Title | : | The Moral of the Story: Folktales for Character Development (World Storytelling from August House) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 087483595X |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780874835953 |
Format Type | : | Audio Cassette |
Number of Pages | : | 58 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1955 |
Throughout history, traditional cultures have recognized the role of storytelling in teaching values to children. Yet existing curricula indicates most educators have not fully capitalized on the connection between storytelling, folktales, and character education. The Moral of the Story provides a user-friendly, hands-on approach to using storytelling and folktales in character education.
The Moral of the Story: Folktales for Character Development (World Storytelling from August House) Reviews
Stories that teach character development with suggestions for discussion. My personal favorite tales from the collection:
Three Billy Goats Gruff Rap: Fun to tell in tandem or as reader's theatre.
Bibi and the Singing Drum: Great for Halloween and in cases of sibling rivalry.
Vulture Learns the Laws of Nature: Funny and a good lesson in standing up for others and/or making sure you straighten up and fly right! -
Autographed Patchwork Tales Storytelling Festival March 2002