Title | : | The Conqueror's Lady (The Knights of Brittany #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0373295545 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780373295548 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 273 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2009 |
Strong, ruthless, brave and honorable, Giles Fitzhenry is a born warrior who has never been able to shake off the shame of his illegitimate birth.
To save her people and lands, the lady Fayth is forced to marry this powerful Breton knight. She yearns to be rid of her unwelcome husband, although a deep desire stirs each time she looks into his piercing gaze.
Now Giles has conquered all, but the ultimate battle will be for his new lady's love --- and her utter surrender!
The Conqueror's Lady (The Knights of Brittany #1) Reviews
Esta bonita historia me cautivo, se desarrolla con rapidez en cada párrafo, todos los personajes son agradables y no existe lo grotesco de la guerra medieval, Fayth y Giles son una bonita pareja, que por circunstancias políticas tuvieron que contraer nupcias para preservar la paz del reino.
Es el segundo libro que leo de esta autora, y confieso que me gusta mucho su pluma, escribir novelas medievales puede llegar a ser difícil a veces, pero Terri Brisbin logra hacerlo sencillo.
https://labrujalectora1.blogspot.com/ -
Liked the setting and the romance was decent. Wasn't great by any means but a nice book to waste some time with
Estou adorando essa autora! Ela escreve sobre uma idade média real, e não aquela aguinha com açúcar idealizada, com cavaleiros em armaduras reluzentes e moçoilas ingênuas trancadas na torre. Digamos que aqui o buraco é mais embaixo...
A historia se passa na época da conquista da Inglaterra por William, o Conquistador e da carnificina que se seguiu.
Giles é um filho bastardo, que junto com outros dois amigos, também bastardos, recebem de William feudos para defender. E Giles chega com a missão de se casar com a filha do antigo lorde e tomar posse de tudo, e faz exatamente isso e na ponta da faca!!
Pois é... a vida naquela época era dureza! A mocinha não tem moleza, ela é obrigada a se casar sob ameaça de morte sua e de seu povo, e como não tem escapatória mesmo, resolve se submeter, mas fica aprontando escondida até o final do livro.
A historia é ótima, mas as situações colocadas pela autora são meio revoltantes, porém totalmente adequadas à época e a situação. Primeiro o mocinho se casa com a Fayth a ameaçando com uma faca no pescoço, enquanto ele ameaça o seu futuro ex-noivo e seu povo com execução sumária, depois resolve não consumar o casamento até que ela prove não estar grávida. E ainda tem as atrocidades cometidas pelo lorde vizinho, que caça, mata e faz coisas terríveis com os seus colonos...
Uma das coisas que me irritaram foi a incrível falta de bom-senso da mocinha. Ela, tinha a obrigação de ser mais esperta do que demonstrou e a outra é que de uma hora pra outra o mocinho ficou bonzinho demais! Cadê o ogro cruel de desalmado do comecinho? Senti falta dele... -
Well...review in portugais! sorry u_u
Primeiro livro da excelente série Os cavaleiros da Bretanha, "The Conqueror's Lady", conta a história de Lorde Giles o bastardo bretão agraciado com terras e um título, além de uma noiva.
Já tive a oportunidade de ler os três livros da série, mas fiz um caminho inverso nessa ordem: 2,3 e 1. Sendo que o meu personagem preferido encontra-se no livro 3 (Soren <3), mas na minha opinião o melhor livro é o número 1, a história de Giles é muito bem trabalhada e dá uma visão geral do que pode acontecer nos livros 2 e 3.
Quantos aos personagens, eu realmente não gostei da mocinha! Lady Fayth acabou por ser muito inconsequente e teimosa. Havia momentos onde eu gostaria de simplesmente sacudi-lá devido sua falta de juízo. Já Giles me surpreendeu muito, li muitas reviews de pessoas falando que não gostavam das atitudes dele no livro e sinceramente confesso que depois de ler não entendi de onde essas pessoas tiraram isso! Giles era apenas um homem tentando acertar em sua nova condição e Faith simplesmente não ajudava, achei que ele teve muita paciência para com ela, eu não teria tanta. Eu me perguntava: porque essa mulher faz isso?? Será que ela não vê tá deixando tudo pior?
Talvez por isso não tenha ganho as cinco estrelas devidas, achei que ele foi muito complacente com as atitudes dela que quase colocaram tudo a perder. Apesar disso é muito bom. Leiam a série eu recomendo. -
3.5 stars I had mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, I thought the author did a great job of giving it a real setting. There is no mistaking that this book is not only a medieval, but that it is set in England shortly after the Conquest. The romance sits nicely front and center, but the backstory of the Normans establishing their rule over the Saxons after having won at Hastings runs continuously through the story such that the romance and the rest of the story are inseparable.
And then there was Giles. I thought Giles was a lovely hero. He has good sense and is enlightened for his time without seeming ridiculously modern. As bastard son of a nobleman, he had little to expect by way of advancement in France but following William to England gave him the chance of a lifetime - a title and an estate. I loved watching how he managed to treat those around him with kindness and consideration while also showing himself strong enough to rule over his new lands.
I'll admit that the romance caused me some trepidation at first. After all, not only does the Lady Fayth so clearly NOT want to marry Giles, but the power imbalance between them was huge. As the conquering lord, Fayth is pretty much completely at Giles' mercy. However, Giles repeatedly has opportunities to abuse his position and chooses not to. Affection was a bit slow to blossom between these two, but what really frustrated me was Fayth's continuing refusal to trust Giles despite all evidence that she should. Even so, I did enjoy the book overall. -
Série: Os Cavaleiros da Bretanha 01 - Senhora do Dominador - Terri Brisbin
Título original: The Conqueror's Lady
Título: Senhora do Dominador
Autor: Terri Brisbin
Tradução: Ana Helena Garcia
Série: Os Cavaleiros da Bretanha 01
Editora: Harlequin
Ano: 2012
Sempre fico imaginando como deveria ser difícil para uma mulher, apesar de nobre e herdeira, vivenciar todas as demandas que uma guerra proporciona. Ainda mais no período medieval onde a mulher era considerada moeda de troca. Não havia consideração com a pessoa e sim com o seu valor na hora de dominar o feudo.
É exatamente o que acontece com Lady Fayth, coitada foi dada pelo novo rei para o Giles Fitzhenry em casamento para oficializar que o feudo e o povo eram propriedade de Giles, espólio de guerra. É claro que os vassalos eram fiéis a Lady...
Quer ler a resenha completa e muito mais, visite o blog Momentos da Fogui:
http://foguiii.blogspot.com/2018/09/s... -
Despite his illigetimate birth, Giles Fitzhenry fought with William the Conqueror and was rewarded with the lands of the Baron of Taerford, who died in the battle. Now Giles must marry the Baron's daughter Lady Fayth to unite his new lands.
Read for the romance writer's awards. I really enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. -
This is my first introduction to this author and I found this a fun and compelling read.
2.5 stars.
An okay book, not bad, not great. Just okay! -
As the story opens, I was expecting an alpha hero, but Giles Fitzhenry is anything but. Gentle and kind, with patience that exceeds my own, it’s clear this conquering warrior’s resume is reflective of the time in which he lives, and the station he is forced to overcome in life, as opposed to who he is inside. His relationship with heroine Fayth is tender and sweet, and he exhibits great understanding, demonstrating that, even in the most tense of moments that he is incapable of unleashing his anger on the people he loves. Nor can he help in inclination to show his enemies mercy, when their fate rests in his honorable hands.
I got stuck in the middle of the story for a bit. As I recently commented of Dreaming of You by Lisa Klepas, which I finished days before completing this story, it’s a long wait before this newly married couple consummates their union. We lose a bit of the spark that ignites when the couple first engages in foreplay, and I got tired of waiting. But, when they do finally come together, the pace picks up.
In spite of my gripes, I found Giles and Fayth extremely likeable and easy to relate to, which is an impressive feat for the author to achieve considering the book is set in 1066. The challenges they’re faced with both individually and as a couple are tremendous and they handle them with honor and grace. (Not sure I would have been able to do the same, under such wild circumstances!)
Some of this story was lost on me – there is just so much going on – but what I loved most about it is the tender relationship between hero and heroine, present from their very first encounter and never lost, not during the black moment or when circumstances are at their most dire. There is an element of trust and concern which simply exists, connecting these well-intentioned characters and developing into something that is so impenetrable, it can withstand anything. I truly felt their love and I greatly enjoyed reading their story. -
Sempre leio algum romance de época, as vezes acho uns ótimos, mas não foi dessa vez. Quero entender a necessidade de ter sempre um personagem bem burro na história, nesse caso Fayth está de parabéns. Muuuuito lesada. A história também não é das mais empolgantes, os confrontos por terras e títulos poderia ser melhor trabalhado. Ficar o livro todo atrás de um vilão e no final deixar ir embora é covardia.
Giles Fitzhenry, a Breton knight, fights alongside William, The Conqueror and as a reward, is given Saxon lands. Fayth is the lady whose lands are given to Giles. These two characters are quite interesting. Giles' illegitimate birth is what is behind some of his actions in the book. Fayth is driven by the desire to do the right thing or, perhaps, what is right in her mind and this leads to certain consequences that makes for an exciting read. The ending is beautiful.
This novel is very enjoyable for anyone who loves a Medieval romance. A short read, with only 273 pages, but it is intriguing. The romance is good, it progresses steadily throughout the story. The characters are lovable. Highly recommend this book! It's also part of a series, so I'm looking forward to reading the other books in the near future. -
Another blast from the past.
Terri Brisbin was one of my favourite historical writers and re-reading this book really reminded me why. The characters in the novel were so good. Noble and level headed. I really liked them. The romance took about the same tone. Gentle with a steady progression. The book also had a serious emotional note to it which I loved. The book was steamy for its kind. A pitfall was the action plot. There were some obvious holes to it. Besides that, the writing wasn’t the greatest. Descriptions were a little sparse and there was a lot of jumping between scenes.
Overall, the knights of Brittany are still one of my favourite heroes. -
I didn't have high hopes for this as I only read it to clear it from my TBR where it has been sitting for too long. But it wasnt horrible. It had some humor, was a bit boring here and there, a bit compelling and entertaining other times. In short, it wasn't good, but, again, not horrible either.
Their very young ages surprised me though because they acted much older and those kinds of books usually have protagonists that are older than 18 and 23. However, I guess you grew up much faster in their time, so their ages were probably realistic.
It was fun how his friend was so invested in his marriage and tried to help him.
On the other hand, it confused me that first it's said a couple of days passed between capturing the the estate and marrying her, then it suddenly becomes a couple of weeks.
Plus, Giles should not have shown mercy with the enemy in the end as it could have gotten him into a lot of serious trouble. But of course it so conveniently didn't.
I don't have more to say, really, this left me mostly indifferent. -
Sempre tive um pouco de preconceito com os livros da Terri depois que li um que odiei. Mas esse livro me fez devorar cada página dele, e me fez querer muito mais, tanto que vou ler o próximo. Gostei muito, só não é cinco estrelas por umas coisas que me incomodou...
Carino, o meglio carino fino al punto in cui non lo hanno stratagliato e diventa incomprensibile il comportamento di Fayth.
Vabbè, nella sua semplicità però si fa leggere bene e ci accontentiamo. -
The dialogue is very kitschy and Giles and Fayth are a pretty meh couple.
Avis tiré de mon blog :
Lady Fayth de Taerford n'a pas le choix, si elle veut conserver sa vie et ses terres, elle devra épouser Giles Fitzhenry et le laisser prendre sa place.
Je ne m'étais pas aperçus quand j'ai fait la liste de mon challenge ABC, que j'avais choisi deux livres si proches. Ce roman et Le Maître de mon Cœur que j'ai chroniqué aussi, se déroulent la même année, au même endroit, dans les même circonstances et avec des personnages similaires.
On pourrait croire qu'on se retrouve donc avec deux copies de la même histoire mais heureusement non, finalement l'ambiance et la façon dont l'histoire (la romance) est traitée est vraiment différente.
Giles à beau être lui aussi un bâtard de haute naissance, guerrier et qui doit lui aussi prendre possession de terres Saxonne, il est loin d'être aussi barbare que Rohan. Il est noble de coeur et le montre tout du long du roman.
A tel point qu'ici j'avais un peu de mal à comprendre l'entêtement de Fayth à son égard. Bon certes ils sont du coté opposé mais Giles aurait pu la forcer à de nombreuses reprise sans que personne n'y trouve à redire, il en pâtit même vu que les autres personnes ne comprennent pas ses manières. Mais il ne le fait pas, il choisi de ne pas le faire, de montrer à de nombreuses reprise son bon coté et qu'il n'est pas la brute que Fayth pense qu'il est.
Ce qui fini par m'énerver un peu je dois dire, l’attitude de Fayth. J'ai eu l'impression que ce n'était pas justifié qu'elle résiste aussi longtemps, et que l'auteur faisait juste durer la situation pour rien.
Mais par contre en dehors de ça, bizarrement j'ai préféré cette situation, elle est plus "acceptable" que la précédente, moins brutale en quelque sorte. L'ambiance était bien plus légère j'ai trouvé.
16/20 -
Ok... at first I was thinking that this book would get a solid 3 star from me.... but not by the end. There was too much "blah blah blah" Another reviewer described it as: "...Medival 101 to bring up the word count..." Pretty much spot on. If the two leads weren't having sex, then they were talking about sex/thinking about sex, or..... medival 101.... There just really wasn't a good enough story to suck me in on. Yeah, the basic romance story was there, I've read this type of story before.... and I think that was the hold up for me.... the story was not fresh or new and Brisbin didn't bring anything new to the table with it. Like I said... It started off with great potential, immediate action and intrique and then it just had a literary vomit.
This was more or less a solid read but there quite some things which did nothing for me.
I cared for Giles and could understand him and his motives. he was very honorable and honest but sometimes I wanted to kick him, as he let Fayth off the hook too easily.
Fayth could have been a great character but she lost some of my respect with her actions and although she tried to do her best in the end, I admire Giles for reacting as he had.
all in all, a good but not perfect read -
One dimensional. No strong conflict. Pleasant enough, and an interesting look at that piece of history, but the ending was stupid -- I can't believe that the rebel wouldn't have just killed the hero and his two men instead of tying them up. At that point, I was skimming, so I might have missed the rationale for it, but it seems so unlikely!
Great historical. Really enjoy the differences between characters and how they came together and had their HEA.
I loved that Giles see himself as a bastard and not worthy but willing to make every effort to see his marriage work.
I also like that lady fayth isn't a weeping week noble women but strong and know when topick her fights. Great end HEA. -
This light, fun romance novel flows nicely and entertains thanks to Brisbin's trademark perspective shifting and clear, intelligent writing. Unfortunately, the heroine didn't appeal the way hers usually do, and the relationship between the two lacked an emotional heat that left the steamy scenes falling flat. Though not my favorite, since it's Brisbin, it's still good.
Started out really great and had potential to be "not just another highland romance" but sadly toward the end, the author fell back on the tried and tired themes of trust issues and the female lead not listening to reason.
Can't think of anything I didn't enjoy about this. I liked the writing style and the setting was pretty cool. I never found myself annoyed with the characters, which is always a good thing. Will look for more of the author's books in the future.