The Kingdom of Fantasy (The Kingdom of Fantasy #1) by Geronimo Stilton

The Kingdom of Fantasy (The Kingdom of Fantasy #1)
Title : The Kingdom of Fantasy (The Kingdom of Fantasy #1)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Format Type : Kindle , Hardcover , Paperback , Audiobook & More
Number of Pages : -

Join Geronimo for his biggest, most fabumouse adventure yet! Dragons, mermaids, and much, much more await readers in this very special edition! I knew from the start that it was no ordinary day, but I certainly didn't expect to find a golden staircase in my attic. Up at the top, there was a door. And beyond the door was a world I never could have imagined -- the Kingdom of Fantasy! Along with my guide, a frog named Scribblehopper, I set off on an incredible adventure to save the Queen of the Fairies. But along the way, I had to face giant scorpions, witches, sea serpents, pixies, and dozens of other creatures that I had only ever heard stories about. Holey cheese, what a journey! Could I save the Queen . . . and my own tail?

The Kingdom of Fantasy (The Kingdom of Fantasy #1) Reviews

  • Marianna

    Non mi pento di nulla!
    Quando ero piccina picciò, vidi a una fiera una bancarella che aveva questo e altri meravigliosissimi libri sfavillanti. Inutile dire che lo desiderai subito ardentemente, vedendo che era tutto diviso per colori (era già una fissa infantile) e che inoltre conteneva profumi e altri odori da sfregare per immergersi nei mondi fantasy in cui viaggia Geronimo. La mamma, per non viziarmi, disse di sceglierne solo uno fra quelli che mi interessavano, e così andò che ne presi un altro (con la copertina glitterata, bellissimo). L'anno dopo mi regalarono il secondo della "serie", ma la delusione quando scoprii che c'era un'unica pagina profumata e niente suddivisioni sui colori dell'arcobaleno la delusione fu cocente.
    Per anni ho covato il segretissimo desiderio di possedere questo volumone colorato e fantasioso (sì, anche da grande), così quando sono cresciuta l'ho comprato senza rimpianti e senza colpo ferire e ho aspettato ben 3 anni per leggerlo per la prima volta.
    E così, eccomi qui. 5*

  • Lynn

    I bought this for one of my students, so I thought I'd have the liberty to tuck my paws in it first. What it gave me was a headache. And they thought that colouring and beautifying WORDS would make a storyline more interesting. Nooo. Sure, people are getting more visual nowadays, and kids think the beautifuler the graphics, the better the quality.

    I have to say that the prettier the fonts, the less solid the plot. This one reads like a magazine - bland, with no intriguing plot, but random snippets like pages from a fun fact book.

    I was disappointed, because, hey, I did buy it because I thought it was pretty. Turned out that the garish fonts gave me a reading concussion. If I were a kid, I'd be put off reading.

    But I'd still let my kids read this, because.. I may very well belong to a different generation, and mindset. I'd like to get the kid into reading, and I thought this one would be a good weaning off his comic books. Let's see.

    And I didnt like the cheap rip off of Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland. Oh, and James Bond too. Not funny, Geronimo Stilton, not funny. Bland, hollow, nothing much, really :(.

    But I have to admit I liked the mythology bits. I thought that it was quite awesome. But it turned out they didn't tie very deeply into the plot. What kids need are imagination and the ability to weave their own story. Spelling it out, and drawing it out for them will see a generation of idle creativists. Stunted brain.

  • Vivaan

    The kingdom of fantasy is a series which is part of the Geronimo stilton books.the first book was awesome and I think the rest of them would be just as good. it was a fantastic journey filled with magical creatures ,witches, sea serpents and a lot this book Geronimo has to complete the mission which is to save the Fairy Queen Blossom who was attacked by the evil witch. My favourite character in this book is Scribblehopper because he was kind and I also felt really bad for him because the queen of witches turned his daughter into the red phoenix who helped Geronimo and scribble hopper. My favourite part of this book was when Geronimo thought he was dreaming because i thought it was quite funny and silly. this book was like all of my imagination combined. it took me a to a fantasy i never thought i'd go.

  • Carmine

    Odore di piedi e puzza di formaggio

    Non pensavo esistesse una collana di libri che potesse superare la valanga di seguiti de "Alla ricerca della Valle Incantata"...ah no, quei cartoni sgangherati direct-to-video sono ancora in vantaggio.
    L'utilizzo di odori impressi su carta - alcuni abbastanza uguali tra loro, misteri dell'infanzia - e quello scalcagnato cd con le musichette trash esercitano un fascino non indifferente sul bambino che entra all'interno del genere fantasy; superato il target, il progetto si palesa per quello che realmente rappresenta: una bella commercialata spillasoldi con cui tenere in ostaggio qualche genitore con figlioletto irrequieto.
    Resta un piccolo frammento d'infanzia il cui omaggio rimane doveroso, nonostante tutto.

  • Tamara

    Yeah my little brother was half asleep while we were working on his project. I ended up telling him to go to sleep and I basically did the project. I hope his teacher doesn't notice my attempt to sound like a 5th grader.

  • Werehare


    Assolutamente ridicolo, e premetto che l'ho letto alle medie assieme a mia sorella che frequentava le elementari: ci siamo sganasciate dal ridere tutte e due per la pochezza di questo libro. Il due è esclusivamente per le illustrazioni graziose e le discrete schede informative a fine libro. Andrebbe chiarito una volta per tutte che libro per bambini non vuol dire libro idiota, raffazzonato e senza un grammo di originalità - tutte cose che questo libro è: il protagonista è patetico e irritante, le vicende sono artefatte e più che prevedibili, lo svolgimento è tirato via al massimo, le battute sono di una tristezza rara, i personaggi sono macchiette, non c'è UNA singola cosa che non sia scopiazzata o riciclata o già sentita. Il che, in un "fantasy", fa pensare. C'è più suggestione in un sempreverde libro di fiabe, per non citare Ende, Rowling, Lewis, Verne, Barker e così via. Un libro che sa *davvero* far volare con la fantasia, inoltre, non ha bisogno di una figura ogni due facciate e di una parola ogni cinque scritta in caratteri speciali per meravigliare: il ricorso a simili mezzi, degni di un libro illustrato dell'asilo, è indice di quanto potenti siano scrittura, personaggi e storia (zero). Una storia semplice, ovvero per bambini, non è necessariamente una storia scontata, ma questo Geronimo Stilton non pare averlo afferrato. Vogliamo capire che i bambini NON hanno bisogno di essere trattati come imbecilli?

  • Ty O'Brien

    *** SPOILERS ***

    My favourite character was Boils. He is a chameleon and I like the colours he can change. My favourite parts are when Boils changes colours.

  • Heather

    The first book in the Kingdom of Fantasy book series. Geronimo Stilton is whisked away to Kingdom of Fantasy to help save Queen Blossom. Geronimo meets many along the way who help him through the seven kingdoms he has to go through in order to reach the Fairy Kingdom in order to save the queen. He battles and over comes tricks to get through each kingdom to reach the queen. Each kingdom is different resulting in different challenges and tasks he must overcome with the help of his friends, those of The Order of the Fairy Queen.

    What a wonderful childrens/junior book. Keeps the reader involved in the story through riddles and tasks that the reader must perform in order to help Geronimo through the kingdoms. The worlds are so very interesting as are the characters that inhabit each of the worlds. I love how certain worlds are changed to a different font or color to bring emphasis to the word, very intriguing and great for children. The drawers are so wonderfully displayed, I enjoy viewing each little point of them as there always seems to be something hidden inside!

  • Brenda

    First off, this book can stand alone and doesn't need to be read with the other books in the Geronimo Stilton series. In this book, Geronimo will need to travel through six Kingdoms (Witches, Trolls, Dragons, Gnomes, Fairies, Giants, and Mermaids) to save Blossom the Fairy Queen. Geronimo is aided in his quest by a scribe named Scribblehopper and the help of friends he finds along the way. I really liked this book. There are some very detailed maps included for each of the Kingdoms and nice bits of history and lore about the various characters in each Kingdom. Also included are secret codes to decipher. I've already been instructed that I need to buy
    The Quest for Paradise and
    The Amazing Voyage at the next school book fair.