Life on the Other Side: A Psychic's Tour of the Afterlife by Sylvia Browne

Life on the Other Side: A Psychic's Tour of the Afterlife
Title : Life on the Other Side: A Psychic's Tour of the Afterlife
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0451206479
ISBN-10 : 9780451206473
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 272
Publication : First published January 1, 1999

Renowned psychic, spiritual teacher, and #1 New York Times bestselling author of End of Days Sylvia Browne has changed millions of lives with her unique gifts. Now, she leads readers on an adventure of the a surprising glimpse into the next world, where their loved ones patiently await them.

Take a journey you will never forget and discover the answer to life’s greatest

“What’s on The Other Side? ”

In this extraordinary and inspirational book, Sylvia reflects upon her past experiences, hypnosis sessions, and research to tell the truth about The Other Side. She explains the process of leaving this world for the next, and what circumstances foretell our next incarnation on Earth.

Filled with stunning revelations and stories of those who have visited The Other Side, this uplifting book is the ultimate guide to finding peace in the afterlife.

Life on the Other Side: A Psychic's Tour of the Afterlife Reviews

  • C. (Never PM. Comment, or e-mail if private!)

    Read this book if you are interested in physical life and the afterlife. It is riveting, inspiring, enlightening, hopeful, and warm! If asked how to glean information besides from religions, that is easy: everywhere else! Spiritual experiences are my favourite sources. Prayers of mine have been answered recently. I knew a child who saw an angel, after her friend uttered a protection prayer. If you wonder if beliefs are too obscure to verify: read this book.

    Sylvia Browne was a child who saw things many of us don’t. She was urged to respect religions, despite teachers being irate about questions she asked. She taught at a Catholic school, before marrying. Psychic readings and helping the police suddenly took off. As my young friend saw for herself: we all have spirit guides and guardian angels, two separate entities we learn in detail about. What paved the way for astounding information about our physical and spiritual journeys, is that Sylvia could hear her guide. It allowed a lifetime of questions and answers; shared in books like “Life On The Other Side”, 1999. Our hostess is humorously autobiographical.

    I don’t share Sylvia’s disfavour of Earth. I love my life and savour all awareness I can achieve; learning what is around me, past what I see so far. Sylvia’s Granddaughter contributed jaw-dropping details, keenly remembering astral travels. Sylvia rising at night and beholding Angelica’s guardian angel is my favourite story: a Holy sight, indeed!

    I read portions to Mom this June, who survived pneumonia in intensive-care. We were comforted by a chapter about how Heavenly loved-ones know we are surviving an ordeal, versus when to greet us. Clearly, Mom’s “pilot light did not blink”. I told her my open mind comes from her and how much I value having her, to share these conversations.

  • Joyce

    I really found this book to be most informative and written in a down to earth fashion. Sometimes you need a book like this to offer comfort and also ring true. The reader certainly must be open minded and draw from it what rings true for them. It's the most inclusive book I found so far on this subject. There's so much that we don't know.

  • Karolyn Sherwood

    In the interest of anyone who's not open to what psychics have to say, let me just cut to the chase:

    Five Stars to Life on the Other Side.

    For those of you with more curiosity... This book blew me away. A tiny bit of backstory: I had never heard of Sylvia Browne until last week, had never seen her on the Montel Williams Show, nor ever heard of her "theories," but I have long believed that certain people come into your life at a certain time for a reason that's not usually understood until you've learned something vital from them. Often, you won't realize this until you look back on that time/person/knowledge with 20/20 hindsight. The last six months of my life have led me directly to this book.

    I am not the person to tell you that all of what Ms. Browne says is true and that you must believe her, but I can tell you that my beliefs, rough as they are, match identically with what she says is true based on her sixty years as a psychic. She sites thousands of interviews with people from all over the globe who have had "weird" things happen to them, and from those experiences plus her own, she "knows" what the Afterlife holds. I think my agreement with her would come as no surprise to Ms. Browne.

    Good news for any skeptics: Religion really plays no part in her beliefs, other than there definitely is a God. After that, Catholicism, Judaism, Buddhism, Protestantism, et al, are Earthly interpretations that have no distinction in the Afterlife as long as you "do good" on Earth.

    The book, co-written by Lindsay Harrison, is well-written, straight-forward, and very interesting. If you have the time and curiosity, I highly recommend this book... even if it's just to consider the possibility of the Other Side.

  • Joel

    Being very interested in the subject of life after death I read this book with an open mind, and found I needed it from the beginning. The author's description of life on the other side seemed quite strange and did not seem to line up with my personal beliefs or with other near death experiences I'd read about. But I gave her the benefit of the doubt because I believed she was honestly describing what she experienced. However, eventually my patience wore thin.

    There were some positive aspects of this book. Some of her philosophies of life expressed in the book are good, and some may even be true, but in the end I didn't believe everything she wrote. She may have expereienced some of these things but this book wasn't written from the point of view to describe her experience but rather as much as her explaining how life is after this if she were the all-knowing authority of all things that happen. For example, rather than saying she saw certain types of angels and describing what she saw, instead she listed all the levels of Angel and gave an encyclopedic description of each type. My gut reaction was that she must have made at least some of this up, even if she believes it and even if she actually has been to the "other side".

  • Leslie

    I read this book during the last few months of my father's life (he died of cancer). I have to say that although I don't agree with ALL of her views, this book helped me TREMENDOUSLY during a time when I might have given up on faith completely. She helped me to not fear my father's impending death, but to embrace it as just another phase of life. I knew that his journey beyond this earth would be a pleasant one, but the imagery Sylvia presents helped me to really envision my father living happily on the other side. Ultimately, her books have totally changed my view of death and the afterlife by presenting some unique ideas to ponder. I will definitely keep reading her books.

    Side note: I know there are people who think Sylvia is a quack, but as with anything, you have to decide what YOU believe and Sylvia does a great job in all of her books reminding you to make up your own mind about the ideas she presents.

  • Tiffany

    I've always enjoyed Sylvia Browne's books. This one gives you an insight into what it is like on the other side. Gave me hope with the passing of my father a few weeks ago. I had given it to him to read after I did in regards to my grandmother passing, and now I'm reading it again because of his passing. It's comforting to know there is a lot waiting for us when we pass.

  • Nanette

    This book actually changed my life, and I've passed it on to two dozen people. If anyone has questions about the life after life, this book is a must-read. I have no fear of death (because it doesn't exist.)

  • Julie

    Clarified some of my own visions of the Divine Realm and the experiences I have had.

  • Brian Davies

    This is a truly compelling story of accounts from the- beyond or afterlife. The accounts question and contradict many of our religious conventions about heaven and hell. I have no problem approaching accounts of the afterlife with a truly open mind, after-all, there can never be any true eye witness accounts, therefor a high degree of subjectivity exists. We have, however, drip fed information through mediums, and this book truly gives an inspiring and uplifting account of what we may have to look forward to.

  • Suzanne

    I didn't connect with Sylvia Browne like I have with several other psychic mediums when I've read their books. I read these types of books to help find some sort of peace and understanding after losing my son Blake. Unfortunately, I didn't achieve that with this particular book.

    There were some interesting details about life on the other side but for the most part I found this book to be more of a biography of Sylvia's life and her near death experience. She goes into great detail about the other side and perhaps it's because it was so detailed that I found it hard to believe.

  • Jena

    This is very different reading, if you were raised Baptist.
    But it is beautiful!
    I found this book fascinating, and while I can't say if any of it is true, it definitely makes you think.
    The idea that we choose our challenges in life, that we focus on certain themes, that we place obstacles in our own paths to grow, is something that makes a lot of sense to me.
    I will be reading a lot more from Sylvia Brown.

  • Joleen

    You need to have an open mind when reading Browne's books. Don't criticize it if you've never read it. While some notions seem a bit far-fetched, she does make a lot of sense about a lot of things we cannot answer.

  • Kara

    now i know what to expect on the other side when i die. sounds way better than here so i can't wait for my trip home. checked this out @ the library one rainy day and liked it so much i bought myself my own copy.

  • Iona Stewart

    This is my first book by Sylvia Browne. I wish I had found her before, but now I have I won’t be forgetting her.

    Sylvia was a professional psychic who now has gone to the Other Side herself. She tells us that she will not be returning for another life on Earth.

    Sylvia had a spirit guide called Francine who provided her with much valuable information about the Other Side.

    Sylvia could see spirits clearly and also could see inside people, for example, see tumours or the like. She had a Grandma with similar gifts who helped explain things to her. And her granddaughter Angeline was/is also a gifted psychic.

    Francine, her spirit guide, appeared to Sylvia when she was eighteen and became her closest friend, her constant companion. Francine talked through Sylvia, with her permission. Her knowledge and vocabulary far exceeded Sylvia’s.

    Sylvia regressed thousands of clients to past lives and thus resolved many problems for them.

    She tells us much about her own life in the book, including about her Catholic upbringing. The nuns were not pleased to hear that Sylvia talked to the angels and constantly heard their replies. She was punished by having to stay after school, but after Grandma Ada had marched down the street and had a long char with Sister Mary there were no more punishments.

    In the sixth grade they started learning about Hell, Satan and the possibility of being possessed. But it made no sense to Sylvia that a loving God could be so hateful as to doom people to an eternity in Hell if they ate meat on Friday or harboured a sinful thought and so she demanded to know whether they were supposed to believe in a loving God or this new mean one they were being presented with. Again, she was “cordially” invited to stay after school and Grandma Ada had to storm down the street for another chat with the nuns.

    Sylvia tells us:

    1. We are all created and unconditionally loved by God.
    2. There is a Mother God, Azna, who is the female, emotional aspect of the deity; just as the Father God is the male, intellectual aspect.
    3. God is never mean, unkind or judgemental. There is a consequence for evil, which is a self-imposed separation from the Other Side, but this does not last throughout eternity. (I knew this from the wonderful books of Robert Monroe recounting his out-of-body travels.)
    4. Everything we experience here on Earth, including our hardships, are of our own choosing. (I also knew this from the book “Your soul’s plan” by Robert Schwartz.)
    5. We are at our most alive on the Other Side.
    6. Our Spirit remembers every birth, death, life on Earth and life on the Other Side we’ve been through and every new lifetime is deeply affected by those memories.

    Sylvia relates what happened in an NDE she experienced during surgery.

    The Other Side exists right here among us, only three feet above our ground level “simply in another dimension with a much higher vibration than ours”.

    A ghost is created when at death it (the person) “either sees the tunnel and turns away or refuses to acknowledge the tunnel in the first place with the result that it (the person) gets caught, outside of (his/her) body between our dimension and the dimension of the Other Side”.

    Ghosts have no idea that they’re dead. For them nothing has changed except that suddenly the world is treating them as though they no longer exist.

    The two most common reasons why ghosts reject the tunnel and refuse to move on are passion (love or hate) and fear.

    Ghosts eventually do “embrace” the tunnel and the light on the Other Side.

    Sylvia tells us about the Dark Side who are Earth’s “true sociopaths, remorseless and amoral”. The Dark Side are the criminals who can’t be rehabilitated. Their actions are conscious, calculated choices. They know right from wrong.

    The Dark Side are everywhere looking just like everybody else. The Dark Side rejects God so completely that his constant, unconditional love has no impact on them”.

    When a person on the Dark Side dies, their spirit never experiences the tunnel and the light at its end. Instead, they immediately go through the Other Side’s Left Door.

    “Inside the Left Door is an abyss of dark, Godless, empty, joyless, all-encompassing nothingness.”

    Sylvia tells us the soul’s time in the abyss behind the Left Door is very short because Left Door spirits travel straight from their bodies at death “through the Godless darkness and right back in utero again”: i.e. evil people immediately reincarnate.

    (This is a sad piece of information for me, since I’m now imagining a certain famous, evil public figure who will be incarnating again and again, remaining evil each time.)

    We’re told about the Holding Place, which Sylvia visited in her sleep. This is what is otherwise termed “Purgatory”. It is “kind of an anteroom to the Godless darkness behind the Left Door”. The residents of the Holding Place can still choose whether or not to proceed through the Left Door.

    When we die, deceased loved ones from the life we’ve just left are there to meet us, but also friends and loved ones from every one of our past lives.

    Again, when we die, most of us are escorted by our Spirit Guide to the Hall of Wisdom, located just beyond the tunnel. Inside the Hall of Wisdom is a gigantic room. In the centre of the room lies the Scanning Machine, a huge convex dome of pale blue glass. Inside that dome we watch all the events of our life play out in three-dimensional hologram form.

    It is not God, but we, who judge the life we’ve just completed.

    In Orientation we then discuss the lifetime we’ve just reviewed with our Spirit Guide, trained Orientators and other Spirits.

    Those who need extra care go through a process called Cocooning. “In the Cocooning process, the spirit is put into a restful, healing twilight sleep, and receives constant care and a steady infusion of God’s compassion, peace, and kind, empowering love.”

    The Towers “serve a purpose for a special category of newly arrived spirits from earth, spirits where circumstances at death were too extreme for Orientation or Cocooning to efficiently help and heal them”.

    POWs who are brainwashed and tortured, many of the Holocaust victims, several of the women burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials, some of the most severe casualties of Alzheimer’s were/are taken immediately to the Towers by their Spirit Guide to be deprogrammed.

    All Spirits who go Home ultimately find themselves “in the ecstasy of God’s safe arms”.

    The Other Side is our real Home, where we all come from.

    There we have access not only to the charts we wrote for our journey away from Home, but also to our loved ones’ charts.

    On the Other Side there is no such thing as time.

    We can and will watch over and spend time with our loved ones on Earth once we’ve made ourselves at home on the Other Side.

    The Other Side “is a perfect mirror image of earth’s natural topography”. The seven continents, the mountain ranges, etc etc all exist “in their original perfection” on the Other Side. The Pyramids, the Sphinx, the Great Wall of China, etc etc are also there.

    This sounds great. This means that if we haven’t visited these places before passing over we will have another chance to do so.
    There is no rain, snow, sleet or hail on the Other Side. The weather there is an eternally calm 78 degrees F. (25 degrees C.). Day and night do not exist. (That temperature suits me!).

    Almost all the animals we know are to be found on the Other Side. Aggression does not exist. There are also dinosaurs, pterodactyls, griffins and unicorns! There are no insects there. (I trust there are no arachnids, either, though they are not insects.)

    The Hall of Records contains every historical work ever written including those that have been destroyed on Earth. It also contains a detailed chart of every one of our lives on Earth.

    We have our own place to live at Home. We can eat and cook if we choose, but we don’t need to. We can rest if we want but we don’t need sleep.

    We don’t have “the earthly bodily functions” there so we don’t have to rush to the bathroom.

    I won’t provide more details about the Other Side, but suffice to say there is chapter after chapter containing fascinating information, most of which was completely new to me.

    I recommend this book to absolutely everyone open to the existence of life after death and also those who are not. I found this to be one of the best, most informative books I’ve read for a very long time. Do read it!

  • Shelly Mundy

    Sylvia Browne is a psychic who claims to know what is it like in the afterlife or on the Other Side. Heaven I suppose.

    First of all she claims that we are the ones who chart our lives on Earth. Everything from who our family will be and everything that ever happens to us. We have been to Heaven and back to Earth in the form of reincarnation many times and when we go to Heaven we will remember every life we ever lived. And each life has a purpose. Most interesting to me is her vision of what Heaven is like. Everyone in Heaven is 30 years old no matter how old you are when you died. Also the temperature is an even 78 degrees and it is daytime always. We move around by simply thinking ourselves where we want to go. The Other Side is 3 feet off the ground of Earth.

    Every person supposedly has a spirit guide here on Earth and in Heaven who helps us. Each person has an angel or angels with them. Also, she says that some of us have the ability to travel outside of our bodies astrally and can visit the other side from earth.

    There is also a left door on the Other Side where dark entities go. Apparantly dark entities can change their ways and rejoin us in reincarnation. After living a successful life on Earth they can enter Heaven normally.

    The Other Side is supposedly a mirror image of Earth and our physical appearance on Earth is a mirror image of us in Heaven. So that in Heaven our organs would be on the opposite side.

    Sylvia also claims that there are beings in other galaxies and that they have their own Other Side but all are children of God. She describes a mother God named Azna who is a great healer and can answer specific prayers for help from us on Earth.

    She describes in detail spirits, ghosts, angels, and psychics. I found this book very interesting. While I don't exactly believe everything, I did find that somehow it brought me closer to my spiritual self.

  • Claudia Loureiro

    Este é mais um livro sobre a espiritualidade, que nos ensina sobre o outro lado da vida, o mundo dos espíritos que nos cerca, nos impressiona, nos acalenta ou que por vezes nos aterroriza.
    Esta obra orienta-nos sobre as noções básicas do espiritismo, traz definições sobre anjos, guias espirituais e ente-queridos que já partiram. Fala-nos sobre magia, milagres, coincidências, sonhos, viagens astrais e sinergia. Mostra-nos a visão espiritual sobre relacionamentos, família, almas gémeas e filhos. Apresenta algumas dicas mediúnicas para a saúde da mente e do corpo. Explica-nos sobre a vida após a morte, fala de temas da vida, marcas de nascença e vidas passadas. Define o que são assombrações, fantasmas, espíritos, impressões e energia cinética. Ensina-nos a protegermos-nos do lado negro que nos cerca e a usar ferramentas de proteção. Enumera algumas coisas que tememos, como a rejeição, o abandono, o fracasso, o sucesso, a traição, a solidão, a doença, o envelhecimento, a perda e a morte.
    A autora cita ainda exemplos vividos como médium e conselheira espiritual, disponibilizando exemplos de textos hipnóticos para que possamos fazer nossas próprias regressões, textos de motivação e orações, e fala-nos também de Deus.

  • Mansi

    Started reading this book with much enthusiasm to know about the "life on the other side", just to feel disappointed with the content and the presentation of it. The "facts" given in the book is a very mediocre and any one with extensive reading on the subject would know it.One doesnt need a psychic to tell u these simple facts.. It is more like an autobiography of how she sees the spirits and ghosts, rather than an effort to share some information with the world.For example,even a simple phenomenon of Silver chord is written with half a page of personal experience and no real light on what is silver chord and what is the function of it.
    Personally, I have read thousands book which are far accurate and better then this one, try life after death by Deepak Chopra or The Conversation with a spirit by Dolores Cannon if one really want some genuine information and has a lot of curiosity.It is indeed very easy to mislead the audiences just to promote oneself,you can avoid these kind of books altogether.
    Sure, this author may be a clairvoyant but with power should come a lot of responsibility and humbleness.Sadly I found none.

  • Tumchenmamentumlein

    Secondo la scrittrice Sylvia Browne, l’Aldilà si trova più vicino di quanto pensiamo ed e’ composto da un pianeta molto simile al nostro che si suddivide in sette continenti: in più abbiamo Atlantide e Lemuria. Ogni continente è suddiviso in quattro quadranti.

    Nel momento in cui moriamo, arriviamo in uno dei quadranti che corrisponde alla costa occidentale dell’America del nord: arriveremmo sempre li’ qualsiasi sia il nostro luogo di morte.
    In questo posto verranno ad accoglierci angeli, spiriti guida ed altre persone.

    Il primo palazzo che vediamo è il Palazzo della Saggezza, in esso si trova la Macchina a scansione: la macchina che fa scorrere gli eventi piacevoli e non della nostra vita per darci un riepilogo di ciò che abbiamo fatto e non abbiamo fatto o avremo voluto fare.

  • Kara

    Let's just say she failed to convince me. The gates of heaven are in Northern California? She describes heaven as a continuous round of parties, dances & balls, lectures, concerts, exhibits - where you will never be alone and to be with someone just think yourself to where they are and voila your're there. Then she tries to tell us that her secondary basic personality theme is one of a loner?

  • Sarah Toton

    I try to read a book that really doesn't appeal to me every once in a while, hoping to expand my thinking. This book starts out with general, comforting truths about the other side. It really is appealing. The more I read though, the more I doubt. How could these things be true? I won't recommend this book and wouldn't read it again, but saw some interesting ideas.

  • Satriyo

    Sylvia Brown has a unique experience of the life 'beyond' as she has experienced herself, being a psychic, but surely it is just her version of it. She has no way of really knowing what it was, or is she is really experiencing. Quite captivating.

  • Emily

    A great started book for those interested in learning one groups oppionion on life after death and what to expect, like any book about more religious aspects you dont have to agree with the entire book but, there are a lot of things in this book that make it so very worth the read

  • Angela

    Started off really good and then just got silly!!

  • Helen

    Found this a bit far fetched to be honest. Golf carts, scanners, parties, huge buildings. Only time will tell

  • Thomas

    Psychic charlatry at it's worst/finest.

  • Vivian Sitze

    Inspiring read

    Makes you laugh and cry. Keeps you interested in each chapter, wondering what the next chapter will bring. Keep reading