Title | : | Mourning the Minutes (Tellings of the Time, #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 339 |
Publication | : | Published August 30, 2022 |
Mourning the Minutes continues the story of Abby, Chester, Remy and Beckett. This is book two in the Tellings of The Time trilogy and will take you on a journey through the dark and twisted mind of a serial killer and those trying to catch him. Hopefully.
Mourning the Minutes is part two in a full length Reverse Harem trilogy. There are scenes that might trigger you. Book contains strong language, sexual scenes and dark matters.
Mourning the Minutes (Tellings of the Time, #2) Reviews
"Things seemed too good to be true, they were too good to be true. This? Everything being fucked up? It feels a lot more like my comfort zone."
"And what have we discussed about comfort zones?"
"That it's the place where adventures and happiness go to die?"
"Mourning the Minutes" is the second book in the "Tellings of the Time" series and picks up right where the first book ended. With Remy accused of being serial unaliver "The Time" Abby struggles with a ton of questions: did she really miss the signs? Or is he wrongfully accused, and what will that mean for their budding relationship?
The author manages to keep the same mood going in this second book I loved so much in the first. While this series deals with a lot of the unpleasantness present in our society, there is still a lot of love and care, both for the characters and all victims of crime. In the mean time, this book has a respectful kind of humor I greatly enjoy. A lot of these characters struggle, both with their past and their present, but they aren't shy in accepting help from friends, coworkers and professionals. The relationships Abby and Chester built with their psychologists is a great addition to this series, and I really like how Robin and Ryan are both professional and human in their interactions.
There is so much more I want to say about this book, but it seems like all the things I want to say contain spoilers in some way, so I'm just going to end with this: Book two was just as good as book one, and now I can't wait to get my hands on the final book in this series! -
Morning the minutes is het 2 de deel van de trilogie Tellings of the time van Kris Vanc. Reverse harem, liefde, verraad, spanning. Wat een jacht waarin je word meegesleurd.
Abby Wilder haar leven is helemaal ondersteboven sinds ze op die begraafplaats stootte. Heeft ze een moordenaar in haar leven gelaten? Samen met Chester en de FBI agent racen er tegen de klok, maar zal dat genoeg zijn. Of zullen er nog meer slachtoffers komen?
In het vorig boek wist de auteur de spanning al op te bouwen, maar dit boek? De spanning blijft erin tot het einde. De beschrijving van de gebeurtenissen laten je denken dat je een film script aan het lezen bent.
Kon het boek met heel veel moeite weg leggen. Het is zo spannend dat ik niet ga wachten om het laatste deel te beginnen. Ik wil weten hoe het eindigd.
Ik raad mensen die van dark romance houden deze boeken echt aan. -
great story
This is a great story, very gripping, however, for the love, please get these stories edited. I try to look past stuff like that, but there are sooooo many errors. Also if you are not from America and writing for an American audience, I feel like you should talk to Americans or native English speakers. It’s not scrape throat it’s clear throat. I’m all for authors getting their words out, trust me I read authors from all over, but I honestly this there should be more of an effort. Please, please edit your books. The characters are awesome, the world building is amazing, but the errors add up, and detract from the story as a whole. -
Really happy with how this book turned out.
Except for the drones. I'm never writing about drones again. -
2,8 stars. I'm very conflicted about Remy and I don't really like him. The m/m element in the story is not my cup of tea but the suspense is great and I adore Bennett and Chester.
I love this series. Can't put it down. The suspense is soooo good. Criminal Minds x Smut = Love it.
Forcing myself to continue because my mother-in-law said it was a good story.
You need to hire somebody to edit. This felt like you published a rough draft.