Tales from Deep Space (Space Master Adventure Series) by Tod Foley

Tales from Deep Space (Space Master Adventure Series)
Title : Tales from Deep Space (Space Master Adventure Series)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1558060065
ISBN-10 : 9781558060067
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 32
Publication : First published March 1, 1988

Perils on the Imperial Frontier - a collection of five self-contained Science Fiction Adventures for the "Space Master" Roleplaying Game System.

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Tales from Deep Space (Space Master Adventure Series) Reviews

  • Tod

    I'm dropping my review of my own book from 5 stars to 4 because I just remembered how ICE artlessly lopped off pages of the final adventure, claiming space issues. Maybe I went long, ok, but there are other ways to reduce the size of a manuscript without just chopping off a contiguous chunk of it. "Lazy editing," you say? Maybe - or it may be significant that the section dropped was about a renegade deepspace colony run by a pair of homosexual pirate outlaws. You tell me.