Breaking the Spell: The scientific Evidence for ending the COVID delusion by Thomas S. Cowan

Breaking the Spell: The scientific Evidence for ending the COVID delusion
Title : Breaking the Spell: The scientific Evidence for ending the COVID delusion
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 43
Publication : Published August 1, 2021

amazing book, breaking the spell: the scientific evidence for ending the covid delusion by thomas s. cowan this is very good and becomes the main topic to read, the readers are very takjup and always take inspiration from the contents of the book breaking the spell: the scientific evidence for ending the covid delusion, essay by thomas s. cowan. is now on our website and you can download it by register what are you waiting for? please read and make a refission for you

Breaking the Spell: The scientific Evidence for ending the COVID delusion Reviews

  • Subluxfixer

    Dr. Tom Cowan does a marvelous job of helping us get a better understanding of how scientists knowledge of the body is made up of some (and probably a lot IMHO) of outdated theory. We run into problems when we hold on to old theory because it's comfortable for us and because it is what we were taught in grade school, high school and college as "factual" not theoretical. Science is about constantly testing and not about resting. Read this work to get a new theory on why we get sick.

  • Monique

    Excellent and critical read in the spirit of true science, not the belief system of scientism.

  • Eric

    This book (actually a booklet - it's 43 pages) is a followup to Cowan's "The Contagion Myth", in which he dramatically revealed that "viruses" (the scare quotes are his) don't cause disease, and that Covid-19 illness is due not to the pathogenic SARS-CoV-2, but rather such things as "electrosmog" and 5G (better throw away that cellphone!).

    The Cowan Plan involves refusing vaccines and drugs. Cowan thinks that acute illness is caused by derangement of your "intracellular watery gels" and that to conquer disease one must cultivate "a coherent and native electromagnetic atmosphere, truth, freedom and love" (apparently diabetics should toss out their insulin).

    If you're wondering how a physician with such bizarre beliefs is allowed to practice, well, Cowan seems to be operating on a different plane these days. He surrendered his California medical license, saying that he intended to become an unlicensed health coach. He had previously been investigated by the state medical board for improper treatment of a cancer patient and placed on five years of probation, during which time he was forbidden to treat cancer patients and required to take multiple courses, including one on ethics. He now runs an online business selling expensive vegetable powder supplements.*

    *if the vegan lifestyle doesn't appeal, you can spend $$ on Cowan's bovine organ meat "seasoning" which includes spleen, kidney and pancreas. How that enhances one's "native electromagnetic atmosphere" is a mystery, but it sounds yummy (?!).