Title | : | No More Excuses: Be the Man God Made You to Be |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1581347839 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781581347838 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 320 |
Publication | : | First published November 8, 1996 |
The difficulty of emotional pain and spiritual setbacks is of a much different sort than any physical challenge. Many of us men are not comfortable or well-equipped to grapple with them. Tony Evans gives us the kind of advice and inspiration we need to battle on through the most difficult circumstances.
Drawing from the lives of Moses, David, Joseph, Jonah, and other biblical men who faced the worst, Evans pulls men out of their brokenness and declares, "No more!" No more falling short of being the man God desires you to be for any reason. Evans shows that the struggles faced yesterday and today are the very same tools God is using to make us better men for tomorrow.
No More Excuses: Be the Man God Made You to Be Reviews
A funny, true, amazing and harsh book about how to be a man. I discover many mistakes in my way of being a man - you will discover a new definition of man.
A book for those who will be husbands but it's a book for those who would like to be a real man. -
As a Christian man, I can’t read too many books like this.
Through the lives and words of Jesus, Paul and OT heroes such as Joseph and Nehemiah, pastor Evans leads the reader through an examination of what it takes to be a wise man, a good man and a Godly man.
It is compelling, well-written and sprinkled with humorous honesty about the little fibs that men tell themselves.
Whilst the author doesn’t relentlessly stereotype men and women’s roles, he does see them as complementary. 25 years after it was written, I suspect a non-Christian reader might bridle at some of it. But it is written for Christian men and isn’t dogmatic.
Jesus calls us to be heroes for him, and Tony throws down the challenge. It is up to me to respond and say, “Here I am”. -
Very motivating and well challenging for one who is looking to seeking to find a way to be moved by the Holy Spirit. Definitely gives you "No More Excuses" to follow God, and makes leading your family the way God meant you to be the leader of your family the way you should be doing. Plenty of examples of do's and don'ts on how to be the leader; you chose the path...as long as you follow the one that God wants you to be, but do it without No More Excuses because there is only one way to lead, that is following God.
My men’s group used this book for an eight week study to kick off our new group. We would read the guide and studies on our own during the week, then use the Discussion Group guide at the back when we met. We didn’t purchase the videos. It served the purpose of giving us some structure to start, and sometimes we would bring up something from the lessons.
We all agreed we got very little out of this book. Our study was great, but the lessons were barely a jumping off point for our discussion. I recommend finding a different study if you are considering this one. -
Good book, the simple explanation here is to man up, but not in the old school macho, tough guy pathway, but to be a man in the eyes of God, to lead and guide and direct your family, to be an asset to your community, to not get so hung up on the trappings of worldly desires. Simply lead.
I read this book twenty years ago, but it was at a time when I really needed it, and it changed the way I saw my role in this world, especially as a man of integrity.
This. Book. Is. Crazy! Every day that I read I felt like I grew spiritually. It was definitely a good rewarding feeling each time.
The main points are good (challenging reminders of God's standards) but some of the ways Evans gets to them are kinda fuzzy. Overall pretty good, just be careful.
Hope to, let's say, re-read this (admittedly, I hope to get back to this! One day. The group I studied this with has finished this book but I have not in my own reading).
Hard-hitting, well-written book. This needs to be part of a group study though as there are video portions that pertain to questions that follow during sections within the chapter. I think a lot of men need to read this. We have forgotten in many ways what a man is in life, in Christ as well.
Good news option: If you do read it alone there are ways to get by with this as well. There are videos for free that are about each chapter online (Youtube) so if need be there is that.
A good, humbling, must read for men who feel lost like they don't know the way to adult life as a Christian. -
This is a solid 'call-to-action' book for Christian men. Rev. Evans lays out all the excuses and failures of Christian men to step forward in action. While these type of men are the target, it can also serve as a call to all men to take and active and godly-man lead in their private and family lives. This will inspire men to act and take up their individual cross. This is a motivational and spiritual book that will speak to your soul.
This is my 2nd by Tony Evan and it well worth the read. The first was "Kingdom Man” . No More Excuses is surrounded by several themes., one of the themes postulates that "Sometimes God must lead you downhill to take you uphill"... "When you commit your life totally to God, your past no longer has to be the controlling factor in your life".
The book covers a host of important topics men need to address in themselves. I appreciate the way Tony draws on Biblical characters to explain the points he is making with scripture-based examples. I am actually in the middle of competing this book a second time which is something I rarely do: highly recommend.
As usual Tony delivers a very pointed and necessary message to us men. I highly recommend this book for all men who are committed to getting back in the only meaningful game in their life...the pursuit of Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior.
Really good book! Encourages men to step up and restore the broken or "un working" relations. You will find some allegories (i would say) also. There are some examples in the bible that he refers to which feeds more the purpose of his explanation. However, the book is good.
A practical and very direct book that gets at the very heart of the excuses men tend to make that prevent them from becoming everything that God wants them to be. A clarion call to men to quit making excuses and start living lives fully committed to Christ.
I liked this book. The author made some very good points and told them in a clear, entertaining manner. I feel that this book was directed more to black men but as a white woman, I enjoyed it very much.
No I'm not a man, but I am raising a son and thought this might be a useful read for me & my husband.
Powerfully direct in its guidance of today's men to do better and be better for the sake of our families, churches, communities and country.
If you are a man and you are a Christian, someone should force you to read this book. You will thank them for it.
I loved it. Tony Evans wrote a masterpiece about how us men should conduct ourselves in a way that will give glory to Almighty God.