Title | : | Elixir: In the Valley at the End of Time |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1644452332 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781644452332 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 400 |
Publication | : | First published May 16, 2023 |
Awards | : | Highland Book Prize (2023) |
In Elixir , in a wild river valley and amid the three mountains that define it, Kapka Kassabova seeks out the deep connection between people, plants, and place. The Mesta is one of the oldest rivers in Europe and the surrounding forests and mountains of the southern Balkans are an extraordinarily rich nexus for plant gatherers.
Over several seasons, Kassabova spends time with the people of this magical region. She meets women and men who work in a long lineage of foragers, healers, and mystics. She learns about wild plants and the ancient practice of herbalism that makes use of them, and she experiences a symbiotic system where nature and culture have blended for thousands of years. Through her captivating encounters we come to feel the devastating weight of the ecological and cultural disinheritance that the people of this valley have suffered. And Kassabova reflects on what being disconnected from place can do to our souls and our bodies. Yet, in her search for elixir, she also finds reasons for hope. The people of the valley are keepers of a rare knowledge, not only of mountain plants and their properties, but also of how to transform collective suffering into healing.
Immersive and enthralling, Elixir is an urgent and unforgettable call to rethink how we live―in relation to one another, to Earth, and to the cosmos.
Elixir: In the Valley at the End of Time Reviews
This is fine travel writing about a part of the world few readers will know much about. Though much has been written about the Balkans in recent years, this concerns a remote river valley in north-east Bulgaria, a place that is on my agenda to visit in the next few years.
Kassabova, who has lived in the Scottish Highlands for the last ten years, returns to native Bulgaria, and her childhood routes in the Mesta valley.
Her focus is on the area’s folklore which she comes at from a particular angle, exploring the relationship between the people and plants. I must confess to being incredibly ignorant about plants and herbs, so this interested me, but not enough for its place as the backbone of the book. My real interest and in the people and the place, and there was enough of that to keep me happy. Kassabova is at a strength when relating the experiences of everyday life. -
“In Elixir, in a wild river valley and amid the three mountains that define it, Kapka Kassabova seeks out the deep connection between people, plants, and place. The Mesta is one of the oldest rivers in Europe and the surrounding forests and mountains of the southern Balkans are an extraordinarily rich nexus for plant gatherers.”
I felt such a connection to this book that is hard to put in words. The author and I are born in the same year, we both came to live in the UK, but we hail from very different parts of Europe. And yet, the stories she tells are the stories my grandma used to tell of the deep forests and hills in a different part of Eastern Europe. I have always been fascinated by our deep connection to the land and how we seem to have forgotten it and how we may just completely lose that part of us soon if we are not careful. The book is not just about our nature and the nature around us but also about the pain humans inflict on other humans and the exploitation of human and nature.
It all felt very important to read right now. It just felt like I was meant to read this book right at this moment. I know that other readers will know that serendipity I am talking about.
This book is part of a quartet of books and I shall get the other two and pre-order the last one. I cannot recommend this enough. Not quite sure how this has only 84 ratings on GR but it does. Travesty if you ask me. -
В духа на "Граница" и "Към езерото", и тук Капка Касабова развива своеобразна смесица от пътепис, историческа справка и местен фолклор и легенди, някъде из Пирин, Родопите и долината на река Места.
Затвърждавам впечатленията си от предишните две книги - увлекателно писане, чуден превод на Мария Змийчарова и интересни факти за България, умело поставени в глобален контекст. За разлика от "Към езерото", тук няма някаква особена нишка на събития, разказът по-скоро е килим от истории и впечатления.
Важна част от посланието е скъсването на модерността с естествения, природен ритъм на живота и болестите на ума и тялото, които идват от това. Особено впечатление ми направиха прилагателните, с които са описани градските деца, попаднали в планината - разглезени, мудни/недвижещи се и това, което ми остана в главата - страхливи. Мисля активно за стила си на родителстване.
Както в "Граница", мистичната част от повествованието е сладко-лепкава за моя вкус, но това не омаловажава приноса на Капка Касабова да документира, разкаже и сподели духа на мястото, напротив - отразява го правдиво.
През цялото време си мислех, а чета и в коментарите тук, че книгата е добър посланик на България - без да я захаросва. Струва си да се прочете. -
More fine autobiographical travel writing from Kassabova, telling stories from southern Bulgaria, journeys into areas where herbs are still harvested by hand. There is a story here, it’s meandering, so you have to be patient, but there are beautiful descriptions in gorgeous prose, visions of nature that lift you up, even as they remind you of the industrial destruction of the wild.
I'm sorry to say that this book wasn't really for me. The connection between place, people and plants was fascinating but it was a bit too heavy on the people and herbal medicine bits for me. I think it would've also helped if I had known the region better but that is my own personal shortcoming. It is nevertheless a fascinating read which deeply explores how places shape us and how parts of our past are forgotten but can still be rediscovered.
Първата ми среща с Капка Касабова и вече знам, няма да е последната. Този Еликсир живее в мен, дивото, натурално, самобитно, балканско... Планината, реката, гората и въздуха, флората и фауната им и хората, които говорят на техния език, безценно. Вървя по стъпките и, чувам я и чувствам и искам още и още. Омайностите на слетия с природата. Лудост ли е различността или неразбраност? Можеш ли да слушаш и да разбираш, слушай и учи, не можеш ли, не съди. Любов ми е тази книга.
"Реката беше там, дори, когато не се виждаше. Щом ми станеше тъжно, сядах там, където течението е бързо, и я гледах как препуска към морето, докато не ме огладеше като камъче. Всичко изтича."
"-Трябва да си оставяме хората и нещата да си ръждясват както искат. - Поетът ми подаде връзка пресен рига. - Без да се сърдим на никого.
И да си оставяме място за радост, независимо какво става край нас, допълни."
" Може би затова съм толкова щастлива по Места. И до Шотландската си река. Защото не се налага да съм някой друг, освен тоя, който тука е роден и тука ще умре. "
" Ако можеш прави добро. Ако не можеш, гледай да не правиш лошо. Не гледай в чинията на другия, не дръж равносметка за живота на другия. Оправи първо своя. "
" Долината е където живее душата, а на върха живее духът. Само дух без душа е студен и реещ се. Само душа без дух е лудост... Да можем изкусно да омесим душата и духа в нас, е работата на живота ни, единствената важна работа, която имаме. "
" Какво е еликсирът? Трябва да си го намерим сами. Знам само, че нашата Земя го приготвя в казана си безспир навсякъде, а самите ние сме част от тази дива рецепта. Той не се продава и не се купува. Започва, когато парите свършат, и думите се изчерпят, и човек стане това, което е. Нещо, заради което си струва да катериш върхове и да се спускаш в долини. " -
I received this book in a Goodreads giveaway and was captivated by Kapka's description of the people and places of the southern Balkans as she journeyed on a quest for healing plants and ancient wisdom. To me, this book was a reminder that everything is connected and what we seek is often closer than we think. This journey takes place in the early years of the pandemic, and it is refreshing to share this journey with Kapka through those areas which have seen kingdoms rise and fall and plagues come and go throughout the ages. I look forward to reading more of her books in the future.
This book, takes a little time to get into, the author’s voice requires some concentration, but if you persevere it is very, very good. Part travelogue, part a journey through the herbal lore, customs and history of a remote region of Bulgaria through the eyes of people living there.
Thanks Kapka Kassabova for writing this wonderful book full of heartache, humanity, beauty and plants. I appreciate you opening a window onto this corner of the world full of history, nature, loss and hope.
Beautiful words on herbalism, folklore and healing in the Bulgarian Mesta valley
Some beautiful moments in this book, but not a very gripping flow of prose.