wochenende in den Bergen verbringen. Doch die Städter kommen mit Schnee und Navigation in der Wildnis nicht klar und stranden in einer verlassenen Ansiedlung im Wald, bei der es scheint, dass die Bewohner fluchtartig die noch gedeckten Esstische verlassen hatten. Bis dahin ist es noch in Ordnung, wenn man mal von den platten Dialogen und den inhaltsschwangeren Monologen Mauras mal absieht.

    Doch dann kommt die Ärztin in der Autorin heraus. Damit endlich mal ein Patient auf dem Behandlungstisch landet, säbelt sich der Dicke mit den Schneeketten fast das eigene Bein ab. Ab da spritzt das Blut und man kämpft um das Leben des Gruppenmitglieds. Es tauchen dann aber die Personen auf, die die Anwesenheit der Gruppe in den verlassenen Häusern nicht schätzen und von da an, ist es Maura emotional völlig gleich, was mit ihrer Gruppe passiert. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt sind wir schon in der Mitte des Buchs, doch die Geschichte der anderen vier Gruppenmitglieder wird nicht weiter erzählt. Okay, sie müssen wohl tot sein, aber jetzt sind wir ja schon in einem anderen Handlungsstrang mit neuen Person. Eine Actionszene jagt nun die Nächste.

    Diesmal im Fokus: ein 16jähriger Survivalboy, der Muttergefühle und Adoptionswünsche in der Protagonistin weckt. Wenn schon die Überlebensgruppe in der Ansiedlung unnötiges Füllmaterial war, dann kommt jetzt noch jede Menge emotionales Gepäck dazu. Innere Monologfragen, so platt wie in einem Motivationssprüche-Kalender. „Wie soll das Leben in Zukunft weitergehen?“ „Wie kann es sein, dass da unten im Tal Menschen leben, die von dem Schicksal der Fliehenden in den Bergen nichts mitbekommen?“ „Wird sie jemals x wiedersehen oder y in den Arm nehmen?“ Was für ein billiges Stilmittel, um die verzweifelte Situation und das Hadern mit dem Schicksal auszudrücken. Es war teilweise so schlecht geschrieben, dass es schon wieder witzig war. Am Ende werden dann noch ein paar gesellschaftsrelevante Themen in den Thriller eingebaut, um dem Roman Aktualität und Brisanz einzuflößen. Die Häuser im Wald gehören einer christlichen Sekte, es geht um Kindesmissbrauch, religiösen Wahn, Diktatorenschaft, Abhängigkeit, Korruption, Spannung zwischen Ost- und Westküste, vereinsamte Jugendliche und am Ende noch: Umweltverschmutzung. Herrje, was dieser arme, kleine Thriller für eine Menge an Themen-Säue ertragen muss, die durch sein Dorf getrieben werden.

    Ich kenne die TV-Serie nicht. Kann mir aber auch nicht vorstellen, dass ich Gefallen an diese Art von Autopsie-Profiler-Cop-Gemenge finden kann. Nicht empfehlenswert.

  • Ania

    Książki Tess nigdy mnie nie zawodzą i coś czuję, że już tak pozostanie. Moje ukochane bohaterki znowu przeżyły ciężką, mrożącą krew w żyłach przygodę. Była ona standardowo usiana mnóstwem plot twistów, których totalnie się nie spodziewałam, co świadczy o tym jak dobrą książkę napisała Tess. Warto dodać, że nowe postacie nie rozczarowały mnie nawet w najmiejszym stopniu, były świetnie wykreowane, a sam Szczurek został moim nowym ulubieńcem <3

  • Shannon M

    4.5 star thriller lite.

    I thought I had read all of Tess Gerritsen’s “Rizzoli & Isles” books, but I was wrong. There were a few that I missed, and ICE COLD was one of them. I classify them as “thriller lite” because the level of writing is fairly simple, but this is a series that I have thoroughly enjoyed over the years and it is, perhaps, just a bit deeper in terms of theme than the usual thriller lite.

    I cannot understand the low ratings given by some readers of this book unless these readers expected the theme to be as simple as the TV series based on this series. I have never watched the TV series and don’t intend to because I have seen pictures of the two actresses who play Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles. These actresses are conventionally pretty, like most TV actresses, but the written Rizzoli and Isles characters are not conventionally pretty. They are not unattractive, but their looks are unique, something that is not captured by the TV actresses playing these parts. I assume that the plots of these shows are also much more conventional than the books.

    The plot of ICE COLD in a nutshell: Maura Isles, unhappy with the way her romance with Daniel, a priest, is evolving (or not evolving) in Boston, impulsively joins a group of four others on a one-day vacation trip after attending a conference in Wyoming. She had met the group leader years earlier while taking a university course and barely remembers him. She soon realizes that taking this trip was a mistake, as her four companions bicker among themselves; they all have known each other for years and have deep-seated issues with each other. Then the SUV they are driving goes into a ditch in what appears to be the middle of nowhere, and the five travellers end up in a deserted town named “Kingdom Come”. That is when strange things start happening.

    Jane Rizzoli comes into the picture when Daniel tells her that Maura didn’t return from the conference as scheduled, and soon after, Jane is told that Maura’s body has been found with three others in a burned SUV that had fallen down a hill. The body is burned so badly that it is unrecognizable.

    But this is primarily Maura’s story, as we, the readers, know she is alive.

    There are three separate villain groups in this story, plus a murderer bent on vengeance, and the separate groups are drawn together because of an accident, an accident that killed over 40 people — including many women and children.

    The book begins with one of the villainous groups — a polygamist group that practises child abuse and is led by a charismatic “prophet”. To describe the other two villainous groups would go into spoiler territory, as we don’t find out about one of them until around 65% in the book, and don’t discover their motive until near the end of the book. Likewise, the murderer bent on vengeance is not revealed until near the end of the story.

    My major criticism is that the third villain group, also revealed near the end, is not dealt with at all in the story. It remains as “maybe will be dealt with” brief mention.

    So, there are several complex themes, but all are handled in a “thriller lite” form — no in-depth analysis of these themes. Still it is a fun “thriller lite” to read because it takes many twists. It does help if a reader has read some of the earlier Rizzoli and Isles books, because the complex relationships among Maura, Jane, Jane’s FBI husband, Daniel, and Sansone are not described in detail. Maura’s mother is mentioned in a couple of sentences, sentences that would not make sense to a reader unfamiliar with the series.

    I am dismayed that a negative review that received many “likes” stated that “several secondary characters [are] developed and then deserted”. I assume that this reviewer is referring to Maura’s four companions on her ill-fated trip, and we definitely know what happened to them. They were not just “deserted” 1/3 through the story.

    So yes, I highly recommend ICE COLD. And for those who have never read a Rizzoli & Isles book, I recommend the series as good thriller lite reading. Note that I don’t care for the author’s other books, which she wrote prior to starting the Rizzoli & Isles series and are being re-released by her publisher. Tess Gerritsen is an adequate, but not great, writer, and until she created Jane Rizzoli and Maura Isles, her books were pedestrian.

  • Carmela

    This book starts out with all the twists and turns that make for a good mystery thriller with great reintroduction of some favourite characters. However, the use of the cult and the initial introduction from a character that is found to be less than important leads this book astray, sometimes less is also more.

  • Krystle

    One of my favorites so far this year! Suspenseful, creepy, and surprising! This is the first Rizzoli and Isles book I've read, and now I want to read them all!

  • Gary

    Another solid read

    Gerritsen manages to crank out book after book that is consistently solid, well plotted, and entertaining. I return to this series between my other books, so to speak, because I know I can count on a reliable story with new twists.
    This book blends an isloated cult story together with a generally creepy atmosphere that works largely due to the author's skill in creating a setting, likable characters, and leaving the reader never sure exactly what is going on.
    Usually when I have read the number of books by one author as I have this one ( I have read each book in the series up to this point), I continue with their writing because although predictable, I enjoy their stories and don't mind the repetition. This author, however, finds new ways to jeopardize familiar characters and unusual puzzles to solve in a typically gruesome fashion.
    The characters are effectively isolated and hunted in an environment where everyone is suspect and they, therefore, can trust no one. The plot twists kept me guessing up until the very end, and even then surprised me once more.
    highly recommended for mystery genre readers that don't mind a little gore.

  • Alisha Marie

    You'd think that once the 8th book in a series rolls around, the author would lose steam with the characters and they would transform into caricatures of what they once were. This is not at all the case with Ice Cold. In fact, I am positive that Ice Cold has to be the best one yet, even beating The Mephisto Club when it comes to my favorite Rizzoli and Isles book.

    Ice Cold was definitely the Rizzoli and Isles book with the most suspense. The whole survival story line had me flipping the pages at an alarming rate while simulatenously frustrating me because I really wasn't making the book last. The tension, of course, won out and I ended finishing Ice Cold in about three hours. Usually when I'm this far into a series, it becomes less about the cases and more about the characters. However, if you take Rizzoli and Isles out of this book, I still think I'd love it to bits and pieces.

    Ice Cold was just so creepy, sure the tension was there, but I was a bit scared throughout the whole novel. I was so relieved that I started and finished this while it was still light outside, otherwise I would've been a mess (more of a mess). The plot was also infuriating. Not in the "the author has no idea what she's talking about" kind of way, but in the "this subject just really pisses me off" way. That's basically the way I feel when it comes to polygamist sects, but this was done in a way that I didn't finish the book completely upset (or more upset than I usually am when it comes to this subject).

    Now the characters: I'm still in love with them, hence why tears came to my eyes when I read the synopsis for this book. Jane Rizzoli is all types of badass regularly, but she was just plain awesome in this book. Maura Isles' broke my heart with her whole situation with Daniel and I felt so bad for her. I think this is the one book where she shows the most vulnerability. This is also the book that sheds light to how close Jane and Maura really are. I found myself "aww"-ing when everything came to light and how Jane was there for Maura. I kept thinking "Aww! They're such good friends, even though they insist on calling each other colleagues!" I've also been missing Gabriel these past couple of books and he's here in all his shiny and awesome glory. Not enough Barry Frost (I enjoyed him in the last book), but I guess I can excuse that since he did have a significant part in The Keepsake.

    So, I have to say that Ice Cold was the best Rizzoli and Isles yet. It just started out great and kept on going strong. Plus, Tess Gerritsen seems to be great at not making it absolutely necessary to pick up the previous books in the series (although you absolutely should), yet doesn't make all the readers who already have feel like she was repeating the same old information that we already knew. It was just some sprinkled here and there. Anyway, I highly recommend Ice Cold. It was creepy, suspenseful, and just an amazing mystery read all around. Can't wait for her next book in this series and am so excited that the show premieres in 3 days. YAY!

  • Ugnė | pilna_lentyna

    Dar viena Ricoli & Ailz serijos knyga įveikta. Jaučiu lengvą priklausomybę šiai serijai. Labai džiaugiuosi, kad skaitau ją iš eilės, nuo pat Chururgo. Įdomu stėbėti, kaip keičiasi pagrindinių herojų gyvenimai.

    Šį kartą daigiausiai dėmesio knygoje atitenka Morai Ailz. Gydytoja iškeliauja į patologų konferenciją, kur sutinka buvusį savo bendramokslį iš studijų laikų. Šis pasiūlo Morai kartu su jo draugais keliauti į atokią kalnų trobelę. Moteris, norėdama nukreipti mintis nuo namuose laukiančių santykių problemų, sutinka. Viskas klostosi neblogai iki tos akimirkos, kai pasukę į nuošalų kelią įklimpsta. Aplink kalnai sniego, telefono ryšys dingęs, šaltis gęlia iki pat kojų pirštų galiukų. Kompanija nuspręndžia ieškoti šiltos pastogės. Ją randa atokiame Teateinie karalystės kaimelyje. Tačiau keisčiausia tai, kad kaimelis visiškai tuščias. Šiurpą kelai tai, kad visi gyventojai kažkur mįslingai dingę.
    Po kurio laiko detektyvė Džeinė Ricoli sulaukia siaubingos naujienos - Mora rasta negyva. Moteris pasiryžta išsiaiškinti, kas nutiko Morai ir kokias paslaptis slepia paslaptinga religinė Teateinie karalystės bendruomenė.

    Jau seniai skaičiau knygą, kuri įtraukė taip, kad būnant vienai namuose darėsi nejauku. Puikiai sukurta šalta ir įtempta kūrinio atmosfera. Šį kartą nepavyko atspėti, kas dėl visko kaltas. Gal koją pakišo tai, kad knygos pradžia sukūrė įspūdį, jog atomazga turėtų būti labai mįslinga, tačiau viskas baigėsi gana žemiškai.

    Patiko, įtraukė, lengvai susiskaitė per kelis naktinius budėjimus. Keliauju į biblioteką pasiimti sekančių serijos knygų 😊📚

  • Rasa|Knygų princesė

    Na štai dar viena Tess knyga šį mėnesį ir po truputį tirpsta Ricoli ir Ailz serija. Tiesa, dar 4 dalys liko, kuo labai džiaugiuosi. Šį kartą rašytoja užverčia veikėjus sniegu.

    Mora Ailz išvyksta į konferenciją, į tikrą žiemą. Čia sutinka savo studijų draugą ir nusprendžia paslidinėti. Deja, įstringa religinės komunos kaimelyje, kuris visiškai tuščias. O tai gero nežada.

    Vėlgi įtemptas veiksmas, vedžiojimas už nosies ir daugybė paslapčių. Šiame romane rašytoja palietė religinių bendruomenių problemą. Prisidengę tikėjimu, "pranašai" elgiasi ne visada moraliai. O yra žmonių, kurie besąlygiškai tiki ir pasitiki šiais pranašais.

    Labai patiko netikėta istorijos atomazga bei pagrindinių veikėjų gyvenimo peripetijos. Šį kartą daug dėmesio buvo skirta Moros asmeniniam gyvenimui. Iš tiesų, ji mano mylimiausia veikėja šioje serijoje.

  • Susan

    I love Tess Gerritsen books. I lap them up when they come out. But I was a bit confused with the plot in this book.


    So Maura goes off on a side-trip with a college pal, his daughter, and two of his friends. This takes up a good one-third of the book, if not more. So why does it feel like these four were thoroughly abandoned by the end of the book? I kept going "When is Jane going to help find these four people? Am I going to see them under control of the prophet, with a wedding in the works when Jane finds them?" But THEN I realized they were the four bodies burned in the over-turned truck. I'm usually a good connect-the-dot'er, but I couldn't connect the dots very quickly with what happened to Maura's companions (mainly because there was a town with 41 bodies in it, and I thought four of those 41 were in the car--and I was hoping that, too, since I didn't want a 13-year-old killed off!). Plus, Maura never had an opportunity to show shock over their deaths, so I never did either.

    Anywho. This muddled subplot ruined the book for me, which is disappointing considering I love reading anything about polygamy and false prophets!

    Also, I felt that there was a missed opportunity between a Brophy/Samsone showdown. Or even a major Brophy/Maura moment, considering he went to Maura's funeral! Wouldn't that make up even the most diehard of priests' minds about the should I/shouldn't I conundrum?

    Here's hoping the next book really "goes there" rather than only giving me a half-hearted attempt.

  • Claire

    I have read a few books from Tess Gerritsen, so I expected this one to be like the others: a nice read, but nothing special.
    However, this book really surprised me. A lot of things happened and there was plenty of suspense. Also, the book gives little clues on what is really going on. Just as the MC you are in the dark, trying to figure out what and who can be trusted.
    This atmosphere is kept well through the book. The end, that came as a surprise was a bit disappointing. I really would have loved another culprit to blame.
    So while the book was very enjoyable, at the end, things went a bit too quick, and some questions weren't answered.
    However, I think it is a great read and can be recommended to fans of psychological thrillers and anyone who likes a good read.

  • Daivuseee

    Labai įdomi knyga! Esu Tess Gerritsen detektyvų megėja, esu nemažai perskaičiusi šios autorės knygų, tačiau ši knyga išsiskyrė iš kitų Ricoli ir Ailz serijos knygų. Knygą sudomino, įtraukė nuo pat pradžių, skaitant buvo sunku atsitraukti, norėjosi vis skaityti toliau ir sužinoti tai kaip ten viskas vyksta iš tiesų. Pabaiga buvo labai netikėta ir sugriovusi visus scenarijus, kuriuos buvau susikūri beskaitydama šią knygą. Kas dar neskaitė Tess Gerritsen knygų, tikrai labai rekomenduoju!

  • Галя

    ой, кінцівка дуже інтригуюча, але розправа з головним лиходієм надто вже простецька 🤷🏻‍♀️ зазначу, що тут було дуже мало самої Ріццолі та дуже багато Мори 🙌🏻 мені подобається, що авторка потрохи розповідає про кожну з героїнь, а не зациклюється на одній персонажці 🤩

  • Fergie

    In many ways, Ice Cold seems like several novels wrapped into one, interconnected by mysterious details that only come into full light after the last page is read. Tess Gerritsen knows how to layer her novels better than most authors, and this book is no exception. She meticulously lays out the plot without the pace of the novel suffering as a result of it. Ice Cold’s story belongs to the character of Dr. Maura Isles, medical examiner from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. While most of the series focuses on work she and Boston homicide detective Jane Rizzoli do, this novel revolves around the personal side of Maura’s life. The implications that arise from her illicit affair with a priest is the starting point to the story -- one that finds Maura attending a medical conference in Wyoming, where she uncharacteristically throws caution to the wind after she reconnects with an old med school classmate. An impulsive ski trip turns into a hair raising experience, filled with terror, and ultimately, more questions than answers. Back in Boston, Maura’s colleague and friend, Jane Rizzoli, heads to Wyoming and leads an investigative search for Maura when Dr. Isles doesn’t arrive home after her conference.

    In every Tess Gerritsen novel, Gerritsen becomes the authoritative voice on each book’s chosen topic. In Ice Cold, Gerritsen lays the groundwork for a sordid story of polygamy at an abandoned, isolated cult town near Jackson, Wyoming. Readers have come to expect the bends and turns of each Rizzoli & Isles novel. In fact, this one seems to have so many of them that if the reader isn’t keeping pace, he or she may be dizzied by the amount of twists that Gerritsen has become so prolific at creating. When one part of the story reaches its end, another opens, leading the characters and reader down a new path, filled with more intrigue and questions.

    Father Daniel Brophy and Anthony Sansone, two male characters who vied for the love and attention of Maura in past books from this series reappear in Ice Cold. The layering that I look forward to in regards to the characters – especially as it pertains to my favorite character, Maura Isles, is most evident in this novel. Taking Dr. Isles out of her professional environment and normal setting of Boston not only doesn’t impede the story, but adds a unique opportunity for Gerritsen. To see different aspects of the characters we have come to love outside of their natural element added a sense of adventure to an already exciting plot. The story’s many twists and turns converge, leading to Ice Cold’s final, unexpected crescendo. Of the books I’ve read thus far of this series, I found Ice Cold to arrive at one of the most surprising conclusions.

    Gerritsen knows how to keep her readers interested, invested, and guessing, even after you’ve gained insight into the possibilities of where she may be leading you. She is a masterful storyteller of suspense with an intellect unmatched by any other crime writer I’ve read. If you’re a thrill-seeking reader, who enjoys plots that keep you on the edge of your seat, Ice Cold, like all of Gerritsen’s novels, will not disappoint.

  • İlkim

    Bu yorumu
    Kitap Esintisi sayfasında bulabilirsiniz.

    Tess muhteşemdin yine ya. Ben bu kitabı nasıl okudum nasıl bitirdim hiç hatırlamıyorum. En başlarda gerilimden gözüme uyku girmedi, zar zor kenara koyup yattım. Ama ertesi gün affetmedim, okuldaki sıkıcı dersler de saolsun, hızlı bir şekilde sona ulaşmamı sağladılar. Ben Agahta Christie okurken sonlara doğru feci gerilirim, bu kitapta baştan sona gerilim içindeydim. Konusu beni bir çekti ki anlatamam. 7. kitaptan pek tat alamamıştım ama 8 bomba gibi geldi cidden.

    Kitabın ana karakteri Maura idi. Daniel isimli sinir olduğum rahip ile olan ilişkisi yüzünden çok bunalmış, mutsuz bir halde. Aslında birbirlerini seviyorlar ama Daniel bir türlü Maura’yı seçemiyor ve beni uyuz ediyor. 6. kitaptan beri ilişki içindeler ama o nasıl bir ilişki Maura da ben de anlayamıyoruz. İşte Maura böyle bir ruh halinde Wyoming’e seminere gidiyor ve orada eski okul arkadaşına rastlayınca onlarla ufak bir tatil yapmayı kabul ediyor. Tabi çok kısa bir süre sonra kabul etmemeyi diliyor.

    Olaylar yanlış yola sapıp arabalarının kara saplanmasıyla başlıyor. Ahret denilen garip bir kasabada gecelerini geçirmeye karar veriyorlar çünkü etrafta gidebilecekleri herhangi bir yer yok. Ama gittikleri kasabada in cin top oynuyor, her şey yarım bırakılmış, sanki hayalaet bir kasaba gibi. Maura ve de arkadaşları bu durumdan bir hayli işkilleniyorlar tabi. Ve grupta meydana gelen bir kaza ile de oraya saplanıp kalıyorlar, kurtarılmayı beklerlerken bir yandan da kayaklarla yola çıkan biri oluyor.

    Bu sırada Boston’da Maura’nın eksikliği fark ediliyor ve Jane onu bulmaya kendini adıyor. En başta bulunan bir cesedin Maura olduğu sanılıyor. Hatta cenazesi vs. bile yapılıyor ama son anda Jane’e gelen bir haberle onun olmadığını anlayıp derin bir nefes alıyorlar. Diğer yandan Maura ise ölüm kalım savaşı vermektedir ama ummadığı bir yerden yardım gelir.

    Ahret kasabasındaki tarikat da ayrı bir konu. Kitabın açılış sahnesinde zaten ne kadar hasta bir zihniyete sahip bir lider tarafından yönetildiğini görüyorsunuz, ilerledikçe de tarikatın içine dalıyorsunuz. Liderin müritlerine intihar emri verdiğini düşünmemek elde değil. Kitap ilerledikçe aslında başka faktörler de olduğunu görüyorsunuz. Şimdi söylemiyorum burada, yan hikayeleri ve de sonucu öğrenmek istiyorsanız alın okuyun diyorum. Rizzoli’yi benim kadar özlediyseniz eminim hoşunuza gidecektir.

    Ps: Bu arada Regina 1.5 yaşına gelmiş minik haylaz. Ellerimde büyüdü velet :D
    Ps 2: Bu da sevgili yayınevine. Kitapta konuşan ve bahsedilen kişilerdeki karmaşa sinir etti beni. Jane konuşurken “dedi Maura” cinsinden çok hata vardı. Gerçekten çoktu, durmadan cümleyi tekrar tekrar okumama neden oldular, uyuz oldum.

  • Miglė

    Kol kas skaičiau tik 3 šios autorės knygas, bet panašu, kad jai patinka survivalist bernai, lol.

    Šiaip ir vėl knyga patiko, ypač pirma dalis, kuri prasideda tokia klaustrofobiška atmosfera. Esi užsnigta su trim beveik nepažįstamais žmonėmis, tarp kurių irgi yra kažkokių įtampų, apleistame kaime, o dar vienas iš tų žmonių susidrapalina koją, turbūt mirtinai, o dar gali būti, kad tame apleistame kaime esate ne vieni...

    Paskui situacija radikaliai pasikeičia, o paskui ant galo vėl pasikeičia, bet nebe taip radikaliai.

    Apskritai ne taip labai mėgstu, kai kriminaliniuose romanuose kaip motyvacija ar galima motyvacija pristatoma iškreiptas religingumas. Toks atrodo truputį pigus sprendimas, ooo, religingi žmonės jau tiki nematomais dalykais, tai niekad nežinai, ką dar sugalvos, bet čia buvo padarytas gerai ir man visai patiko.

  • Gary

    The 8th book in the Rizzoli and Isles series by Tess Gerritsen.
    This is an excellent series of books that features Jane Rizzoli a police homicide detective and Maura Isles a medical examiner.
    The books are very well written and show a very good knowledge of Police procedure. The interaction between the main two characters is very effective and makes very entertaining reading.

  • Ruth E. R.

    I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys suspense and crime fiction. Medical gore sometimes occurs. Tess Gerritsen has been a practicing physician in New England and is one of my favorite current novelists. I trust her not to let me down, as so much other current fiction does (sometimes leading me to not finish their book). Not so here! It is not a spoiler to tell you, as the jacket description does, that medical examiner Maura Isles dies in this one. This one is also a good winter read!

    I'm wondering if my previous knowledge about real-life polygamous cults added to my personal enjoyment of this book. The author goes into a little bit of detail about what happens with these, and I think most readers will find it interesting. Besides this aspect of the plot, many other surprises occur.

  • Sandra ||

    Dar viena įdomi istorija, šį kartą daug dėmesio skiriama Morai. Mora išvyksta į darbo komandiruote, o po komandiruotėms su senu draugu nusprendžia papramogauti. Pakeliui į atokią trobelę ji su draugais patiria kraują stingdantį košmarą.