The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life by Robin S. Sharma

The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life
Title : The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1439109125
ISBN-10 : 9781439109120
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 224
Publication : First published January 1, 2010

For more than fifteen years, Robin Sharma has been quietly sharing with Fortune 500 companies and many of the super-rich a success formula that has made him one of the most sought-after leadership advisers in the world. Now, for the first time, Sharma makes his proprietary process available to you, so that you can get to your absolute best while helping your organization break through to a dramatically new level of winning in these wildly uncertain times.

In The Leader Who Had No Title, you will learn:

• How to work with and influence people like a superstar, regardless of your position

• A method to recognize and then seize opportunities in times of deep change

• The real secrets of intense innovation

• An instant strategy to build a great team and become a "merchant of wow" with your customers

• Hard-hitting tactics to become mentally strong and physically tough enough to lead your field

• Real-world ways to defeat stress, build an unbeatable mind-set, unleash energy, and balance your personal life

Regardless of what you do within your organization and the current circumstances of your life, the single most important fact is that you have the power to show leadership. Wherever you are in your career or life, you should always play to your peak abilities. This book shows you how to claim that staggering power, as well as transform your life—and the world around you—in the process.

The Leader Who Had No Title: A Modern Fable on Real Success in Business and in Life Reviews

  • Jeremy Johnston

    This book seems like propaganda sponsored by corporate human resources departments from around the world... Here is the book in a nutshell... Step 1: Employees should expend all of their energy on their job without the company having to dole out equitable compensation for that effort. Step 2: If the employees feel drained and exhausted and unsuccessful (because they are working as a "leader without a title," that is, not being giving a promotion, a raise, or real responsibilities...), then blame them for failing to implement step one precisely... They must work even harder. Step 3: disguise dubious intentions by misusing and abusing cliches containing actual wisdom and quotations from truly wise people.

    Besides being completely turned off by the real message of this book (not the title or subtitle, which is still appealing to me, but the fluff between the covers), I was offended by shoddy writing. This is a moot point, however, because I didn't really expect a well crafted masterpiece. Nevertheless, bad writing coupled with bad ideas is doubly irksome.

    Henceforth, I dub this book, "The Lemming Who Had No Tail: A Modern Day Foible on Real Success in Busyness." Admittedly, I was encouraged by my own expectations for this book. Employees can have a positive impact on the company they work for, taking pride in their work and feeling a sense of ownership for the success of the company... That is what I expected... not what I received! I felt like I had ordered pasta alla carbonara and a glass of Amarone off the menu of a swanky Italian restaurant and instead (horror of horrors) I received microwaved mac n' cheese in a styrofoam insta-cup with a No-name brand simulated grape beverage in a drinkbox... without a straw.

    I got this from the library, so I am pleased I didn't pay for it.

  • Jean-Marc Rocher

    While the motivational message is very helpful and definitely worth reading and considering, the story that it's wrapped up in is pretty badly written. The situations are unnaturally stilted and the dialogue scripted and redundant, like one is watching a skit being performed at a sales retreat. None of the characters are given enough background to forge any real connection with the reader. Sharma might have done better just writing this as a straight non-fiction advice book, although I suspect the result would have been a bit too short for his publisher's liking.

    One problem I saw with the advice portion of the book was that no dissenting viewpoints are ever presented. Doubts disappear the moment the listener learns about 'the message'. Setbacks, conflicts, obligations and all the other things that real people have to deal with are hand-waved away. Sharma clearly believes in his message, but perhaps he believes it so absolutely that he can't fathom anyone not being captivated by it as well. The result is that when the reader does bring up an objection, there is nothing in response.

    That said, I would recommend this book, as I found its message to be applicable to my work and helpful to the personal and professional situation I'm currently in. But I would also recommend highlighting the passages of advice, skimming the story, and giving everything a critical evaluation.

  • Joseph

    I generally avoid 'Self Help' books. However, this book captured my attention because Robin Sharma decided to write LWHNT as a story of a man(Blake Davis), gaining leadership wisdom from 4 people that he meets within a day! The 4 people, incidentally are introduced to him by Tommy Flinn, an old friend of his father’s and also the top salesman where Blake works.

    It started well enough. Tommy Flinn's character was intriguing. Unfortunately, he played a lesser role as the book progressed and once the main character, Blake, met Anna, the Housekeeper, the book lost its appeal on me.

    Overall Robin Sharma does make valuable points in LWHNT but I felt all that could've been compiled inside half the length of the book. The narrative became repetitive (though intended) and at times sounded rather immature and clichéd.

    Anyway, I am partial to 'Self Help' books as I mentioned. So, anyone seeking leadership, motivational and practical 'How to...' publications and have NOT read any other author of this genre before, would find LWHNT useful. It wasn't for me unfortunately.

  • Maxim

    I dont blame anyone, it was my fault to read, sorry...

  • Ashok Krishna

    There is a common joke shared in the place where I come from. A husband once calls his wife and says, ‘The special dish you cooked for me two days ago was so nice. Can you prepare the same for me today too?’ The wife, angry with him for some reason, retorts, ‘Why make new? There are some leftovers from the same dish. Want to taste?’

    This book of Robin Sharma tastes like those leftovers – stale and revolting. While revolting is a strong word to use against a book which contains appreciable wisdom, the verbose style of the book leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to inspiring the reader. If you have already read Robin Sharma, you can safely skip reading this book, for this book carries nothing new and everything that Robin Sharma has repeated in all his previous works.

    Having read almost a dozen books of Robin Sharma already, I picked up this book hoping to learn something new. But this book is nothing but old wine in new bottle, with a new label. As always, there is a person whose life is in doldrums, appearance of a magical mentor, his imparting leadership lessons which he himself gathered from some saintly beings and the ‘happily ever after’ finish. Not just the style. The words and ideas also repeat themselves to a monotonous extent. Robin Sharma, as is his wont, wants you to wake up early, to spend an hour planning for the day ahead, to treat your customers to a ‘wow’ experience, to build up people instead of putting them down, to go to the grave with a contented mind and so on. Add to that a sprinkling of quotes from the great people in history. Not inspiration but a sense of déjà vu was what pervaded my mind throughout the reading of this book.

    Also, this book could have been trimmed down to a total of hundred pages, in the styles of a Brian Tracy or Spencer Johnson. There are good lessons here and there but they are all drowned in the heap of ‘positive’ words that flood these pages. In fact, I feel that all the ideas that Robin Sharma has ever shared in his books could all be summarized into a page or two.

    I picked up hoping that the book will be great and truly inspiring in the lines of ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ or ‘The Greatness Guide’. But I simply couldn’t wait to finish and keep the book away. Such a boring sermon! Either I have grown out of reading Robin Sharma or Robin Sharma has not grown out of ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’!

  • Justin

    This might be one of the worst books I've ever read. It's basically an 8-10 page leadership / self help article that has been plopped into a poorly written fiction novel with canned, stilted dialogue, poorly developed characters,and predictable plot. It's a shame as the core leadership concepts are absolutely on target. But as a work of fiction it is awesomely bad.

  • Matteo Cupi

    I stopped reading this book at page n. 70 because it's an insult to my intelligence.

  • Qamar Sultana

    well I really have so many things to say about this book. Firstly, it took me 4 months to complete this. Not because this book contains a lot pages, but because it is boring to the power of infinity. I don't understand what was the need of bringing in Blake the great in the story when all those knowledge could have been shared without involving a fictional character. Second thing, all the knowledge was given to the man on a single day. I mean that was just too much. I could not taken in so much of information on a single topic written on each and every page. After reading 3 pages, I felt I need to breathe. And also I want to know, why does the author describe our world as ever changing, turbulent, hurricane, storm etc etc etc , each and every time he mentions about the current scenario! Mentioning the same just once or twice is sufficient and if he really needed to emphasize so much on the turbulent state of affairs, may be he could have used some other terms.

  • Jenny

    Recommended by one of my managers. Very interesting....I'd like to continue processing it. Similar idea to learning about investing from the (original) Wealthy Barber.

    Things I want to remember:

    You Need No Title to Be a Leader: 5 rules - IMAGE (Innovation, Mastery, Authenticity, Guts, Ethics)

    Turbulent Times Build Great Leaders - SPEAK (Speak with candor, Prioritize, Adversity breeds opportunity, Respond vs react, Kudos for everyone)

    The Deeper Your Relationships, the Stronger Your Leadership - HUMAN (Helpfulness, Understanding, Mingle, Amuse, Nurture)

    To Become a Great Leader, First Become a Great Person - SHINE (See clearly, Health is wealth, Inspiration matters, Neglect not your family, Elevate your lifestyle)

  • وفاء اصيل

    عاش بليك حياته هارباً من واقع فقدان والديه والتحق بالجيش لعدة سنوات ثم انتهى به الأمر كعامل في مكتبة ،كانت الوظيفة بالنسبة لبليك ليست أكثر من إلتزام عليه أن يأديه مهما كنت الظروف بالأضافة الى أن عمله كان بمثابة منفذ من أمواج أفكاره التي لاتهدأ. ولكن سرعان ماتغيرت حياة بليك تماماً بعد أن قابل تومي في يوم من الايام حيث قام بزرع مفهوم القيادة لدى بليك وذلك عن طريق الزيارات الرائعة التي أجراها بليك لأهم أربعة معلمين لفنون القيادة لتعليمه كيف استطاعوا تحويل أعمالهم العادية الى اهم الوظائف في العالم بإستخدام مبدأ القيادة دون منصب.


    1/ كي تربح هذه الاوقات من التغير الثوري يجب البدء في العمل تحت نموذج ثوري جديد للقيادة. يحتاج كل شخص لحث الإبتكار.ويحتاج كل شخص لإلهام زملائه في الفريق.يحتاج كل شخص لإحتضان التغيير.يحتاج كل شخص لتحمل المسئولية عن النتائج.يحتاج كل شخص لأن يصبح إيجابياً.ويحتاج كل شخص لأن يصبح مخلصاً في إظهار أفضل مالديه وبمجرد أن يفعلوا لن تتكيف المنظمة بشكل رائع مع الظروف المتغيرة فحسب، بل إنها ستقود فعلاً في مجالها.

    2/ المطعم هو المكان الوحيد الذي أعرفه حيث يمكنك أن تحصل على الاشياء الجيدة أولاً ثم تدفع المقابل،في العمل وفي الحياة بشكل عام يجب ان تدفع ثمن النجاح قبل ان تحصل على جميع المكافآت التي تستحقها.

    3/ لايمكنك أن تصبح مبدعاً ومبتكراً وجميع هذه الامور الممتعة إذا كنت خائفاً جداً من أن تفكر وتشعر وتصبح مختلفاً.

    4/ الكلمات قد تلدغ. سوف يتذكر الناس الكلمات الجارحة التي قيلت لهم بعد عشرين عاماً من الحدث. لكن أفضل القادة يعملون بطريقة مختلفة تماماً، ففي كل تفاعل يذكرون الناس بأفضل مافيهم .القادة المتميزون يوظفون الكلمات المشجعة والداعمة والإيجابية التي تحث الآخرين على التصرف المبهر. فقط انظر لما استطاع فعله قادة مثل جون كيندي وغاندي ومانديلا ومارتن لوثر كنج من خلال القوة المجردة لكلماتهم.

    5/ لكي تصبح قائداً عظيماً، كن اولاً شخصاً عظيماً .

    🌺رأيي ��لشخصي:

    كتاب لابد لك أن تقرأه فما ذكرته هو القليل فقط من الكثير.

  • Mia

    This one woke my inner mind. It has many hard-hitting tactics to become mentally strong. I really loved the way the messages are being conveyed to the readers.

    Although this is a philosophical book, the author doesn't constantly bombard the readers with a list of Do's and Dont's. Rather it has a perfect storyline where readers can imagine themselves in place of Blake; who was prepared to transform into a whole new person. Tommy, an old man accompanied Blake throughout his journey for the day. Tommy was the one who showed him the path to be a better person and most importantly to lead without a title. There are many acronyms used in the book and that makes the rules special; it makes the reader curious to know and understand the meaning of the acronyms.

    I appreciate the way this book is written not only with a business point of view but also has the secrets to lead a better life. The ending for me was a bit emotional because Tommy left this world as he was suffering from cancer. The letter he left behind for Blake truly brought tears in my eyes.

    Such a motivational read to bring life to another level and build better relationships with everyone.

  • Greg Cohoon

    I picked up this book because I was finding myself trapped in corporate red tape and dead ends with respect to career advancement. Someone recommended this as a good book to help with thinking about leadership outside the confines of the corporate world.

    I like how the author presented this in the context of a story, instead of a typical dry business leadership book. It's all common-sense stuff, but it's nice to read it in the digestible format presented here. The author takes the position that leadership is not something that is compartmentalized to business settings. Instead, leadership characteristics are pervasive in every area of our lives. By focusing on incorporating leadership ideas into every aspect of your life, it can make you more successful all around.

    The book provides a fresh inspirational take on leadership. I enjoyed reading it to help me think about a big picture view of leadership, not just trying to figure out how to get ahead army job. I plan to retread it every few years.

  • Nama [Naya] Masoud

    It was really good -as I expected. The way Robin represented the ideas and how he wanted to deliver the message of ''you can be a leader even if you don't have a title'' is really fantastic. However, it isn't the best book he has ever written because I prefer when Robin writes directly to the reader without involving a main story and main characters. But Overall, I didn't want to finish reading it. This book encouraged me to stop being a sleepyhead and made me get up from my bed :D . I want to change and lead myself so I can change the world.

    I recommend this. Spreading the philosophy of leading without a title.

  • Elina

    Αν εξαιρέσει κανείς την υπερβολή που έχουν όλα τα βιβλλια αυτού του είδους, μάλλον αυτά που λέει είναι αυτά που κι εμείς βαθιά μέσα μας ξέρουμε ότι βοηθάνε για να γίνουμε καλύτεροι. Βέβαια δυστυχώς δεν είναι πανάκεια, καθώς στην Ελλάδα τουλάχιστον, δεν αρκεί μόνον να είσαι καλός στη δουλειά σου. Τέλος, στα αρνητικά του η μόνιμη επισήμανση ότι δεν χρειάζεται να έχεις κάποιο επαγγελματικό τίτλο, θα μπορούσε να δημιουργήσει κ την εντύπωση ότι προσπαθεί να φτιάξει μια στρατιά από τέλειους υφισταμένους ή εργάτες.

  • Isra'a

    يقابل امين المكتبة بليك تومي الذي كان صديقا لوالده المتوفي و عمل امين مكتبة سابقا .. و يقومان برحلة يقصدان فيها اربعة اشخاص لتعليم بليك مبادئ القيادة بدون منصب :
    ١- لا تحتاج لمنصب حتى تكون قائدا
    ٢- الاوقات الصعبة تصنع اشخاصا عظماء
    ٣- كلما تعمقت في علاقاتك اصبحت قيادتك اقوى
    ٤- لكي تصبح قائدا عظيما كن اولا شخصا عظيما

    اقتباسات اعجبتني:
    * لن تجعل الاخرين يشعرون بالرضا عن انفسهم حتى تشعر انت بالرضا عن نفسك
    * قال غاندي بخصوص الافكار السلبية التي تجتاح تفكيرنا " لن اسمح للاخرين ان يسيروا داخل عقلي باقدامهم المتسخة"

  • Nhã Trương

    Một cuốn sách viết về nghệ thuật lãnh đạo bản thân rất hay và mới mẻ.
    Mình sẽ quyết tâm áp dụng từ ngày hôm nay 12/05/2019.

    Thu lượm:
    - Tuổi tác cũng chỉ là một trạng thái tinh thần - một cái nhãn để phân loại mọi người và đặt ra giới hạn người ta có thể làm.
    - Anh không thể vừa sáng tạo vừa cách tân mà lại vừa sợ suy nghĩ vừa sợ khác người.
    - Không ai khác làm một con người như anh giỏi bằng chính anh.
    - “Anh sẽ có rất nhiều thời gian để ngủ khi anh chết đi”. - Ben Franklin.
    - Cách tốt nhất để giúp những người nghèo là đừng trở nên nghèo giống họ.
    - Anh có thể hài lòng nhưng đừng bao giờ thoả mãn.
    - Thành công được tạp ra qua những lựa chọn có ý thức.
    - “Hãy giỏi đến mức mọi người không thể phớt lờ anh được”. - Steve Martin.
    - Đừng trì hoãn đến ngày mai những gì anh biết phải làm trong hôm nay. Ngày mai có thể sẽ không bao giờ đến.
    - Chúng ta nhìn thế giới không phải như chính nó, mà chúng ta nhìn theo cách của chúng ta.
    + Ba phút đầu tiên sau khi một chiếc tàu vũ trụ được phóng lên, nó sử dụng nguyên liệu nhiều hơn trong cả chuyến bay vòng quanh Trái Đất.

    * IMAGE:
    + Innovation: cách tân
    + Mastery: tinh thông
    + Authenticity: đích thực
    + Guts: can trường
    + Ethics: đạo đức.
    - Anh sẽ không bao giờ sai khi làm một việc đúng.
    - “ Cái gì không giết được anh thì sẽ khiến anh mạnh mẽ hơn”. - Nietzsche.
    - “Những gì con sâu gọi là kết thúc của thế giới thì các bậc thầy gọi là con bướm”. - Richard Bach.

    * Thời kì hỗn độn tạo nên những lãnh đạo vĩ đại:
    + Speak with candor: nói ngay thẳng.
    + Prioritize: Ưu tiên.
    + Adversity Breeds Opportunity: Nghịch cảnh sinh cơ hội.
    + Respond verus react: Đáp ứng mà không phản ứng.
    + Kudos: khen ngợi.

    * Mối quan hệ càng sâu sắc, sự lãnh đạo càng mạnh mẽ.
    + Helpfulness: Giúp ích.
    + Understanding: Thấu hiểu.
    + Mingle: Hoà nhập.
    + Amuse: Tiêu khiển.
    + Nurture: Nuôi dưỡng.

    * Để trở thành một lãnh đạo vĩ đại, trước tiên hãy trở thành một con người vĩ đại:
    + See Clearly.
    + Health is Wealth: Sức khoẻ là vàng.
    + Inspiration: Cảm hứng.
    + Neglect Not Your Family: Đừng bỏ quên gia đình.
    + Elevate Your Lifestyle: Nâng cao lối sống.

  • Elena

    A book that I recommend to anyone. It is so good to remind us that we can be better the day after yesterday if we are dedicated and persistent in achieving our dreams step by step and to not wait the success to "fall from the sky".
    The world can be a better place to live if you are happy and satisfied.

  • Nicole

    At first I thought this book was incredibly cheesy. It follows the author while he meets 4 leaders who offer him tidbits on leadership philosophy. It's basic stuff- but also stuff we easily neglect: being positive, leading ourselves before leading others, self-discipline and most importantly, finding value in our work and paying it forward versus latching onto material possessions. For me, much of the philosophy aligned with my faith and leading in a way that shows God to others- grace, humility, forgiveness and love.
    I really enjoyed the practical advice this book has to offer and I will definitely be sharing it with co-workers and friends.

  • Selma Šljuka

    Jednostavna i prosta, lako svarljiva, i nadasve veoma inspirativna. Sve ono što smo već pročitali samo razumljivije i ako malo sjednemo, i razmislimo - sve je to istina.

  • Suraj

    ‘The Leader Who Had No Title’- A memorable novel to remember

    I‘m feeling tensed while writing this review, after reading this amazing book by Robin Sharma. He really has his way of storytelling. This book not only amuses you with a great story but also gives a fascinating way of truly living a life, of leading without a title.
    The story begins with a former military man(Blake) working at a bookstore, who has lost everything and everyone. It gets hard for him to concentrate and work for a long time. He is not living a balanced life, that’s when a man who has won award of Employee of the Year for consecutive 5 years visits the bookstore and gives him Introduction about the LWT philosophy. He convinces Blake that he can be a leader without a title and should meet the four teachers who will reveal the four principles of LWT philosophy to him.
    Robin Sharma has written this awe-inspiring novel which involves everything that makes a story complete. The emotional moment at the end is quite heartbreaking but he has transformed that into a message that we should take into consideration, in a way-follow it in our lives. Though it starts well in the beginning , it kind of holds off in the middle, but read it as for that moment of exhilaration after completing it. Read it to test yourself. Read it for what Robin Sharma has kept you in it.
    Beautiful Novel Handsomely Written. No wonder why he is one of the BESTSELLERS. I’d go with 4.5/5

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  • Uyên Khôi

    Thật ra ngay cả đối với những tác giả yêu thích thì đôi khi có một (vài) quyển sách mà mình không thích lắm, nên đôi khi nếu cuốn sách đầu tiên mình đọc của một tác giả nào đấy mà mình không thích, mình đều cho tác giả ấy thêm một cơ hội nữa để sửa chữa lại ấn tượng không tốt mà tác phẩm trước để lại. Nhưng nếu cả 2 cuốn sách mà mình đọc mình đều không thích thì chắc chắn là mình không hợp với tác giả này rồi. Rất nhiều người dành những lời khen có cánh cho
    Đời Ngắn Đừng Ngủ Dài (cuốn sách đầu tiền của Robin S. Sharma mà mình đọc) và quyển sách này (cuốn thứ 2 của ông mình đọc), nhưng xin lỗi, mình không thể nào thích nổi. Mình cảm thấy 2 cuốn này đều là những lời dạy đời lê thê chẳng hề được rút ra từ kinh nghiệm thực tiễn nào, mà mình thì rất thích những câu chuyện là trải nghiệm của người khác.

    Đây chỉ là nhận xét cá nhân thiển cận của mình thôi, nếu mọi người thích tác giả và tác phẩm này thì mình hoàn toàn hiểu nhé ạ, chỉ là đừng ném đá mình, tội mình lắm huhu T_T Còn thì mình chắc sẽ chẳng bao giờ đọc thêm bất cứ một tác phẩm nào khác của Robin Sharma nữa đâu.

  • C. Spencer Reynolds

    Let me start by saying I am already a huge Robin Sharma fan! I've read all his published works and this is one that I can has major relevance to my current line of thinking and writing. Too many people are hung up on what their title or position in an organization is, rather than acting without! This is a great fable of learning that can get you deeply thinking as well as the steps to take action so you really can lead from anywhere!!!

    Although I may not say this is a MUST READ on my bookshelf, I will say that you must put this one on your iPad or kindle for your summer vacation as it is a great entertaining story and you can learn how to integrate it into your work life! Sitting on the beach or waiting in lines, even a long flight, you can read this one quick!

  • Rinat Sharipov

    В начале немного наивна, но по ходу ловишь для себя много высказываний, которые позволяют оформить собственные мысли о выстраивании взаимоотношений

  • Alejandro Garza

    Me cuesta mucho ponerle tres estrellas. por un lado, puede tener las cuatro o cinco porque me gustaron el mensaje y los consejos que brinda el autor. Sin embargo, pudieron ser menos porque los personajes, desde mi punto de vista, son poco creíbles. eso me lleva a otro punto: la apuesta por la narrativa, como si fuera novela, no creo que le ayude mucho al libro. Hay demasiado diálogos y no permite descansar al lector. Si el libro fuera escrito como "Outliers" de Malcolm Gladwell, otra cosa sería.

  • Flor

    3.5, had to read the whole thing yesterday, thank you school
    *Edit after getting through the anger of staying up late reading against my will, I cae to the conclusion that I did enjoy the book, so I'm changing the rate to 4.2 stars

  • Gladys

    you don't need a tittle to be leader,
    this is a great book!

  • Dhruv Sharma

    To be done....

  • ♡~ Ivi Oltovska~♡

    loved it