Atlantis by Gerhart Hauptmann

Title : Atlantis
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 423
Publication : First published January 1, 1912

This story, which tells the tale of a doctor who travels to the United States in search of a cure for his ailing wife, includes the tragic sinking of an ocean liner after it strikes an object at sea, strangely resembling the factual sinking of the RMS Titanic.

Atlantis Reviews

  • Ivar Volmar

    Oleks ehk kiusatus rõhutada seda, et vaid mõned kuud enne "Titanicu" uppumist ilmunud raamat kirjeldab kummaliselt täpselt nii mõndagi detaili sellest ajaloolisest tragöödiast, aga Hauptmanni jaoks pole laevahukk siiski mitte romaani põhiteema, vaid pigem võimalus näidata seda, kuidas jõulised sündmused panevad inimest oma elu ja vaateid ümber hindama.

  • Jazzy Lemon

    Published a couple of months before the sinking of the Titanic, the sinking of the ship in this story had eerie overtones.

  • Dina

    It's clear why Gerhart received Nobel Prize in literature. It's a great story, a bit heavy and long but it breaks you down, it makes you think and feel. It's a mix of philosophy and history, and drama. Do read.

  • Pınar Aydoğdu

    Hasta karısını ve üç çocuğunu geride bırakarak takıntılı bir aşkın peşinden New York'a gitmek için Almanya'dan Roland adlı gemiye binen Dr. Frederick von Kammacher bu yolculukta aslında kendini bulmaya çalışır. Ancak Roland'ın başka bir gemiye çarparak batması gemideki diğer insanlarla birlikte onun da yaşamını değiştirir. Frederick, kazadan sağ kurtulanlar arasındadır. Ve New York'taki yaşamı onu beklemediği serüvenlere sürükler. Kitabın ilk kısmı, Titanik kazasını hatırlatmaktadır. İşin ilginci kitabın yayınlanması ile Titanik kazası aynı yıl gerçekleşmiştir. Hauptmann bu romanını yayıncısına teslim ettikten bir ay sonra Titanik faciası meydana gelmiş. Hauptmann'ın oldukça akıcı ve etkileyici bir anlatımı var. Diğer kitaplarının da en kısa zamanda dilimize kazandırılmasını temenni ediyorum.

  • Steve R

    This novel by the 1912 Noble Prize winner for Literature, was first published in that year. In my honest impression, it isn’t very good. The split plot: part ocean voyage, part settlement in America within a community of artists and later in a rural backwater, when added to the weakness of its central character and the rather tepid attempts at social criticism, all left me somewhat disengaged when not actually quite frustrated. The climatic incident which occurs about halfway through the story was truly horrifying, However, this was told in such a brief manner as to make one wonder if this was such a pivotal turning point for his protagonist in Hauptman’s mind.

    In large part a young man’s sturm und drang story, Frederick von Kammacher is simply just not all that likeable a persona. At thirty years of age, he has left his wife in a sanatorium and their three children at a boarding school. His profession as a doctor and career as a writer on bacteriology are similarly abandoned. Besotted with a teenage dancer who truly personifies the thoughtless coquette, he books passage to America on a ship on which he knows her to be a passenger. Of undoubted intelligence and discerning character, he realizes the absolute silliness of his infatuation, but seems powerless to overcome it. In this, the story strongly echoed Somerset Maugham’s Of Human Bondage. The panorama of varied characters he meets on the ship brought to mind the similar variety brought to life by Katherine Anne Porter in Ship of Fools. Could both these later works owe something to Hauptmann’s story? I doubt it.

    There is the obligatory questioning of the meaning of life, a somewhat absurd willingness to believe in dreams as premonitions and some superficial social commentary on the contrast between the self-indulgent of the hundred or so first class passengers above decks and the four hundred poor below decks in steerage. There are some good passages of writing describing the horrific weather conditions in the north Atlantic during the winter and marvelling at the engineering might of the steamship which fights against these elements. Later, in New York, there is some true soul searching carried on while Frederick tries to develop yet another whim: that to become a sculptor. Then, there is the best part of the work: a rather pointed description of post traumatic stress disorder, from which physicians were to be perplexed encountering it as an effect of the trench warfare conditions in the impending war. They called it ‘shell shock’. That Frederick recovers to a sensibility in which his ‘newly awakened love for the superficial’ leads him to identify himself as a ’bourgeois’ was a conclusion tepid in the extreme.

    As a coming-of-age work, this novel fails to engage at anywhere near the level achieved by Salinger’s Holden Caulfield or Joyce’s Stephen Dedalus. It is more of a premature mid-life crisis novel, should there be such a thing. I have to believe that it was more the horrific shock of the Titanic story, coming as it did just after the publication of this work that gave it its status and led to the Nobel.

    I’m now going to watch the 1913 Danish silent movie which was based on this book: one of the first instances that I know of in which a novel became the basis for a film.

  • Meghan

    I enjoyed the plot and the tension in the first half of the book. Definitely engaging and a nice flow to it. The last several chapters were a bit slow for me, but it was interesting to think of the people during that time in history and the things that were said about the Roland that directly relate to the Titanic.

  • Bryan

    A good, story, but not memorable.

  • Eva

    Hauptmanns andra roman, utgiven 1912, har kallats han första 'populärroman'. Jag är nog alltför blasé för att uppleva katastrof-temat så thrillerartat. Men filmatiserades redan 1913! (Som dansk stumfilm.) Att den slog an så pass hänger antagligen ihop med parallellerna till att Titanic förliste samma år (14 april). Boken tilldrar sig dock 1892 - och hänvisar till 400-talsjubiléet av Columbus landstigning i Amerika. Romanens tema rör en oceanångares undergång, ur symbolisk och psykologisk synvinkel. Rent Symboliskt är det en hel kulturepoks undergång. Så när skrevs boken? Före eller efter Titanic? Förordet till en tidig svensk upplaga menar att Hauptmann skrev den före skeppsbrottet. Men det är inte säkert att texten var färdigredigerad, även om den symboliska idén fanns redan före Titanic.

    En intressant blinkning från författaren, är en replik direkt efter oceanångarens skeppsbrott, när några av de chockade överlevarnas tankar kretsar kring 'om' respektive 'om inte': "You can't undo what has been done. The event is too general, too titanic, to be thought of in such a way, it is too fearful" (p.162) Obs! 'too titanic = alltför gigantiskt. En ledtråd som syftar på fartyget Titanic?

    1912 är också året då Hauptmann fick nobelpriset, men han fick det för sin dramatik, även om hans poesi respekterats mer. Sedan skrev han alltså romaner, oavsett om de var populära eller inte. Ett socialt tema som dröjer kvar från hans kollektiva dramatik, är vardagen ombord på ångaren (i romanen kallad Roland) skildrat genom olika samhällsklasser, från lyxen i första klass, betjänter imigranter på mellandeck, ochd e sotiga eldarnas riskfyllda arbete i skeppets mörka innandöme.

    Jag har alltså läst denna roman i engelsk översättning, men språket känns så trögflytande, att jag undrar om översättningen påverkats av tyskan, som om översättningen inte är perfekt. I synnerhet som Hauptmanns dramatik har ett lätt flytande språk, och han är ansedd som poet.

    Andra delen är något kortare, och intressantare för mig. Den rör vad som händer det lilla antal överlevare från skeppsbrottet, som plockas upp av en liten båt och för dem till New York i ett lugnare tempo. Väl framme chockas de av larmet, stressen, teknikhetsen, komersialismen, enorma skrivmaskinsslamrande advokatkontor, köpta politiker, hyckleri och spel för gallerierna. Allt vi idag ser som USA:s kulturella baksida - fanns alltså redan här. Och här är ännu en skildring av skillnader Amerika vs Europa. Mängder av intressanta symboliska bilder skapas.

    Hauptmann använder inga pekpinnar, läsaren får själv avgöra hur texten ska tolkas. Paranormalt elle psykologiskt. Skeppsbrottets 900 drunknade passagerare och några få överlevare som alla exploateras i pressen och på annat sätt, väcker frågor kring meningen med livet. Fann det förutsägelser vi borde ha lyssnat till? Är hela vårt samhälle på väg mot en katastrof? Finns det något vi borde lyssna till och försöka ändra?

    Hur än trög min första läsning av första delen var, så känns detta som en roman som akn vinna på att läsas flera gånger. När jag väl läst hela boken blir även första delen av boken mer begriplig.

  • william j. duffy

    I read this book because the author was a Nobel literature prize winner. Atlantis was interesting, but more as s period piece (written 1912) than anything else.

  • Robin
