Title | : | The Shy Garlic : A children's bedtime story for early readers, kindergartners and 1st graders with a moral lesson: A read aloud tale for children about being confident |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | - |
Publication | : | Published October 4, 2021 |
The Shy Garlic : A children's bedtime story for early readers, kindergartners and 1st graders with a moral lesson: A read aloud tale for children about being confident Reviews
Cute Story
My 3 year old twins adored this book. They cheered for the “Garlic Superhero” and were entertained the whole time. This will definitely be a added book to their bedtime routine -
Great moral story
My seven year old boy loved this story. His favorite part of the story was the writing itself. He said he will aim to be like Freddy garlic at the end of the story and always be himself. -
Original and perfectly Gartastic!
My kiddos loved this adorable story about being yourself despite your insecurities. Thanks for being original. Much different from other books we come across. We’ll look for more of your cute books! -
True selF
This book teaches you the importance of being yourself and is a wonderful lesson for the two small children I read it to. -
Enjoyed it!
It was really cute and fun to read. I really liked it a lot I thought the author was creative and clever.