Title | : | The Accidental Pregnancy Situation (Situation Sports, #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 349 |
Publication | : | Published January 6, 2022 |
A knock at my door reveals a very pregnant woman.
Good news: I’m not the father of her baby.
Bad news: I am the father of the baby her sister is carrying.
I’m the bad boy, rock star, playboy ice hockey star.
I collect paychecks and shell out broken hearts.
Now I’m collecting the storm of pregnancy hormones and shelling out foot rubs.
How am I supposed to go from the hottest bachelor in the world… to being called ‘Dad’?
Thanks to fate – and a potential bear attack – I end up pregnant by an ice hockey player.
But what am I supposed to do?
Just show up and knock on the rich star athlete’s luxury apartment door, then caress my pregnant belly?
Well, that’s exactly what I should do.
Only my sister decides to get involved.
Next thing I know I’m spending more time with Abel than I ever dreamed of.
There’s no way a guy like him would really want me. Something has to go wrong here.
Then one day I see a text message not meant for me and it all suddenly makes sense.
But at least I know what Abel’s end game is now.
The Accidental Pregnancy Situation (Situation Sports, #1) Reviews
Drawn Out
This book was so much longer than it needs to be. And the tension was so meh that it really fell flat.
I also had a problem with all the stereotyped characters. Pregnant women were insecure, crazy, horny, and cry every single day. Ugh! It was horrible. Then there was the hockey players. For some reason their practices were just 6 people, and every single time any two guys talked it evolved into a fight. And this was. The guys on the same team. Throwing punches every other day at each other. But I guess their hockey team’s name was the Apple Cats so that might have had something to do with the absurd rage.
And the climax was stupid (completely stupid) and you have to read the next book, about another character to find out how these two end. No closure unless you invest in the next one. Blah! -
the amount of times the word “sweetie” and “lily” were used made me want to barf. I felt like the plot really lacked as well.
My first read by this author and I really liked it
I love a rom com, I love a pregnancy and I especially love when characters in the book you have read get there own stories and it becomes a series, and each is an individual standalone.
So we have our own Man Wh#re Hockey hero in Abel, who knows exactly who he is and what he is as a single man, other than that he has no idea
But he does step up to plate ( or the ice rink in this case) when he finds a very very pregnant woman on his door step.
Wren our heroine who finds herself in a “ situation” after a night of surprises in a cabin with a man “ Abel” and not the one she was meant to be meeting, and then that “ situation” becomes very real when her sister contacts the “ father to be”
We find ourselves immersed in the life of these two trying to get their act together whilst in the background we have the Antics of Abel’s Hockey side and Wrens very “angsty tired big sister Wendy”
( I for one would love to have met ( if you can meet someone in a book🤦🏽♀️) Wendy’s husband
It was funny easy to read and I only have one frustration and this is more a me thing
Abel’s nickname of Wren “ Sweetie” Did I miss how and why he called her this ? It’s not a verb I would connect with his character
But this is not a criticism at all
Just me wanting an exclamation lol
Great read
Can’t wait to read about Remi 🥰 -
Why I finished this book I’ll never know. I started it a month ago and kept stopping it to read other books. The writing is mediocre and the book about 150 pages too long.
To sum up this book for everyone think back many years to that episode of Secret Life of the American Teenager where Amy is crying because she thinks she’s a whore and Ben comes in with the iconic “you’re my whore” line. That exact line is used in this book. 🙄
Wren and Abel have a one night stand and she ends up pregnant. Abel is your bad boy rock star hockey player (that is literally the description he is given) and has to give up his play boy ways when he finds out about Wren being pregnant. Wren’s character was whiney and irrational. And not even the hunky 6 foot hockey player Abel could save this book. -
2.5 stars
It was ok. Readable and quick ish to finish but it just didn’t really inspire much emotion if any. And the plot wasn’t exactly new or interesting tbh. -
Wren & Abel Get a Surprise
A one night stand turns into forever when hockey star Abel gets Wren pregnant in this surprise pregnancy romance.
This was pleasant & charming but I didn't feel as strong of a connection between the H & h as I'd liked. Their relationship was superficial, little more their physical attraction. I didn't totally understand the resolution -- Abel's grand gesture to win her back (after essentially doing nothing wrong. She was too quick to believe something about Abel.) Still, I'd read this author again. There were many parts of this book that were pretty funny. -
It's OK....
It started out kind of funny. Wren's (pregnant) sister showing up at Abel's apartment..kicking out his flavor-of-the-week...and demanding a foot rub. I had high hopes for the humor. (They didn't quite pan out.)
It kinda got on my nerves that they kept mentioning "what happened at the cabin"...seriously, they said it like eleventy-billion times! Then, Wren kept saying something stupid, or doing something stupid and blaming it on "pregnancy hormones." I'm gonna go with "she's just crazy AF" for $200. (Her sister was off her rocker, too.)
I like that we're introduced to some of Abel's teammates. (Did I miss something or did NO ONE in this book have a last name?) It set us up for future books. But we never learn anything about Abel's or Wren's background. We get a little bit about Abel's sister, but nothing about his family or background. Wren mentions something about how she and Wendy grew up, but she never talks about her childhood.
I could've done with less of the repetitive stuff ("I'm pregnant, " "You're pregnant," "We're going to have a baby," "My unborn son-or daughter/Daughter--or son," and let's not forget "the cabin" or what happened in the cabin "...UGH!!!) and had more details about who these people were.
I'm going to read the next book, but I'm checking my expectations. -
This story was ok. The potential for misogyny was nicely acknowleged and side-stepped by a unicorn male character, Remi, who is actually a feminist. BUT...
London Casey, I IMPLORE you: Please stop using 'sweetheart'! This is the 2nd novel I've read by this author, where the romantic male lead uses 'sweetheart' instead of the female lead's name. For many, many people, this is a term that has been used to abuse. Derisively, condescendingly, patronisingly, to put you in your place. Anyone who has been abused with this term, will immediately be jolted out of the story, and will also gradually begin to despise the character using it; for being too lazy or arrogant to use a woman's name, whilst at the same time indicating his sense of ownership of her. YUCK! -
This seemed like a really good idea. But it wasn't. I didn't like the characters. At all. They made a terrible couple. They didn't at all convince me they could be happy together. I didn't even care too much for the side characters. Her sister was nuts. His teammates were too. Just craziness all around. And him calling her 'Sweetie' the whole book made me cringe.
Hogyan válasszuk ki a megfelelő bukmékert?
Ebben a cikkben bemutatjuk, mit kell tudni a bukméker kiválasztásakor. Tekintse meg ennek az útmutatónak az
első részét, és segítségünkkel válassza ki a legjobb helyet sportfogadásához!
Milyen fogadásokat kínálnak?
Azt tanácsoljuk, hogy keressen olyan bukmékert, amely nem csak a szokásos végeredmény fogadásokat, hanem minden mérkőzésre és fogadásra kínál ajánlatot:
- Hány sarok lesz?
- Félidő (első vagy utolsó)
- Célok (felfelé vagy lefelé)
- Hány doboz lesz?
- Kik lesznek a gólszerzők?
- Milyen törvénysértések történtek
- Az ázsiai hendikepnek
Lehetőségük van abbahagyni a fogadást
Ezt az újítást – a fogadási stopot vagy a Cash Outot – sok bukméker kínálja. Ez egy olyan tendencia, amelyet mások követnek. Ezzel az újítással lehetőséged nyílik fogadni a mérkőzés különböző pillanataiban. Ezzel a Cash Out opcióval biztosítást köthet az esetleges veszteségekre. Mindazonáltal rendelkeznie kell bizonyos matematikai ismeretekkel és nagyon gyors döntések meghozatalának képességével. A legtöbb ember a korlátozottabb profitot és a kisebb kockázatot részesíti előnyben. Ez az újítás nagyon kényelmes, és megelőzheti a veszteségeket, ha előre tudja, hogy veszíteni fog.
Élő fogadás
Sok játékos az élő fogadást részesíti előnyben. Hatalmas adag adrenalint adnak, dinamikusak és nagyobb rájuk az esély. Az élő fogadást az egyik fontos pillanatnak tekintik a bukméker kiválasztásánál. Náluk van élő fogadásunk az említett esemény bármely időpontjában. A fogadások széles skálája áll rendelkezésre – választhat alul és felül, gólok percenkénti száma, pontos pontszám, első félidő eredménye, végeredmény stb. Itt van élő fogadásunk bármely eseményre, bármikor. Nem szabad kihagyni, hogy a játékosok nagy része csak a saját örömére fogad. Nem szabad megfeledkeznünk a játékosok izgalmáról sem.
Élő közvetítést kínál?
A legtöbb sporteseményhez elérhető élő közvetítés segíthet a legjobb fogadásban. És élvezni fogja az élő játékot.
Milyen esélyeket kínálnak
Az online fogadóiroda kiválasztásakor az a legfontosabb, hogy milyen szorzót kínálnak ott. Egyes bukmékerek különböző oddsokat kínálnak a futballra, és alacsonyabb oddsokat a teniszre, röplabdára vagy kosárlabdára. El kell mennie a kiválasztott bukméker oldalára, és meg kell néznie, milyen ajánlatok állnak rendelkezésre és milyen sportágakra. Így lehetősége lesz felmérni, hogy a megadott szorzók megfelelőek-e az Ön számára. A jó esélyek minden bizonnyal növelhetik a nyereményeket. Minden játékos maga dönti el, hogy alacsony vagy magas szorzóval akar-e játszani. Ez különösen igaz a kombinált fogadásokra, az emberek amúgy sem szeretnek egyesben játszani. Az engedéllyel rendelkező bukmékerek nagyon vonzó szorzókat kínálnak a futballra, de nem túl jók a többi sportágra. Az engedély nélküli fogadási oldalak gyakran jobb esélyeket kínálnak. Itt van egy nem túl népszerű példa a Pinnacle sportokra. Még az elektronikus játékokra és a virtuális sportokra is kínál oddsokat.
Létezik mobil verzió vagy alkalmazások
Egy másik vezető tényező a fogadóirodák mobil verziójának vagy alkalmazásának elérhetősége. Nagyon fontos kritérium, mert szinte mindenki elsősorban a telefonját használja. A mobil verzió megléte szinte kötelező. Kevés bukmékerek nem rendelkeznek mobil verzióval vagy alkalmazással.
Olyan bukmékert kell keresnie, amely mobil alkalmazásokat fejlesztett ki vezető mobiltelefonokhoz és táblagépekhez. Ezek az alkalmazások elsősorban
Android, iOS, Windows mobiltelefonokhoz érhetők el.
Sportfogadás -
A fogadások világába: Fedezze fel a kézbesítési sportokat a siker érdekében
A sportfogadás olyan, mint egy izgalmas kaland, de a megfelelő sportág kiválasztása kulcsfontosságú lehet a sikeres fogadásokhoz. érezzen minket
ezen az oldalon, ahol kezdőként elvezetjük Önt a megfelelő bukméker kiválasztásához. Ebben az érzelmek és stratégiák világában azt áruljuk, hogyan kell röviden használni a képeket, a bőrt novarokkal, billentyűzettel és gandiával olvasni.
1. Érdeklődés és tudás – a siker felé vezető úton:
A sikeres fogadás első lépése, hogy olyan sportágat (például
futballt) válassz, amely érdekli, és amely iránt erősen érdeklődsz. Az adott sportág szeretete, tudása katalizátora a részletes elemzéseknek és a sikeres döntéseknek.
2. Statisztikák és trendek elemzése:
A statisztika a mi fegyverünk a fogadás világában. Ha megnézzük a korábbi eredményeket, a csapatformát és a sportág trendjeit, tisztább képet kapunk arról, hogy mire számíthatunk a jövőben.
3. Változatos fogadások:
Ne korlátozza magát a népszerű sportokra. Fedezze fel a különböző sportágakat, mert váratlan lehetőségek nyílnak a sikerre.
4. A bank stratégiai irányítása:
A betét fontos része a bank körültekintő gazdálkodása. Hozzon létre fogadási limiteket, és tartsa be azokat, elkerülve a nagy kockázatvállalási kísértést.
5. Hírek és események – a siker kulcsa:
Legyen naprakész a sport világának legfrissebb híreivel és eseményeivel. Az átigazolások, sérülések és egyéb tényezők drámaian megváltoztathatják a választást.
6. Fedezzen fel különböző piacokat:
A fogadók nem csak a győzelemről vagy a vereségről szólnak. Fedezze fel a különböző piacokat, mint például az ázsiai hendikep és a Bro Points, hogy értékes fogadásokat találjon.
7. Elemző készség – kulcs az előrejelzéshez:
Fejlessze elemző készségeit. A trendek megértésének és az adatok elemzésének képessége rendszeres és megfontolt döntésekhez vezet.
8. Függőség, nem csak profit:
Játssz felelősségteljesen, és élvezd a szerencsejáték által kínált izgalmas élményt. Legyen ez a szórakozás forrása, ne a stressz.
A sportág kiválasztása olyan, mint egy stratégiai kihívás. Kombinálja érdeklődési köreit, statisztikáit és stratégiáit, és rá fog jönni, hogy a fogadási siker többről szól, mint a szerencséről. -
Abel, playboy/bad boy/hockey player, had just settled in for some fun, with a more than willing woman, when he receives some shocking news. Not about his team, but about a baby.
Wren was off to a secluded cabin for some fun but is thrown when she comes face to face with a man, one she never saw coming. Fast forward-a bear attack, followed by lots of arguing and yelling, and voila! a baby was made.
While trying to figure out the situation they both suddenly find themselves in, they become close. Closeness with a woman wasn't new to Abel. It happened on a nightly basis and ended abruptly the next morning. This closeness was fate. Abel felt it the first time they were together but he quickly brushed it off. Now, not so much. Now he craved it. Now he needed to convince Wren to believe it too and to take a chance on him.
Abel and Wren
He’s a hockey player with an attitude and she’s a website designer. They have a one night stand at a cabin and she gets pregnant. “Some bear” ends up being a raccoon she is scared of… kind of stupid of her. Her sister ends up telling him and then he proceeds to help care for her letting her move into his place. She’s horny as hell and he’s up for it and falls for her deeper everyday. He calls her sweetie… sometimes at nauseum. She is too upset about her body changing… he’s always saying how hot she is etc. There’s an annoying 3rd act breakup where she gets all weird about him having money- it’s really dumb. Also she is pretty jerky going behind his back to find out the sex of the baby… lots of sex in this book - oh and she calls her vagina... Lily, the ending went on a bit too long.
Stupid name for a hockey team… Apple Cats… sounds like a 2 yo named it
Hea he buys the cabin they hooked up in and they are getting married -
I enjoyed this story more than I realized until I started to write this review. Abel and Wren were fun and cute, and Abel was the right kind of cocky. He knew who he was and what his strengths were--good and bad--which made him easy to like.
Wren was just as likable except when her pregnancy hormones kicked in and she became a little bit…whoa. The one character I didn't really like at all was Wren's sister, Wendy. She just seemed mean and bitter but covered it as just caring or whatever. Could have done without her.
My favorite part of this story was the hockey team. The guys were funny and silly and had each other's backs. They made this story for me more than the romance aspect. Not that the romance aspect was bad but it felt more like lust than love to me. But I loved Remi too much not to give the next book a shot… -
Enjoyed the story, however...
I enjoyed the story as a whole, I just didn't care for the timeline. I don't like flashbacks and feel like the story would have been the same had it just been in order.
Also don't care for authors using the epilogue to introduce the next book.
I guess while I'm at it, its also incredibly irritating when these authors don't included the whole story - at the end they ask you to sing up for their mailing list and they'll include a bonus chapter.. - No! Just give us the whole book in one go!!! I don't like leaving lower reviews, but requiring people to sign up for a mailing list just to get another chapter of 2, requires me to show my displeasure with the act. Changed my rating from 4 to 3. -
This is the first book that I have already read written by London Casey and I truly loved it. The story looked to be so predictable, and maybe it was, but the way the characters were bickering with each other, the banter, the irony, and the love of course made this book so special. It´s a typical rom-com. Abel is a famous hockey player and Wren is a plain girl (actually she thinks she is) with a huge sense of humor and a strong fear of bears, raccoons, and thunderstorms. Just add a baby in all of that context, also a crazy big sister, and the whole hockey team and we will be reading a very good story.
The book started off great. But really fell flat on the way to the endings
Started off strong with Wrens sister Wendy going to tell Abel he had gotten her sister pregnant. We get a flashback of what lead up to that and then everything from there goes down hill. Wendy does a 180 from being a sweet carting sister to a bitch who mock Wrens situation. Abe calls Wren Sweetheart one million times. Wren calls her vagina Lily over and over and over again. To top it off she doesn’t even give birth in the story nor do we get to find out the babies name and that just felt like a way to get people to read the next book. -
4 stars
Surprise pregnancy romance are my guilty pleasure. I have no idea why considering I hated being pregnant and am not a fan of babies (with the rare exception and of course my own two). Maybe it's the idea of what it would have been like to have it come to be something positive. Whatever the reason, I had to indulge my guilty pleasure when I read the blurb on this book.
Some parts of the story I really liked (Wren's sister Wendy was a hoot) and other parts were cheesy as heck. It still kept me entertained though so that says something about the book. -
back and forth
I feel like this book had a lot of potential but didn’t hit the mark. In the first few chapters it kept going from pregnant to before being pregnant. Why not just start from the very beginning of the story and let it unfold naturally instead of all this back and forth.. Also, Wrin literally had body image issues from the opening of this book. That was a little annoying. She should have been written as a stronger character than that with her fierce mouth. Enjoyed this story but unfortunately not enough to read the next book. -
Omg can we not with the Lilly! And the she/ he the whole time. Argh. Those things annoyed the crap out of me.
But I loved the story and it was nice to read a book that doesn’t skip through the pregnancy and got straight t9 the birth, probably one of the first books where I actually read through it which was great. Really looking forward to the next one.
Wren wasn’t perfect, she was a whiner and had body issues and while some reviews judged the book down for that, I did not. Perfect characters are boring. Loved the runner banter between here and Abel, and loved the team involvement! -
Some Bear!
I loved this book. So many funny moments, loving moments and smoking hot moments.
I loved both characters. Wren was a strong woman ready to take care of herself and baby. But her sister had other ideas.
Wren’s sister Wendy something else. She made Abel give her foot message. Who ask a stranger to to rub their feet. But, it was Wendy that sorta brought Abel and Wren together.
Though I do wish there was more too the epilogue. I wanted to see Abel in the delivery room when Wren was having the baby. I can only imagine how fun it would be.
5 Stars Plus. -
cute story
I honestly loved the book until the end. The part she got mad and how he tries to win her.. it made very little sense. I couldn’t honesty figure out why she stayed mad. It was way too easy to explain. Then the dressing up and getting beat up…. I was just confused. I liked the story and just felt that entire part was unnecessary. The cabin scene was honestly sweet. I understand she was unsure of their relationship, but it was like a different book for about 20 pages. -
The Accidental Pregnancy Situation
3.5 stars rounded up
So I actually read book 2 first but I loved Able’s characters and had to come back and read their story. And I agree with some of the other reviews that it was a bit slow /dragged out. But Able and Wren had some great banter and as flawed as Able is I enjoyed his character- I think his character evolved towards the end of this book and like I said I loved him in book 2. Wendy was a little OTT sometimes and I also wasn’t a fan of the Lilly usage. But overall it was an entertaining read. -
After first meeting due to a misunderstanding over cabins, Abel and Wren do nothing but yell and argue with each other, but after Abel saves Wren from 'some bear,' they give in to their attraction and spend the night together, going their separate ways the following morning. I loved this couple. Their chemistry was off the charts, and the banter between them both, as well as with Wendy (Wrens sister) and the rest of the hockey team was hilarious! An absolute must read, and a phenomenal start to this new series.