Title | : | Kevin vs The Mothman: A 24/7 Demon Mart Short Story (24/7 Demon Mart Short Reads) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
ISBN-10 | : | 9798459452914 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 50 |
Publication | : | Published August 20, 2021 |
Kevin vs The Mothman is showdown for the ages. Or not. No, definitely not.
Kevin is a cockroach with a bad attitude whose life goes off the rails when he meets the one and only Mothman. Is the flying cryptid of Point Pleasant a friend or an enemy?
This story originally appeared exclusively as a free ebook for members of D.M. Guay's Monsters in your Inbox, a monthly email roundup of horror comedy books, movies and weird news.
Welcome to the 24/7 Demon Mart universe!
24/7 Demon Mart (Main series)
The Graveyard A Horror Comedy (Book 1)
Monster This one has zombies in it (Book 2)
Angel A grim reaper comedy (Book 3)
(Re) A sinfully fun comedy (Book 4)
Revenge of the A vampires vs werewolves comedy
24/7 Demon Mart Stories (read anytime after The Graveyard Shift)
Hell for the A 24/7 Demon Mart Christmas Special
Critters from the Poo A 24/7 Demon Mart Creature Feature
24/7 Demon Mart Short Reads
Kevin vs The Mothman
Kevin vs The Loveland Frogs
Kevin vs Lloyd
Kevin vs The Mothman: A 24/7 Demon Mart Short Story (24/7 Demon Mart Short Reads) Reviews
Magic poop and cockroach farts.
A fun, short, and fast read. If you like this series you know what you’re in for here. A beer-covered-poop-explosion-ooey-gooey-too-many-hyphens-over-the-top-ride. -
Another fun story. I really want to know Kevin's full story!
"(Doc) was knee deep in swamp water and ankle deep in mud. He had a cockroach hanging out of his shirt pocket and a pilsner glass filled with haunted dirty toilet water in his hand. This was not his best night ever."
Sigh. Say what you will, but Author DM.Guay sure has a way with words!
This hilarious short-story does its job very, very well in that I simply CAN NOT WAIT!!! until the next full-length "24/7 Demon Mart" book! (Oh and if you're curious, I read this particular short as part of my October 2021 Spooky-Book-A-Thon but only now noticed it had been added to goodreads! Thank the nether gods I kept a copy of my review)! There can be no complaint registered at all except that I wish this had been 50 chapters instead of 5 and that the full plethora of humans, demons and other do-gooders (and -badders) were here as well!
Yes, friends, in traditional 24/7 Demon Mart fashion, "Kevin vs. The Mothman" continues the riotously funny adventures of the 24/ 7 Demon Mart, Transmundane Gate 23, sector 17. Of course, from the title alone you know that this features everyone's favorite cursed cockroach and metalhead, Kevin, who also just happens to be the graveyard shift manager of the best known INconvenience store ever (haha, I do entertain myself so)! In this particular story, he is accompanied by Doc Ori, proprietor of North America Damonia Containment & Storage Unit 33 and part-time purveyor of miscellaneous magical goods and services as well as Busty Rose, a naked, somewhat past-her-prime ghost who became incorporial via murder most foul, namely through being drowned in a toilet that made the one in "Trainspotting" look downright sparkling. The toilet, not the actual ghost. That was a weird movie so I hope I got that right.
Along the way they meet the Mothman and his Mothmom, a round, chubby, fuzzy apparition wearing a ruffly flower-print apron and a bow clipped at the base of her antennae. And together, this motley crew save the Universe. Well, not so much the whole Universe PER SE. But it sure seemed like it I'm, um, sure for the folks of Point Pleasant, West Virginia (btw: a lot of this is based on REAL sh...tuff!, real places and even a real museum, too). Particularly when faced with the attack of an eldritch, alcoholic horror called Dat-asshole. Wait...
It's a really really quick story for sure. But these books are about fun, family and friends. No, that's not right. Perverts, portals and potato chips? It'll come to me, don't worry. Oh don't mind me, I'm just tickled puce.
Kids, buy ALL of DM's books. You'll be glad you did.
https://dmguay.wordpress.com/ !!! Otherwise you will miss out on really cool info and updates, really cool give-aways and even exclusive stories... like "Kevin vs. the Loveland Frogs" which I just read a few moments ago. This one was more of a pamphlet than anything else - however, fearing Biblical plagues just seems so "in" right now! -
Hilarious and gross!
Quick and humorous, fun short story in this universe.
Always fun to read the antics of this group! Love this series!
This was a fun take on the mothman.
This has a bit of a different feel than the Demon Mart books. Still fun—just different.