Title | : | Fantasia |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 9058930084 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9789058930088 |
Language | : | Dutch; Flemish |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 382 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2000 |
Over heksen, zeemeerminnen, aardmannetjes en feeën ontmoeten...
Maar ook eenhoorns, trollen en weerwolven...
Of een ritje maken op de rug van een regenboogdraak?
Zullen we samen naar Fantasia gaan?
Ga maar zitten en hou je goed vast! We vertrekken!!!
Een spectaculair, mega-dik deel in de Geronimo Stilton-reeks. Volledig in kleur en met acht 'kras en ruik' verrassingen variërend van rozengeur tot zweetvoeten.
Fantasia Reviews
Non mi pento di nulla!
Quando ero piccina picciò, vidi a una fiera una bancarella che aveva questo e altri meravigliosissimi libri sfavillanti. Inutile dire che lo desiderai subito ardentemente, vedendo che era tutto diviso per colori (era già una fissa infantile) e che inoltre conteneva profumi e altri odori da sfregare per immergersi nei mondi fantasy in cui viaggia Geronimo. La mamma, per non viziarmi, disse di sceglierne solo uno fra quelli che mi interessavano, e così andò che ne presi un altro (con la copertina glitterata, bellissimo). L'anno dopo mi regalarono il secondo della "serie", ma la delusione quando scoprii che c'era un'unica pagina profumata e niente suddivisioni sui colori dell'arcobaleno la delusione fu cocente.
Per anni ho covato il segretissimo desiderio di possedere questo volumone colorato e fantasioso (sì, anche da grande), così quando sono cresciuta l'ho comprato senza rimpianti e senza colpo ferire e ho aspettato ben 3 anni per leggerlo per la prima volta.
E così, eccomi qui. 5* -
The book that I finished reading is called The Kingdom of Fantasy by Geronimo Stilton. it is a about the main character, Geronimo Stilton, being visited by the Dragon of the Rainbow, and being told that he needs to travel to the Kingdom of Fantasy to retrieve the 32 Crystal Keys. The keys will lead him to this door where he has to open it, and travel down this long hallway to this fountain, where he will find the 7 jewelled hearts. He will have to find one and bring it back to the Queen of the Fairies, Blossom. Throughout the book, he meets a very talkative young goose named Goose Blah Blah. He also meets a chameleon who loves anything sweet, named Boils, and a very helpful, small, and sweet cockroach named Oscar. And the last person that helps him throughout his journey in the Kingdom of Fantasy is a very quiet, young lady named Snowy.
The setting is essential to this story because without the setting, this story would be just a bunch of different chapters talking about going somewhere, but not describing what is going on and what it looks like, and everything else that makes the setting what it really is meant to be, and meant to be experienced.
I would rate this book 5 stars because I really enjoyed it and I learned that no matter how old you are, you can still enjoy using my imagination to put myself inside the book, and experience myself being right there with the main character, every step of the way. It’s like I’m right there with them, helping them along their journey across the Kingdom of Fantasy. -
I bought this for one of my students, so I thought I'd have the liberty to tuck my paws in it first. What it gave me was a headache. And they thought that colouring and beautifying WORDS would make a storyline more interesting. Nooo. Sure, people are getting more visual nowadays, and kids think the beautifuler the graphics, the better the quality.
I have to say that the prettier the fonts, the less solid the plot. This one reads like a magazine - bland, with no intriguing plot, but random snippets like pages from a fun fact book.
I was disappointed, because, hey, I did buy it because I thought it was pretty. Turned out that the garish fonts gave me a reading concussion. If I were a kid, I'd be put off reading.
But I'd still let my kids read this, because.. I may very well belong to a different generation, and mindset. I'd like to get the kid into reading, and I thought this one would be a good weaning off his comic books. Let's see.
And I didnt like the cheap rip off of Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland. Oh, and James Bond too. Not funny, Geronimo Stilton, not funny. Bland, hollow, nothing much, really :(.
But I have to admit I liked the mythology bits. I thought that it was quite awesome. But it turned out they didn't tie very deeply into the plot. What kids need are imagination and the ability to weave their own story. Spelling it out, and drawing it out for them will see a generation of idle creativists. Stunted brain. -
Ava - 7 year old review:
What is this story about?
When Geronimo Silton was looking at a music box, he was falling asleep. In his dreams, he finds a golden key and uses it on a golden door at the top of a golden stairs.
Geronimo Stilton goes on an adventure to save the Queen Fairy in the Kingdom of Pixies.
What was your favorite part of the book?
When Geronimo Stilton made many, many copies of the book, Kingdom of Fantasy.
What was your least favorite part of the book?
None! I liked all the parts in the book.
Who was your favorite character?
My favorite character was Princess Scatterbrain because she is a pink dragon who is a princess. She is the guide to the Kingdom of Pixies.
Who do you think should read this book?
I think everyone should read this book because it’s really good! If you find that music box, all your dreams can come true!
How many stars do you give this book (out of 5)?
5/5 stars! I really want to read the next book! -
I really like this book (my brother actually recommended this to me) because it has some of my favorite genres on it, it has fantasy, and adventure which I like the most on books. But this book is different, it has these secret codes, fantasian language. Kingdom of the Witches, Trolls, Dragons, Gnomes, Fairies, Giants, and Mermaids. So basically the story is about Geronimo having a bad day and the actual date is June 21 which in their time is a magical day. So going back, Geronimo is having a very bad day at the office, but when he comes home, there is no electricity so he basically needs to go to the attic to find some candles, but he stumbles into this Music Box with all precious Jewels in it like Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, Sapphire, Citrine, Topaz and Amethyst. So there is this message that is in Fantasian Language. Geromino enters a world of Fantasy and other fun things that he is afraid of. So now, he needs to travel 6 Kingdoms to save the Fairy Queen named Blossom. You need to read the rest of the book to find out what else happens, I tell you, it is interesting. I recommend this book to the people who really likes fantasy and adventure books plus Geronimo Stilton books!!!!
The kingdom of fantasy is a series which is part of the Geronimo stilton books.the first book was awesome and I think the rest of them would be just as good. it was a fantastic journey filled with magical creatures ,witches, sea serpents and a lot more.in this book Geronimo has to complete the mission which is to save the Fairy Queen Blossom who was attacked by the evil witch. My favourite character in this book is Scribblehopper because he was kind and I also felt really bad for him because the queen of witches turned his daughter into the red phoenix who helped Geronimo and scribble hopper. My favourite part of this book was when Geronimo thought he was dreaming because i thought it was quite funny and silly. this book was like all of my imagination combined. it took me a to a fantasy i never thought i'd go.
Odore di piedi e puzza di formaggio
Non pensavo esistesse una collana di libri che potesse superare la valanga di seguiti de "Alla ricerca della Valle Incantata"...ah no, quei cartoni sgangherati direct-to-video sono ancora in vantaggio.
L'utilizzo di odori impressi su carta - alcuni abbastanza uguali tra loro, misteri dell'infanzia - e quello scalcagnato cd con le musichette trash esercitano un fascino non indifferente sul bambino che entra all'interno del genere fantasy; superato il target, il progetto si palesa per quello che realmente rappresenta: una bella commercialata spillasoldi con cui tenere in ostaggio qualche genitore con figlioletto irrequieto.
Resta un piccolo frammento d'infanzia il cui omaggio rimane doveroso, nonostante tutto. -
Yeah my little brother was half asleep while we were working on his project. I ended up telling him to go to sleep and I basically did the project. I hope his teacher doesn't notice my attempt to sound like a 5th grader.
dit was het leukste wat ik ooit heb guleesen.
Adventure? Golden stairs? Dragon? This book is awesome
Assolutamente ridicolo, e premetto che l'ho letto alle medie assieme a mia sorella che frequentava le elementari: ci siamo sganasciate dal ridere tutte e due per la pochezza di questo libro. Il due è esclusivamente per le illustrazioni graziose e le discrete schede informative a fine libro. Andrebbe chiarito una volta per tutte che libro per bambini non vuol dire libro idiota, raffazzonato e senza un grammo di originalità - tutte cose che questo libro è: il protagonista è patetico e irritante, le vicende sono artefatte e più che prevedibili, lo svolgimento è tirato via al massimo, le battute sono di una tristezza rara, i personaggi sono macchiette, non c'è UNA singola cosa che non sia scopiazzata o riciclata o già sentita. Il che, in un "fantasy", fa pensare. C'è più suggestione in un sempreverde libro di fiabe, per non citare Ende, Rowling, Lewis, Verne, Barker e così via. Un libro che sa *davvero* far volare con la fantasia, inoltre, non ha bisogno di una figura ogni due facciate e di una parola ogni cinque scritta in caratteri speciali per meravigliare: il ricorso a simili mezzi, degni di un libro illustrato dell'asilo, è indice di quanto potenti siano scrittura, personaggi e storia (zero). Una storia semplice, ovvero per bambini, non è necessariamente una storia scontata, ma questo Geronimo Stilton non pare averlo afferrato. Vogliamo capire che i bambini NON hanno bisogno di essere trattati come imbecilli? -
Tra i libri per ragazzi, questo è senza dubbio tra i migliori per scrittura, creatività, originalità. La grafica colorata delle parole, le illustrazioni che accompagnano la scrittura, come in una poesia vi si trovano metafore, rime, musicalità.
Educativo, da leggere in compagnia! -
*** SPOILERS ***
My favourite character was Boils. He is a chameleon and I like the colours he can change. My favourite parts are when Boils changes colours. -
Top libros para salir de una crisis lectora :)
Si j'ai eu 18 au bac de philo c grâce à lui
Op een regenachtige dag valt in het huis van Geronimo Stilton de stroom uit. Maar als Geronimo op zolder naar kaarsen gaat zoeken, vindt hij iets totaal anders: een muziekdoosje! Het muziekdoosje leidt hem naar het mysterieuze land Fantasia, waar Geronimo zich als een echte ridder moet gedragen. Het is zijn taak om de koningin van de feeën te bevrijden. Maar de reis naar Florissant, het rijk van de feeën, is niet zonder gevaar. Om in Florissant te komen, moet Geronimo eerst door zes andere rijken reizen. En daar komt hij wel heel bijzondere wezens tegen! Enge heksen, verliefde zeemeerminnen en eenzame spinnen… Zal het Geronimo lukken de koningin van Florissant te redden?
Vrolijk en fantasievol
Het Fantasia-luisterboek is eigenlijk hetzelfde verhaal als het boek Fantasia, maar dan verteld door de Vlaamse Warre Borgmans. Warre weet het verhaal erg leuk en vrolijk te vertellen, met veel leuke stemmetjes, zodat het niet moeilijk is om de personages uit elkaar te houden. Je zou bijna denken dat het allemaal verschillende mensen zijn die praten, maar het is toch echt maar één persoon. Ze komen allemaal voor je ogen tot leven. Ook de andere geluiden in het Fantasia-luisterboek voegen veel toe. Je hoort de draken brullen, de weerwolven huilen en de inwoners van Fantasia dansen op vrolijke muziek. Het verhaal zit vol fantasie en dat blijkt ook uit de vele dingen die je hoort. Daarnaast worden er ook nog liedjes gezongen door Geronimo en zijn vrolijke vrienden, wat hetFantasia-luisterboek alleen maar nog leuker en fantasievoller maakt. Een klein minpuntje is wel dat er heel wat lastige woorden worden gebruikt. Hierdoor zijn sommige stukjes van het verhaal wat moeilijker om te begrijpen.
Meer lezen? Klik hier voor de volledige recensie:
http://www.fantasywereld.nl/recensies... -
The first book in the Kingdom of Fantasy book series. Geronimo Stilton is whisked away to Kingdom of Fantasy to help save Queen Blossom. Geronimo meets many along the way who help him through the seven kingdoms he has to go through in order to reach the Fairy Kingdom in order to save the queen. He battles and over comes tricks to get through each kingdom to reach the queen. Each kingdom is different resulting in different challenges and tasks he must overcome with the help of his friends, those of The Order of the Fairy Queen.
What a wonderful childrens/junior book. Keeps the reader involved in the story through riddles and tasks that the reader must perform in order to help Geronimo through the kingdoms. The worlds are so very interesting as are the characters that inhabit each of the worlds. I love how certain worlds are changed to a different font or color to bring emphasis to the word, very intriguing and great for children. The drawers are so wonderfully displayed, I enjoy viewing each little point of them as there always seems to be something hidden inside! -
I read this book at the request of my daughter for her "book club". I like the Geronimo Stilton series as a whole. This book was cute becausse the intrepid mouse ventured through a land involving almost every mythical creature. It is a cute book for beginning readers. Very enjoyable for a quick read.
I was walking by my old house today and I saw the woods where I would pretend that I was in this world with Geronimo (:
Ahh, the happy, not complicated days -
Cheese niblets! I'd need a long vacation if I made it home after this adventure.
What on earth do you mean the English version of this came out in December 2009. I distinctly remember getting my copy of this from my uncle on my birthday in July! That is to say: I instantly devoured it, loved it, broke the spine multiple times, mastered and wrote all my notes from then on in Fantasian alphabet. But we aren't gonna talk about my dazzling linguistic genius; we are instead gonna talk about this very first foray into this iconic, lavishly illustrated piece of marketing genius, The Kingdom of Fantasy. I have live notes on the story as we go:
1. Geronimo sure has a lot of other people's property in his attic, ranging from Thea's tricycle to his granny's rake to Trap's rollerskate and Aunt Sugarfur's wedding dress. And I thought he lived alone!
2. Blossom's music box is SUCH a pretty thing.
3. I think its so interesting that Geronimo, self-professed fraidy mouse afraid of adventure, makes his own decision to explore the golden staircase and door when they appear. I mean, who wouldn't.
4. Enter Scribblehopper, inventor of Sir Geronimo of Stilton.
5. I can't begin to tell you how much the Gem Door illustrations and centrefold full-colour maps ENTHRALLED me as a child. I studied them for hours.
6. Something that I just realised bugs me: Geronimo and Scribblehopper often have to journey to the Kingdom's castle to seek permission from the ruler to cross their kingdom. In all the maps, the castle is nearly all the way on the other side of the door. Like, it's *literally* already across the kingdom. This means they would have already crossed about 90% of the kingdom. So what's up with that?
7. I love how Geronimo's weapon is telling stories and befriending the 'enemies' he's supposed to defeat. It fits him so well!
8. Scribblehopper: I'll show you the secret passageway but I want your word of honour that you'll never tell it to anyone.
Geronimo: Sure. Rodent's word of honour.
9. Cackle's heterochromia!
10. For a place called the Kingdom of Witches, they sure do love operating on Fairyland rules (no eating/drinking or you'll have to stay forever)
11. Scribblehopper and the Phoenix. Remember that for later.
12. I love how not-exactly-friendly this place was. It's densely populated by judgemental sea creatures, some of which are enormous and dangerous, and THEN there's the queen.
13. The accompanying illustrations along the text are so much brighter compared to the map. Consistency, guys.
14. Geronimo describes the mermaid's treats as looking "worse than my grouchy grandma Onewhisker's disgusting spinach-and-cheese canapés." First of all ouch, you're really putting that out there? And secondly, hear me out........ what if it was just sushi.
15. The Queen of the Mermaids is of course, a mermaid. Specifically siren. Which means she's a meanie and vain and a total diva. Slay
16. Imagine telling a story so good a queen wants to marry you the next day. Couldn't be me!
18. This was probably the most dangerous kingdom crossing in the book. Say what you want about cemeteries and stink and darkness but have you ever walked across a bridge over boiling lava
19. Scribblehopper embellishing his account of Sir Geronimo being braver than what actually happened was kinda sweet lol
20. I will never understand how Geronimo managed to scratch SILENCE into that volatile pile of rocks designed to collapse and crush anyone who so much as breathed near it.
21. King Firebreath III's tramp stamp!!!!!!
22. Geronimo wins the King's favour by handing him the golden tooth found in the music box. This immediately fixes everything ever.
23. This book was how I originally learnt about Beowulf. I still hope to read it someday!
24. Firebreath III refers to Princess Scatterbrain as his niece. But on the character page for The Order of the Fairy Queen, she's stated as his granddaughter. Make up your mind.
25. I love how in addition to the actual labyrinth, all the other parts of this Kingdom were also designed in this similar maze style. Bonus to them getting hopelessly lost.
26. Enigma is objectively the scariest guardian in the book. I could befriend Arachne but there's no way I'm messing with a giant hand coming out the well
27. How on earth does Enigma manage to challenge Geronimo to a tournament of optical illusions?? Does it just have a stack of printed puzzles somewhere?
28. Gink Selkchuc.
29. If the mushroom with the Sapphire door was so large, could no one else see it??? Don't shoot ur guide Scribblehopper
30. I can't believe this predicted cottagecore. I unironically love it.
31. The No Hassle Creature Carrier sounds so Roald Dahl somehow and it slaps
32. I adore the illustrations of the gnomes at work! Stop romanticising the hustle and start romanticising whatever the hell this is
33. More Sir Geronimo of Stilton discourse
34. King Factual and Queen Cozy are my favourite members of the Order. Not only are they both experts in their field, they slay together as a married couple of 50 years! Their music box gift was literally two wedding rings! How does it get better than that?
35. Making this kingdom a snowy place where no one has lived for many years is so a great move. It already adds so much to the lore by that itself. It's quite beautiful.
36. Geronimo rescuing Trick is a great moment to experience as a kid but when you're an adult YOU'RE TELLING ME FRAIDY MOUSE SCALED THAT WHOLE ASS MONUMENT BY HIMSELF TO GRAB A LITTLE PIXIE DANGLING BY A THREAD?
37. How did Geronimo not die after getting stepped on by the giant. I know he has plot armour as the main character but I want answers.
38. Just to make things easier: the giant has lost his name but Geronimo uses the music box to reveal it to him, and his name is Strongheart. Strongheart is a sweetie.
39. "Rose Of A Thousand Petals" is a YA fantasy title screaming to be written.
40. Guardian of the Kingdom: No one. In the Kingdom of the Fairies, there is no need to defend oneself, because no one ever offends anyone. IMAGINE THERE'S NO COUNTRIES IT ISNT HARD TO DO NOTHING TO KILL OR DIE FOR--
41. In the Valley of the Blue Unicorns, Geronimo mentions that *every* member of the Order climbed up on a unicorn. Somewhere there is a completely flattened unicorn that had to carry Strongheart the Giant.
42. The Trolls appear. But don't worry about them, they're barely there.
43. How does Geronimo manage to obtain that map of their underground caves? They didn't go there!! And the fact that they literally have a shortcut to every one of the 7 kingdoms is a huge slap in the face
44. The illustrator put their whole ussy into creating that illustration of the Chief of the Trolls.
45. This whole Trolls bit is so confusing because they seem to be drumming and cooking and also storming the Kingdom of the Fairies while the Order observes from behind a single rock.
46. Cackle's full evil plan is revealed. And she kicks the chameleon who helped her to the curb bc witches don't keep their promises. Ouch
47. Geronimo's genius counterattack is to KEEP EVERYONE DISTRACTED UNTIL THE SUN RISES?
48. It actually works
49. Geronimo kisses the hand of Queen Blossom and wakes her from her cursed sleep. She offers to reward him with material things but he wants to go home.
50. Remember Scribblehopper and the Phoenix? THE PHOENIX IS SCRIBBLEHOPPER'S DAUGHTER. Also, guess who he wants to write a book about their adventure instead. Three guesses.
51. This ending felt so much better in 2009
52. Geronimo takes a connecting flight home on the Dragon of the Rainbow
53. Geronimo wakes up to find the music box but everything else from his time there is gone. He immediately gets to work and finishes The Kingdom of Fantasy, somehow even managing to detail himself finishing it and it becoming a bestseller and the subsequent success of the CD of songs he wrote about it in the book itself.... yeah okay.
54. Fantasian Alphabet babey
55. THE END!....... or at least until 2010.
Geronimo got one thing right: this book was a *huge* bestseller. I distinctly remember everyone in my class clambering to get a copy, and let me tell you that when you're a primary school kid stuck in class all day, Geronimo was just more than a mouse. He was our friend. Which was why they HAD to jump onto the fantasy series bandwagon. It could not have come at a better time, too, since this edition was published right in the resurgence of fantasy YA/children's books. Geronimo sold like hotcakes, and the way how every one of these books were gold-embossed hardcovers and genuinely so well-illustrated just made this the perfect release. I'd say that it achieves what it set out to do superbly well. Geronimo goes on an adventure truly like no other, faces his fears and retains his kind and gentlemanly nature the whole time. It really is a fun romp through seven different kingdoms with him and the Order as they journey their way to save the day. It's like a fairy tale inside a fairy tale. And I can't get over how Geronimo's style of fighting is his storytelling, indicative of his personality but also the thing that binds a work like this together. Stories. And that's some powerful stuff.
But as an adult... and let me just make it known that I truly dread saying this... but as an adult I find the story lacking. There seems to be an influx of detail and yet also none. The illustrations might be better than the story itself, and sometimes that's just blatant copy-paste. But that's something even I
can relate to, sometimes you just gotta do what you can before the deadline. And once you think of it, this perfectly maintains the fast-paced run of a regular Geronimo book; this is just longer since it's a special spin-off.
So in the end, how does one come to rating a book they vastly enjoyed and repeatedly enjoyed at that as a child even though they are now an adult? Do I bump it up for sheer nostalgia, which I do have? Do I bring it down because of its many issues, though it feels unfair? No. I give it a 3. Because nothing can change how much I still like it.
As this series currently stands at 16 published books, I've read the first 8 and will read the remaining half for the first time as these reviews continue.
Estaba buscando algo de fantasía erótica.
No fue lo que esperaba. Pero al menos sirvió -
I read this book to my son ans I know he quite enjoyed it.
Top 3 mejores libros que he leído en toda mi vida