Title | : | Asterix the Gaul (Asterix, #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0752866052 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780752866055 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 48 |
Publication | : | First published October 1, 1961 |
Asterix the Gaul (Asterix, #1) Reviews
Astérix le Gaulois = Asterix the Gaul (Asterix, #1), René Goscinny
Asterix the Gaul is the first volume of the Asterix comic strip series, by René Goscinny (stories) and Albert Uderzo (illustrations).
All Gaul is under Roman control, except for one small village in Armorica (present-day Brittany), whose inhabitants are made invincible by a magic potion created periodically by the Druid Getafix. To discover the secret of the Gauls' strength, Centurion Crismus Bonus, commander of a Roman garrison at the fortified camp of Compendium, sends a spy disguised as a Gaul into the village.
The Roman's identity is revealed when he loses his false moustache, shortly after he discovers the existence of the magic potion; whereupon he reports his discovery to the Centurion. ...
عنوانهای چاپ شده در ایران: «آستریکس قهرمان گال»؛ «آستریکس در سرزمین گل»؛ تاریخ نخستین خوانش روز دوم ماه می سال2004میلادی
عنوان: ماجراهای آستریکس و ابیلیکس کتاب یک - آستریکس قهرمان گال؛ نویسنده: رنه گوسینی؛ مترجم: مهدی شاه خلیلی؛ تهران، لک لک، سال1381؛ از ماجراهای آستریکس و ابیلیکس کتاب یک؛ در48ص؛ مصور رنگی؛ گروه سنی ج د؛ شابک9646488471؛ چاپ دیگر تهران، تاریخ فرهنگ، سال1383؛ شابک ایکس-964713567؛ چاپ دیگر تهران، کلام، سال1385؛ شابک9646143695؛ موضوع داستانهای فکاهی مصور از نویسندگان فرانسه - سده20م
عنوان: آستریکس در سرزمین گل؛ نویسنده رنه گوسینی؛ مترجم فریبرز افروزی؛ تهران، سامر، سال1390؛ در48ص؛ گروه سنی ج د؛ شابک9786006444000؛
سرزمین «گال»، در تصرف «رمی»هاست؛ بجز یک دهکده ی کوچک، در «آرمورکا (بریتانیای امروزی)»؛ در این داستان، که با تصاویر رنگی کارتونی، به چاپ رسیده، «آستریکس»، جنگجوی کوچک، و زیرک، قهرمان رویدادهاست؛ و «ابلیکس» مرد تنومند نیز، دوست و یاور «آستریکس» است؛ ماجراهای این داستان خیالی، در سالهای پنجاه پیش از میلاد رخ میدهند؛ سرزمین «گال»، به اشغال «رومی»ها درآمده است، اما دهکده ی کوچک «گال»، با تکیه بر نیروی جادویی مردانش، همچنان، پایداری میکند؛ «کایوس بنوس»، فرمانده «رومی»ها، میکوشد، تا به راز شکست ناپذیری اهالی «گال»، پی ببرد؛ و به همین منظور، یکی از افراد خود را، به شکل و شمایل «گال»ها درمیآورد، و با حیله، به میان آنها میفرستد؛ جاسوس «رومی»ها درمییابد، که این قدرت جادویی، مربوط به معجونی است، که «گت��فیکس» کاهن، میسازد؛ از همین رو، «رومی»ها، «گتافیکس» را میدزدند؛ «آستریکس»، که از غیبت «گتافیکس»، نگران شده، برای یافتن او، از دهکده بیرون میآید، و در راه، متوجه ربوده شدن کاهن، میشود؛ او خود را، به اردوگاه «رومی»ها، و محل اسارت «گتافیکس»، میرساند، ولی خود نیز، در چنگ «رومی»ها اسیر میشود؛ اما سرانجام، با شجاعت، و تکیه بر قدرت جادویی، موفق میشوند؛ از دست «رومی»ها نجات یابند
تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 12/11/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 09/11/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی -
A kindred spirit...
Family portrait.
Sport/recreation/favorite pastime.
For those not familiar with the Asterix comics, let me give you a bit of background, both personal and general.
Let me start with Julius Caesar.
We all know him, eh? And most of us probably know that Ceasar defeated the Gauls, thereby incidentally Latinizing and unifying them.
After conquering and annexing Gaul with a two-year war, fought from 52 to 50 BC, he did actually see a small rebellion, though not quite of the kind we encounter in the Asterix comix.
The Asterix comics are funny, despite the violence depicted in them, for a few reasons. I normally don’t find slapstick comedy amusing at all, but here it is funny because of the wild improbability of a small little runt like Asterix - your typical weakling brainy nerd stereotype, beating up those brawny armored Romans.
What is his secret? Similar to Achilles who was dipped into the River Styx which gave him superhuman strength/invulnerability, Asterix’s friend Obelix had as a baby, fallen into a cauldron of magic potion as brewed by the village bard, Getafix; the same magic potion that gives Asterix and the rest of his village superhuman qualities for a limited time after consumption.
And so, Asterix’s village turns out to have been poor old Ceasar’s secret nightmare - the Gaulish village he couldn’t conquer! Of course this whole concept is pretty fun from a French-person’s point of view.
The authors riff on many things through the course of the comics. One of them, for example, the way that the French are always going : “Nos ancêtres les Gaulois!” [Our ancestors the Gauls!]
There is constant play with how the Gauls’ names ended in the suffix “ix” (for example, one of their great leaders was named Vercingetorix), hence, in the Asterix comics, the druid is named Getafix, the big guy who carries a menhir or Obelisk around is called Obelix, the village bard is called Cacofonix,
(poor old Cacofonix - nobody ever appreciates his art - those barbarians!)
The fishmonger who always has smelly fish, is called Unhygenix, and the little dog is called Dogmatix.
Asterix in front, Obelix at back, and Dogmatix - middle. -
another UPDATE at bottom
I got this over Christmas 2014, when I saw some lying in a book store. There are (according to a list inside the front cover) 33 Books available in English translation, available singly or in Omnibus editions of 3 Books each.
I glanced at it, browsing a bit as it lay on the table in my family room for months. Amusing.
I had really picked it up for my grandson, who's just turned seven. But when I tried to interest him in it, he was not very enthusiastic. Perhaps he saw a bunch or words he didn't understand? Strange punny Latin character names, even Latin words? Whatever.
Finally a couple evenings ago I sat down and read it through. Of course that's what's intended, and it improved. Many laughs, though I'm sure I missed quite a bit because of the Latin stuff, even though I probably have more Latin than most Americans.
And maybe my grandson, when a little older, will want to read it. Though perhaps it's just as well that he didn't fall in love with it and want more, they're quite dear in the U.S.
If he'd liked it, I'd probably round up to a four.
And how about my granddaughter? She's older (ten), but not here so often. (Too many athletic interests.) I'll have to try it, and she is a reader. She says she's tried Harry Potter and didn't like it ... but loves the Hunger Games books. How would one predict re Asterix from that? Don't know.
UPDATE My grandson here with me tells me he DID like it, but there were some hard words in it. SO I'm updating it to 4 stars and we will be looking at it together in the future.
another UPDATE Grandson now 9. He'd rather play games (board & electronic) than read right now. He plays the viola, and before he turned 9 last month had most swimming records in MD-VA-DC for his age. He's very good, if I do say so. So is his 12-year old sister, though she might be a better runner than swimmer, and might be a more popular and more caring young girl than those accomplishments. I'm blessed. -
Als Zehnjähriger habe ich die Asterix-Alben geliebt und jeder kommenden Neuerscheinung entgegengefiebert. Dass die Stories nach immer gleichem Muster ablaufen und immer wieder die gleichen running gags für Lachanfälle sorgten, hat mich überhaupt nicht gestört, war ganz im Gegenteil in seiner Zuverlässigkeit Teil des Erfolgsrezepts; anders hätte ich es nicht gewollt. Die Hefte wurden immer und immer wieder gelesen und haben mich über Jahre begleitet.
Nachdem ich gestern (19.01.2020) bei ARTE in der Mediathek ein Feature über Goscinny gesehen habe, habe ich mir das erste Album noch einmal geschnappt. Unglaublich, vor fast 50 Jahren habe ich es überall hin mit mir rumgeschleppt und unzählige Male gelesen, 30 Jahre später haben meine Kinder es gelesen, danach verbrachte es ein paar Jahre auf dem Dachboden, und nun liegt es wieder vor mir. Gleich vom ersten Panel an ist alles vertraut, der Mund verzieht sich zum Grinsen im Bewusstsein, dass im nächsten Panel der nächste Gag kommt, und da ist er. Zuverlässig wie immer.
Bis auf Idefix ist alles schon da, ganz erstaunlich: das Personal, der Zaubertrank und die Römer, die einem fast schon leid tun können. Das ist es, das klassische Asterix=Feeling.
Aber eine Frage stimmt mich doch ein wenig melancholisch: Wenn ich heute mein erstes Asterix-Comic lesen, würde es mir genauso gut gefallen wie damals, würde ich dem nächsten Abenteuer entgegen fiebern? Ich bezweifle es und der Zweifel macht mich ein wenig traurig.
Asterix war ein Begleiter meiner Kindheit. Es schmerzt, dass er einiges von seinem Charme eingebüßt hat. -
Prima avventura di Asterix ed i suoi amici Galli. Dopo l'invasione dei Romani in terra di Gallia, siamo nel 50 a. C., i nostri amici Galli "cercano" di resistere, in un piccolo villaggio. C'è anche Obelix, ma si vede poco, Panoramix e la sua storica pozione e soprattutto ci sono i simpatici disegni ed il romanaccio :-D
Ho visto decine di volte i cartoni animati, divertentissimi, mi mancavano i fumetti. Così ho voluto provare con il primo della serie ed il risultato è stato molto piacevole, anche se la storia la conoscevo già. Unica pecca è il formato dell'albo, troppo grande, ci si perde un po' troppo, preferisco il formato classico, tipo da Paperino o Topolino, per interderci!
La zuppa l'è pronta! La zuppa l'è pronta! -
আমার পড়া প্রথম পশ্চিমা কমিকস 'ফ্যান্টম', ডায়মন্ড কমিকস থেকে যেটা 'অরণ্যদেব' নামে প্রকাশিত হতো। বেশি সুবিধার লাগেনি, শুধু 'জঙ্গলের প্রাচীন প্রবাদ' ফ্রেজটা নিয়ে আমরা বেশ হাসাহাসি করতাম। যেমন--জঙ্গলের প্রাচীন প্রবাদ, অমুক স্যারের চটকানা বাঘের থাবার চেয়েও জোরালো, ইত্যাদি। এরপর কয়েকটা আর্চি, তা-ও পোষায়নি। এখনো পোষায়না, সম্ভবত আমেরিকান টিনেজ কালচারটার সাথে কোন সম্পর্ক নেই বলেই। তারপর আনন্দ থেকে অনুদিত হার্জ-এর 'টিনটিন' পড়লাম আর মজে গেলাম। (আমি এখানে বাচ্চাকালের মত 'হার্জ' আর 'টিনটিন'-ই বলবো, পাকামি করে 'অ্যার্জে' আর 'ত্যাঁত্যাঁ' বলবো না)। এক বন্ধুর কাছ থেকে নিয়ে পড়তাম, ওরা চৌদ্দ গুষ্ঠী মিলে বই কিনতো, নয়তো টিনটিন-এর যা দাম ছিল (১৯৯৬-৯৭ সালের দিকেই ৬৫ টাকা যখন ১৬-১৭ টাকায় সেবার একটা বই পাওয়া যেত, আর ২-১ বছরের মাঝেই দামটা বেড়ে ৮৫ টাকা হয়ে গেল) তা স্কুলপড়ুয়া কারো পক্ষে কিনে পড়া সম্ভব ছিল না। তো, টিনটিন বলতে আমরা যখন পাগল, তখনই সে বন্ধুর বড় ভাই আনন্দ'র অনুবাদেই 'অ্যাসটেরিক্স' কিনে আনলেন একদিন, আর প্রথম বই 'গলযোদ্ধা অ্যাসটেরিক্স' পড়েই সেটা আমার কাছে টিনটিন-এর চেয়েও বেশি প্রিয় হয়ে গেল।
টিনটিন ভক্তরা তেড়ে আসতে পারেন, টিনটিন এখনো আমার খুব পছন্দের, কিন্তু অ্যাসটেরিক্সকে তারচেয়ে ২-১ পয়েন্ট হলেও এগিয়ে রাখি এখনো। রোমান সম্রাট সিজারের বাহিনী যখন পুরো গল জয় করে ফেলেছে, তখন গলের ছোট একটি গ্রামই তাদের ঠেকিয়ে রেখেছে। শত চেষ্টাতেও সিজার বাহিনী তাদের বাগে আনতে পারছে না, কারণ একে তো এরা স্বাধীনচেতা, তারওপর তাদের আছে পুরোহিত গেটাফিক্সের তৈরি জাদুর শরবত যা খেলে গায়ে আসে হাতির শক্তি, আর আছে বুদ্ধিমান যোদ্ধা অ্যাসটেরিক্স আর তার জানি দোস্ত মহাশক্তিমান ওবেলিক্স। টিনটিন-এর গল্পগুলো যেখানে অনেকটাই সিরিয়াস, অ্যাসটেরিক্স ততটাই হালকা এবং মজার। গলদের ছোট গ্রামের বাসিন্দাদের, বিশেষত অ্যাসটেরিক্স আর ওবেলিক্সের অভিযান, তাদের শত্রুদের বিশেষ করে রোমানদের নিয়ে সারাক্ষণ মশকরায় মেতে থাকা, আর সবচেয়ে বড় আকর্ষণ ঐতিহাসিক বিভিন্ন ঘটনার অ্যাসটেরিক্সিয় ব্যাখ্যা (যেমন, মিশর অভিযানে গিয়েই ওবেলিক্স নাকি স্ফিংক্সের নাকখানা ভেঙেছিল), যেটা ইতিহাসপ্রিয়দের দারুণ আনন্দ দেবে। কিছুটা স্টিরিওটাইপিং আছে, কাহিনীর ধরণ এবং শেষটাও গৎবাঁধা খানিকটা, কিন্তু মাঝের ঘটনাবলী আর দুর্দান্ত আর্টওয়ার্ক, সেইসাথে ইংরেজিতে যাকে বলে ক্রমাগত 'পান' আর 'ওয়ার্ডপ্লে', সারাক্ষণই হাসতে হাসতে গড়াগড়ি দেয়ার অবস্থায় নিয়ে রাখে।
গ্রাফিক নভেলের একটা বড় সমস্যা হলো, এগুলোর দাম অত্যধিক বেশি, অথচ সফট কপিতে আর্টওয়ার্কের মাহাত্ম্যটা ঠিক বোঝা যায় না। টিনটিন আর অ্যাসটেরিক্স আনন্দ থেকে যেগুলো বের হয়েছিল, সেগুলো আমার সেই স্কুলের বন্ধুর কল্যাণেই হার্ডকপি পড়ার সুযোগ হয়েছিল, বাংলায় অবশ্যই। বছর দশেক আগে দু'টো সিরিজেরই সবক'টা ইংরেজিতে পড়ে ফেলি সফটকপিতে, কারণ মুদ্রাস্ফীতির জন্য এগুলোর ছাপা কপির দাম আরো বেশি নাগালের বাইরে চলে গিয়েছিল। বলাই বাহুল্য, ইংরেজিটায় ওয়ার্ডপ্লেগুলো আরো ভালভাবে ফুটে উঠেছে, বিশেষ করে অ্যাসটেরিক্স সিরিজে, যেখানে শব্দ নিয়ে খেলাটা মজা পাওয়ার একটা বড় অংশ। বছর দু'য়েক আগে থেকে বাতিঘর এবং আরো কয়েকটা দোকানে অ্যাসটেরিক্স ও টিনটিনের সম্পূর্ণ বক্সসেট কালেকশন দেখে আসছি, কিন্তু টিনটিনটা ১৯ হাজার আর অ্যাসটেরিক্সটা ৩৬ হাজার, কেনার প্রশ্নই আসে না। তবে মাস তিনেক আগে ছেলেকে কোনটা আগে পড়াবো ভাবতে ভাবতে অবশেষে অ্যাসটেরিক্সের প্রথম বই 'অ্যাসটেরিক্স দ্য গল' কিনেই ফেলি (৪৮ পৃষ্ঠা বইয়ের দাম ৮০০ টাকা দেখে বাসা থেকে আরেকটু হলেই বের করে দিচ্ছিল)। এরপর ৩ মাসে আরো ৩টা কিনেছি। প্রতিবারেই বের হওয়ার সময় পকেটে হাত দিয়ে বুকটা হালকা ব্যথা করতে থাকে, কিন্তু বাসায় পৌঁছানোর সাথে সাথে হাতের অ্যাসটেরিক্সটা দেখে ছেলের মুখটা যেভাবে হ্যালোজেন লাইটের মত উজ্জ্বল হয়ে ওঠে, সেটা দেখে মনে হয়, কিছু কাজের জিনিস কেনা বাদ দিয়ে হলেও বই কেনাটা খারাপ না।
বিঃ দ্রঃ যারা এই মুহূর্তে হার্ডকপি কিনতে পারছেন না, তারা সফটকপি হলেও পড়ে ফেলুন। সম্ভব হলে ইংরেজিটা। আর্টওয়ার্কে শতভাগ না পেলেও মূল মজাটা পাবেনই। কবে হার্ডকপি পাবেন এই আশায় এমন বস্তু না পড়ে রেখে দেয়া রীতিমত নিজের প্রতি অবিচার। -
Im Jahr 2023 möchte ich ja alle Asterix-Bände rereaden und wie könnte ich da anders, als mit dem Ur-Asterix, Band 1: Asterix der Gallier, zu beginnen.
In diesem Band lernen wir unseren Helden und das kleine, unbeugsame gallische Dorf in Aremorica kennen. Der unbezwingbare Gallierstamm lebt umzingelt von vier Römerlagern. Den Besatzern begegnet man immer wieder bei Ausflügen in den Wald oder den regelmäßigen Wildschweinjagden. Wenig Spaß für die Römer, denn aufgrund des Zaubertranks werden sie bei diesen Begegnungen jedes Mal niedergeprügelt.
Deshalb beschließen die Römer, dass sie irgendwie an das Geheimnis der übernatürlichen Stärke der Gallier kommen müssen. Nach einem erfolglosen Spionageversuch entführen sie schließlich den Druiden Miraculix – doch der will selbst unter Folter nicht das Rezept für seinen Trank verraten.
Ja, war mal wieder ganz nett, diesen allerersten Asterix-Band zu lesen. Man merkt wirklich, dass hier alles noch nicht so ganz ausgereift ist: die Farben sind etwas anders als später, die Figuren noch etwas anders in ihrer Persönlichkeit als in den späteren Bänden, die Handlung noch sehr tell und weniger show.
Miraculix: “Hier ist der Zaubertrank, der unbesiegbar macht und für bestimmte Zeit gewaltige Kräfte verleiht.“
Das sind halt irgendwie komische Sprechblasen, die man in den späteren Asterix-Heften nicht mehr so hat, weil das dann bekannte Informationen sind. Ich versteh schon, warum man das zu Beginn einmal einführen muss, aber irgendwie wirkt es trotzdem etwas hölzern.
Die Story selbst ist ziemlich basic, aber das finde ich in Ordnung: Wir lernen erstmal die Standardsituation kennen, das Dorf, die Römerlager, die zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen. Für mich ein solider erster Band, 3 🌟.
Notizen: Der Barde Troubadix ist hier zwar schon eher unbeliebt im Dorf, darf aber am abschließenden Festmahl teilnehmen. -
By Toutatis! Everyone should read this beginning book of a brilliant series! We finally purchased the entire Asterix set in 2019, so I intend to read through the series this year.
When a Roman soldier infiltrates the Gaulish village, he is able to provide information about the magic potion to the Romans, which leads to Getafix being kidnapped. Asterix sets out to free him all alone, without even the help of the magic potion. This story mainly involves Asterix and Getafix, who get into all kinds of adventures together.
There are only a very few characters in this book, and the village crowd have not yet appeared. We only meet Asterix, Obelix, Vitalstatistix, Cacofanix and Getafix. But we get to meet the Romans and Julius Caesar himself.
I am always left dazed by the brilliance of the puns in this series, and this first effort was no different. The English translation also complements the original French so effortlessly that it's a completely different level of genius.
Plan to read all the books in order again, this time in English. -
As far as I’m concerned this is a good news / better news scenario:
The Good News
Between the nostalgia and the clever wordplay, what’s not to like? The artwork isn’t as polished as later entries, but it’s still awesome. I particularly enjoyed the hair puns, and few artists can convey infectious laughter through their drawings like Albert Uderzo was able to. Of course, it helps if you have a bit of general knowledge, to more appreciate the satiric aspects of the comedy. This is the first Asterix book, and while a few characters are introduced, the only two characters that really feature are Asterix himself and Getafix the druid. Which brings me to…
The Better News
If you enjoyed this book, there are many more where it came from. Almost all of the Asterix books are really cool. Personally, I think Uderzo did a remarkable job keeping the series alive after Goscinny’s passing in 1977 (you may be surprised to see which entries were published with only Uderzo at the helm, even though Goscinny’s name still appeared on the cover).
It’s only toward the latter end of the series that there is a bit of a dip. In my personal opinion it’s only really in the mid-2000’s (with Asterix & The Falling Sky) that things went a bit awry.
Here’s to almost 60 years of Asterix!
5 stars and then some. -
Well, *have* you read all the Asterix books? It's a fair question. We've read these, but these aren't all. There are, in fact, at least 8 not identified here. Quick quiz Asterix fans - can you name them without resorting to internet memory? [image error]
+++ BREAKING +++
(Berlin) Is this the end of the indomitable Gauls?
Ehapa publishing house announced on Wednesday, that all volumes of the popular Asterix series of author René Goscinny and illustrator Albert Uderzo will be immediately removed from trade. The publisher responds to an inquiry by the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) in Germany, who was able to demonstrate years of extensive doping of the popular cartoon characters. At the end of last week, the NADA had published their results. According to those, NADA inspectors were able to proof the use of an illegal substance, euphemistically called "Magic Potion", in all of the booklets. The infamous doping doctor Getafix (a.k.a "Magigamix", a.k.a "The Druid") has apparently manipulated blatantly and unabashedly all the beatings and battle results of the Gauls against Roman patrols, field camps and legions. This is considered gross unsporting conduct with no trace of a fair competition. In a statement issued by the agency it's said: "We fear that the glorification of the doping agent as 'magic potion' without side effects decreases the threshold for the use of performance-enhancing substances and especially younger readers are at risk". Particularly shocking: A character is said to have fallen into the doping substance as a child and since then had superhuman powers. Ehapa publishing meanwhile remains contrite and leaves the future of the popular comics open. According to a spokesman a re-launch of the series is planned, but whether or not the new volume, tentatively called "Asterix and the destruction of the small village by obviously vastly superior Romans", will make its way to the German books shops is still open.
[this is a free translation of
an article from German news channel Der Postillon (honest news, independent, fast, since 1845)]
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. -
Reading so much serious literature lately, this old classic felt like a fun indulgence on a beautiful spring day in the balcony. It took me back to my childhood when I would read and reread the series. It was just as good, I actually laughed out loud a few times and my neighbor turned my way wondering if I had a few screws loose.
Ah! Asterix and his picturesque little village in Gaul with its stubborn yet hilarious bunch of residents gave me such a heavy dose of enjoyment during my high school vacation days.
Each volume of this series is supremely rich in wonderful cartoon sketches, lots of humor and superb characters. Full marks goes to René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo for creating a bunch of such loveable characters and an exciting series of humorous adventures based on political & historical references. The translations of the original French volumes are done with love and care to make them highly enjoyable.
The plots of most of the books in the series revolve around the adventures of Asterix and his fellow villagers – who reside in an unnamed small coastal village in Armorica – against the invading Roman Legionaries; and their village is the last bastion standing in the entire region of Gaul against the mighty Roman Invaders under Julius Caesar. The adventures are set either in the locations around this small village or foreign locations. These adventures of the indomitable Gauls – mainly involving adventures of Asterix and his friend Obelix – thwarting schemes brewed by the Roman forces lead in to one hilarious situation after another, which are portrayed in rich and amazing illustrations and tongue-in-cheek text.
In ‘Asterix the Gaul’ the reader is introduced to the little village of Asterix and it’s assortment of eccentric, funny yet furiously tough residents with witty names. There is the shrewd, cunning little warrior with super human strength named ‘Asterix’; his close buddy ‘Obelix’, who is literally a giant of man with an insatiable appetite for wild boars and massive physical power; the village chief named ‘Vitalstatistix’, who is mighty brave and hot-tempered and widely respected by his people; the village bard named ‘Cacofonix’ whose music is divine for his ears only; the druid of the village named ‘Getafix’, who’s magic potion is the secret behind the superhuman strength of the villagers and ‘Fulliautomatix’ – the village blacksmith; their names along with their antics can make you burst with laughter. When these indomitable villagers are not fighting against the Romans or going on with their daily life which involve a lot bashing each others head, they are busy involved in sumptuous feasts and enjoying the heavenly music of ‘Cacofonix’ by either running away from him or tying him up.
If you haven’t yet met Asterix and his bunch of friends then taking up his adventures wont disappoint you. -
This is a goody from my childhood that I haven’t read in years. I guess I felt a little sentimental picking this up.
The Asterix & Obelix comics started being published in 1959 by French authors Rene Goscinny, Albert Uderzo and Jean-Yves Ferri. Since then over 30 books in this series were translated into over 100 languages today. I myself read the German translations as a kid. To this day, boys and girls in Europe are still reading and enjoying these comics as well as the adaptated movies which are great - those I want to re-watch as well, but guess what, I have them on Beta Max tapes and no player!
Asterix and his friends live in a small village in the Roman occupied Gaul around 50 BC. All the occupants of this village are holding out from being invaded by the Roman legions of Julius Caesar. They do this by making a potion that gives them super power, strength and speed. They are already very clever and can outwit anyone before they know it.
As the Romans are trying to conquer this last village, they realize something isn’t right about these Gauls that retaliate them albeit being outnumbered. So, they send in a spy to find out what the Gauls are doing to be so strong. But Asterix and his friends are not from yesterday. They know how to fool the Romans and embarrass them at the same time.
I enjoyed this clean classic graphic novel. The print of my copy had the original sketches, nothing enhanced, and it was a super quick read. This would be fun for any kid that isn’t addicted to electronics yet or has had a lot of exposure to that. Who doesn’t want to have super powers and play Asterix in the back yard! -
Cărticica aceasta e printre cele mai drăguțe povești pentru copii citite în ultima vreme. Nici nu mai țin minte de când nu m-a mai amuzat atât o carte. Personaje simpatice foc, replici haioase și inteligente, multe aventuri, lecții despre prietenie și solidaritate. Nu degeaba rezistă de atâtea decenii! Cu siguranță o să îmi iau toate volumele și o să le păstrez pentru zilele mai proaste. Scurtă recenzie aici:
https://bit.ly/3RFss8b. -
آستریکس یه نوستالژیه
همیشه عاشق طریقه ی نقاشی کاراکترها و رنگ های زنده تصاویرش بودم
خود کاراکترها و طنز داستان هم جالب بود
خوب بود در کل -
Νομίζω από τα καλύτερα της σειράς. Ιδιαίτερα ο Καιους Δώρους με μαλλί Ραπουνζέλ, όλα τα λεφτά!
¿Qué puedo decir de los irreductibles galos? Quizá que son los responsables de que hoy esté en esta red social y lea libros, y eso ya es mucho. Desde muy pequeño Astérix y Obélix me han acompañado y me han divertido con sus aventuras. Recuerdo cómo intentaba copiar aquellos cómics y crear mis propias historias... Quién sabe, si algún día escribo algo, es posible que tenga que agradecérselo a ellos.
Esta edición de lujo por su 60 aniversario incluye un apéndice sobre cómo se gestó y salió a la luz este primer volumen de la serie. Incluye, además, las planchas originales dibujadas por Uderzo. La historia, por otra parte, ya es muy buena, pese a ser la primera y servir de presentación de los personajes.
En fin, gracias, Goscinny; gracias, Uderzo. Lleváis toda mi vida haciéndola un poquito más alegre. -
This wasn't my first-time read of Asterix #1.
To date, I thank my father for introducing me to Asterix and gang, though I watched the movie, at the time. Same concept, different representation. -
Of course I've read all of these as a kids, in Dutch. I even read a couple in Latin whilst in high school (yes, the adventures of Asterix are available in Latin, just like several other comic books. You can even read Harry Potter in Latin...)
I must say, I had a bit of difficulty adjusting to the English names. After 25+ years of Abraracourcix, Assurancetourix and Panoramix, it's a bit strange seeing them being named Vitalstatistix, Cacofonix and Getafix... (I know it's because the word plays don't work the same in English, but still. It's weird.)
Storywise, this is just really entertaining. A great introduction for a great set of characters. -
Lo he disfrutado igual que cuando era niño...
El primero de toda la saga!
Que lindo disfrutar de esta historieta, me recuerda a mi infancia. ❤️
A modo de introducción está muy bien, se lee súper rápido y es muy divertido. 😆 -
Asterix was where I first started reading comics. My dad had them, and they seemed cool...I remember it was so long ago that they put out a new one with the Original Goscinny and Uderzo, and it was a big treat, a Father's Day present for him.
This is where it all starts. The art improves from here, and our heroes look a bit different before they evolve...
The puns, the play on words, the names, slapstick violence, history, this series has it all.
You grew up with Tin Tin or Asterix. Both French, but one was an androgynous twat with a stupid Dog, and the other was a Gallic warrior who fought the Romans as a Guerilla...yup. -
Oh man. I grew up reading these. Facts gleaned from Asterix still probably constitute the majority of my admittedly scant knowledge of European geography and history. Vitalstatistix! Cacophonix! Whoever did the translations was a genius.
No es mi historia favorita de Asterix pero posiblemente sea la que más veces he leído. Siempre me he gustado Asterix, pero durante años no le he hecho caso a este tipo de cómics por pensar que ya no son para mí... eso es un gran error, Asterix es para todo el mundo
Hoy en día los álbumes de Asterix se pueden encontrar en cualquier biblioteca pública y nunca dejan de venderse en librerías especializadas, incluso cada 5 ó 6 años sale algún coleccionable que recopila todos los álbumes, posiblemente sea el cómic de más fácil acceso al menos en Europa y eso es porque gusta a todos... si creciste con ellos como yo revisitarlos es una nueva experiencia que no sólo despierta la nostalgia, sino que te permite verlos con nuevos ojos, apreciar dobles significados, buscar los mínimos detalles y disfrutar de un sentido de la continuidad que seguramente no descubriste antes si has ido leyéndolos aleatoriamente en lugar de seguir el orden cronológico de publicación, si los lees por primera vez ya de adulto en seguida te das cuenta del entretenimiento que puede proporcionar un cómic de humor y aventuras bien hecho, los niños de hoy siguen disfrutándolos igual que los de hace 40 años... Luego claro, hay cosas que pueden chirriar a día de hoy a ciertas personas, como la fijación por el humor basado en estereotipos nacionales y en anacronismos, pero sigue resultando fácil entrar en el juego y disfrutar con cualquiera de estos geniales álbumes.
Este primer álbum de asterix sentó las bases de una serie que lleva ya 60 años publicándose, aquí están ya la mayoría de los elementos y personajes que todos recordamos, la historia es aquella mítica en la que los romanos tras descubrir que la fuerza sobrehumana de los galos se debe a una poción mágica secuestran al druida Panoramix para intentar descubrir los secretos de su elaboración.
En fin poco más que decir, si a algún cómic se le puede poner la etiqueta de "clásico atemporal" es a este -
3'5 / 5
Asterix The Gaul was first published in French in 1961 and in English only in 1969.
The first of the Asterix books , it is a very clever and witty piece of work on the Roman occupation of Gaul in 50 BC-with a fair amount of Latin quips in too -read Asterix and you'll soon become familiar with 'Quid' , 'Vae victo , vae victus' and 'Morituri te salutant'.
It begins with the familiar scene of well thumped Roman legionnaires reporting their defeat to an incensed Roman centurion (in this case Crismus Bonus) who then hatches a plan to deal with the Gauls which our heroes always in the end foil.
It also includes such recurring themes as Cacofonix and his hated singing , the magic potion (and why Obelix cannot have any ) and a guest appearance by Julius Caesar.It ends as always without he Gauls feasting their heroes 'under a starry sky...victorious over their enemies , thanks to magic the protection of the gods and low cunning'.
Unlike all of its successors in this book , Obelix does not even offer to accompany Asterix on his adventure (which is so unlike the Obelix we know from all of the other Asterix books).
There are some gaps in the dialogue and there is unusually not one woman or girl in the first book . drawbacks which will be made up for in the other Asterix books.
Nevertheless it is a great start to your Asterix collection and an amusing little book. -
Asterix the Gaul
This is the first volume of the comic stripes Asterix. It is quite impressive despite being the early chapter. The plot is centered on the indomitable Gauls as they withstand the Romans (Julius Ceasar) in 50 B.C.
The Gaulish people are invincible because of a potion brewed by their druid 'Getafix' , which makes them super strong for some period and bears a name with "ix" suffix. Asterix, ou protagonist is physically dwarfish but very sharp-witted and brave. I absolutely loved Asterix , he is smart, witty, and fearless.
Getafix's witty remarks were delights. The whole chapter is filled puns and I couldn't stop laughing the whole time. I also enjoyed the side comments given in the comics.
Can't wait to get my hands on the next volume. -
Beim Teutates, war das ein Spaß!
Die Asterix-Comics sind ein großes Stück Kindheit für mich. Ich hatte tierisch Lust, die ganze Reihe nochmal zu lesen, nachdem ich vor einigen Tagen meine eigenen Asterix-Geschichten aus der Grundschule wieder gefunden hatte. Das waren wohl meine ersten Fanfictions, wenn ich so darüber nachdenke. 😄
In Band 1 wurde selbstverständlich viel erklärt, ins Setting eingeführt und die wichtigsten Charaktere vorgestellt. Daher kamen einige Nebencharaktere noch gar nicht vor, wurden nur angedeutet (z.B. Idefix) oder hatten nur wenig Rolle. Auch der Barde wurde noch nicht verhauen. 😂 Die Römer waren klasse und ich liebe die lateinischen Sätze, die eingeflochten wurden. -
Me encantan Astérix y Obélix. Eran mis favoritos de pequeña y ahora releerlos es como volver a la infancia.