Title | : | Dinosaur Detectives (The Magic School Bus Chapter Book, #9) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0439204232 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780439204231 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 84 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2002 |
Ms Frizzles and the gang just want to study dinosaurs at the Museum of Natural History. But by mistake, they end up traveling through time to the actual Mesozoic era and come face to face with real meat-eaters! Yikes! They learn about the differences between all kinds of dinosaurs and the different eras these creatures roamed to earth. Don't miss their exciting chase with a T-Rex and their race to get back home! Read how the Magic School bus kids become real Dinosaur Detectives.
Dinosaur Detectives (The Magic School Bus Chapter Book, #9) Reviews
A fun romp through the time of the dinosaurs - my son loved it!
It was a very interesting book. I learned about how dinosaurs live and move.
I think the book is for younger kids because the kids were learning about all the periods and dinosaurs and I learned that stuff a long time ago. However, this book is very educational.
The book is very terrific.
We've read all of the
Magic School Bus picture-books that we can find and now we're working our way through the
chapter books, too. We just love the Friz and her class; the characters feel like old friends to us.
This story takes us to the age of the dinosaurs. It has a lot of factual information about the different dinosaurs that lived during different periods of time. There's a lot of excitement and danger in this tale and we enjoyed reading it together. -
Always a good teaching tool but not alway effective for just reading, Magic School Bus sometimes takes too much time to stop the story and give information. All the sidebars can also be distracting, but elementary teachers seem to love the books anyway and I suppose the kids do too.
science supplement to add to the classroom library
it was cool it had heaps of facts like the big plant eaters plants eggs are the same size as a football and its funny when phoebe plays with the tiny dinosaurs. :) a very good book hope u like it.
"My favorite part was Liz, the crazy lizard, rescued Ralphie from the giant dinosaur."
It was a fun way of learning more about dinosaurs. I read it to my 5 year old, and while some of the information was advanced for her, I liked the pairing of fiction and non-fiction.
Review by 5yo: I learned that you should stay away from some dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are real but not alive anymore. Are dinosaurs dead? Yes. Are dinosaurs alive? No.
First book of 2019 :)