The Miserable Mill (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #4) by Lemony Snicket

The Miserable Mill (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #4)
Title : The Miserable Mill (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #4)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0439272637
ISBN-10 : 9780439272636
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 194
Publication : First published April 5, 2000

Dear Reader,

I hope, for your sake, that you have not chosen to read this book because you are in the mood for a pleasant experience. If this is the case, I advise you to put this book down instantaneously, because of all the books describing the unhappy lives of the Baudelaire orphans, The Miserable Mill might be the unhappiest yet. Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire are sent to Paltryville to work in a lumber mill, and they find disaster and misfortune lurking behind every log.

The pages of this book, I'm sorry to inform you, contain such unpleasantries as a giant pincher machine, a bad casserole, a man with a cloud of smoke where his head should be, a hypnotist, a terrible accident resulting in injury, and coupons.

I have promised to write down the entire history of these three poor children, but you haven't, so if you prefer stories that are more heartwarming, please feel free to make another selection.

With all due respect,

Lemony Snicket

The Miserable Mill (A Series of Unfortunate Events, #4) Reviews

  • Federico DN

    Inordinate SADNESS.

    After leaving Lake Lachrymose and dear Aunt Josephine behind, the Baudelaire orphans travel to Paltryville, to a local factory called Lucky Smells Lumbermill, a dreadful place anything but lucky, although it does smells, which is to say, stinks; here they meet their new caretaker Sir, an incorporeal living cloud of smoke that, to my surprise, doesn’t float. The orphans are quickly introduced to the hardships of child labor; and if that weren’t bad enough, Shirley, a shiny eyed receptionist, swiftly appears on their optometrist, and calamity strikes, yet another time again.

    Another sequel with no endearing beginnings, this fourth book doesn’t even have a brief bleakness grace period, it’s depressive from the first to the last page, and if any respite is granted, it’s only because it has to end sometime. No half endearing caretakers like Aunt Josephine either, Sir is nothing but UNLIKABLE. And totally HATED Shirley, a well behaved lady receptionist, unlike the despicable Count Olaf of the first book, or the terrifying Stephano of the second, or the mischievous Captain Sham of the third (This is going to be one long-ass list isn’t it?). The orphans strong as ever, never letting go the fight, despite every adult being a jerk around them; except maybe Phil, who is always cheerful and optimistic, even about the minor *scratch* on his leg.

    Saddest book of the series so far. Not one moment of happiness or endearing character whatsoever; except maybe Phil, who is always optimistic and never complains about his leg. YES, I NOTICED, Lemony’s incessant repetition may be rubbing off on me. Incessant means an unpleasant reiteration of something, like new vocabulary definitions. Reiteration means… The humor is still there, but somewhat lacking, no lol jokes on this one, or endearing moments to remember by. Darkest installment ever. Totally skippable sequel, unless you want to feel really bummed, then by all means go right ahead and read it. See if you can salvage anything from it, besides Phil that is <3.

    [2000] [194p] [Children’s] [2,5] [Highly Not Recommendable] [Obnoxious Sir <\3] [Die Shirley DIE!] [Good Hearted Useless Charles] [Dumb Optimistic Phil <3]


    Inmoderada TRISTEZA.

    Después de dejar el Lago Lachrymose y la querida Tía Josephine atrás, los huérfanos Baudelaire viajan a Paltryville, a una fábrica local llamada Serrería Afortunados Olores, un terrible lugar que no tiene nada de afortunado, aunque sí es olorosa, que es decir, apesta; allí conocen a su nuevo cuidador Señor, una incorpórea nube de humo viviente que, para mi sorpresa, no flota. Los huérfanos son velozmente introducidos a las dificultades de la labor infantil; y como si eso no fuera suficiente malo, Shirley, una recepcionista de brillantes ojos, rápidamente aparece en su optometrista, y la calamidad golpea, otra vez de nuevo.

    Otra secuela sin comienzos entrañables, este cuarto libro ni siquiera tiene un breve período de gracia de frialdad, es depresivo desde la primera hasta la última página, y si se concede algún respiro, es sólo porque tiene que terminar en algún momento. No hay cuidadores medianamente entrañables como la Tía Josephine tampoco, Señor es nada más que INQUERIBLE. Y totalmente ODIE a Shirley, una bien educada señorita recepcionista, a diferencia del despreciable Conde Olaf del primer libro, o el terrorífico Stephano del segundo, o el taimado Capitán Sham del tercero (Esta va a ser una laaarga lista, ¿no?). Los huérfanos fuertes como siempre, nunca abandonando la lucha, a pesar de que todos los adultos alrededor de ellos sean idiotas; a excepción tal vez de Phil, quien es siempre alegre y optimista, incluso sobre el pequeño *rasguño* en su pierna.

    El libro más triste hasta ahora. No hay un sólo momento de felicidad o personaje entrañable; a excepción tal vez de Phil, que es siempre optimista y nunca se queja sobre su pierna. SI, LO NOTE, la incesante repetición de Lemony puede que se esté pegando en mí. Incesante significa la desagradable reiteración de algo, como la definición de nuevo vocabulario. Reiteración significa… El humor sigue estando ahí, pero algo carente, no hay chistes de carcajadas fuertes en éste, o momentos entrañables para recordar. La entrega más oscura de todas. Una secuela totalmente saltable, a no que quieras sentirte realmente desanimado, entonces sí por favor, ve adelante y léela. Fijate si podés rescatar algo de ella, además de Phil claro <3.

    [2000] [194p] [Libro para Niños] [2,5] [Altamente No Recomendable] [Aborrecible Señor <\3] [Muere Shirley MUERE!] [Inútil Charles de Buen Corazón] [Tonto Optimista Phil <3]


  • Mark Lawrence

    The Miserable Mill continues the trend of me liking each book less than the previous one in this series.

    Don't get me wrong - it's still a fun read with plenty of cleverness and wit, and Celyn still seems to be enjoying me reading her the stories. It's also worth noting that this volume has the lowest average rating on Goodreads of all 13 books in the series, so I'm hopeful things will improve.

    In this book the established formula is applied with little or no variation. The bad point, for me, though was the descent into truly cartoon writing. In all the books before the world was similar to ours, bizarre, but largely believable. Normal laws of physics applies, things were internally consistent.

    In The Miserable Mill many things are wholly surreal and/or plain don't make sense.

    Some random examples:

    i) The signs being made out of chewed up chewing gum ... why?

    ii) The Boss having no name and his face being wholly concealed by smoke from his cigar the entire time - that steps into a kind of silly that is very different from the previous books' silliness. I cannot see in my mind a cloud of smoke from a cigar that is totally impenetrable and moves with someone.

    iii) A log being sawed is moved from its path (where it is held by the fact the circular saw is halfway through its length) by a child with a strip of metal using only the force that can be applied through the adhesion of a piece of chewing gum stuck to both the log and the metal strip.

    iv) A baby has a lengthy 'sword fight' with a grown and murderous woman. The woman is using a sword and the baby ... is using her teeth. We are repeatedly told that the teeth and sword clash.

    If the books had begun like this I would be ok with us being in a cartoonish world where that kind of thing happens (though I still wouldn't be able to visualize the sword fight in any satisfactory manner). But the first three books aren't like that (though they do move slowly in that direction) and in book 4 is comes as an unwelcome non sequitur.

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  • Mischenko

    The children head to Paltryville where they'll meet there new guardian. They arrive at the Lucky Smells Lumbermill where they meet Sir, the owner of the mill. Sir is the Baudelaire's new guardian and the children learn that the mill will be there new place of employment. Once again, the children are told not to worry about Count Olaf and that they'll be kept safe from him.

    "The deal is this: I will try to make sure that Count Olaf and his associates never go anywhere near you, and you will work in my lumbermill until you come of age and get all that money. Is that a fair deal?"

    Life at the lumber mill is horrible. They're barely given any food to eat and they're forced to work very difficult and dangerous jobs. Not only that, they're paid with coupons they can't even use! Klaus ends up getting hurt which breaks his glasses, and when he returns from the doctor he's become hypnotized. It appears that somehow Count Olaf is up to his heinous crimes again. The children discover that Count Olaf has disguised himself as a secretary at the mill and they must find a way to expose him.

    "Why, hello there, little girls," Count Olaf said in a ridiculously high voice, as if he were really a receptionist named Shirley instead of an evil man after the Baudelaire fortune. "What are your names?"

    We enjoyed reading this installment in the series, but it was our least favorite yet. Our interests in the themes are sort of getting burned out after reading this book and we decided to take a break before moving on to book five. It just started feeling like the same story over and over again with the repeating plot, but the addition of new characters always makes it interesting. I will say that the books do seem to be getting darker and darker as they go on, not only that, larger with more pages. It's fun to see what tricks Count Olaf will be up to next, but I'm still wondering why he keeps coming around to steal the children when the money isn't even available until Violet turns 18!

    My kids are still enjoying the series and we plan to finish all the books. After our break, we started book five, and it's promising so far.


  • emma

    This is perhaps the most anxiety-inducing book in the most anxiety-inducing series of all time.

    There is something about the particular Count Olaf evil plan hijinks in this book that is SO MUCH WORSE to me than all the others?? It’s not so much “fun villainy” to me as it is “extremely stressful stuff of nightmares.”

    So not necessarily the most consistently pleasant reading experience.

    HOWEVER there is a really cool part of this book! The Baudelaire orphans, up to this point, have very narrow and consistent, like, specializations? What do you call the constant semi-adult-ish habits and passions of a child I do not know. Anyway: Violet invents, Klaus reads, Sunny bites.

    In this book, Violet reads! And Klaus invents! It’s kind of a fun thing of, like, hey children of the world, you do not need to limit yourself. You can be good at a lot of things, even if someone is better at them than you. Woohoo!

    Count Olaf’s role in this book is very limited, and therefore not as AMAZING as he normally is in the other books (villain-wise). But there are some great characters in this one! I love Phil. Also there is a gay partnership in this book and no one can tell me otherwise and so there.

    Bottom line: Not the best book in this series. Maybe the worst? But still fabulouswonderfulamazingIlovethisworldsomuchohmygod.

  • Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin

    I like the idea of the mill but it was just okay. I had the vibe of a horror movie in an old mill so I think this messed up the book for me. Lol.

  • Steven Medina

    Excelente tomo.

    Esta saga es tan fácil de leer que siempre será una gran recomendación para niños y adolescentes, pero, si tú ya eres mayor, eso no será un impedimento para disfrutar de esta maquiavélica historia de los Baudelaire.

    Este volumen ya presenta un argumento más serio en el que notas los verdaderos peligros a los que se enfrentan los protagonistas. En los volúmenes anteriores percibes claramente los riesgos a los que están expuestos los Baudelaire, pero como sigues teniendo en tu mente la sensación de que es una historia para «niños», entonces resultas deduciendo por lógica que en verdad no les pasara nada drástico o fatal a los huérfanos. Sin embargo, es este volumen en el que comprendes la realidad; la realidad de que esto no es ningún juego de niños, sino de que en verdad sí existen peligros mortales en esta saga. Sea de la manera que sea, el antagonista buscará acabar con sus enemigos con sus mejores armas, sin importar que esos enemigos sean tres niños huérfanos. Esa persecución infinita del Conde Olaf por sus presas, es lo que lo convierte en el mejor personaje de la saga. Obviamente también me encanta el tono de cinismo con el que fue dotado, pero esa persistencia de crear planes para lograr sus más oscuros objetivos, hace de este personaje una genialidad única en esta historia.

    Algo que me encanta bastante de esta saga es el tipo de humor cínico que maneja el autor. Es un humor que te hace reír de las desgracias –o falta de suerte- de los demás, pero no porque estés corrupto y pervertido, sino porque el autor tiene la fórmula perfecta para presentar cada broma de la manera exacta, con las palabras precisas, y en el momento indicado. Quizás en algunos momentos podamos sentir que este humor pueda clasificarse como cruel, pero realmente no lo es. Es un humor pícaro pero tenue, especialmente diseñado para que los más pequeños puedan también disfrutarlo. Hasta un niño de nueve años se reiría de cada ocurrencia, comentario y diálogo presentado por el autor.

    En el inicio, el autor presenta una atmósfera increíblemente lúgubre que produce un aire de infortunio que rodea todas las escenas, por lo que genera en el lector esa sensación de que nada puede ser peor, de que todo está perdido, de que ya no hay luz, ni esperanza, y esa ambientación la mantendrá en la mayor parte del libro. En esas páginas donde predomina esa atmósfera no sientes deseos de reírte; lo que sientes es verdadera lástima por la vida de los Baudelaire, por imaginarlos aguantar hambre, por su soledad, su impotencia, etc. Pensamientos como «¡Qué pecado!» o «¡Pobrecitos!» fueron los que transitaron en mi mente durante mucho tiempo en esta lectura. Sin embargo, en la recta final esa atmósfera lúgubre disminuye por la aventura de los personajes, los diálogos satíricos, los planes, enfrentamientos, etc. Fue una parte que leí supremamente rápido porque estaba cargada de un nivel alto de adrenalina, pero también fue por sus comentarios satíricos que me sacaban una carcajada en un dos por tres.

    Como testimonio personal, quiero destacar que Sunny Baudelaire, la bebé, es mi Baudelaire favorita por su inocencia pero a la vez por la travesura con la que la adjudican. El comportamiento de Sunny me recuerda mucho al bebé, de aquella película clásica llamada ¡Cuidado: bebé suelto!, que resulta escapando de su casa con el objetivo de viajar por toda la ciudad, ya que todo lo que ve, le recuerda a su libro de cuentos. Aquel bebé tenía picardía, aunque más inocencia; Sunny es similar, solo que tiene más picardía que inocencia. Verdaderamente me encanta este personaje.

    Aunque ya vi la serie de Netflix y sé que más adelante la historia se torna mucho más interesante, de los tomos leídos hasta el momento este es el que más me ha gustado. Probablemente estas mismas palabras las repita en las próximas reseñas de los volúmenes siguientes, pero eso demuestra la evolución de esta saga en todos sus aspectos: Argumento, personajes, prosa, ambientación y giros inesperados. Pensaba otorgarle a este volumen cuatro estrellas de calificación, pero pienso que no se las merece; lo que realmente se merece son las cinco estrellas, en verdad es una calificación justa por la evolución de la ambientación y en general por la gran calidad que se encuentra en el volumen.

    Próximo destino, Una academia muy austera.

  • Jennifer

    Lemony Snicket is fun, it's terribly depressing and highly entertaining. All the books make me feel like I'm 12 again, and I curl up on the couch, laughing out loud and eating gummy bears.

  • Ahmad Sharabiani

    The Miserable Mill (Series of Unfortunate Events #4), Lemony Snicket

    The Miserable Mill is the fourth novel of the children's novel series A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. In this novel, the Baudelaire orphans live with the owner of Lucky Smells Lumber Mill. The book was published on April 15, 2000, by HarperCollins and illustrated by Brett Helquist.

    Violet, Klaus and Sunny Baudelaire are traveling on a train heading for Paltryville, the location of the children's new home, the Lucky Smells Lumbermill.

    Upon arrival, the children learn that they will have to work at the mill, but as part of the deal, their new guardian, Sir (they call him Sir because his name is so long that nobody pronounces it right), will try to keep Count Olaf, their nemesis, away. They meet Sir's more sympathetic partner, Charles, who shows them the library, which contains three books, one about the history of the lumbermill, one about the town constitution, and one donated by Dr. Georgina Orwell, the local optometrist, who lives in an eye-shaped building, which also resembles, suspiciously, the tattoo on their nemesis, Count Olaf's, ankle.

    Klaus breaks his own glasses when he is purposely tripped by the new foreman, Flacutono, and is sent to see Dr. Orwell. When Klaus returns from the optometrist, hours later, he acts strangely, as if in a trance. The next day in the lumbermill, Flacutono instructs Klaus to operate a stamping machine. Klaus causes an accident by dropping the machine on Phil, an optimistic coworker. Flacutono exclaims that the machine "cost an inordinate amount of money". The other workers ask what the unfamiliar word means and Klaus defines the word. Klaus explains that he doesn't remember what happened between when he broke his glasses and waking up in the mill. Foreman Flacutono trips him again, once again causing his glasses to break. This time though, Violet and Sunny accompany Klaus to Dr. Orwell's office.

    تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز نوزدهم ماه آوریل سال 2011میلادی

    عنوان: کارگاه مصیبت بار؛ نویسنده: لمونی اسنیکت؛ مترجم: زهرا زرکش؛ تهران، انتشارات ماهی؛ 1381؛ در 164ص؛ شابک: 9649333304؛ فروست: مجموعه ماجراهای بچه‌‌ های بدشانس کتاب چهارم؛ چاپ دوم 1383؛ سوم 1384؛ چهارم 1386؛ پنجم 1387؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان امریکایی - سده 21م

    بچه ها به کارگاه چوب بری «لاکی اسملز» می‌روند، و سخت کار می‌کنند؛ آنها با «فلیپ»، یک مرد خوشبین، و «چارلز» یک مرد مهربان، آشنا می‌شوند، اما رییس کارگاه، از آنها بیگاری می‌کشد، و سرپرست کارگران نیز، همدست «کنت الاف» است، که با نقشه ای از طریق هیپنوتیزم می‌خواهد که ثروت آنها به دست آورد، اما دوباره شکست میخورد؛

    تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 06/08/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی

  • Cece (ProblemsOfaBookNerd)

    I adore the development of the Baudelaire kids in this book. That's easily my favorite part. This is also, of all four of my rereads, the book I remembered least so it was fun to really rediscover a lot of the plot elements that I had forgotten.

    Also, I have to say I have seen some spoilers for how Charles and Sir are portrayed in the ASOUE show and I'm thrilled. So, overall, I have loved rereading these four books in the series. I can't wait to continue rereading more of them later but jus rereading these first four has been SO GREAT. And I promise that my ASOUE videos will start going up soon.

  • Ashley Daviau

    This series just gets more and more miserable as it goes along and I just love it! It still truly astonishes me how horrible the adults in these books are no matter how many times I read them. The way they treat the children is absolutely appalling but I think that's part of the charm of this series. The poor Baudelaires can just never get a break! That's what makes this series real though because a lot of the time in real life, orphans do have terrible experiences and bounce around from home to home. I really enjoyed my reread of this book, and although this book as a whole is not my favourite of the series, Count Olaf's disguise in this one is my favourite out of all of them!

  • Sarah

    The more books I read, the less I like this series. I'm now 100% positive that I didn't read these books as a child. Perhaps if I did, I would like them better now but unfortunately I feel lukewarm at best about this series. I just feel like these stories go around and around in circles and I'm quite tired of it. I like the kids but the story just isn't working for me anymore. This was probably my least favourite book so far but thinking about it now, the mill was probably one of the stronger stories.

    I will probably return to this series eventually and I plan to watch the Netflix show to see if I like it any better but for now, I'm done reading this series.


    “A new experience can be extremely pleasurable, or extremely irritating, or somewhere in between, and you never know until you try it out.”

  • Georgina Ortiz

    Favorite insight: It is much, much worse to receive bad news through the written word than by somebody simply telling you, and I'm sure you understand why. When somebody simply tells you bad news, you hear it once, and that's the end of it. But when bad news is written down, whether in a letter or a newspaper or on your arm in felt tip pen, each time you read it, you feel as if you are receiving the news again and again.

  • Calista

    After reading Lemony Snicket's 'the Dark' I decided to try the Unfortunate events series again. It started out ok and I simply can't believe how ridiculous and outlandish it was. I can handle fantasy, but I like it to be rooted in some sort of reality. I then read that many readers consider this the worst book in the series. I can agree with that so far. I will give another one a go.

    Examples. It was the end that was so beyond silly. Sunny, the baby, had a sword fight with her teeth. Claus can make a whole invention in less than a second while someone is on the lumber saw about to be sewn in half. We all know the adults in this story are idiots really. This was simply silly.

    I am not much of a fan of this book. I also realize much of the book is taken up with explaining things and not action. It is very simple really without all the explaining. I felt this was a bad entry in the series. It's hard for the all to be great.

  • Kon R.

    I really wanted to give this one 3 stars due to the story being so unbelievably unrealistic. All of the books so far have been pretty farfetched, but this one took it a few steps further killing some of the charm. In the end, I had to give it 4 stars because I enjoyed it far more than the third book (their guardian was so painfully annoying in that one). There were a handful of original ideas not present in previous installments and I found the baby teeth sword fight to be humorous.

    Update: In retrospect, this one was less annoying, but the plot was just so very weak that I think it deserves the same rating as the previous entry. Hold on as the series does pick up from here.

  • Vanz


    My least favorite ASOUE book so far. Same style, but different situations. I think the Baudelaire children can really look out for themselves, so the plot needs to get more in depth. Just like the previous book, "The Wide Window", this series is trying to take a darker and more mature lane... so I guess children below 8 years old will not appreciate this book. Nevertheless, it was still a fun read on my part. Still charming and full of misadventures. It's interesting to see what Count Olaf is up to in the next books, so I'm really looking forward to book five - which is "The Austere Academy".

  • Emily B

    These books are very easy to read and are currently my go to when I’m not feeling able to tackle one of the long books on my to read list.

    They are fun and don’t require too much concentration or thinking which is great when I have a mild headache but want to read.

    They do become repetitive in storyline but each book so far is different enough to keep me reading.
    They really are filler books for me at the moment and I’m grateful to have the whole collection on my shelf at home.

  • Dannii Elle

    This is the fourth instalment in the A Series of Unfortunate Events series.

    Violet, Klaus and Sunny find themselves with a new mentor who proves as hopeless as all the rest. They are put to work inside a factory with only coupons for payment and the threat of Count Olaf's arrival weighing heavily upon them. It is up to their sharp wits, as always, to free themselves from these new and disastrous circumstances.

    This, more than the preceding three volumes seemed far sombre in theme. The siblings have been forced to endure repeated tragedies and it weighed very heavily upon them here. Snicket's special brand of humour provided some comic relief, however, and I remained as impressed as ever by the clever wordplay, making this a delightful read for all age ranges.

  • lauren ❀

    UPDATE: 19/Jan/2017

    The review from before is wrong because yes I still liked this book but now that I've read all of the books this one is my least favourite.

    I liked this book much more than I expected. It was different from the others and that made me like it.

  • Sara Kamjou

    تو این کتاب ماجرای بچه‌ها با سرپرست جدیدشون ادامه پیدا می‌کنه.
    تو این کتاب شخصیت چارلز توجهم رو جلب کرد. کسی که سعی می‌کنه خوش‌بین باشه و به دیگران کمک کنه ولی نوع کمک کردنش با اون کمکی که طرف می‌خواد فرسنگ‌ها فاصله داره...
    یادگاری از کتاب:
    خواندن یک خبر بد خیلی بدتر از شنیدنش است.
    صبح، وقت مهمی از روز است، چون اینکه صبحتان را چه‌طور بگذرانید، اغلب می‌تواند نشان بدهد چه‌جور روزی پیش رو دارید.

  • Coreen Angelie

    This installment somehow bothers me, this series is a children's book and to write something a little too horrifying for kids is just a "mehh" for me. First, the Baudelaire guardian is basically the cruelest and most useless person ever, the same thing can also be said to Mr. Poe (except he's not cruel, only an idiot)

    I don't think I'll read the fifth book soon, but I'll definitely continue the series.


  • Jason Koivu

    Miserable indeed. Unfortunately this book in A Series of Unfortunate Events takes its title too literally. I enjoyed the first book and love the concept of put-upon children succeeding with no foreseeable hope on the horizon. However, the execution is too formulaic, mill-like if you will. I can put up with the repetition, because the author's bits of wit keep it fun, but this had less wit and more formula than the first three.

  • Irene ➰


    I really wanted to love this one because sounded so much more interesting and exciting that all the others but unfortunately I ended up liking it less.

    The theme of the mill and the hypnosis was so cool at first but the development didn't convince me.
    This book for me had a lot of potential and the idea was super cool, there's a little horror vibe and of course it was kept low and simple and not too much scary because it's meant for kids but the story was a little repetitive throught the book.

    We can barely see and interact with Count Olaf this time and this was one of the aspect that I didn't like.
    His figure this time is very less present even if the character chosen as his disguise was hilarious.
    There are a lot of hints since the beginning of the presence of the Count, way more than the other times.
    This made it a little less exciting to discover who he was or when it would be introduced.

    It was a very fast read and the story overall was fun and enjoyable anyway, well detailed and there are a lot of characters.
    The book was hard to put down because I just liked the idea so much that I wanted to know what was happening straight away.
    And I liked that this time there are less "which here means" and there are the explanations made as examples that I found more interesting.

    Oh and I like that every time at the end there's the little note where there's a little introduction for the next book as well as the title, I love the way it's written.

    Till the next tragedy ;)

  • ¸¸.•*¨*•♫ Mrs. Buttercup •*¨*•♫♪

    “They're book addicts.”

    The orphans are victims of yet another series of unfortunate events, this time in a lumberjack mill!! For once, count Olaf is nowhere to be seen... or is he???

    This fourth volume was one of my favourites in the series! I loved the setting and the action was just so fast... never a dull moment! Aww those poor orphans! What horrible misadventures will they have next? Just when you think it can't get worse... 🤧 🤧

  • MissBecka Gee

    With the setting in an old mill I think I had my expectations all wrong.
    I wanted more creepy less campy.

  • Andrew

    And so another series I started and never got round to finish is returned to.

    Carrying on my challenge to finish series I started and some how never got round to finishing I have now started back on the Series of Unfortunate Events.

    I think for me there were a few reasons why I lost motivation with this series - the first is the constant reminders of how bad, how unfortunate, now depressing how... (you get the idea) terrible the life of the Baudelaire orphans has got and is yet to get. I understand its how the author has approached the narrative but it does grate some times.

    The second is that it feels like it could easily slip in to a formulaic story where each episode is a re-telling of the same premise - over and over again where the children call it out and the authorities first ignore then and then choose to act just a little too late.

    However book 4 the Miserable Mill shows that is NOT the case - here we are introduced to a new story and one which shows that there is potential for this series to go places I cannot predict or expect - suddenly it has become fresh again.

    Yes the narrative style is still here however now that I am interested in the story again I am able to tune it out. In short this series deserves a second look. The question is where is it going to go next.

  • Raha

    خب این کتاب هم تموم شد. دیگه کم کم این قضیه ی موش و گربه بازی های بچه ها و کنت اولاف داره خسته کننده میشه

    دوستانی که بقیه ی کتاب های این مجموعه رو خوندن بی زحمت یه کمکی بکنید بگید ببینم اگر قرار نیست تو کتاب های بعدی هم رازی برملا بشه، من یهو برم همون آخری رو بخونم تا ببینم بالاخره ماجرا قراره به کجا ختم بشه

  • Helly

    Love how this seemingly children's fiction manages to deal with adult issues and social Commentary 😃 the Baudelaire orphans are such an Amazing trio, and I hope to read more from this series.

  • Paul

    Our mournful moppets move along their melancholy way in a melodramatic missive that makes room for myriad mouthwatering mutilations and many mischievous misdirections. Marvellous!

  • Angus (Just Angus)

    Who doesn't love an extended fight sequence between a baby with very sharp teeth and an evil doctor with an actual real-life sword?

  • ✦BookishlyRichie✦

    3 STARS

    This wasn't as good as the first three, that's for sure. I'm hoping that the 5th redeems the fourth and that it's more exciting than this one was. I did love that Count Olaf was in drag haha I'm interested to see how they adapt this one considering it was kind of boring and really felt like a filler book to be honest. I still enjoyed it though. :)

    Now on to "The Austere Academy"!!

    - Richard