Kowloon Generic Romance, Vol. 4 by Jun Mayuzuki

Kowloon Generic Romance, Vol. 4
Title : Kowloon Generic Romance, Vol. 4
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 8834909429
ISBN-10 : 9788834909423
Language : Italian
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 192
Publication : First published February 19, 2021

"Guardo soltanto te." È il messaggio che decine di girasoli comunicano in una città pervasa dalla nostalgia. Per Kujirai sbocciano un nuovo sentimento e un dubbio spaventoso: e se la mia vita appartenesse a qualcun altro? Per questo, la donna che non conosce il proprio passato aspira a diventare la versione assoluta di sé stessa. Questa storia d'amore ideale è dedicata a te.

Kowloon Generic Romance, Vol. 4 Reviews

  • Frédéric

    Warning: **Spoilers**

    Boy, is Jun Mayuzuki a clever girl! She drops bits of information here and there, taking her sweet time. Sometimes casually, sometimes in more serious situations. Some are apparently begnin, some troubling, some making you wonder...
    And yet, like a mirage, the end seems as far as before. And I want more!! Gee, I haven’t read something so tantalizing in a long time and it feels darn good.

    So... Reiko A is dead. Hajime would be responsible for her death. But which Hajime? Reiko B would be a copy and not a clone- if that makes any sense and Miyuki seems as intrigued of this situation as I am. The waiter Guen has been terminated with extreme prejudice. This Kowloon is not Kowloon.
    You don’t get it? What makes you think I do?
    But as Reiko B wants to feel whole and Hajime longs for past moments in another Kowloon I’m in for the long haul, Mayuzuki. Keep ’em coming.

  • Yoda Bor

    Je suis de plus en plus bluffée par ce manga qui, petit à petit et sans en avoir eu l’air, nous a amenés dans une direction complètement inattendue.
    Alors que j’avais l’impression qu’on nous parlait au tout premier abord d’une rencontre amoureuse un peu originale, l’introduction de ce tome nous balance en quelques pages qu’on se trouve dans le futur, dans un Kowloon qui a été reconstruit suite à sa première démolition en 1994 dont je vous parlais dans mon billet sur le premier tome, mais aussi que Reiko, dont on avait fini par se dire qu’elle est un clone, ne le serait finalement pas.

    Après ce départ tonitruant, on retombe dans un rythme un peu plus tranquille, mais pas pour autant ennuyant, et c’est assez fascinant de voir notre Reiko essayer de comprendre ce qu’il se passe, pendant que Kudô semble petit à petit se réintégrer à l’intrigue alors qu’il donnait jusque là un peu l’impression d’y être très extérieur.

    Et de l’autre côté, on a le docteur Hebinuma et Guen qui eux aussi essaient de démêler le vrai du faux, et même de savoir si Reiko est réellement un clone ou autre chose.
    Si la clinique a un rôle à jouer, Generic Terra aussi et ce n’est visiblement pas le même.
    Et puis il reste à savoir qui est un clone parmi les personnages, et ce n’est pas toujours facile à le déterminer. Des informations importants sont parfois lancées dans des dialogues très banals, il y a des actions qui sont un peu étranges et dont ne comprend pas de suite l’intérêt, on baigne dans le mystère et l’étrange, mais toujours avec cette atmosphère complètement hors du temps qui me pose tant de questions.
    Et dont j’espère bien avoir la réponse.

  • Chiara

    Quindi ricapitolando:
    -Kujirai è una copia ma non un clone. Kujirai "originale" è morta (? Anche se non ne sono pienamente convinta)
    -Anche Kudo è una copia ma non lo sa
    -Guen aveva una copia a Kowloon (anch'essa una copia) ma ora la hanno eliminata
    -Tutti a Kowloon sono copie (??)
    -Non è Hebinuma ad aver creato le copie in quanto le vuole studiare ed è molto curioso a riguardo
    -Kudo originale potrebbe davvero aver fatto del male a Kujirai originale
    -Non sappiamo ancora nulla di Geneterra

    Zero risposte e tantissime nuove domande. Kowloon comunque rimane il manga che al momento aspetto e seguo con più trepidazione. Vivo per le scene "di tensione" tra Kudo e Kujirai. Spero che almeno le copie abbiano un lieto fine ;(

  • Maya

    I really hope we get a satisfying resolution to these mystery elements bc so far I’m obsessed

  • Danielle

    Waiting for volume 5 is gonna be SO HARD after that. I wish the whole series was out in physical form already so I could just devour it all.

  • applepie :P

    "If the sky were to cry, I'd raise my umbrella
    If you were to cry I'd be your umbrella"

    OSEA QUE -
    Este me ha gustado el que más con diferencia. sigo sin entender lo de los clones y la otra Kujirai y el otro Kudou-san pero si, tengo ganas de seguir leyendo

  • Fake Gyllen

    Oh this is getting CREEPY.

  • Neus

    La història em té enganxada i aquest volum ha tingut molts moments que desconcerten positivament, l'autora és una crack revelant la informació amb comptagotes. Amb moltes ganes d'agafar el següent i veure com avança la trama

  • Josué Zúñiga

    La sensación que me ha dado es que es un tomo de transición. Ha asentado las revelaciones del anterior y ha dispuesto las piezas para continuar narrando un poco más, pero no ha avanzado en la trama. Eso sí, me encantan los personajes.

  • Jimmy Ramirez Jaco

    Kowloon makes me feel so hollow and empty that’s peak fiction. Also I don’t think I’ve read a manga that’s built it’s world up this good. Kowloon my beloved please return to me soon and drop volume 5

    Starting this year off with a banger

  • Marty-chan

    Un manga sempre più misterioso e imprevedibile.

  • Lucía

    Estos capítulos son algo más flojitos pero sigue habiendo información interesante y muchas dudas.

  • Hisgirl85

    4.5 stars. I feel like I'm going to want to rerate this whole series at 5 stars, depending on the resolutions. The art and mood are already there.

  • Amandine_crt

    Un énorme coup de cœur encore !!!!

  • DitaHunter


    Debo admitir que empecé esta saga buscando una comedia futurista romántica y termine metida en toda una intriga futurista donde NADA y NADIE es lo que parece.
    Seguir las pistas que va dejando nuestra protagonista sobre su vida, sin saber donde empieza lo real de lo que no, es maravilloso. Los toques de humor que aporta la serie son el aderezo adecuado para hacer que estar serie se vuelva amena e interesante

  • Jen13

    I love the retro futuristic vibe of this manga. The artwork is phenomenal and the little details of Kowloon walled city really bring it to life. The mystery is really engrossing and in every volume more hints are dropped, and just when you discover something, a whole new mystery opens up! I’m kind of confused but I’m dying to know what the heck is going on!

  • Julia

    Ese final…

  • Elfo-oscuro

    Empieza a ser algo liante con temas de clones pero el trazo la historia de Jun Mayuzuki sigue siendo maravilloso, eso por no hablar del tira y afloja de Kudo y Kurijai XD

  • Philip McCarty

    Every single volume of this series is a true treat. Yaomay is getting more involved and her friendship with Reiko B is growing. Reiko knows she's a fake (which also means she is an exact copy of Reiko A and not just a clone), and Yaomay goes a long way to make her embrace who she is as an individual and not just a continuation of Reiko A. She has a great line about how people may condemn fakes, but there are also people who can feel the shine of the fakes and accept them. So this is a pretty moving point for Reiko as she begins to choose how she wants to be her own person, but also unafraid to embrace things enjoyed by Reiko A, because she doesn't want to forget where she came from. It's a lot, and I feel this series is rife with the opportunity for analysis. Themes and motifs keep popping up, like the lucky number 8 and goldfish. One awesome chapter is done completely from the point of view of various goldfish in town as they see things. We also find out that Reiko A is dead (probably). Kowloon is also a place, where those from outside of it, are not safe drinking or eating anything. Thus Gwen and Hebinuma don't partake in anything. Why this is so? I have no idea. Also something in their plan has shifted since they were about to make the old man clone/original meet each other. I'm just really impressed with how this story unfolds and I couldn't be more excited for it.

  • LopaShoqjaIme

    Ne fillim po mendoja "ah shit, the snake guy do jet i keqi, time to hate him".
    Po tani po me pelqen shume tbh, also se prisja te ishte gejush.

    Mesazhi qe po marr nga kjo manga, duke pare the main character dhe ate bjonden eshte qe "be yourself, edhe nqs duhet te ndryshosh cdo gje, te besh cdo gje ne jeten tende 'fake', do it, persakoh qe ti te jesh i lumtur" and i love that.
    Kriz identiteti going brrr.

  • ℂ ✧

    La tensió, els dubtes, LES IL·LUSTRACIONS ♥ El moment separats per una porta al més estil Doctor Who, què? Més anades i vingudes, però encara res en clar. La relació entre la serp i el clon del cambrer, que viuen a Hong Kong... "when she was alive" wtf? Doubles, zirconians, el Kudou-san i el cambrer són còpies també? Kowloon ha estat reconstruïda (!), la merda de la Gene Terra no se sap què és encara i què passa amb el menjar????

  • Estibaliz79


    I'm sure this was a 'it's not you, it's me' situation, but I somehow wasn't able to connect with this volume as much as I did with previous ones.

    Don't get me wrong, all the elements that make this manga what it is are still there, but I guess I'm just starting to get a bit frustrated with all the dragging, and the hints dropped here and there are not adding too much yet for me.

    Still, I do want to know more about what's going on, so that tells you something...

  • Des Fox

    This is a fantastic series, and this volume is one of my favorites. The characters are so well written, and the slice of life moments really make room to feel them out. The mystery is gripping, and while I still fear the landing a little bit, the Gene Tera mystery is absolutely captivating. Still feel clueless, for every answer we get two new questions.

  • marcia

    Vol. 1 ★★★☆☆

    Vol. 2 ★★★☆☆

    Vol. 3 ★★☆☆☆

    More of the same. Kujirai and Kudou keep going around in circles with each other. It's tiresome. I like Miyuki and Gwen: they have a fun dynamic and offer a much-needed switch up from Kujirai and Kudou's standstill. Thankfully, we finally get a better sense of what's going on in the story. That said, I feel like Mayuzuki would probably leave everything super vague until the very end, if at all.

  • Endimione


  • Sharon

    Kowloon sempre una certezza. Volume che sembra rispondere ad alcuni punti interrogativi e allo stesso tempo non farlo.

  • Aras

    Estoy chillando con el final. Necesito el tomo 5 para ya.

  • adriahnna

    [4.0] mysterious yet chill atmosphere...