Title | : | Night After Night (Brotherhood of Blood, #5) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0061632708 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780061632709 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 384 |
Publication | : | First published January 27, 2009 |
Though her stormy eyes tempt me, there is too much at stake—not merely my life, but the lives of my vampire Brotherhood. And I am not above using Vivian to achieve my goals, even if it means denying my own heart. The battle to end all battles is just beginning, and I must fight . . . if I could only let my desire be damned.”
Night After Night (Brotherhood of Blood, #5) Reviews
5 stars – Vampire/Historical Romance
The fifth and final book in Smith’s Brotherhood of the Blood vampire historical romance series doesn’t disappoint. The series has a unique take on vampire mythology, centering on six soldiers who became vampires by drinking from an ancient chalice infused with the essence of Lilith. Night After Night focuses mainly on vampire leader Temple’s relationship with feisty red-headed heroine Vivian, but it also reunites all the characters from the previous novels. The chemistry and romance between Temple and Vivian is scorching hot. The plot is intriguing, the story had lots of twists and surprises, and all the series’ characters get nicely wrapped HEAs. Although I would have liked a few more scenes with Saint, Ivy, Bishop, and Marika, it’s still a fantastic, satisfying conclusion to the Brotherhood of the Blood series. -
Excelent Ending for this series - I couldn't put the book down and read it straight through.
The Order of the Silver Palm finally comes to an end when Villiers the Order's leader tries to bring back Lilith through the ritual where "The scripture says, 'The noble organs of five fallen women mixed with the blood of five first-generation vampires will give the Mother life, freeing her from her prision.'That is what's needed to give her form." Pg 332
However, in order for Lilith to take form, he has to sacrifice his chosen one which happens to be Vivian, a girl he bought from a circus when she was real young and raised her knowing she was a decendent straight from Lilith. Vivian however doesn't know this growing up and doesn't find out until after she has fallen in love with Temple.
So in this ritual, Villiers plan works up to the point of using Vivian as bait to draw Temple in and his Bloodbrothers of the blood but gets a big surprise when Lilith doesn't use Vivian's body for Liliths form to go into and inhabit.
Villiers gets another surprise, bringing Lilith forth and his expectency of her being thankful and granting him anything he wishes for - well is not what he gets. Actually this pisses Lilith off that he would harm her children and actually kill Vivian when he realizes he's not going to get what he wants. All hell breaks loose and The Bloodbrothers and Lilith tear the place apart. Villiers meets his end but Temples love is laying on a table dead and his heart is breaking.
Lilith and the Bloodbrothers feel his pain and Lilith takes Vivian in her arms and gives her immortality by turning her into a vampire then gives her to Temple and tells him to take care of her for eternity.
I loved how this story ends - Now that the Order of the Silver Palm is completely destroyed and Lilith has been brought forward and freed, she needed to learn about the earths people so she ends up staying in Clare, Irland where Temple had bought a place that was a school that worship the goddess Lilith - what better way to have the goddess herself teach at her own school while she learned about the humans way of life.
All the Brotherhood return back to their lives and some of them actually even have children later on in life and Lilith eventually leaves the school in hunt for Sammael, the man who had originally imprisioned her in to the chalice that the Brotherhood drank from in the beginning. Who knows, maybe one day she will catch him - I feel sorry for him if she catches him - LOL
Once again, great ending for the series. -
Night After Night
3 Stars
In this final installment. Temple, the enigmatic leader of the Brotherhood of Blood, meets his match in Vivian, a strong-willed young woman with mysterious strength and powers. Unfortunately, Vivian just happens to be the ward of Rupert Villiers, head of the Order of the Silver Palm, whose plans for Temple and his brethren will have dire consequences for all involved. Can Temple and Vivian get past their secrets and betrayals to trust one another with their lives and their hearts?
The first 50% of the book is brilliant with an intense enemies-to-lovers romance. Vivian is a wonderful heroine struggling with her conflicting feelings for the man she has always thought of as her father and Temple, the man she has come to love and respect. Likewise, Temple is an appealing hero and it is entertaining seeing him battle with his emotions.
Sadly, the book deteriorates into a ridiculous farce in the final 50% when the rest of the brotherhood gathers and proceeds to behave in the most idiotic and incomprehensible manner. Where are the quick-witted, vigilant and canny characters from the previous books? Why would a supposedly powerful and intelligent group - This idiocy ruined an otherwise excellent premise - *sigh*.
To sum up, while the Brotherhood of Blood is a well-written, engaging and entertaining series, this conclusion to the story is anti-climactic and disappointing. -
This series was the first I've read by Kathryn Smith and it has made me a fan. This last book pulls the 5 vampires together to take down the Silver Palm once and for all. It is Temple and Vivian's love story and it is HOT. KS tells a fantasy, action,hot sex, and tear jerking romance as good as any of my favorite authors.
I can't recommend these books enough, they will satisfy the most picky PNR reader!
I really love the epiloge when she lets you know how everyone is doing now and how their lives turned out. -
A satisfying end of a great series! I'm really glad Temple's story did not disappoint, especially after four wonderful books leading up to this final showdown. Temple is not what I expected. As a leader of the group, I expect him to be a real stick-in-the-mud but to me surprise, he's not. On the contrary, he's fun and sexy and a real charmer. And Vivian is not a bad character herself.
Great end to a great series! I loved it.
It was original, fun, and enjoyable. And the author saved her best to the last. This one held pleasant surprises, and the epilogue was so satisfying. Not all were 5 stars worthy, but you will not be disappointed! Loved it. -
No puedo hacer esta reseña sin spoiler y pido perdón a todos, incluyendo a la autora pero la advertencia está arriba :)
Último libro de la serie, y su protagonista es Temple, el líder de la hermandad. Con anterioridad se supo que Temple fue capturado por la orden de la palma de plata y este libro parte desde su cautiverio.
Y tenemos a Vivian, una mujer que vive con Villiers, quien es un líder de la orden, ella es quien droga y atiende a Temple, ella es distinta y él lo nota.
Ambos interactúan, y se sienten atraídos. Y llega el momento donde Temple se libera y Vivian es enviada por Villiers a buscarlo y engañarlo como sea.
Nuevamente Vivian y Temple estan juntos pero esta vez con desconfianza y recelo. Sin embargo van formando un lazo, que tiene amor y respeto. Al mismo tiempo los otros cuatro vampiros llegan con sus esposas. Esa escena me encantó, los ame juntos.
Saint y Marika juntos, llenos de alegría, fue muy emotivo.
Este libro es la resolución del conflicto, el villano acá es Villiers quien hizo su aparición, en el libro de Payen y Violet, por lo que estos dos aparecen acá también brindando su ayuda, ahora unidos todos se enfrentan a la orden, Villiers con su espía logra llevarse a Vivian y ellos enfrentan de una vez por todas a la orden.
Y viene la accion, peleas y sangre, Vivian se lleva la peor parte, y se puede ver un Temple destruido y vulnerable, es increíble la forma en que estos vampiros pueden amar y sentir. La salvación de Vivian tiene nombre y forma, una diosa, o bueno no la consideraría eso pero en fin.
Debo admitir que la pareja no me atrapo por completo, esa resistencia de Vivian fue muy pesada y Temple fue un poco digamos, débil con ella. Sin embargo los encuentros y los sucesos me tuvieron atrapada por completo.
Marcus, creció en los cinco libros y fue agradable saber que tuvo una buena vida, claro siempre desee otra cosa para él.
Al fin la orden fue vencida pero no entendí a la final para que iban a hacer aquel ritual con Ivy en su libro, es algo que quedó en el aire.
Ese final, luego de tantos años, fue emotivo, cálido, nostálgico y una despedida la verdad agridulce. Ver a los diez, juntos como una familia, como amigos, fue emocionante. Me gusto el enfoque de la autora en toda la serie, el origen de los vampiros, como eran capaces de amar y tener debilidades, mostrando así que no todo lo oscuro es feo, que aun en la oscuridad hay hermosura.
Los lazos de la hermandad, de la verdadera amistad que supera cualquier dificultad, la fortaleza del amor a través del tiempo y de los problemas. Que el bien es mucho más poderoso que el mal.
Felicito a la autora por darnos estos libros, su mezcla de romance histórico con paranormal, fue magnifica, sus personajes inolvidables, mujeres aguerridas y héroes, sexys y oscuros, con aliados inteligentes y bondadosos.
P.D: Nunca olvidare a Marcus, nunca! -
Tenía muchas ganas de leer el último libro de la saga "La hermandad de la sangre" en el cual conocemos la historia de Temple y Vivian, además de conocer cómo se soluciona todo el conflicto con la "Orden de la Palma de Plata".
Como hemos visto en las anteriores novelas, Temple es el líder de la hermandad, el encargado de proteger el Cáliz de Sangre que los convirtió a todos en vampiros hace 600 años.
Durante todos esos siglos ha cargado con esa responsabilidad provocando que esté aislado, sin poder hacer una vida "normal" y cargando con sus propios fantasmas pasados, al igual que el resto de sus hermanos.
Lamentablemente, ha sido secuestrado por la Orden, aunque es cierto que él se "ha dejado" secuestrar para conocer qué se traen entre manos esos fanáticos. Con lo que no contaba es con conocer a Vivian, una exuberante pelirroja que los fascina desde el primer momento.
Vivian es una mujer que ha sufrido desde su infancia porque siempre ha sido más fuerte que los demás, es muy rápida y se cura rápidamente. Evidentemente es más que un ser humano y, cuando su padre la vendió a un circo ambulante, un hombre llamado Rupert la rescata y se convierte en su salvador. Se siente en deuda con él y éste siempre se ha encargado de recordárselo.
Pero cuando Vivian ve a Temple en una jaula, es incapaz de no sentirse atraída por él y de cuestionarse hasta qué punto Rupert es sincero con ella y si de verdad la ha protegido todo este tiempo o la ha estado utilizando.
La verdad es que la historia entre ambos personajes, aunque está plagada de lujuria, me ha parecido un poquito sosa en lo que respecta a la parte amorosa. Hasta que llega la parte final...Ahí la autora ha conseguido que soltase alguna lágrima al ver el profundo amor que siente Temple por Vivian.
La novela me ha parecido, sobre todo, entrañable debido al reencuentro entre todos los personajes y, sobre todo, por el epílogo.
Es una saga relativamente corta, sin grandes pretensiones, pero que la autora ha sabido combinar de manera creíble el mundo de los vampiros con la Biblia y Los Templarios. -
Definitivamente muy buena saga, disfrute de casi todas las historias, aunque me habría gustado que el malo sufriera más :)
I was highly disappointed in this book. In the previous four books, all the vampires had fantastic battles. The all conquered their adversaries, who were members of the same fanatical organization. I enjoyed each book immensely and fell in love with each wonderful couple. I was very excited to read this one, and perhaps that was part of the problem.
The other four books, I whizzed through. I found them to all be very exciting and gripping and real page turners. This one...not so much.
I kept having to force myself to pick it up again. I really wanted to get to the end. I didn't have any major complaints about the main two characters, except perhaps that neither was very lovable.
She was kept in a cage as a "freak" on display for long enough that any semblance of a cage drove her to screaming fits of despair. Yet she was fine with it when other people/creatures were in cages? That just didn't jive. If anything, it should have made her more compassionate. I would think her mentor would have had more trouble with her along the way, instead, she just comes across as completely gullible and really idiotic. I understand loyalty to a fault, but this was just beyond ridiculous.
So the leader of the bad guy club nabs the girlfriend of the final vampire. All the vampires (plus 2 extra) gather at the camp, where they are expected. Keep in mind, that each vampire in the previous books, defeated a team of bad guys (10-100) and now they are all together...so what do they do when they all get there????
They surrender!?!?!?!
Suddenly they are NOT fast enough to overpower this guy and take him down without getting the girl (did I mention that she's a super human type girl) killed? Not to mention, the girl has one attempt of an escape, one perfect, uninterrupted chance to kill this guy and what does she do? Does she KILL him and end it all? NO, there is too much blabber left, so instead, she simply kicks him in the balls and makes a run for it, even though, she knows there are guards outside. Suddenly, she turns into a mindless bimbo. I guess being taken prisoner by your mentor does that to you. But then again, she never really comes across as very smart. I really thought, knowing what she knows going into his lair, that she could have "acted" as if she were still on his side and pretended to be grateful to see him. It wouldn't have taken much. A simple hug and an easy lie should have given her ample escaping opportunity and would have left her unrestrained on the table at the end. I understand that ALL of this was simply so that the goddess could be resurrected, but I think the author could have let that happen in another way, had that really been the point of the ending. And that fact alone, left the ending more open then I would have liked. Now we have this goddess, out in the 21st century, looking for her last boyfriend. Is that going to be a book?
Overall, I really enjoyed her vamps, but this book was more of a let down than anything else. I still like the author, but now I've ended one of my favorite series and on a bad note. I'm honestly not sure I'll even pick it up if she does pursue the goddess thing in another book. Highly disappointing. -
The fifth and final book in the Brotherhood of the Blood series doesn't disappoint (only barely). This story is of Temple and Vivian in yet another captor and captive saga. The tension between the two is palpable from the beginning, and the couple don't make any qualms of getting it on early while the going's hot.
Temple has been captured by Rupert Villiers (a fine name for a villain, I say) and Vivian has been assigned to "take care" of Temple. Of course, she feels immediately drawn to his vivacious vampiric ways, and by some stroke of luck manages to let Temple escape. The chase is on, but not before Temple has a taste of what Vivian has to offer. And what she offers is unbelievably good and potent that he wonders what manner of creature she is, which stuns Vivian, having been acknowledged an unusual breed of person since birth, what with her uncanny physical abilities and attributes.
Villiers, ever resourceful, and knowing exactly what Vivian is and what she could do for his ascension to the goddess Lilith's status, assigns her to go after Temple to gain his confidence and trust, and even to deflower herself for him.
They do all that and more. Hint, hint.
The rest of the Brotherhood and their wives and companions make appearances in the last half of the book, which gives us a chance to find out what's been happening since the last installment/s. A few nasty twists plague the narrative before reaching a rather gritty albeit satisfying end.
Although the story shows signs of waning (slow build-up, slightly sloppy conclusion...), I can't help but wish for more. I wonder if a romance author will ever endeavour to write a sequel for a particular couple (Then again, Amanda Quick comes to mind...). As there are already such things, I hope it is further encouraged! I for one would love to see more of Olivia and Reign, or Saint and Ivy, or Bishop and Marika, or really, all of them. Granted, that's not really realistic, but I can still dream.
Rating: 3.5/5 -
I finally picked up this last book in the five book Brotherhood of Blood series, featuring the vampire Temple and Vivian--the ward and protector of the Brotherhood's arch enemy Villiers of the Order of the Silver Palm. I started this series several years ago when I was a newcomer to reading romance. The series is a really great blend of paranormal and historical romance. The overarching series plot is well thought out and executed throughout the five books with a successful conclusion in this last installment. I thoroughly enjoyed each book, but I have to admit my reaction to this last novel wasn't as favorable as the earlier novels. I think this is largely due to the fact that in the years since starting this series, my tastes and expectations of a high quality story have become a bit more discriminating.
I really liked the characters in Night After Night and the way the series conflict built up to its anticipated denouement in this final book, but I had two issues with the book that keep me from giving it a higher rating. One is that I felt that the first few sexual encounters between Temple and Vivian were too much on the unrealistic side and overall the romance too rushed. The other is that the resolution of the conflict felt overly simplified. The build up was great--but I felt in the end the villain was defeated way too easily. I expected a more intense, if not complicated clashing between the Brotherhood and their enemy, The Order of the Silver Palm. However, if you enjoy both paranormal and historical romance and are looking for a series that combines both genres, I do recommend you check out the Brotherhood of Blood series. -
OMGOODNESS!! I love love loved the way this series ended! It was awesome. Temple's story did not disappoint in the end or the middle. I must say though, from the beginning til about page 85 I was a bit worried. I felt that he and Vivian became involved physically, too quickly because there was really nothing there for me, that explained their "undeniable" pull to each other, other than the fact that you are being told that it's there by the author. But I kept reading because I was more interested in how the whole mystery of the Silver Palm was going to be solved, and what or who Vivian really was. I had my suspicions, but I was completely off the mark but glad. Because I was surprised. And I was equally happy and surprised that Temple and Vivian's emotional pull was eventually just as great as the their physical one. And this did not come too late in the story so I was very pleased about that.
It all came together well, and everyone got their HEA's. Chapel, Bishop, Saint, Reign, as well as Temple and their Loves. Oh and Marcus Grey (Dreux's descendant) got his as well. So I was really happy about that one. Just read it! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS ENTIRE SERIES TO READ! -
The series had potential and this vampire's story was long awaited. The book was a good read but as the final installment for the five original vamps, it is a let down. A couple of the books are good but not this one. If it was not the last one, it would have been for me. I don't like that the book ended in the present time without clearly demonstrating how the vamps worked together to vanquish their foes. I thought Ms. Smith did a great job describing the timeframe -- early 1900s or so, maybe earlier in some of them. The vampires and their mates are well paired except for the one that ended up with the sickly chick in the first book. If I had read that one first, I would have never made it to number 5. You can actually skip this one and go straight to the one set in London in the brothel. That one hooked me and the one that follows with the damphir.
This is the last book in the series around the 5 vampire friends who have to fight together against a big enemy. Slowly but steady you understand the different pieces of the books before. Unfortunately the end is very strange and corny. I don't like it to be honest. This could have been better. But ok. The story between Vivian and Temple was nice even a litte bit too much of romance and dramatic. Temple is a really interesting character you will like very much. Vivian is a interesting person even the author missed to gave her a very good individual personality. That was a little bit sad.
All in all it was a nice book with some weak points. It was nice that all character from the last books have their parts in this one too and all fight together against ther big enemy. -
This is the last installment in the Brotherhood of the Blood. I loved all the books in the series. The latest book is Temple's story. This series was originally recommended to me. From the first I was taken by the series, the time period and the history & myth of the vampires. I thought it was great that all 5 vampires came together finally. In every book you get the sense they are ever moving towards each other. This last book is a coming together, of vengeance and of course love. Although it was sad to see the series come to an end, I relished every minute. I even got a bit teary eyed at the end.
I so loved this series! Where I only gave some of the books 4 stars the series needs 5 stars. I love that there is a begin and an end the the story. There are only 5 books and I would have read more but I like that the story starts and it gives me closure! I loved each couple and I loved the story that was unfolding. I don't know which is in the back drop the story of the "silver palms" or the love stories. KS wrote the books so well that I can't tell nor do I care, it was so interesting. I found myself lookin up things just to see how close she was to real facts, she did an excellent job with that. Oh sure a good read!!! Enjoy.
I love her take on vampire origins. I enjoyed the series, but after reading the last book, I was a little lost trying to remember what each couple's story was. There was a reunion of sorts, so they're all in the same room. Reading the other books, or maybe even the backs of them, might be helpful. You do get some clues to jog your memory, but I've read so many books in between that it wasn't as helpful as quickly as I would have liked...but that's just me. I remember now, too, that the books get a little spicy...
This was a great book. I loved how it put everything together from all the other books. And you learned why all those things were happening. It was great how all the couples got together and fought. I just loved it. And Temple was great! And it just broke my heart to see Temple crying at the very end. When that happened you just knew how much he loved her and how he regretted not telling her sooner. O it was great. I enjoyed reading about what happened to them all in 2009. The epilogue tells you all that and it was great. Awesome book. Too bad the series is over!
I really wanted to like this book, since its the last one and all but I just didn't. I couldn't wait to see how things turned out and how they were able to take out the Order of the Silver Palm. I'm not one thats uncomfortable with steamy sex scenes but there was just too much of it in this one and not enough story. At times I felt like Temple hated Vivian and was just a jerk. I also felt Vivian should of had more of a backbone. This one just left me shaking my head a bit and disappointed.
Like the other books from this series, this is a romance novel so I get why the author didn't pay that much attention to the action and tried to focus on the love story but, whilst in the other 4 novels she succeded in creating an entertaining romantic story (I had to overlook the fact that the type of women she chose are weak ones), in this one she saddly failed. While trying to overlook the mediocre sequence of events I wasn't terribly impressed by the love story either. The writing style is enjoyable nonetheless and that is the one thing that drove me to finish this book.
This 5th book is the conclusion to the Brotherhood of Blood series. As in the entire series, Temple was a great alpha male hero. In fact, he is the leader of the Brotherhood of Blood. Vivian was an interesting heroine, torn between her love for Temple and the man who raised her. I did find the ending to be a little silly; however, all loose ends were brought together, and the romance was very, very hot. All in all, a satisfying series.
If I could I would give this book 10 stars for the best ending to a series I have read to date! I would have to write for days to say all I enjoyed about this book. I will leave it simply as this....
Fantastic characters, and story completion. Love that knows no bounds. A surprise conclusion that is both vindicating and lovely. Finally, an epilogue that tied everything up perfectly!
One of the best paranormal romance series ever! Great job!! -
I was looking forward to this last book in the series because I wanted to see all 5 of them working together to defeat the Order of the Silver Palm, and that part of the book was really glossed over. I thnk the book would have been better with less of the 3-4 page love scenes and more of the interaction with all the brotherhood, which isn't quite the response you expect to get about a Paranormal romance. The characters were so interesting that I missed reading of them.
I've read many other reviews of this series and I am going to have to agree with them. I continued reading to see how the heroes' romances unfolded, while I remained disappointed in the activities of the villains. The subplots were utterly predictable, no twists or turns, I couldn't even really feel bad when one of the minor characters gets herself killed. Overall I'm glad I read them but they are still only OK.
Not much I could say about this one. The story itself sounded solid with lots of romance and action, but I made the mistake of listening to the audio version and it sucked! Maybe the book alone would have been good - but I struggled thru it, listening to the driest monotone reader ever. I normally love these kinds of stories, but because this was soooo hard to get thru I will not be attempting to read any of the other books in the series.
Kathryn Smith wraps up her Brotherhood of the Blood series with a bang. This time Temple finally gets his story, his lady, a reunion with his brothers and a chance to take down the bad guys of the Order of the Palm. A great ending to an enjoyable series. A definite addition to the re-read shelf!
A bit disjointed but perhaps this is because one needs to read the first 4 books in the series. An odd twist on the tale of Lilith which indicates that vampires are her offspring and that other branches of her family are present as well. A paranormal romance with the requisite erotic encounters that presupposes prior acquaintance with many of its characters.