The Keane Edge: Mastering The Mindset For Real, Lasting Fat Loss by Brian Keane

The Keane Edge: Mastering The Mindset For Real, Lasting Fat Loss
Title : The Keane Edge: Mastering The Mindset For Real, Lasting Fat Loss
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0717191389
ISBN-10 : 9780717191383
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 315
Publication : Published January 6, 2022

Brian Keane's philosophy is any diet will work so long as you stick to it.
His goal is to help you find the mindset and unique personal motivation that will enable you to stick to your fitness and nutrition plan and become leaner, stronger and healthier.
Ireland's leading fitness podcaster has already helped thousands of people lose body fat and change their relationship with food. By getting your mindset right first, achieving your nutrition and fitness goals becomes simple and possible as never before, giving you the edge on real, lasting fat loss for life.
'Full of tips and tools to help you master your mindset and discover what works best for your health and fitness.'Anna Geary
'Inspiring, helpful and full of facts.' Trisha Lewis
'Brian's passion for health and fitness shines through.'Karl Henry

The Keane Edge: Mastering The Mindset For Real, Lasting Fat Loss Reviews

  • Briana Kelly

    The Keane Edge by Brian Keane

    🏂Overview: Brian Keane is a personal trainer and podcaster. This book focuses on how changing your mindset to food will help you with weight and fat loss.

    📖 Genre: Health & Fitness | Diet & Nutrition | Personal Develooment | Well-being

    👍Likes: The simplicity! For such a complex topic, I love how straight forward and understandable Brian made everything. There are memorable and relatable examples throughout.

    👎Dislikes: As with all health and fitness books, there is a lot to take on and the amount of information can feel overwhelming.

    🎧Format: Audio via BorrowBox (read by the author)

    🏋️‍♀️Recommend For: Someone looking for a straight forward/ simple overview on how to approach weight/fat loss or maintain a healthy diet.

    ❤️Favourite Quotes:
    💭”There are no such thing as motivated people. There are disciplined people.”
    💭”Tell me what you do everyday and I’ll tell you where you’ll be in a year.”
    💭”Get your ladder up against the right wall.”
    💭”Random eating + random training = random results, so get specific on your goal.”
    💭”Failure is feedback.”

    ❤️Favourite Concepts to Remember:
    👉Forget about diet, focus on building a nutritional plan.
    👉Include protein in all main meals.
    Be careful with the “fuckit button”, e.g. it’s the weekend, “fuckit” I will eat this pizza.
    👉Mindful eating 20-20-20 method: 20 mins eating, 20 seconds between bites, chew food for 20 seconds.
    👉The 7 deadly diet sins:
    1️⃣Thou shall not fool thyself with treats
    2️⃣Thou shall not pick food off someone else’s plate
    3️⃣Thou shall not forget to count alcoholic calories
    4️⃣Thou shall not disregard that portion size matters
    5️⃣Thou shall not over restrict and binge at the weekends
    6️⃣Thou shall not have unhealthy snacks alongside healthy meals
    7️⃣Thou shall not forget why thou are doing it in the first place
    👉80% of a weight loss journey comes down to food.
    👉NEAT: Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. 5 ways to achieve this:
    1️⃣ Standing rather than sitting
    2️⃣ Daily steps of minimum 10k target
    3️⃣ Walking/cycling for daily commute
    4️⃣ House cleaning and gardening
    5️⃣ Play with kids
    👉The importance of sleeping 7-9 hours per week. Some tips:
    1️⃣Stick to a sleep schedule
    2️⃣Don’t exercise too late in the day (do aim for 30 mins everyday even if just hitting 10k steps)
    3️⃣Avoid/minimise caffeine and nicotine
    4️⃣Avoid alcohol before bed
    5️⃣Avoid large meals/drinks late in the day
    6️⃣Avoid medication that disrupts your sleep, if possible
    7️⃣Don’t nap after 3pm
    8️⃣Relax before bed
    9️⃣Take a hot bath before bed
    1️⃣0️⃣Dark, cool, gadget-free bedroom (try airplane mode on phone)
    1️⃣1️⃣Have the right sunlight exposure
    1️⃣2️⃣Don’t lie in bed awake (get up after 20 mins if you haven’t fallen asleep and do something until you feel sleepy)

  • Eoin Irwin

    As Brian had mentioned himself, this book can be used like a toolbox.

    You have sections on mindset, nutrition and training, sleep and stress and building your own plan.

    I love that if I want to find more details about a particular topic, I can flick over to that section and read up on it.

    This is definitely something I will look back to over the years, definitely a great investment for a better life.

    The podcast is fantastic, but it is great to have things laid out in front of you in a book form.

    Thank you Brian!

  • Margaret

    Such a great, easy to read, motivating book on how to fix your mindset, get your nutrition on track and workout/train for long term benefits. Loved it and cannot recommend this book highly enough for anyone who is looking for a no nonsense approach to meeting your health, fitness and wellbeing goals.

  • Chelsea

    Absolutely unreal. Read the fitness mindset and rewire your mindset last year so had to pick this up when I saw it. Brian knows his stuff and his anicdotes and analogies are priceless. Would definitely reccomend to Anyone into the gym or training

  • Liz Begley

    Superb book, really educational and learned so much from it