The Double-Daring Book for Girls by Andrea J. Buchanan

The Double-Daring Book for Girls
Title : The Double-Daring Book for Girls
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 006174879X
ISBN-10 : 9780061748790
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 288
Publication : First published January 1, 2009

The follow up to the bestselling phenomenon The Daring Book for Girls—an even more daring guide to everything from making a raft to learning how to play football to the art of the Japanese Tea Ceremony.

In response to the resounding success of The Daring Book for Girls comes a second volume with all original material that promises to be full of even more daring adventure than the first. Girls will learn how to surf, horseback riding tips, April Fools Day history and pranks, how to make a labyrinth, how to sing, all about cowgirls, and how to organize a croquet tournament. Just as packed with creative and exciting material as the original, but double the fun, The Double-Daring Book for Girls is an adventure guidebook of stories, activities, facts, and games for daring girls everywhere.

The Double-Daring Book for Girls Reviews

  • Amanda--A Scientist Reads

    Does your child love "how it's made" or learning random facts? Then they will love this book, the second in a series dedicated to random knowledge. This particular edition covers how to plan a variety of games, the rules of multiple sports, little experiments and projects to try at home, historical events, bits of trivia about famous people in different fields that are discussed, including "how to become President of the United States".

    Each different type of passage is intermixed throughout the book, and each chapter is a stand alone, not really relating to the chapter before or after. The index at the start of the book helps if you're looking for a very specific project. Some of the tasks are group focused, like those involving games, others are things a single child could do on their own.

    I also enjoyed the "notable women" sections scattered through the book. Used to elaborate on a particular topic, women who were accomplished in whatever task being discussed are listed and short amounts of trivia are given on how they contributed to the activity/knowledge base. This includes astronomers, dancers, and Nobel prize winners.

    If you have an older child or young teen, this is an excellent addition to their library.

  • Deigan Marie

    A clever book full of interesting facts, and cool hacks!

  • Jessica

    This second book is BY FAR better than the first. My daughter read through both and was barely interested in the subjects in the first Daring Book. This one, she has kept with her and looked through and talked about so much more. The subjects in this second Double Dare book are just more interesting and fully developed for young girls, less historical things or reading this and more action based subjects. I’m sure some girls would be interested in the first book but it certainly didn’t live up to the title! This one does!

  • Cindy Mac Jac

    As the title suggests it is for Girls however a fun read.
    I am a seasoned adult but I learned a few things. The best thing I took was away was; when going camping ⛺️ put your fresh batteries 🔋 into your flashlight 🔦 backwards until you need it to ensure they are not mistakenly drained when needed.

  • R Waterfall

    Full of interesting facts and cool things to do, this one is a classic. I enjoyed the first Daring Book for Girls and this one was good as well. I would love to read it again sometime and try something from it!

  • Meredith

    I found some really enjoyable content in this book. I look forward to reading more books by this author in the future.

  • Talea

    Just as good is The Daring Because ok for Girls. There’s lots of fun things to make and do and to learn in these books. I highly recommend them.

  • Lisa Brown

    The Double Daring Book for Girls, begins right where the first book left off. It is a non-fiction book for girls, packed full of anything and everything you might want to know, from constellations to Calamity Jane. Once again I found myself reliving my childhood as I read about slumber party games or how to use a hula-hoop.

    One of my favorite sections was "How to Run Away and Join the Circus" (p. 121-123). It gave tips on everything from walking the high wire to plate spinning. My personal favorite was that it gives step-by-step instructions on how to juggle, something I have always wanted to learn. I immediately pulled out some balls and started trying. And though I must admit that I still haven't been able to add the second ball yet without dropping both of them, I will keep working on it.

    I really loved this book, and I know you will too!

  • Cynthia

    Have you ever wanted to know how to do something, but never stopped to look it up?

    This book gives great insights into life skills that every girl (and boy, for that matter!) should know -- as well as fun things like how to fold origami, how to make a raft, and how to play bocce. Certainly not all of these things are survival skills, but they may make life a little more interesting as you go.

  • Ali

    I love this book!! I read this book off and on when I'm bored and it is really cool and makes me want to experiment. I got it for my birthday and always read it. Girls SHOULD DEFIANTLY READ THIS!!!!!

  • Caroline

    A terrific mix of history, how-to, and activities for boys and girls alike. My kids adore this book, and I do, too.

  • Sarah Svedin

    Guess what just came out? A very cool book for girls that has instructions for how to play Cricket. I bought a copy!!

  • Stephanie

    I liked this one even better than the first one. I plan to give it as a gift to several of my friends with young daughters.

  • Beka

    Another fun compilations of things that growing girls can do, learn about, and make. Perfect for those "I'm bored" days of summer.

  • Amber

    Another great dare book in the series. This series would be a great gift for all the girls on your list.

  • Amanda

    Had a blast reading this with B. Recommend reading this with your daughters. Great book for empowering girls - filled with history, projects and educational references.

  • Gingy

    Super wonderful, recommend to girls of any age.

  • Katy

    tons of cool stuff