Title | : | Pencil Draws A Spider: A Funny Interactive Children's Book for Early Readers, Pre-K, 1st and 2nd Grade (The Drawing Pencil 4) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 83 |
Publication | : | Published May 18, 2022 |
This is a Fun Early Reader Story Book for Toddlers, Preschool, Kindergarten and 1st Graders with an Interactive, Simple, Easy to Read Style for Kids ages 2 to 5 and above
This is a book both parents and kids will read and enjoy!
This is a fun book about a pencil called ... yes ... Pencil. Pencil can really draw and wants to show the kids some of his great masterpieces.
Will your kids like his fantastic work of art?
Well read this book to find out!
Get this interactive book for kids learning to read. This book is FREE for Kindle Unlimited Users.
This is a book both parents and kids will read and enjoy!
This is a fun book about a pencil called ... yes ... Pencil. Pencil can really draw and wants to show the kids some of his great masterpieces.
Will your kids like his fantastic work of art?
Well read this book to find out!
Get this interactive book for kids learning to read. This book is FREE for Kindle Unlimited Users.
Pencil Draws A Spider: A Funny Interactive Children's Book for Early Readers, Pre-K, 1st and 2nd Grade (The Drawing Pencil 4) Reviews
As always, highly entertaining for my 5 and 7 year old. Lots of giggles followed by a prompt request to read it again.
Great books
My six year old daughter and l absolutely love pencil and eraser and the hilarious adventures they go on. Wehope they keep coming out with more.