Title | : | Top Man: The Epic Wager (The Druid Trilogy, #0.5) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | - |
Publication | : | Published January 1, 2022 |
Gudleik, son of the Skati of the Bear Clan of Freyr’s Land in Midgard, dreams of becoming a skald. From a powerful family and surrounded by success, he should have it all – instead he is shunned for being Loki-cursed and knows his doom is coming. Still he plucks his lyre…
On the other side of the known world, Rosmerta, daughter of Keandre, bloodsworn druid of the horned god Cernunnos of the Blessed Isles, is expected to follow in her father’s footsteps. But her own dream of following the bardic path seems just as out of reach as Gudleik’s. Her lute lies dusty in her cottage…
Cue the music: things go bonkers when the gods get revved up and start wreaking havoc throughout the Celtic and Norse countryside, calling our heroes to adventure. A weary Merlyn of Camelot sits in the middle of it all, forced into the mix by fate (and a rather inconvenient curse).
A real divine mess, the whole of creation gone sideways. A new beginning or the end of days? The souls of our heroes are on the line – it’s time to place your bets!
And get your free copy of the prequel to Andrew Marc Rowe’s epic and outrageous bawdy tale, The Druid Trilogy… that, as well.
Top Man: The Epic Wager (The Druid Trilogy, #0.5) Reviews
Read this first or after the first
Being told to read this first I am a little confused. However I hear in the future this will be conjoined with The Hammer Of The Gods. So without further ado I press forward because I want to see where this story goes. Give this bagged milk drinker a shot. -
Great for a laugh!
If you enjoy rude humor, Arthurian legends, and Norse mythology, this book is for you. If you’re curious about the combination of mythologies but don’t like rude humor, stop being a prude and try this book. -
I’m too much of a prude to enjoy the rude words in this book.
A rousing introduction to a very interesting series
I have read quite a few Arthurian tales and just as many Norse tales and have yet find ny one who write like Andrew Marc Rowe. He has a rousing sense of adventure that just so happens to be a tad raunchy to boot.
Top man bounces back and forth from several separate character sets, but it is all one story, unlike The Emerald Helm.
Rosemerta is an apprentice who has a job baking durable phallic bread. She is studying druidic arts and is being hassled by a fairy. She must be careful. Fairies want one thing from you and that is your soul.
Arthur is a bit of a character, very different than the one I grew up reading about and Merlyn, even more so. Merlyn will be faced with a very difficult decision in the future.
The norse gods are all over and making nonstop trouble, and getting ready for Valhalla, which keeps getting cancelled for some reason or other.
It is a good introduction to the next story, which is next on my list.
I am volunteering an honest review for the benefit of others. -
Received a free copy, in lieu of an honest review. For me it was just ok.