Title | : | Blade Runner: Origins, Vol. 3: Burning |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1787736423 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781787736429 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 112 |
Publication | : | First published September 20, 2022 |
The slums of LA are ablaze.
Tyrell executive Ilora Stahl, head of a secret programme to transfer human consciousness into Replicant hosts has launched an all-out attack on Sector 6-b determined to flush out and kill a renegade Replicant called Nia, who was once part of her covert programme.
Having escaped, Nia has been triggering logic short-circuits in the organic programming of once loyal Replicant servants, causing them to rebel against their human masters.
Now as Ilora’s security force of Replicants attack the city, ex-LAPD detective CAL MOREAUX has teamed up with an escaped experimental REPLICANT called Asa, who has been uploaded with the consciousness of a dead Tyrell scientist. Together they must expose Ilora’s conspiracy before the city burns to the ground.
Writers K. Perkins & Mellow Brown, and artists Fernando Dagnino and Marco Lesko have brought a powerful new dynamic to the future noir world of Blade Runner as they explore themes of gender identity, human exploitation and slavery set against the backdrop of world on the brink of ecological collapse and rampant unchecked genetic manipulation.
Blade Runner: Origins, Vol. 3: Burning Reviews
And so this 3 part series draws to a close and I have to say that with a surprising and effective conclusion (unless of course they decide to restart it that is).
Any series which acts as either and official or unofficial prequal has to face the fact that when it ends the more famous story begins and yet with this story there are still plenty of surprises to be had as well as the trade mark action.
I will admit that I didnt see the ending coming although now it makes perfect sense and for that I must add my voice to the chorus of praise that this series has collected. Very much worth reading for any Blade Runner fan -
Review for the whole series
I love Blade Runner as much as the next guy. Maybe even more. But this series doesn’t keep up the promises the title let hope for.
The plot is so poorly handled it hurts: Narration is confused and confusing (to have 3 characters with white crewcuts doesn’t help btw) with too many dialogues (some sounding phony). Some long scenes are utterly useless (Ilona’s flashback stands out in that regard) and transitions are all shot to hell. I didn’t even clearly understand Cal’s actions at the end and the twist with the Nexus 5’s identity was contrived as fuck.
I actually wondered if K. Perkins had ever written other comics or if it was her first series. Apparently not but she doesn’t have many under the belt either and she clearly needs to hone her writing skills.
Art is mostly good but neither amazing nor flawless. Colors help a great deal in setting an atmosphere close to Ridley Scott’s movie.
So these origins kinda jumped the gun and are a disappointment as far as I’m concerned. -
This volume really suffered from kicking off with a chaotic and interminable shootout, then recovers somewhat with the interplay of the Tyrell Executive and the first Blade Runner.
Loved them all!
Captures the feel of the original Blade Runner movie. Onto Black Lotus next, Volume 1 and Season 1 on Prime Video. -
It was O.K., but nothing to write home about.
Blader Runner: Origins lives up to the subtitle as this third volume in the prequel series sees the establishment of the Blade Runners. Cal and his vast network of replicant and non-replicant allies also battle Ilora in the streets, which presents many opportunities for Fernando Dagnino's great artwork to shine.
Then there's a twisty ending as the authors mop up after the battle. This whole Origins series has been fine, but so, so hard to follow. Too many similar characters performing similar functions. Easily the weakest of the Blade Runner series, though this third volume is adequately understandable. Coming on the heels of the incoherent
second volume, though, it's hard to recommend the series as a whole. -
Ooo I like this ending a lot actually. These books have all had middle book syndrome but good payoff, for the most part now. We see how the first blade runner was created and why, lots of lore added to the universe with this one, in particular. It’s a fairly clever execution, because we know the system is broken based on all the other stuff, so it has to be something with holes in it. I think the writer did a good job with it.
A desperate plan to give the future a slight chance of survival. Looking for a sign of when empathy will take over.
Individual issue reviews:
#9 |
#10 |
#11 |
Total review score: 2.7 -
I'm not sure they stick the landing. I'm not upset about the resolution but the build is really in the second volume, not here. Maybe this should have been shorter. Really liked all the characters, except when the drag character stops doing drag because life is a drag ... Otherwise, not all the ends are tied up so. .. season 2?
Beautiful illustrations, I really liked the dystopian world and the characters, but because I haven't read vol1 and vol2 I was not able to grasp the whole story that was going on there. It has plenty of fight scenes and is full of action.
Blade Runner origins – Volume 3 – Burning
#9 – “Eliminate ANY resistance.” – Ilora Stahl
#10 – “No, we don’t have her consent - - it’s unethical.” - - “Do it now or I’ll kill you and make it look like an accident.”
#11 – “Ms. Stahl, rumor has it that the Tyrell Corporation is working on a new Nexus model.”
#12 – “Scary that observational gift you have.” – Stahl. “You turn the air cold. Anyone could observe that.” – Cal *** -
This wasn't that great. Supposed to chronicle the events leading up to the formation of the Blade Runners, but the story is confusing and jumbled. And the characters all look alike. Still, as I've said before in other posts, it is new Blade Runner content, so I'm willing to overlook some flaws...
A sold end. This series continues to please. Let's see what Black Lotus is like next. Hopefully a better story than the TV series.
Interesting series.