Title | : | The Cartoon History of the Universe III: From the Rise of Arabia to the Renaissance (The Cartoon History of the Universe, #3) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0393324036 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780393324037 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 320 |
Publication | : | First published October 17, 2002 |
Larry Gonick's celebrated series The Cartoon History of the Universe is a unique fusion of world history and the comics medium, a work of serious scholarship and a masterpiece of popular literature. Praised by historians as a narrative and interpretive tour de force, Gonick's clever illustrations deliver important information with a deceptively light tone, teaching us about the people and events that have shaped our world.
This long-awaited new volume covers the Middle Ages around the globe, including the origin and spread of Islam; West Africa and the cross-Saharan trade; Central Asia and the Byzantine Empire; the European Dark Ages and the Crusades; the Mongol conquests; the Black Death; the Ottoman Empire; the Italian Renaissance; and the rise of Spain, leading up to Columbus's departure for the New World. Highlighting key events and retrieving oft-neglected historical connections, Gonick offers an historical survey that is at once multicultural, humanistic, skeptical, and laugh-out-loud funny.
The Cartoon History of the Universe III: From the Rise of Arabia to the Renaissance (The Cartoon History of the Universe, #3) Reviews
I learned a lot. Mostly that people have spent much of human history trying to kill people of different religions. Which I already knew. But now I know more historical details. And that Genghis Khan should really be pronounced Jenghis Khan.
#Program BUBU
Pertama kali dibeli dan dibaca pada bulan November 2006.
Setali tiga uang dengan Jilid I dan II-nya. I love it!
Memang dalam sejarah peradaban Islam, ada beberapa penuturan Larry Gonnick yang membuat teman2 yang fanatik jadi marah. But again, open your mind-lah. Ini cuma sejarah dari sudut pandang Larry Gonnick.
Lagipula, overall Gonnick menghormati Islam, misalnya dengan tidak menggambarkan sosok Rasulullah SAW, meskipun dia ngedumel juga sih, karena dilarang gambar orang di komik. Gonnick juga cukup hati-hati dan netral dalam meriwayatkan kehidupan Rasulullah SAW, bila dibandingkan dengan caranya meriwayatkan kisah nabi-nabi lain). -
One of the most comprehensive and balanced history book I have ever read.
History is, more often than not, full of eventualities and incidents in loose and dizzying array. It is driven by fear and lust, envy and pride, ignorance and prejudice; yet often recorded with reason and purpose in mind.
Thus it is written and rewritten, remains nostalgic as ever, is open to arguments forever. We live history and our memory survive history. -
Dengan empat bintang ini maka lengkap sudah aku memberi rating pada 3 jilid Kartun Riwayat Peradaban. Ketiga jilid buku ini memang termasuk koleksi favoritku. Buku-buku yang berharga dan patut dibaca berulang-ulang.
Jilid ketiga ini, kelanjutan dari dua jilid sebelumnya, menurutku yang paling menarik. Dari lahirnya Islam & bangkitnya Arab, peradaban Afrika dan Asia Tengah, kemunduran Eropa, perang salib, dan bangkitnya Eropa melalui Renaisans, kurang lebih memakan waktu 1000 tahun. Masa yang lebih singkat dari 2 jilid sebelumnya namun dengan porsi halaman yang sebanding. Ini jelas menunjukkan pentingnya peristiwa-peristiwa besar pada masa ini.
Kalau saja bukan karena idealisme sejarahku, jilid 1 sampe 3 buku ini sudah kuberi 5 bintang. Keakuratan dan keabsahan sumber sejarah adalah alasannya. Larry Gonick tidak diragukan lagi adalah 'ensklikopedi hidup'! Tetapi menurutku (pendapat pribadi nih), dia lebih ke arah literatur barat. Beberapa kisahnya tentang peradaban India, Islam, dan beberapa hal kecil tentang Cina, berbeda dengan sumber lain yang pernah kubaca.
Namun tetap saja buku-buku Larry Gonick menjadi favoritku.... -
Recommended by Goodreader and closet Freemason Megan K., this third installment of Larry Gonick's brilliant series chiefly concerns the Middle Ages, albeit a Middle Ages seldom visited. While giving the Crusades its proper due, Gonick sheds fascinating light on the rise of Islam, (Sunnis, Shia, and Beyond!), and the rarely taught sub-Saharan African civilizations. Only the most hard-hearted cultural Philistine would not be gripped by this hilarious, illuminating, and at times shocking survey of world history. Start reading at 6PM and you'll be white-knuckling it by 6:15!!!
Good for anyone who wants a nicer, lighter read than a history book while still getting all the information.
The Cartoon History of the Universe III was an interesting way to tell the history of the world.
Having read some other graphic novels by Larry Gonick I was quite used to his way of writing and describing the events of the past.
The history itself was interesting and “cool” and I can see why people would think that younger kids would like to learn more about history if it was in a graphic novel rather than reading a textbook but I rather think that a textbook might be a bit better.
The reason I didn’t like The Cartoon History of the Universe III was because of how the illustrations, instead of more or less depicting the events that happened, usually depicted more joking parts which may be funny to some people but which I didn’t really understand.
While I can see how some of the images resemble what the little blurbs talk about I still don’t think that the cartoons did all that much helping the reader learn about the history of our world. -
Fantastisk måte å lese verdenshistorie, en versjon av historien i hvert fall. Interessant i dette nummeret var spesielt utviklingen til Konstantinopel/Istanbul, Øst - og VestAfrika, meningsløse korstog og grunner og konsekvenser av svartedauden. Elsker å se hvor diverse forfattere i nåtid har hentet inspirasjon, alt fra navn (Victor Krumm i Goblet of fire) og strategisk-evt ustrategisk krigføring (Game of Thrones). Boka er etymologisk superspennende, som opprinnelsen til assasins - hashish, ha!
I love how inclusive Gonick is in this edition, covering history across the globe including Africa as he marches from the rise of Islam to the renaissance in this edition. As always, he is funny, insightful, and creative. I only mark my rating down a bit because of my own personal interest in other time periods, but I do recommend the book and believe everyone would find something of interest in it.
Read bits and pieces. It reads a bit like a poorly written history textbook with cartoons that try to be cute, but there's so much on each page and so much shifting, its hard to keep track of things. Also, for a history work, there's so many details missed out on. I think this idea of book is good but the style and format dont honestly mesh and work well enough.
lhah ternyata buku ketiga endingnya masih gantung. tapi ngecek sekilas di goodreads sini kok kayaknya gak ada buku keempatnya yah?
baca ini lamaaa gak beres2 saking ruwetnya dan saking banyaknya yg harus ditelan. padahal 'sekedar' komik loh. tapi meskipun ruwet komik ini seru dan lucu, gambar dan terjemahannya juga bagus :D -
Caliphate. Turks. Mongol. Black Death. Constantinople. Rome. Viking. Frank. Normandia. Anglo Saxon. Crusades. Spain. Portugal. Funny. Cruel. Horrific.
This is smartest way to simplify other thick behemoth history books. Bravo Gonick. Cant wait to read The Calculus whose is his Harvard summa cum laude major. -
Jilid terbaik dalam trilogi Kartun Riwayat Peradaban!
Banyak kisah menarik, seperti biasa. Dibungkus dengan goresan-goresan gambar yang menghibur. Gonick pun mempertanggungjawabkan apa yang ia buat. Kalau tidak percaya, lihat daftar buku-bukunya.
Salah satu impian: Menjadi sejarawan sekaligus kartunis sekaliber Larry Gonick. -
I've been searching for an easy to digest history book and this filled exactly that need. Really informative while being hilarious at the same time. I also very much appreciated the inclusion of jews in world history. I think many accounts of world history ignore the jews and I loved that this didn't and I actually learned a lot about my own people that I didn't know before. Highly recommend! Looking forward to reading the rest in this series.
Buku jilid terakhir dari seri kartun peradaban. Lucu tanpa mengurangi logika. Harap membuka pikiran seluas-luasnya karena ada beberapa hal (terutama mengenai keagamaan) yang mendobrak keyakinan yang sudah ada.
This series is the predecessor to "The Cartoon History of the Modern World". I finally noticed that the footnotes are comic strips at the bottom of the page, but there was a foot next to the asterisk, so I didn't recognize it. This one covers roughly from the end of the Romans to 1492.
A very well done book for it genre. A good deal of the book covers a not-too-flattering rendition of the rise of Islam, which nonetheless appears to be factual. The other subjects covered are lesser known, so were also of great interest to me. Kind of like reading an illustrated point paper.
I <3 Larry Gonick so much - he takes complex things and re writes them in a visually appealing, easier to understand, and more funnier way of putting it.
Bloody summary of man's folly's. How did we survive? A simplified and approachable history.
Read this in middle school and was a great primer for the topics and periods it covers. Only wish I'd found the other volumes at the time.
This is such a good book! Gonick brought out a lot of themes and stories that are often neglected in modern history books, and presented it in a really entertaining way.
Hail Larry Gonick
I love the history of this book.